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08-15 投稿


diversiform 发音

英:[d??v??rs??f??rm; da??v??rs??f??rm]  美:[da??v??s?f??m]

英:  美:

diversiform 中文意思翻译



diversiform 短语词组

1、diversiform checks ─── 多样化支票

2、diversiform meaning ─── 多义

3、diversiform llc ─── 多元化有限责任公司

4、diversiform leaved poplar ─── 胡杨

5、diversiform printing ─── 多样化印刷

diversiform 相似词语短语

1、diversifies ─── v.增加……的品种;扩大经营范围;从事多种经营;(使)多样化,不同;进行多种投资

2、viperiform ─── n.毒蛇;毒如蛇蝎的人,阴险的人(viper的变形)

3、versiform ─── adj.变形的

4、vermiform ─── adj.蠕虫状的,蛆形的

5、diversions ─── n.娱乐活动;转向(diversion的复数)

6、diversion ─── n.转移;消遣;分散注意力

7、diversified ─── adj.多样化的;各种的;v.使…多样化(diversify的过去分词)

8、diversify ─── v.增加……的品种;扩大经营范围;从事多种经营;(使)多样化,不同;进行多种投资

9、diversifier ─── n.分散经营者

diversiform 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Discourse on the diversiform development of socialism ─── 论社会主义的多样化发展

2、He appreciates diversiform music programs inclouding classical and modern. ─── 他欣赏包括古典与现代之多样性音乐节目。

3、There are favorable and unfavorable factors.The former includes water and its cooperation with heat, and diversiform eco-system. ─── 结果表明,区内生态环境既有有利的方面,如水热同期、光温配合好,降水相对较多,生态系统复杂多样等;

4、They held together with me "lei feng" series activities on March fax is rich diversiform. ─── 他们携手举办“雷锋伴我行三月传真情”系列活动可谓是纷富多样。

5、The results showed that the projects contacted with social subject and focus on the relation between sport and social and economic development,related to diversiform subjects. ─── 结果表明:体育学立项课题紧扣社会发展主题、关注体育与经济、社会发展关系的研究,涉及的学科多样化;单位分布上逐渐合理,基金投入逐年增加,评审制度进一步规范;

6、The diversiform appellations of the characters in Lolita provides an easy approach to the interpretation of the novel. ─── 《洛丽塔》中庞杂的人物命名给读者提供了一个解读这部小说的途径。

7、The research will analyze the diversiform telecom pricing mode appeared to classify them to the linear pricing, non-linear pricing and discrimination pricing by inside and outside. ─── 本论文首先深入分析研究历史上的和市场上现有的各种电信资费模式,并将其归类到线性定价、非线性定价、网内外差别定价等等。

8、Carpet has diversiform dimension to offer an alternative commonly, measure goes out to require the area of bedclothes probably. ─── 地毯一般都有多样的尺寸供选择,丈量出大概需铺盖的区域。

9、With the development of Radar technology,Radar system has been more diversiform and complicated,which make ECM face much more complex electromagnetic environment. ─── 随着雷达技术的发展,雷达工作体制的多样化、复杂化及各种体制的综合利用,电子对抗面临的电磁环境越来越复杂。

10、The second part gives the discussion about necessity and possibility for the unitary of value guidance on the basis of analysis the diversiform of value orientation. ─── 第二部分,在对价值取向多元分析的基础上探求价值导向一元性的必要性和可能性;

11、The essence of new urbanism is just to take the human beings as the starting point and preserve the intense and diversiform living circumstances of urban life. ─── 而新城市主义的精神实质就是要求设计者从人的行为方式出发,回复城市生活中既紧凑又具多样性的生活环境。

12、Because modelling of gesso condole top is meticulous, beautiful diversiform, and the price cheap, construction is convenient. ─── 因为石膏吊顶造型细致、美观多样,且价格低廉、施工方便。

13、The criminal case of contractual fraud, a familiar crime of economic fraud, is characterized by severe harm, various measures, diversiform subjects of crime, complex details of a case, etc. ─── 合同诈骗案件是一类比较常见、多发的经济诈骗案件,具有危害严重、手段多样、主体多元、案情复杂等特点。

14、Draft, modification and testimony of diversiform of trade contracts and other legal documents ─── 各类商务贸易合同及相关法律文件的起草、审核、见证

15、Strong instantaneous overload capacity enables it to be applicable for diversiform load. ─── 瞬时过载能力强,可适用于多种负载。

16、Consequently, we consider the diversiform conflict of intersubjective " benefit" as the " origin" of moral education. ─── 从而确立了和谐道德教育的起点,是人——主体间的“利益”(义)多样性矛盾。

17、The Effect of Diversiform Pull Training Enhances Swimmer's Water-Sense ─── 多样划水练习对提高少儿游泳运动员水感的作用

18、The development of the private-owned enterprise's culture has a historical process and forms a diversiform character. ─── 民营企业文化的发展有一个历史的过程,形成了民营企业文化多样的特征。

19、The diversiform economic fish species are the excellent germplasm resources in Tianchi Nature Reserve and its neighborhood. ─── 天池保护区及其邻近地区的多种经济鱼类,均是一些优良的种质资源。

20、A Multi-wavelet Based Algorithm for Extracting Diversiform Partial Discharge Signals ─── 基于多小波的多态性局部放电信号提取算法

21、The offal that metope conceals type the mouth installs means, letting washstand is modelling more concise, form is diversiform; ─── 墙面隐藏式的下水口安装方式,让盥洗台更是造型简洁、形式多样;

22、The vogue that they agree with has diversiform version, of some line that favore a metal and glass connect fully; ─── 她们认同的时尚有多样版本,有的偏爱金属的线条和玻璃的通透;

23、you will see many kinds of images, Installation, vision,Performance,experimental。。。it is a big Converging for diversiform fringe art ─── 还能看到各类影像,装置,视觉,行为,实验。。。。。各类边缘艺术大集合!

24、If there are enough resources,even the areas we invest should diversiform too. ─── 如果有足够的资源,甚至投资的地区也应多元化。

25、According to foolish-uncle's observation, the reason is diversiform, however, i think it is divided into following types ─── 按笨伯的观察,进聊天室的心态林林总总,但似乎大致可以分为以下几类

26、The 2nd, add WTO as China, foreign capital policy of China is more open, allow a foreign trader to enter more domains and use more diversiform and agile investment means. ─── 第二 ,随着中国加WTO ,中国的外资政策更加开放 ,允许外商进入更多的领域和采用更加多样灵活的投资方式。

27、A majority of retired officials relied on the social security system and kept the pot boiling by diversiform ways. ─── 大多数致仕官员是依靠社会保障制度的支撑,多途径解决养老问题的。

28、In Protean market economy, it is to choose to be content with the current situation, still choose diversiform innovation?See Baoding carry the reply that 2 branches make the group together. ─── 在千变万化的市场经济中,是选择安于现状, 还是选择多样革新?一起看看保定运输集团二分公司作出的回答。

29、The diversiform economic fish species are the excellent germplasm resources in Tianchi Nature Reserve and its neighborhood. ─── 天池保护区及其邻近地区的多种经济鱼类,均是一些优良的种质资源。

30、Results &Conclusion By diversiform ways e could provide more and better pharmic counseling for people. ─── 结果与结论借助灵活多样的果道,我院药物咨询服务顺利开展,成效显著。

31、The element with common successful market (goluptious, convenience, diversiform) in functional sex food there also is main effect in the sale. ─── 一般市场成功的因素(可口、便利、多样)在功能性食品销售中也有重要的作用。

32、From bright verdure, to downy blackish green, eye shadow of green is having rich color and diversiform arrangement. ─── 从明亮的翠绿,到柔和的墨绿,绿色的眼影有着丰富的色彩和多样的层次。

33、5.Designing idea : On the day of the diversiform information ,the sound of the new world rouses the earth we love deeply which loads the orient civilization and fly with the florid fashion color. ─── 设计构思:在信息多元的今天,响彻世界的时代新声唤醒了我们深爱的这片热土,她承载着悠远的东方文明,带着绚丽的时尚色彩展翅腾飞。

34、Compact antenna test range (CATR) is a system which simulate the far-field electromagnetic environment in a smaller microwave dark room to measure and research diversiform antennas. ─── 摘要紧缩平面场(CATR)是在较小的微波暗室里模拟远场的电磁环境,以行进各种天线的测量和研究。

35、As the consumer of software of a computer, see " authorised edition 100 " the favourable price in the activity, diversiform commodity, believe you can not sit certainly. ─── 做为一个电脑软件的消费者,看到“正版100”活动中优惠的价格,多样的商品,相信你一定会坐不住的。

36、The equipment of diversiform game prop, full of beautiful things in eyes, it is each animated temptation. ─── 多样的游戏道具、琳琅满目的装备,都是一个个活生生的诱惑。

37、Microstructures of carbon/carbon composite material are diversiform. ─── 摘要炭/炭复合材料组分的微观结构具有多样性。

38、With newest style,diversiform variety and reasnoble price.Most of production are vended to occident, Europe and America, Japen, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc. ─── 产品款式新颖,工艺精湛,深受广大客户和同行的好评,产品远销欧美、日本、韩国、东南亚等国际市场。

39、In modern course, the problem that encounters is diversiform, complex, and a variety of problems interweave together. ─── 在现代化的过程中,所碰到的问题是多样的、复杂的,而且多种问题交织在一起。

40、The Jurassic is one of significant oil-bearing strata in Junggar basin with relatively well-reserved sequences, various sedimentary facies and diversiform depositional systems. ─── 摘要侏罗系为准噶尔盆地重要的含油气层系,其层序发育较完整,沉积相类型丰富,沉积体系多样。

41、The control system for non-ODS aqueous cleaning is presented.Due to use PLC and man-machine interface in this system,applied to diversiform cleaning technology. ─── 介绍一种非ODS水剂清洗机的控制系统,该系统采用PLC和人机界面,适应了清洗工艺多样化的要求。

42、The First Exploration of the Basic Spirit of Chinese Culture and the Diversiform Phenomenon of National Culture ─── 初探中国文化的基本精神和民族文化的多元现象

43、Carpet has diversiform dimension to offer an alternative commonly, measure goes out to require the area of bedclothes probably. ─── 地毯一般都有多样的尺寸供选择,丈量出大概需铺盖的区域。

44、Having a variety of forms; diversiform. ─── 有种种形态的;形形色色的

45、Have the real full name of merchant, the introduction of the product is diversiform, can decide to many pieces of picture the client issues sheet whether finally very. ─── 有没有店主的真实姓名,产品的介绍是否完整多样,甚至多一张图片都能决定客户是否最终下单。

46、It is the diversiform storage formats and large data quantity that holds up the development of multimedia technology. ─── 为使多媒体技术蓬勃发展,图像格式的转换就显得很重要。

47、Could you please send me your price list of cameras with diversiform Model Number to us? ─── 您能寄一份各种型号摄影器材的价目表给我们吗?

48、Enterprises solve this kind of incompatible problems in every minute, and the methods are diversiform. ─── 企业时时刻刻在解决此类矛盾问题,方法也多种多样。

49、2.It will be an innovative consciousness for this graduate invent to how to inosculate the diversiform material into the fresco. ─── 如何把多种材料融合到壁画创作中也将是本次毕业创作所要做出的创新理念。

50、Square waves are superimposed on a constant bias current to determine the time constants under diversiform over heat ratios . ─── 对该剪应力传感器进行了方波实验,确定其工作在不同过热比下的时间常数。

51、Square waves are superimposed on a constant bias current to determine the time constants under diversiform over heat ratios. ─── 对该剪应力传感器进行了方波实验,确定其工作在不同过热比下的时间常数。

52、Recent overseas research progress of anti-aging film s, antifogging films, photo-selective greenhouse films, and diversiform mulch fi lms, as well as covering material recycling were introduced. ─── 分别就国外近年在耐老化棚膜、流滴棚膜、光选择性棚膜、各类地膜以及覆盖材料的回收方面所做的工作进行介绍。

53、They held together with me "lei feng" series activities on March fax is rich diversiform . ─── 他们携手举办“雷锋伴我行三月传真情”系列活动可谓是纷富多样。

54、Abound diversiform neuter cool color, begin from perfect gray, again include the purity that every kinds of colour mixes composition with its alone is inferior tonal; Or it is lightness the neuter cool color with taller, simple color. ─── 丰富多样的中性冷色,从完美的灰色开始,再囊括每种色彩单独与其混合组成的纯度较低的色调;或是明度较高、颜色简单的中性冷色。

55、Mental health education should adopt flexible and diversiform educational approaches. ─── 心理健康教育应采用灵活多样的教育途径;

56、Application on diversiform military radar certifies that precision, rapidity, method of test and operation is far better than traditional instrument. ─── 经在多种军用炮瞄雷达上的应用证明,仪器在测试精度、测试速度、测试方法、操作使用等方面都要远优于传统的仪器。

57、With the market opening after our country becomes the membership of WTO and the trend of world economic integrating, the client structure of domestic banks is more and more diversiform. ─── 随着我国加入WTO,以及全球经济一体化的趋势,我国商业银行的客户结构日趋多样化。

58、What I love most is the snacks there, where the snacks are especially diversiform and delicious. ─── 而我最喜欢的就是那里的小吃了,那里小吃特别丰富,美味可口!

59、Stable &reliable quality,individual &diversiform appearance and high performance/cost ratio is the basic guarantee that we get the excellent market competitive strength and customer's satisfaction. ─── 稳定可靠的质量,个性化及多样化的外观和超高的性价比是我们的产品能够获得良好的市场竞争力和客户满意度的基本保障。

60、diversiform inputs of culture ─── 多样化文化导入

61、The tiling problem is well known in mathematical model. Based on research on the tiling problem the tiling problem is generalized. The results of diversiform generalized case are given. ─── 摘要铺瓷砖问题是数学模型中著名的问题,在研究了铺瓷砖问题的基础上,对其进行了推广,并给出了各种推广情形的结果。

62、Scientific inquiry is the salience of the Chinese chemical curriculum reform which advocates the diversiform learning style and gives priority to scientific inquiry. ─── 我国当前的化学课程改革,将科学探究作为突破口,提倡建立“以科学探究为主的多样化的学习方式”。

63、The goal of this paper was to study and bring forward a model of collaborative WfMS to support diversiform virtual enterprises whose styles of affiliation are easily to change. The infrastructure of the system was based on event technology. ─── 本文的目标就是研究并提出一个灵活的协同工作流管理系统模型,以支持多种多样的、而且联盟形式易于改变的虚拟企业,WfMS的下层结构采用事件技术来实现。

64、As the growing conversion and development of consumer understanding on paint, customers raise diversiform and variable requipments on painting products.Shanghai C.B.coating Co. ─── 现代社会的涂料理念在不断更新和发展,建筑师对于涂料产品性能的要求也越来越全面和多变。

65、Strong instantaneous overload capacity enables it to be applicable for diversiform load. ─── 瞬时过载能力强,可适用于多种负载。

66、To watering technical;to chat covert;to cross adventruous;to waistcoat diversiform! ─── 灌水技术化;版聊隐藏化;路过大胆化;马甲多样化!

67、Nowadays on the market " aerospace " the product already was style diversity: Combination of remote control, electron, diversiform material is waited a moment. ─── 如今市场上的“太空”产品已是风格多样:遥控、电子、多样材料组合等等。

68、What I love most is the snacks the re, where the snacks are especi all y diversiform and delicious. ─── 而我最喜欢的就是那里的小吃了,那里小吃特别丰富,美味可口!

69、Which kinds of fruit contains diversiform nutrition? ─── 哪种水果含有多种的营养?

70、Because landform landforms is complex diversiform, here winter warm Xia Liang, dry wet season is trenchant, perpendicular change is marked, show sunny, radiate intense. ─── 由于地形地貌复杂多样,这里冬暖夏凉、干湿季分明、垂直变化显著,呈阳光充足、辐射强烈。

71、China's ideology construction must stick to dialectical unity in these features: diversiform and determinant; ─── 我国意识形态建设必须坚持多样性与主导性的辩证统一;

72、Results &Conclusion By diversiform ways we could provide more and better pharmic counseling for people. ─── 结果与结论借助灵活多样的渠道,我院药物咨询服务顺利开展,成效显著。

73、Marxist philosophy is certain essentially,not diversiform. ─── 从本质上看,马克思主义哲学是确定的,不是多样的;

74、The CPSO is guaranteed that the particles are diversiform,and can make particles explore the global optimization more efficiently. ─── CPSO算法保证了微粒种群的多样性,使微粒能够有效地进行全局搜索。

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