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08-15 投稿


despotically 中文意思翻译



despotically 相似词语短语

1、erotically ─── adv.性爱地;色情地

2、dyspeptically ─── 消化不良

3、exotically ─── 外来地;奇异地;异乎寻常地;极不稳定地

4、despotical ─── 专制的

5、dichotically ─── 两分法

6、deistically ─── 自然地

7、despicably ─── adv.可鄙地;卑劣地

8、deictically ─── 指示语

9、Jesuitically ─── adv.耶稣会地;阴险地

despotically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crowd chanted ' Down with the despot' ─── 人群有节奏地不断呼喊'打倒暴君'。

2、The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty-two years. ─── 中国人民揭竿而起,反对这个统治他们二十二年之久的暴君了。

3、The features of a local despot are portrayed incisively and graphically,revealing Zhang's desire to expose and attack improper power. ─── 把一个恶霸刻画得淋漓尽致。表现了对恶势力的揭露和抨击。

4、A powerful ruler or despot. ─── 强权的统治者,暴君

5、The poison of power making the despot weak, ─── 使暴君变得虚弱的权力的监狱,

6、The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed. ─── 土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。

7、Charlotte always arranges everything in our house and rules us like a despot. ─── 在我们家里,件件事总是由夏洛特去安排,她象个专制君主那样统治着我们。

8、FASHION, n. A despot whom the wise ridicule and obey. ─── 时尚:一个暴君,聪明的人既嘲弄它,又服从它。

9、rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority ─── 如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威

10、an enlightened despot(= one who tries to use his/her power in a good way) ─── 开明的专制君主

11、She rules her family like a real despot. ─── 她治家简直像个暴君。

12、belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot ─── 属于或具有专制君主特征

13、Deeply enraged, Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town. ─── 关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。

14、And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed. ─── 假如那是个你们所要废黜的暴君,先看他的建立在你心中的宝座是否毁坏。

15、He is a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil. ─── 他是个恶霸,无恶不作。

16、Now that we advocate democracy, we shouldn't despotically suppress political criticism. ─── 既然提倡民主,就不能以独裁手段压制清议。

17、enlightened despot ─── 开明君主

18、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每个人、每件事。

19、"despot" clauses to be a rogue despot, it is a "clause", or a rule, but also the harm done to consumers is that they can expect that such "predatory" is static and chronic. ─── “霸王条款”再霸王再无赖,它还是个“条款”,还是个规则,也即消费者受到的伤害是可以预期的,这种“掠夺”是静止和慢性的。

20、Alongside such ancient species as the Klatooinians and the Vodrans, the Nikto joined in battle under the Hutt banner, defeating the pre-Republic tyrant Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor. ─── 尼克托人同古老的克拉图因人(Klatooinian)和沃德兰人(Vodran)一道,以赫特人的名义参战,在“第三次冯托战役(theThirdBattleofVontor)”中击败了前共和国时期的暴君西姆。

21、A strong whiff of realpolitik certainly hangs in the air when diplomats in Brussels explain why nothing can be done to punish some despot or other. ─── 当布鲁塞尔的外交官们解释为什么欧盟为何无法采取措施来惩罚某些独裁者时,各国权力政治的浓烈气息仍然随处可见。

22、Hearing that the despot Li had died, all the villagers were very happy. ─── 听说李霸天已经吹灯拔蜡了,乡亲们心里都很高兴。

23、The local despot trenched on the temple rs property. ─── 当地恶霸侵占了寺庙的庙产。

24、He acted like a despot with dominion over eVery abundanceone and eVery abundancething within his domicile. ─── 他像个暴君控制着住宅里的每一自己、每件事。

25、Narrator: One day our heroes were all asleep in class.They dreamt they were living in China in the year 3000 A.D.China's president was a Gameboy fan and a despot. ─── 旁白:有一天,我们的英雄都在课堂上睡觉,他们梦到自己在西元3000年的中国生活,当时的总统是一位超级电玩游戏迷,也是一位暴君。

26、Consumer Council conference room at the provincial, several banks have consumer representatives "despot contract" and "stupid and dangerous" challenge. ─── 在省消委会会议室,几名消费者代表纷纷对银行的“霸王合同”和“傻瓜险”提出质疑。

27、'I am like a ruler and absolute despot,' said Winter. ─── “我仿佛是一个统治者,一个十足的暴君。”

28、As Despot of the Morea, Constantine had been one of the few Byzantine generals to meet some success against the Turks. ─── 在摩里亚的君主时,君士坦丁就已经率领拜占庭将军进行抗击土耳其人的斗争,并取得了一些胜利。

29、But as a senior counsel Q.He said that the claim amount is not the purpose of his lawsuit, he asked banks ultimate aim of abolishing unreasonable "despot clause. ─── 但作为资深律师的贺先生表示,索赔款项并不是他打官司的目的,他最终目的是要求银行废除不合理的“霸王条款”。

30、Tsao Chun-chang, a landlord despot who headed a reactionary local armed band of over a hundred men, had long entrenched himself in this village ─── 当地地主豪绅兼民团团总曹俊章率反动武装百余人,长期盘据该寨。

31、"Provincial Council right -- is the real estate provisions despot! ─── “省消委会说得没错,购房定金就是霸王条款!”

32、He was a despot with a heart of granite . ─── 他是个铁石心肠的暴君。

33、Russia's Peter the Great was a cruel despot. ─── 俄国的彼得大帝就是一个残酷无情的暴君。

34、What is "despot" clauses? ─── 什么是"霸王条款"?

35、He acted like a despot with dominion over everyone and everything within his domicile . ─── 他像个暴君节制着室庐里的每小我、每件事。

36、Units such as Caravans now give full plunder bonus when Despot is nearby. ─── 当专制者在附近时,杀死补给单位能够得到完全的掠夺.

37、He played an active/positive role as a despot and supreme commander and committed a crime of "destroying peace". ─── 抑或是操纵马关议和、决定接受“三国”干涉 ,等等 ,明治天皇自始至终都扮演着积极主动的角色 ,发挥出了专制君主和最高统帅的作用 ,故犯有“破坏和平罪”

38、belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot. ─── 属于或具有专制君主特征。

39、Wield absolute power in a part of a country, province; be a local despot; dominate a place ─── 单独在一个地方或一个方面称霸。多含贬义

40、Commercial housing for young provisions is a "despot" clauses? (12-9 ─── 商品房认购定金条款是不是“霸王条款”?(12-9

41、In fact, adopts from the clear ruler despotically has the direct influence with Huairou's cultural policy to the dry fine history formation. ─── 事实上,从清统治者采取的专制与怀柔的文化政策对乾嘉史学的形成有着直接的影响。

42、Which has Jin Shan poison the despot traffic permit? ─── 哪有金山毒霸通行证?

43、according to standard Chinese accounts, the last Shang ruler, a despot was overthrown by a chieftain of a frontier tribe called Zhou, which had settled in the Wei Valley in modern Shaanxi Province. ─── 据中国正史记载,商朝的末代统治者,一位暴君最终被边疆部落的首领"周"推翻了,"周"部落位于现陕西省的渭河流域。

44、Belonged to a local despot. ─── 俨然是一个土皇帝。

45、despotism:Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. ─── 专制:如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威.

46、North Korea's cruel but cunning despot, Kim Jong Il, exploits China's fear that, if his vile regime collapses, China might have a strong, American-allied democratic Korea on its border. ─── 北韩残暴狡诈的金正日充分利用了中国的担忧:即一旦他的统治垮台,中国边界上就会出现一个强大的、国支持的民主韩国。

47、He is a local despot. ─── 他是地方一霸。

48、This Gongjian think this is the new director of favourable and unfavourable to the buyers "despot" clauses. ─── 对此,龚建新认为这显然是对房产商有利而对买家不利的“霸王”条款。

49、Fashion: a despot whom the wise ridicule and obey. ─── 时尚:一个独裁者,聪明人嘲笑他,又不得不服从他.

50、a local despot; a local tyrant; a local chieftai ─── 土皇帝

51、There, Solo was in pursuit of an ancient treasure belonging to Xim the Despot. ─── 在那儿,索洛正在寻找一样属于暴君齐姆的古代宝物。

52、The classic 419 scam asks the victim to help some hapless relative of a deposed despot get millions of dollars out of the con artist's country. ─── 一个典型的419诡计就是要求受害人帮助某个与废除了的暴君有关的不幸的人从这个诈骗国家得到数百万美元。

53、And if it is a despot you would dethrone, ─── 如果是暴君,你会罢黜他

54、Flower rules her family like a real despot. ─── 就是说花夫人像暴君一样治理她的族群。

55、A boy worked his way through a psychology quiz, and a teacher monitored an online discussion with students from around the state: Was Napoleon the last enlightened despot or the first modern dictator? ─── 一个男孩认真地做着心理测试,一个教师在线监督着来自全州各地的学生进行的讨论“拿破仑是最后一个开明的君主,还是第一个现代独裁者?”

56、Or developers can use the despot article "Housing does not include basement parking spaces for sale," similar manner to exclude the possibility of consultations agreed. ─── 或者开发商可以以常用的霸王条款“所售房屋不包含地下室车位”等类似方式排除协商约定的可能。

57、Nero was a despot. ─── 尼禄是个暴君

58、Challenges despot sector questioned why the number of mortgage loans will spend money? ─── 挑战霸王部门质疑按揭贷款房贷将花多少冤枉钱?

59、He was a tyrant, a despot. ─── 他是暴君,一个专制的皇帝。

60、an enlightened despot ─── 开明的专制君主.

61、local despot ─── 恶霸

62、Beside Cosette he felt himself beside his own property, his own thing, his own despot and his slave. ─── 他待在珂赛特的身旁,自以为是在他财产的旁边,在他所有物的旁边,在他的暴君和奴隶的旁边。

63、To the Chinese people, the most important fact about Chiang Kai-shek was just the fact that he was a despot. ─── 对中国人民来说,最重要的恰恰就在于蒋介石是一个暴君。

64、despotic landlord;Local despot ─── 恶霸地主

65、In short, that despot, the cannon, cannot do all that it desires;force is a great weakness. ─── 总之,大炮这暴君,它不能为所欲为,力量是一个很大的弱点。

66、In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot . ─── 在政治上也是如此,改革者可能与暴君有着同样强烈的权欲,

67、The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence. ─── 专制者声称自己是上天选定的统治工具。

68、He is every inch a local despot . ─── 他彻头彻尾是个土皇帝。

69、In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot. ─── 政治领域的改革者对权力的执着也绝不亚于暴君。

70、Of course, do not violate the state ban provisions can not say that it is not despot provisions, which depends on whether the provisions manifest inequality. ─── 当然,不违反国家的禁止性规定也不能说它就完全不是霸王条款,这还要看这一条款是否显失公平。

71、On the other hand, he is a real despot. ─── 在另一方面,他是个不择不扣的暴君。

72、Previous waves of emigrants fled China because the country was poor, violent and despotically ruled. ─── 以前的移民潮大军逃离中国是因为这个国家的贫穷、暴乱和专制统治。

73、Based on the agreed subscription book commercial housing is a multi-year trading practices, why take it that the commercial housing for an advance on a book "despot" clauses? ─── 商品房认购书关于定金的约定,是多年形成的交易习惯,为何就认为商品房认购书中约定定金就属于“霸王条款”呢?

74、In fact, adopts from the clear ruler despotically has the direct influence with Huairou's cultural policy to the dry fine history formation. ─── 事实上,从清统治者采取的专制与怀柔的文化政策对乾嘉史学的形成有着直接的影响。

75、They all ran out to the front porch and saw the tall grizzled old despot of Aunt Pitty's house climbing down from a rat-tailed nag on which a section of quilting had been strapped. ─── 他们一起向前面走廊上奔去,看见皮蒂姑妈家那那个头发花白的高个子老暴君,正在从一匹尾巴细长的老马背上爬下来,老马背上还捆着一块皮褥当马鞍呢。

76、Rule by or as if by a despot;absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治;绝对权力或权威

77、despotically synchronized network ─── 专权网

78、The Hutts recruited the Klatooinians, along with the Nikto and the Vodrans, species from neighboring worlds, to wage war against Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor. ─── 在“第三次冯托战役”(theThirdBattleofVontor)期间,赫特人招募克拉图因人和邻近星球的尼克托人(Nikto)、沃德兰人(Vodran),向暴君西姆(Xim)发动战争。

79、In fact, it depends on the contract "despot clause. ─── 原来,它靠的是合同里的“霸王条款”。

80、He was a local despot, who committed all kinds of crimes. ─── 他独霸一方,为非作歹。

81、Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority. ─── 专制如同或被专制者统治; 绝对权力或权威

82、a local despot (=a despot landlord ─── 恶霸(地主)


过一会的英文翻译是in a while,in a while常常在句子末尾或在句中使用,具体解析如下:in a while英 [in ? hwail] 美 [?n e hwa?l] adv.过一会,过不久相关短语:

1、in a long while 已经很久了2、once in a while 偶尔 ; 偶然 ; 间或 ; 有时3、in a little while 不久 ; 一会儿之后 ; 不一会儿 ; 再一下4、back in a while 在一段时间 ; 早在一个虽然 ; 早在一段时间5、In a while crocodile 回头见扩展资料相关例句:1、I guess everyone broods over things once in a while . 我猜想每个人都会不时地琢磨一些事情。

2、There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once in a while. 偶尔放纵一下也无妨。

3、In everyday life you may have a brush with other people once in a while.在日常生活中,你偶尔会与别人有点小摩擦。

4、He is as busy as a bee once in a while. 他有时也像蜜蜂一样忙碌。

5、He comes once in a while. 他偶然来一次。

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