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08-15 投稿


conflagration 发音

英:[?kɑ?nfl??ɡre??(?)n]  美:[?k?nfl??ɡre??(?)n]

英:  美:

conflagration 中文意思翻译



conflagration 词性/词形变化,conflagration变形


conflagration 短语词组

1、conflagration dictionary ─── 火灾字典

2、conflagration area ─── 大火灾区

3、conflagration spell ─── 火灾咒语

4、conflagration flame ─── 火灾 ─── 火焰

5、conflagration distilling co ─── 燃烧蒸馏公司

6、conflagration crossword ─── 火灾纵横填字游戏

7、conflagration means ─── 火灾手段

8、conflagration definition ─── 火灾定义

9、conflagration zone ─── 爆燃区

10、conflagration r6 ─── 火灾r6

11、conflagration defined ─── 火灾定义

12、conflagration meaning ─── 火灾含义

conflagration 相似词语短语

1、conflagrate ─── vi.燃烧,着火;vt.使燃烧起来;烧掉

2、conclamation ─── 凹陷

3、confarreation ─── n.麦饼联姻礼

4、conflagrated ─── vi.燃烧,着火;vt.使燃烧起来;烧掉

5、conflagrations ─── n.大火;快速燃烧;突发;冲突

6、conflagrative ─── 燃烧的

7、conflagrating ─── vi.燃烧,着火;vt.使燃烧起来;烧掉

8、configuration ─── n.配置;结构;外形

9、confederation ─── n.联盟;邦联;同盟

conflagration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fire brigade soon got the conflagration under control. ─── 消防队很快就把火控制住了。

2、risks of a new conflagration ─── 新一轮战火的危险

3、The fireman: Never has a spark been allowed to devepinto conflagration. ─── 救火员:“我们不能让星星之火酿成燎原之势。”

4、Potential conflagration in internet bar and its countermeasures ─── 网吧火灾隐患及其对策

5、The internal correlation of conflagration and the philosophy of Sustainable Development ─── 论火灾与可持续发展观的内在联系

6、A conflagration between Iran and Israel would, alas, be seen as a faith-based conflict by millions; ─── 伊朗和以色列的紧张对峙会被视为数百万人的信仰冲突;

7、The heavy rain extinguished the conflagration. ─── 大雨扑灭了这场大火。

8、Now that a great financial blaze has taken hold, the eurozone is facing its 1666 moment. Unless tamed, the conflagration might not spare anybody. ─── 如今一场金融大火席卷而来,欧元区面临着如同1666年那样的时刻。除非将其扑灭,否则大火之下,无人能够幸免。

9、The only survivors of the flood, and of the conflagration that followed it, were an old man and a pumpkin-seed. ─── 在洪水及随后的大火中只有一位老人和一颗瓜籽幸存。

10、A conflagration in 1947 reduced 90 percent of the houses to ashes. ─── 1947年的一场大火,使90%的房屋化为灰烬。

11、To make a selection of great battles of the Second World War, the most enormous universal conflagration of all time, and to present them in a single book was obviously a formidable task. ─── 要从中选取一些重大的战役用一册书把它们反映出来,显然是一项十分艰巨的任务。

12、The conflagration sealed the fate not only of the E1 but ultimately of the entire electric-drive program. ─── 战火密封的命运不仅素E1,但最终整个电力驱动程序。

13、In the past integration has sometimes gone before conflagration. ─── 在过去,融合有时候就发生在冲突之前。

14、conflagration zone ─── 大火灾地带

15、It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results. ─── 要获得有益而持久的心理安全与安静,所须要的正是这种强烈冲突的大暴发。

16、Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi-storeyed building. ─── 在一幢多层大厦内发生的大火中,很多人被活活烧死。

17、conflagration numerical value imitates ─── 火灾数值模拟

18、Keywords oil tank;conflagration;fire control unit;safety measures; ─── 油罐;火灾事故;消防设备;安全措施;

19、In order to form an idea of this struggle, it is necessary to imagine fire set to a throng of terrible courages, and then to gaze at the conflagration. ─── 要对这次战斗有个概念,我们可以想象在一堆可怕的勇士身上点起火来,再来观看这场火灾。

20、conflagration smoking of constructions ─── 建筑火灾烟气

21、A correlation analysis of meteorological element of conflagration frequency in Chengdu ─── 成都市火灾发生的气象原因相关分析

22、Fire in its most common form can result in conflagration, which has the potential to cause physical damage through burning. ─── 根据质能守恒定律,火并没有使被燃烧物消失,只是通过化学反应转化了其分子型态。

23、The Expanded Universe has now opened up the conflagration, chronicling the events in print, toys, games and television. ─── 扩展宇宙(电影以外的创作)开拓了这场浩劫,将事件带入出版物,玩具,游戏和电视。

24、But for a conflagration, I should still have jujubes to taste every year. ─── 如果不是一场大火,现在每年应该依然能够品味我家枣树结的枣儿。

25、Crazily set a handful of conflagration ─── 疯狂放了一把大火

26、From now on the sky tilts, resemble giving the tile of furnace, by conflagration enameling. ─── 从此天空倾斜,像出炉的瓦,被大火烧蓝。”

27、A small spark neglected has often kindled a mighty conflagration. ─── 星星之火,可以燎原。

28、conflagration area ─── 火灾区域

29、Hundreds of people get the key of the street because of the conflagration. ─── 因为大火,数千人无家可归。

30、conflagration compression fracture ─── 爆燃压裂

31、Explosive spalling damage features of lining concrete under conflagration ─── 火灾中衬砌混凝土的爆裂损伤特征

32、dangerous cause of formation of conflagration ─── 火灾危险成因

33、Likewise, dry-season fires release nutrients, sparking a conflagration of green when rains return. ─── 同样的,干燥期的火灾会释放出营养物质,在雨水降临之时激发绿色植物的生长。

34、Effect of the Conflagration in 2001 for Compose on Nest-Material and Cover Condition of Red-Crowned Crane of the Zhalong Nature Reserve ─── 2001年大火对扎龙保护区丹顶鹤巢材组成及隐蔽条件的影响研究

35、Agricultural Mass Production is only the Little Spark on the hopeful field after all, and is impossible to cause conflagration. ─── 农地“规模经营”终究是希望田野上的“星星之火”,它不可能形成“燎原”之势。

36、ANYBODY who doubts the size of the transatlantic divide over Israel should try discussing the Middle East conflagration in Britain and then doing the same in America. ─── 任何质疑大西洋两岸国家对以色列态度分歧的人应该试着在英国的立场上讨论中东战争以及再在美国的立场上看看。

37、Keywords fine water fog;outfire system;conflagration;cooldown; ─── 细水雾;灭火系统;火灾;冷却;

38、Asian conflagration ─── 亚洲经济灾难

39、Obviously the 3 days between the earthquake and the end of the conflagration did not allow for adequate inspections. ─── 显然,从地震开始至火灾熄灭为止的三天内,不允许进行充分的调查。

40、2 add water 500 milliliter, first conflagration boil, concentrated juice is become in small fire cook over a slow fire. ─── 2 加水500毫升,先大火煮沸,在小火煨成浓汁。

41、Already, debate has started about the conflagration's intensity at a time when some experts are linking Australia's prolonged drought and heatwave to climate change. ─── 之前已有专家把澳洲干旱炎热(季节)的延长与气候变化联系起来,此次火灾势头之猛更引起了人们的讨论。

42、an raging and rapidly spreading conflagration. ─── 来势汹汹且快速蔓延的火灾。

43、The scenery caught fire, then exploded in a conflagration that engulfed the auditorium within a minute or two. ─── 布景着了火,大火在在一两分钟之内就吞噬了整个剧场。

44、Obviously the 3 days between the earthquake and the end of the conflagration did not allow for adequate inspections. ─── 显然,从地震开始至火灾熄灭为止的三天内,不允许进行充分的调查。

45、Application of CBR Technology in Forestry Conflagration Forecast System ─── CBR技术在森林火灾预报中的应用

46、All of this was under discussion a year ago, after Bangkok's last conflagration. ─── 一年前,在曼谷最近的一次大火之后,所有这些都在讨论之中。

47、Research on Conflagration Forecast Technology with Information Fusion of Multi-sensor ─── 多传感器信息融合火灾预报技术研究

48、Analysis of Circulating Regulation and Controlling Methods of Conflagration Smoking of Constructions ─── 建筑火灾烟气的流动规律与控制方法分析

49、There are existing many objective and sub je ctive causes of fire conflagration:objective causes are:In winter, dry weather and strong wind,short day and long night,loaded electric power; ─── 电气火灾发生的客观原因 :一是冬季天干物燥 ,风力较大 ,昼短夜长 ,电力负荷增大。

50、There is a proper season for making attacks with fire, and special days for starting a conflagration. ─── 发火有时,起火有日。

51、All the guns were aimed without instructions in the direction of the conflagration. ─── 全部大炮在未接到命令的情况下朝着起火的方向放炮。

52、Keywords kids garment enterprise;conflagration fatalness;management measure; ─── 童装企业;火灾危险性;管理措施;

53、In the last days of the second moment a great war is to be concluded with judgment and a global conflagration lasting 1, 468 years. ─── 在第二片刻的最后日子,一场世界大战最后是随着审判而来,一场全球的大火灾持续了1,468年。

54、Through rescue of do all one can, conflagration was put out eventually, many yuan 40 car maintains value. ─── 经过奋力抢救,大火终于扑灭了,价值40多万元的车保住了。

55、The Cause of Formation and Being on Guard Against Conflagration in the Electric Circuit ─── 电气线路火灾的成因及其防范

56、Fearing lest a conflagration might set Heaven itself on fire, he proceeded to drown the world. mean and their possessions, were swept away by the deluge. ─── 朱庇特唯恐用火烧会危及天宫本身,就决定用洪水淹没地球,转瞬间洪水就把地球上的人和他们的财物席卷而去。

57、In the last days of the second moment a great war is to be concluded with judgment and a global conflagration lasting 1,468 years. ─── 在第二片刻的最后日子,一场世界大战最后是随着审判而来,一场全球的大火灾持续了1,468年。

58、conflagration disasters ─── 特大火灾

59、The fire brigade arrived within minutes of the alarm and quickly got the conflagration under control ─── 消防队在火警发出几分钟内赶赴现场,迅速将大火控制

60、The design of the conflagration monitoring system for intelligence areas is introduced here.Based on the situation of the fire alarm system , the field bus is studied in the paper. ─── 本文提出了一种用于智能小区的火灾报警系统的设计方法。

61、* In the conflagration that followed the 1906 earthquake, much of San Francisco was destroyed. ─── *在战火之后的1906年大地震,很多旧金山被摧毁。

62、The smoke drove across the scene of the conflagration,the wind carried it away. ─── 磨坊倒下来了,它只剩下一堆火灰。燃过的地方还在冒着烟,风把它吹走了。

63、The current state of fire conflagration investigations and the solutions ─── 火灾事故调查的现状与对策

64、That conflagration is not a natural disaster but a. ─── 那大火不是天灾而是人祸。

65、Strengthening Process of Commercial Building After Conflagration ─── 商业大楼火灾后的加固处理

66、In the roaring and raging of the conflagration, a red-hot wind, driving straight from the infernal regions, seemed to be blowing the edifice away. ─── 烈火呼啸着发起狂来,炙热的风从地狱般的火海里刮出来,似乎要把这座华厦刮个灰飞烟灭。

67、1)at last the conflagration of sea and sky, lying embraced and still in a flaming contact upon the edge of the world, went out. ─── 终于,由相拥、静卧于世界边缘的天与海擦出的火苗所引发的熊熊烈焰,熄灭了。

68、Let us learn how to make use of that vast conflagration of principles and virtues, which sparkles, bursts forth and quivers at certain hours. ─── 我们应当善于运用在某些时刻劈啪爆裂抖颤的主义和美德的熊熊烈火。

69、His seaside villa outside Athens was spared, but the conflagration prompted the Greek prime minister to promise stricter measures to stop developers from building on land cleared by fires; ─── 他在雅典郊外的海边别墅幸免于难,但是那场火灾促使这位希腊总理承诺采取更严厉的措施,禁止房地产商在被火烧出来的空地上建房;

70、So pervasive and symbolic were they of the times, the galaxy-wide conflagration that saw their debut took its name from their ranks: the Clone Wars. ─── 由于在当时他们是如此普遍且具象徵性,于是这场由他们登台的银河性战火,也采用了他们的阶级命名:复制人战争。

71、The light of that conflagration will fade away. ─── 这熊熊烈火会渐渐熄灭。

72、This horse-riding center the conflagration happens before dawn,Creating 7 men dies 、1Man's severe injury ,There are 2 men to be missing in addition. ─── 这家马术学校当日凌晨发生火灾,造成7人死亡、1人重伤,另有2人失踪。

73、General discussion on the design of automatic warning system of civil architectural conflagration ─── 浅谈民用建筑火灾自动报警系统设计

74、automatic warning system of conflagration ─── 火灾自动报警系统

75、Cork has very good flame retardation, when producing silvan conflagration, the combustion speed of oak woods establishs planted combustion rate under other apparently. ─── 软木有很好的阻燃性能,在发生了森林大火时,橡树林的燃烧速度明显低于其它树种的燃烧速度。

76、The scenery caught fire, then exploded in a conflagration that engulfed the auditorium within a minute or two. ─── 布景着了火,大火在在一两分钟之内就吞噬了整个剧场。

77、Experimental Research on Stacking Wood Conflagration in Log Yard ─── 贮木场楞堆火灾的实验研究

78、Some commentators of a more pessimistic outlook, meanwhile, expect to see scientific progress overcome by nuclear conflagration. ─── 而有些拥有较为悲观态度的评论者预测核战争将战胜人类科学进步。

79、Analysis on the Economic Problem of Forest Conflagration ─── 浅析森林火灾经济问题

80、This paper analyses the causes of several typical ship conflagrations and in the light of the analysis presents the countermeasures against ship conflagration and solutions to reducing heavy losses . ─── 通过对几起典型船舶火灾事故成因的分析,提出控制船舶火灾发生和减少火灾损失的相应对策。

81、Their tongues were unloosed;a conflagration of grins, oaths, and songs exploded. ─── 一个个的舌头全灵活了,一阵笑谑、咒骂、歌唱的大火延烧起来了。

82、Both awaited the last judgment and resurrection of the dead after the final conflagration of the universe. ─── 两者都等待宇宙大火灾之后的最后审判和从死亡中复活。

83、The oil kind conflagration prevents the locomotive, electric power generation vehicle from burning a technology again studying ─── 机车、发电车油类火灾防复燃技术研究

84、Towards evening the conflagration was got under. ─── 将近黄昏时,火势被控制住了。

85、conflagration threat = conflagration potential ─── 大火灾的威胁

86、Strengthening of a Building after Conflagration ─── 某建筑结构火灾后的加固处理

87、conflagration temperature ─── 火灾温度

88、Fearing lest a conflagration might set Heaven itself on Cure, he proceeded to drown the world. ─── 这种新人不同于现有的人,他们将更有生存的价值,对神祗也更加敬重。

89、Although he said he did not believe the United States was losing the war, he warned that the conflict could lead to a regional conflagration if Iraq is not stabilized over the next year or two. ─── 尽管他表示自己不相信美国在战争上会落败,但他警告,如果伊拉克局势不在一两年内稳定,那么这种冲突将会导致区域性灾难。

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