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08-15 投稿


apprenticed 发音

英:[??prent?st]  美:[??prent?st]

英:  美:

apprenticed 中文意思翻译



apprenticed 词性/词形变化,apprenticed变形

动词过去式: apprenticed |动词现在分词: apprenticing |动词过去分词: apprenticed |动词第三人称单数: apprentices |名词: apprenticeship |

apprenticed 相似词语短语

1、apprenticeship ─── n.学徒期;学徒身分

2、apprenticement ─── 学徒制

3、appendices ─── n.附件;阑尾;附加物;充气管(appendix的复数)

4、prentice ─── n.徒弟,学徒(等于apprentice);v.使做学徒(等于apprentice);n.(Prentice)(美、英、加、澳)普伦蒂塞(人名)

5、prentices ─── n.徒弟,学徒(等于apprentice);v.使做学徒(等于apprentice);n.(Prentice)(美、英、加、澳)普伦蒂塞(人名)

6、apprenticing ─── n.学徒;生手;vt.使…当学徒;vi.当学徒

7、apprentices ─── [劳经]学徒

8、'prentice ─── “普伦蒂斯

9、apprentice ─── n.学徒;生手;vt.使…当学徒;vi.当学徒

apprenticed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、John's son, Walter, seems to have acquired the alias Smyth from being apprenticed to his uncle, William Smyth, armorer, of Wimbledon. ─── 约翰的儿子,沃尔特,似乎从其叔/伯父威廉-斯密司,温布尔登的一位军械制造业者那里继承了“斯密司”这一别名。

2、Kim Jong-il apprenticed at important party and military posts for more than 20 years before officially assuming power after the death of his father, Kim Il-sung, in 1994. ─── 金正日在他父亲金日成1994年去世后才正式掌权,之前其在重要的党和军队位置上历练超过20年。

3、Unfortunately my father went blind and being the eldest of 6 children I went to work at the age of 13 and was apprenticed to be a Hand and Machine Compositor. ─── 不幸的是我的父亲在我13岁的时候双目失明,作为家中六个孩子中的老大我不得不在13岁的时候就出去工作。那时我去学徒机器排序师。

4、He has apprenticed to become a world renown gambler. ─── 他通过当学徒成为了一个世界知名的赌徒。

5、At the time he was a Padawan learner, apprenticed to Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. ─── 欧比王25岁时,参与了重要的那卜之役,当时他还只是个绝地学徒,师承于绝地大师金魁刚。

6、dental apprentic ─── 牙科见习生

7、You're apprenticed for twelve years. ─── 还有十年时间就能出徒。

8、apprent agent ─── 表见代理

9、the boy grows up to be a young man and was apprenticed to a huntsman. ─── 男孩长大成人了,在一名猎户手下当徒弟。

10、I was apprenticed to a plumber when I was fourteen. ─── 我14岁时给一个管子工做学徒。

11、He apprenticed for ten years under a master silversmith. ─── 他在一名银匠师傅手下当了10年学徒。

12、He' s apprenticed to a craftsman ─── 他去跟一名手艺人当学徒。

13、6. Instead he was apprenticed to a book binder , from whom he promptly ran away. ─── 不幸却被送到一个图书装订工人那里去当学徒,很快他就逃跑了。

14、The proceedings showed that this boy was apprenticed by his father at a tobacco factory, where he remained five years. ─── 通过审讯知道,这个小伙子原先被他父亲送到香烟厂当学徒,在那里过了五年。

15、apprenticed to ─── 当

16、Needy children, girls as well as boys, were indentured or apprenticed and were expected to work for their keep. ─── 贫困的儿童,女孩和男孩一样,也要签师徒契约做学徒,想保住这个生计就要工作。

17、He was apprenticed to a master silversmith. ─── 他跟银匠师傅拜师学艺。

18、He was apprenticed to a doctor, studied medicine at Edinburgh University and graduated in 1832 ─── 他曾跟一位大夫当学徒,后在爱丁堡大学学医,1832年毕业。

19、apprent position ─── [医] 显然位置

20、In 1871, he was apprenticed to a Dublin estate agent, and later he worked as a cashier. ─── 1871年,萧伯纳在都柏林的一家地产代理公司当学徒,后来当出纳员。

21、In 1833 Douglass was returned to the plantation, from which he attempted to escape, the delivered again to Auld, who apprenticed him as a ship caulker. ─── 1833年道格拉斯被送回农场,在那里试图逃跑,后来又被送到Auld,Auld让他做了修补船只的学徒。

22、And was apprenticed for some time to the famous Chinese painter Huang Binhong in Shanghai. ─── 赴上海求师黄宾虹,多得指点

23、His father apprenticed him to a barber. ─── 他父亲送他去当理发师的徒弟。

24、He devoted himself to the practice of kungfu from young, apprenticed to Feng Qingyang, the leader of the beggar band. ─── 上海市郊庙头村的孤儿阿星,自幼随师父丐帮帮主风清扬学习武艺。

25、He was apprenticed to a blacksmith when he was only ten years old. ─── 他十岁时跟一个铁匠当学徒。

26、At 12, he was apprenticed as a carpenter. ─── 在12, 他当了学徒作为木匠。

27、When I was old enough, I was to be apprenticed to Joe. ─── 等我达到了一定的年龄,就可以跟乔做学徒。

28、His father apprenticed him to a barber. ─── 他父亲送他去当理发师的徒弟。

29、Though apprenticed to the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti, he is not known to have worked in sculpture, and at 18 he was admitted to the painters' guild in Florence. ─── 虽是雕刻家吉贝尔蒂的学生,乌切罗却不是以雕刻知名,他十八岁时获准加入佛罗伦斯的画家公会。

30、The dragon painting was so excellent that Leonardo's father gave the peasant an ordinary piece of painting instead and sold the dragon lie,also saw to it that Leonardo was apprenticed to the most famous painter in Florence,Andrea Verrochio. ─── 这幅画画得棒极了,他父亲将一幅普通的油画给了佃户,而卖掉了这幅龙的油画。他还特意将对奥纳多送至佛罗伦萨最著名的画师安德里业·韦罗基奥处去做学徒。

31、During his early years, he apprenticed to the master of Lingnan Chinese painting faction, Mr. ─── 陈先生早年追随著名岭南派大师蔡敬翔先生系统研习传统中国山水画技法。

32、Palladio's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason. ─── 帕拉第奥的父亲是维琴察的一位磨坊主,安德烈亚很小的时候就被送去给当地一位手艺精湛的石匠当学徒。

33、I apprenticed myself to a master magician, a neighbour who had taken a fancy to me. ─── 街坊有个玩魔术的很喜欢我,我就跟他学艺。

34、He was apprenticed to a printer. ─── 他被送去当印刷业者的学徒。

35、As the salaries of apprenticed workers were cut and jobs began to be lost, the violence began. ─── 随着学徒工人的工资开始下降,以及越来越多人开始下岗,暴力便开始了。

36、she apprenticed with midwives in San Francisco. ─── 她在旧金山当见习助产士。

37、His father apprenticed him to a carpenter. ─── 他的父亲使他向木匠拜师学艺。

38、Huang's views on Xing and Qing are an extension of his academic ideas into literary theory and closely related with Liu Zongzhou's theory to whom he was apprenticed. ─── 黄宗羲的诗学性情论是其学术思想在文学理论批评领域的延伸,与其师承的刘宗周之学有着密切关系。

39、Mr. Smith apprenticed his son to an engineer. ─── 史密斯先生让他的儿子跟一个工程师当学徒。

40、"Poor Sissy! He had better have apprenticed her," said Childers, giving his hair another shake, as he looked up from the empty box."Now, he leaves her without anything to take to." ─── “可怜的西丝,他早就该叫她拜师傅,”齐儿德斯从空箱子那儿抬起头来,又甩了一下他的头发说。“现在却使得她无事可做。”

41、He is apprenticed to a carpenter . ─── 他跟英国木匠当学徒。

42、He was apprenticed to YAN Shi-xi, AI Shi-ju, SUN Zheng-yang, JIN Xi-hua successively. ─── 先后师从阎世喜、艾世菊、孙正阳、金锡华等老师学艺。

43、She apprenticed with the great master. ─── 她师从这位著名的大师当学徒。

44、2. The boy was apprenticed to a carpenter. ─── 这个男孩被送去学木匠.

45、He's apprenticed to an electrician . ─── 他去跟一名电工技师当学徒。

46、Edward was apprenticed to a printer. ─── 爱德华被一位印刷工收为学徒。

47、Artisans who do not learn the trade from their fathers are usually apprenticed to masters: their parents hope to give their children a better life than they could provide. ─── 那些不是从父亲那里受艺的艺人通常是大师的学徒:他们的父母希望能给他们的孩子比自己能提供的更好的生活。

48、The boy was apprenticed to a carpenter. ─── 这个男孩被送去学木匠。

49、The month's trial over, Oliver was formally apprenticed. ─── 一个月的试用期已经过去,奥立弗正式成为学徒。

50、He had, it appears, been for three months apprenticed to a printer. ─── 据说他当过三个月的印刷业学徒。

51、The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer. ─── 那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。

52、Apprenticed to Obi-Wan in the thick of the fiercest fighting the Republic had faced in centuries, Anakin became a man against the backdrop of seemingly ceaseless war. ─── 数百年来,共和国从未面对过如此惨烈的战争,阿纳金师从欧比万,在似乎永无休止的战乱岁月中成长起来。

53、Meaning the master you were to be apprenticed to? ─── 你就是要当这个师父的学徒吗?

54、Palladio's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza, where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason. ─── 帕拉第奥的父亲是维琴察的一位磨坊主,安德烈亚很小的时候就被送去给当地一位手艺精湛的石匠当学徒。

55、You had better be apprenticed at once. Would Gargery come here with you, and bring your indentures, do you think? ─── 你最好立刻就去当学徒。葛奇里是否能带着你们订的师徒合同和你一起到这儿来一次,你说呢?

56、He graduated from Fujian Art Academy in 1963 and practised decorative and oil paintings in his early years.In the 1970s, apprenticed to Mr.Huang Zhou, he mainly worked on Chinese paintings. ─── 1963年毕业于福建厦门艺专,早年习西画和装饰画,七十年代倾心于中国画创作,师从黄胄。

57、When he grew older, William Smith taught himself surveying from books he bought with his small savings, and at the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to a surveyor of the local parish. ─── 当威廉·史密斯长大一些,他用自己的一点积蓄买了一些书,自学测量学,并且他18岁时在当地教区做了一名测量师的学徒。

58、The Boy was apprenticed to a silversmith. ─── 这男孩是一个银匠的学徒。

59、As a Teevan, Veld was tall and lanky with a silvery complexion and slanted silver eyes. He was apprenticed to the Jedi Ry-Gaul. ─── 作为一个提万人,魏尔德身材高瘦,皮肤银色,银眼歪斜。他是瑞高的徒弟。

60、Wanting her turned into a deadly assassin, the Hutt apprenticed Sing to a group of vampiric Anzati. ─── 奥拉改柯易叶,原本还有的一点同情心从此荡然无存。

61、'But, Joe, I've been apprenticed nearly a year now, and I've never thanked her! ' ─── 可是,乔,现在我当徒弟快一年了,我还从没有感谢她!

62、"Poor Sissy! He had better have apprenticed her," said Childers, giving his hair another shake, as he looked up from the empty box. "Now, he leaves her without anything to take to." ─── “可怜的西丝,他早就该叫她拜师傅,”齐儿德斯从空箱子那儿抬起头来,又甩了一下他的头发说。“现在却使得她无事可做。”

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