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08-15 投稿


modification 发音

英:[,m?d?f?'ke??(?)n]  美:[,mɑd?f?'ke??n]

英:  美:

modification 中文意思翻译



modification 词性/词形变化,modification变形

名词: modificator |形容词: modificatory |

modification 短语词组

1、acid alizarin blue modification staining ─── [医] 酸性茜素蓝改良染色法(染结缔组织)

2、addendum modification ─── [化] 变位量

3、data selection and modification ─── [计] 数据选择与修改

4、format modification ─── [计] 格式修改

5、address modification ─── [计] 地址修改

6、acl-modification ─── [机] 酸(式变)型

7、allotropic modification ─── [机] 同素异形变态

8、behavior modification technique ─── 行为疗法技术

9、D-bit modification ─── [计] D比特修改

10、crystal habit modification ─── [化] 晶习改性

11、automatic question modification ─── [计] 自动提问修改

12、amount of addendum modification ─── [机] 齿顶修改量

13、chemical modification ─── [化] 化学修饰

14、behavior-modification ─── 行为矫正

15、behavior modification ─── 行为修正

16、eschweiler-clarke modification ─── [机] 埃施魏勒-克拉克改进反应

17、gear with addendum modification ─── [化] 变位齿轮

18、copy modification ─── [计] 拷贝调整

19、antibiotic modification ─── [机] 抗生素改良

modification 相似词语短语

1、mundification ─── 世界化

2、codification ─── n.编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编

3、remodification ─── n.改造,重新修改

4、modifications ─── n.修改;修饰;变型;条款修订(modification的复数)

5、codifications ─── n.编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编

6、mollification ─── n.缓和,减轻;抚慰

7、momification ─── 苦瓜化

8、mortification ─── n.屈辱;禁欲;坏疽

9、momifications ─── 木乃伊化

modification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The development prospects for modification of USY zeolites were put out. ─── 并对以后USY分子筛的改性进行了展望。

2、The law passed by congress is a modification of the original bill. ─── 国会通过的那项法律是原议案的修正稿。

3、Property is changed by either a programmatic modification or user interaction. ─── 如果通过编程修改或用户交互更改。

4、With the modification of his anger he can think clearly again. ─── 他的怒气渐消,又能清晰地思考了。

5、Another early approach to controlling exhaust emissions was the engine modification, or controlled-combustion system. ─── 另一种早期的控制排气污染的途径是发动机调整或控制燃烧系统。

6、Exposing a variable to modification can lead to a pitfall. ─── 公开变量进行修改会导致程序出现缺陷。

7、Yours 19 modification agree however will remind term is originally suggest from your side. ─── 你方19日所提修正案可以接受,但在此提醒此案是由贵公司提出的。

8、What if one party of the contract requires modification of the contract? ─── 当事人一方要求修改合同怎么办?

9、No locality is to ask for modification of this decision. ─── 任何地方不得要求改变此项决定。

10、Illegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted. ─── 修改操作非法。不允许该修改的某个方面。

11、Also, the multiplatform installer makes it easy to upgrade existing RealTime activities without user modification. ─── 此外,多平台安装程序使得升级现有RealTime活动很容易,无需用户修改。

12、It exhibits no modification in structure in accordance with its abnormal habits. ─── 它的构造并没有跟随这异常的习性而发生变化。

13、Damages due to misuse and unauthorized modification of hardware. ─── 人为因素造成之故障、损坏或改装。

14、Modification of both attractive and repulsive terms. ─── 吸引期间与排斥间的变化。

15、The letter of intent is undergoing substantial modification . ─── 意向书正在实质性内容方面进行修改。

16、Do you want a loan modification for your FHA loan? ─── 北京汇丰鑫通投资顾问中心是依托银行(银团、财团)风险投资公司合作的一家为企业和个人提供融资贷款、投资理财服务的专业性金融公司。

17、These fears are mostly exaggerated: as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care. ─── 这些担忧大多被夸大了:就像对基因改造的疯狂一样,我们人类通常足够明智,能够迅速而小心地处理这些问题。

18、Prior to this modification, the minor diastereomer could only be removed at the stage of the bis-TBS ether (-)- 21 . ─── 在此之前修改,只能拆除小映在舞台的双乙醚TBS电视台(94.1)21.

19、RMI-IIOP lets you run RMI invocations over IIOP with very little modification. ─── RMI-IIOP让您仅需极少修改就可以在IIOP上运行RMI调用。

20、Protecting web pages from illicit modification. ─── 保护你的网页不受非法修改。

21、But, with a bit of modification, many diesel engines will run on unesterified vegetable oil, too. ─── 但是稍作修改的话,许多柴油发动机也能用未经酯化的植物油。

22、Behavioral modification especially through experience or conditioning. ─── 学习尤指通过体验或环境影响造成的行为变化

23、The date and time of the last modification of the row. ─── 上次修改行的日期和时间。

24、To make different by alteration or modification. ─── 使差异通过变更或修改从而产生差别

25、Modification of the Bessemer process for converting pig iron into steel. ─── 修正柏塞麦炼钢法将生铁炼成钢的一种方法。

26、The optimal conditions for coupling agent modification were found. ─── 并摸索出偶联剂的最佳改性条件。

27、It is capable of running an operating system without any modification to the OS itself. ─── 它可以不用修改操作系统本身而直接运行一个操作系统。

28、One possibility would be to use genetic modification to create plants that are more amenable to such manipulation. ─── 一种可能办到的将是使用基因变异技术来培植出能够顺应试验的植物。

29、Modification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted. ─── 不允许跨过一个命名上下文修改 dn。

30、The controversy began on 1 February, when Ingham testified before New Zealand's Royal Commission on Genetic Modification, which will determine how to regulate GM organisms. ─── 这场争论始于2月1日,当时英格汉姆在新西兰基因改造皇家委员会面前作证,决定如何管理转基因生物。

31、There is one permissible modification of implied warranties, however. ─── 但是,有一项对默示保证的修改是允许的。

32、Working knowledge in heavy maintenance and aircraft modification. ─── 了解大修及改装维修工作;

33、Standards issued by the IASB are supposed to be endorsed without modification. ─── 国际会计准则委员会发布的标准应该被在无修改的状况下认可。

34、Successful modification of one components requires accommodating change in other components. ─── 一个成分成功的改变需要适应其它成分的变化。

35、Leadtime is advised depending on the extent of the modification / Change. ─── 其提前期的建议是视设计改造 / 转换的程度与情况而定。

36、To facilitate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be applied to the image later. ─── 为了便于对图像进行修改和注释,将输出三角形坐标以便稍后应用到图像中。

37、The anti-pilling modification method of acryl fibres was introduced. ─── 分析了腈纶起毛起球的原因,并介绍了抗起毛起球改性的方法。

38、The money banks would be required to allot to mortgage modification would be "extorted, " declares The Wall Street Journal. ─── 《华尔街日报》宣称,要求银行为抵押贷款修正拨付资金就是“勒索银行”。

39、Buckler said the method does not involve the genetic modification of corn. ─── 巴克勒说该方法不涉及转基因玉米.

40、The modification of address constants to compensate for a change in origin of a module, program, or control section. ─── 修改一个模块、程序或控制节中的地址常数,以补偿它们起始地址的改变。

41、Perform simple modification of elevator layout drawing by using ACAD software. ─── 使用ACAD软件,对电梯布置图进行简单的更改。

42、So it may be concluded that nano materials will become popular in toughening modification of PVC in the future. ─── 因此,可以得出这样的结论:纳米材料将成为聚氯乙烯增韧改性的一种重要方法,并得到广泛应用。

43、Another modification is a two-temperature hot zone. ─── 另一种改进模式是有两个温度发热部。

44、Corneal tattooing is usually used for patients that have had trauma to their eye, not for this, which is called body modification. ─── 眼角膜上的刺青一般用于那些眼球外伤的病人,而不是单纯为了刺青,这可以称为“身体改造”。

45、More than one data modification statement can activate the same trigger. ─── 多个数据修改语句可激活同一个触发器。

46、The modification of UPR and its flame retardant process were also in-troduced. ─── 对不饱和聚酷树脂的改性及其阻燃技术国外研究进展也作了专门的论述。

47、Allen Falkner shows his split tongue as he talks about extreme body modification. ─── 在聊到极端整形术时,艾伦·福克讷露出了他被一分为二的舌头。

48、The speaker drop a hint of a possible modification of the proposal. ─── 发言者暗示可能会修改建议。

49、Sets or clears the modification flag for an edit control. ─── 为编辑控件设置或清除修改标记。

50、Data modification language support may be important for your application. ─── 对于您的应用程序来说,数据修改语言支持可能很重要。

51、To make an improvised modification. ─── 作一次临时性的修正。

52、Keywords: TiAl intermetallics, high temperature oxidation resistance, surface modification. ─── 关键词:钛铝介金属、高温氧化抵抗、表面改质。

53、Prospects for the trend of the modification of PHB are made. ─── 并展望了PHB材料的改性方向。

54、XML index maintenance cost during data modification must be considered. ─── 必须考虑数据修改过程中的XML索引维护开销。

55、Your modification of the document is a kind of violence to truth. ─── 你对文件的修改有点儿歪曲真相。

56、Added support for newer TCPIP.SYS modification. ─── 增加对新版TCPIP.SYS的修改支持。

57、To analyse the space pattern by means of the module modification. ─── 应用形象分析与模矩变化观念分析空间形式。

58、No modification of the Contract is valid unless agreed or evidenced in writing. ─── 5除非达成书面协议或有书面证据证明,任何对本合同的修改均无效。

59、When the culture shifted, size modification shifted with it. ─── 当这种文化改变时,大小也随之改变。

60、In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page. ─── 对于时间戳标记,我们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输出一个页面的最后修改数据的简单标记。

61、The Investigation of Functional Groups in Chla by Molecule Modification[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李颖,郑荣儿,苗洪利,王荣,孟继武.

62、Is a kidney patentable simply because it has been subjected to a slight genetic modification? ─── 一个肾脏稍做基因改造就能申请专利吗?

63、A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transverse piece near the top of it, or a modification thereto. ─── 十字勋章用接近顶部的地方横梁上的一根立柱的形状制成的勋章或徽章或由此加以装饰的饰物

64、For the blog’s theme, blue-pix, I also did lots of modification. ─── 命令行的一个杀手应用就是批处理。

65、Advances a modification method to CORDIC gain. ─── 对于CORDIC旋转带来的增益问题,提出了自己的改进方法。

66、Applications of Behavior Modification Principle to Music therapy Treatment. ─── 应用行为矫正的音乐治疗法。

67、The approaches of genie modification of the isolates are also cited. ─── 同时也提供了大豆分离蛋白基因工程改性方面的研究进展。

68、VIN3 is involved in initiating the modification of FLC chromatin structure. ─── VIN3与FLC染色质结构修饰的起始有关。

69、Disabled Validate ->Modification of the constraint column is not allowed. ─── 修改记录字段造成约束不合法?

70、Gravitation is presumably a modification of space-time. ─── 万有引力则大概是空时的一种变态。

71、A technique of address modification by means of index registers. ─── 一种通过变址寄存器修改地址的技术。

72、I'm trying three methods of breeding," Farrant says, "conventional, genetic modification and gene editing." ─── 法兰特说:“我正在尝试三种育种方法,常规方法、基因修饰和基因编辑。”

73、Assist CTT UK to accomplish modification work of New Products. ─── 协助英国总部完成新产品修改工作。

74、Arrange production to fit timely delivery and assist in process modification. ─── 合理安排生产确保准时交货,协助优化生产制程。

75、Allows the application to access the Control menu for copying and modification. ─── 允许应用程序访问控制菜单,用于拷贝和修改。

76、Pragmatically, marked idioms have the functions of belongingness, attraction, rhetoric, modification and economy. ─── 在语用上,有标记习语有归属功能、吸引功能、修辞功能、限定及节俭功能。

77、Re-alignment and modification of Tin Yiu Road. ─── 变更及修改天耀路路线。

78、Modification of a constructed attribute is not allowed. ─── 不允许一个构造att修改。

79、Ion beam induced surface modification of polymer was extensively discussed. ─── 介绍了运用高能离子束对聚合物材料进行表面改性的新工艺。

80、The modification of his anger made him able to think clearly again. ─── 他的怒气消减使他能再清楚地想一想。

81、Some grayware states the system modification notification in EULA, ... ─── (EULA)中提到这些可能的修改,但很多 用户 可能不会 注意到这些.

82、Modification of the project confirmation letter under quota. ─── 一)限额以下项目确认书的变更。

83、One strategy is called market modification. ─── 一种战略被称为市场规划。

84、The dimensions or prestressing force and eccentricity require modification. ─── 尺寸或预加力和偏心需要修改。

85、Another process modification is the use of solvent processing. ─── 工艺的另一改革是采用溶剂工艺过程。

86、A modification of common language suitable for automatic translation by the equipment into machine or computer usable language. ─── 一种通用语言的变形,可通过设备自动将它转换成机器语言或计算机可执行的语言。

87、Modification of CoMo/TiO_2 Al_2O_3 Catalyst by Gas Phase Fluorination? ─── CoMo/TiO_2-Al_2O_3催化剂的气相氟化改性

88、Change in its shape allow modification in its use. ─── 其性状的改变应允许在使用中对它进行修正。

89、Modification of texts in the Fortress HUD. ─── 修改了堡垒界面中的文字。


BME是英文 Body Modification Ezine的缩写。翻译过来是人体改造公社(电子杂志)的意思。BME包括全世界很多迷恋人体改造的人们的亲身经验,照片和文章。




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