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08-15 投稿


payable 发音

英:['pe??b(?)l]  美:['pe?bl]

英:  美:

payable 中文意思翻译



payable 短语词组

1、accounts payable account ─── [经] 应付帐款科目(帐户)

2、account payable ─── 应付款项 [经] ─── 应付帐款, ─── 应付末付帐, ─── 应伐款

3、account payable ledger account ─── [经] 应付帐款明细分类帐帐户

4、account payable division ─── [经] 应付帐款部门

5、accounts payable to subsidiary company ─── [经] 应付附属公司帐款

6、acceptance payable ─── [经] 应付承兑票据

7、accounts payable-imported equipments ─── [经] 应付引进设备款

8、account payable to affiliated company ─── [经] 应付联营公司帐款

9、accrued expenses payable ─── [经] 应计未付费用

10、accounts payable-others ─── [经] 其他应付款

11、accounts payable subsidiary ledger ─── [经] 应付帐款明细(分类)帐

12、accrued interest on notes payable ─── [经] 应计未付期票息

13、accounts payable register ─── [经] 应付帐款登记簿

14、account payable register ─── [经] 应付帐款登记簿

15、accounts payable-supplies ─── [经] 应付购货款

16、accounts payable ayatem ─── [电] 应付帐款系统

17、accounts payable trade ─── [经] 应付贸易帐款

18、accounts payable-special funds ─── [经] 专项基金应付款

19、account payable ledger ─── [经] 应付款明细分类帐

20、accounts payable ─── [经] 应付帐款

payable 反义词


payable 词性/词形变化,payable变形


payable 同义词

account payable | collectable | due | collectible | outstanding | unsettled |allocated | mature

payable 习惯用语

1、payable at sight ─── 见票即付

2、payable on demand ─── 随到随付

payable 相似词语短语

1、parable ─── n.(尤指《圣经》中耶稣所讲的的)(道德或宗教)寓言

2、pacable ─── 可打包的

3、payably ─── 可支付的

4、playable ─── adj.可演奏的;可游戏的

5、repayable ─── adj.可偿还的;可报复的

6、sayable ─── 可说出来的;可有力(流利)地说出来的

7、pay cable ─── 收费电缆电视

8、papable ─── adj.可选做教皇的

9、payables ─── n.应付款(payable的复数);应付款项;应付项目

payable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Accounts payable usually do not require the payment of interest. ─── 应付账款通常不要求支付利息。

2、The date upon which a liability, such as a note payable, comes due. ─── 到期日是指一项负债如应付票据到期的日期。

3、any premium payable in redemption shall be paid out of distributable profits of the company. ─── 赎回时所须会的任何溢价,须从公司的可分发利润中拨款支付。

4、Prefer LOC payable 60 Days from BOL, which was old terms. ─── 如果你感兴趣的话,请注明价格结构。

5、All bank charges outside Bahrain are payable by the beneficiary. ─── 巴林以外的银行费用由受益人承担。

6、In the event of such termination, all accrued and unpaid charges shall be due and payable immediately upon termination. ─── 在此类终止事件中,所有累积的和未付的费用应于终止日期前立即支付。

7、The money is not payable until January 31. ─── 这钱要到1月31日才可支付。

8、Other accounts payable include liabilities for any goods and services other than merchandise. ─── 其他应付账款包括除购买商品之外的其他任何货物和劳务的负债。

9、Companies often purchase plant assets on an installment plan, or by issuing a note payable. ─── 公司购买长期资产时经常使用分期付款方式或使用远期应付票据。

10、We demand payment by confirm, irrevocable l/c payable against draft at sight . ─── 我们要求采用保兑的不可撤销信用证凭即期汇票支付。

11、As a matter of fact, we demand payment by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable against draft at sight. ─── 实际上,我们要求以保兑的,不可撤消的即期汇票信用证支付。

12、Your cheque should be made payable to "John Smith". ─── 你这张支票应该开给“约翰史密斯”。

13、The first is the Property Tax payable inq respect of any property in Macau. ─── 一种是应付的财产税,是缴付所-77;在澳门的物产的税务。

14、Account for conversion of bonds payable. ─── 应付债券转换账户。

15、Account payable and account receivable management. ─── 应收、应付帐款管理;

16、The summation of all percentages payable in respect to any one accident shall not exceed 100%. ─── 在任何一个意外上,应理赔的百分率总和不应超过100%。

17、An initial fee is payable to the franchiser. ─── 应该付给经销商一笔先期费用。

18、What is the basis of calculation of the estimated Salaries Tax payable? ─── 估计应缴薪俸税款是怎样计算出来的?

19、Payable immediately or on demand. ─── 应付的可立即支付或应要求可支付的

20、If this corporation issues $10 of 10% bonds payable, it will incur interest expense of $1 per year. ─── 如果该公司发行10美元,年息10%的应付债券,每年的利息费用为1美元。

21、The rent is $200, payable on the first of every month. ─── 房租200美元,每个月的1号付钱。

22、English: To whom is the check payable, madam? ─── 中文:请问支票受款人是谁,夫人?

23、The balance would be payable upon receipt of the goods. ─── 余款等到收到货时付清。

24、Maturity date refers to the date when a principal amount of a note, draft, acceptance bond, or other debt instrument becomes due or payable. ─── 到期日期,是指该日期的一份草案,接受债券或其他债务工具到期本金或支付。

25、No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company. No dividend shall carry interest. ─── 支付的股息必须来源于赢利,股息不产生利息。

26、You must be able to pay the document fees payable over the Internet. ─── 你必须能够透过互联网支付需要缴交的文件费用。

27、refundable deposit is payable on arrival. ─── 退还的押金退给你。

28、Companies many retire their bonds payable before maturity. ─── 企业可以在债券到期之前赎回他们的应付债券。

29、We will deduct the premium from your commission of 5% payable to you. ─── 我们将从支付你方的百分之五的佣金中扣除保险费。

30、Accounts payable often are subdivided into the categories of trade accounts payable and other accounts payable. ─── 应付账款通常分成购销应付账款和其他应付账款两类。

31、We usually accept payment by irrevocable L C payable against shiping documents. ─── 我们一般用不可撤销信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。

32、They think it's a payable job. ─── 他们认为这是个可获利工作。

33、Account for retirement of bonds payable. ─── 应付债券赎回账户。

34、Accounting for bonds payable closely parallels accounting for notes payable. ─── 应付债券的核算与应付票据的核算很相似。

35、To accrue bond interest payable for four months ended Dec.31. ─── 到12月31日止的4个月的应计未付债券利息。

36、Obligations in the form of written promissory notes are known as notes payable. ─── 应付票据就是表现为书面承诺的债务。

37、A negotiable bill may be payable either to order or to bearer. ─── 凡可流通转让之汇票均得按记名人之指示付款或付款予持票人。

38、Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities. ─── 应付帐款和应付票据是流动负债的典型例子。

39、Does this include bills payable? ─── 应付票据是否包括在内?

40、If the period is less than six months, no fee will be payable for that calendar year. ─── 不足半年的免缴。

41、Fee is payable at the race sign-in. ─── 可在比赛签到时付费。

42、The deposit of $86,000 was not payable until the agreement was made unconditional. ─── 依双方签署的合约,合约变成无条件以后,才需支付订金$86,000。

43、A weekly allowance payable to an affected worker with respect to such worker's unemployment. ─── 向那些不幸的工人支付的有关失业的每周津贴。

44、Bond which is payable to the bearer and does not have a name on it. ─── 向持票人而不是名字写在债券上的人付款。

45、The first is the Property Tax payable in respect of any property in Macau. ─── 一种是应付的财产税,是缴付所有在澳门的物产的税务。

46、L/c is payable against your draft. ─── 信用证凭汇票付款。

47、The joining and membership fees are payable to the DLMS UA. ─── 入会费和会员费应付给。

48、NEW FOR OLD Claims payable without deduction new for old. ─── 应赔付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。

49、Both Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription Fee are payable in the first year. ─── 入会费及年费须于入会首年缴交。

50、Bonds payable differ from capital stock in several ways. ─── 应付债券与股本的区别有下几个方面。

51、deposit is payable in advance. ─── 预付10%的押金。

52、Instalment is payable on the last day of the month. ─── 分期付的款可於每月最後一日交付。

53、The amount paid or payable, often in installments, for an insurance policy. ─── 保险金为保险单而通常分期支付的钱

54、A bill payable to bearer is negotiated by delivery. ─── 以持票人为收款人之汇票,凭交付而构成流通转让。

55、We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents. ─── 我们只接受不可撤消的凭装船单据付款的信用证。

56、Money owed and payable by a company, usually within one year. ─── 对公司而言,通常是指一年期的欠款和应付帐款。

57、If the government is proved negligent, compensation will be payable. ─── 如果证明是政府的疏忽,就应支付赔偿。

58、No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the Company, and no dividend shall carry interest as against the Company. ─── 股息只能以公司的利润支付,公司不就股息支付利息。

59、New for Old Claim payable without deduction new for old. ─── 以新换旧应付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。

60、When bonds are issued, the amount of any discount is debited to an account entitled Discount on Bonds Payable. ─── 在债券发行时,折价金额借记应付债券折价账户。

61、Payment is to be demand by an irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping document. ─── 付款将采用见装运单付款的不可撤销信用证。

62、The rent be$200, payable on the first of every month. ─── 房租200美元,每个月的1号付钱。

63、The instalment is payable at the end of each quarter. ─── 分期付款每季度末进行。

64、Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. ─── 应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。

65、If both the tax payable and tax return are overdue, what will happen? ─── 如果缴税和申报同时过期了怎么办?

66、Adds an accounts payable symbol to your workflow flowchart. ─── 将应付款符号添加到您的工作流程图中。

67、Payable on a future date or dates. ─── 定期的在未来的某个或某些时期偿还的

68、If interests have not been paid, the interests payable should be adjusted to compute the cash payments for interests. ─── 如果利息尚未支付,在计算偿付利息支付的现金时必须对应付利息进行调整。

69、We usually accept payment by irrevocable l/c payable against shipping document . ─── 我们采用不可撤消的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。

70、Reconcile suppliers' monthly statements to the hotel's accounts payable record. ─── 协调供应商每月报告和酒店应付帐记录,使其一致。

71、A special indorsement specifies the person to whom, or to whose order, he bill is to be payable. ─── 特别背书书明汇票之收款人,或按其指示付款。

72、In irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in ... against shipping documents. ─── 如果我方接受你方发盘,将开立以你方为受益人的不可赊销信用证在。。。付款交单。

73、"No," said Danglars, smiling, "they are bonds on the bank of France, payable to bearer. ─── “都不是,”腾格拉尔微笑着说,“那是当场现付的法兰西银行凭单。

74、B.P.S.) (Please make cheque payable to I.B.P. ─── (支票抬头请写 I.

75、How much are accrued salaries payable? ─── 应付工资是多少?

76、We demand payment by irrevocable L/C payable against draft at sight. ─── 我们要求以不可撤消的即期汇票信用证支付。

77、NEW FOR LOD Claim payable without deduction new for old. ─── 应付的赔偿不作以新换旧的扣减。

78、The date on which a note becomes due and payable. ─── 到期日,是指票据到期或应付款的日期。

79、We would appreciate your refunding their price, making check payable to John Harper. ─── 如您能退票并将支票款额记在约翰哈珀的名下,我们将不胜感谢。

80、VAT is also payable by you at the applicable rate as shown on your invoice. ─── 大桶以出现在你的发票上的适用的率由你也是应付的。

81、Two months depositone month's rent payable in advance. ─── 两个月租金作压金及一个月的预付租金。

82、The bond was marked "payable to bearer". ─── 债券上标着“见票即付”。

83、We usually accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents. ─── 我们通常只接受不可撤销的信用证,凭装运单据付款。

84、I need to speak with that nice woman in accounts payable. ─── 我要和负责应付帐款那里的好小姐说话。

85、When ATTORNEYS' services conclude, all unpaid charges shall become immediately due and payable. ─── 当代理人完成代理服务时,委托人应当立即支付所有结余费用。

86、Invoice would be payable within thirty days of receipt. ─── 发票收到后30天内付款。

87、Account payable analysis and control. ─── 应付账款报告分析、控制。

88、A: What does Accountant Payable record? ─── 应付账款都记录些什么?

89、If you have previously been working full-time you need to be without work for at least seven hours a week for benefit to be payable. ─── 如果您以前从事全职工作,那么您在一个星期内至少要有七小时没有工作才能领取补助金。

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