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sumptuously 发音

英:[['s?mpt???sl?]]  美:[['s?mpt??rsl?]]

英:  美:

sumptuously 中文意思翻译



sumptuously 同义词

imposing | plush | grandeur | opulent | elaborate | princely |luxurious | extravagant | gilded | costly | elegant | grand | deluxe | stately | lavish | grandiose | wealthy | rich | splendid | impressive | magnificent | superb | majestic

sumptuously 反义词


sumptuously 短语词组

1、sumptuously def ─── 奢华的定义

2、sumptuously decorated ─── 装饰华丽

3、sumptuously define ─── 华丽的定义

4、sumptuously rich ─── 富贵的

5、sumptuously meaning ─── 富贵的意义

6、sumptuously delicious ─── 美味无比

7、sumptuously defined ─── 奢华的定义

sumptuously 词性/词形变化,sumptuously变形

名词: sumptuousness |副词: sumptuously |

sumptuously 相似词语短语

1、impetuously ─── adv.性急地,激烈地

2、unctuously ─── adv.油腔滑调地;油腻地

3、sumptuousness ─── n.豪华,奢侈

4、bumptiously ─── 颠簸地

5、sumptuous ─── adj.华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的

6、tumultuously ─── adv.喧闹地;骚乱地

7、sumptuosity ─── n.奢侈品;昂贵

8、scrumptiously ─── 小心翼翼地

9、presumptuously ─── adv.放肆地

sumptuously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk. ─── 他们饿坏了,顾不得停下来捉鱼来吃,对着冷火腿,就是一番狼吞虎咽,吃罢就躺到荫凉下说话。

2、25 They Humiliate Them That Labor By The Sweat Of Their Brow To Gain The Favor Of An Idler Who Is Seated At A Sumptuously Spread Table. ─── 他们羞辱那些用辛勤的劳动来讨好坐在豪华的宴会桌上的懒汉的人。

3、The basin stands on feet that are in the shape of coiled dragons.This vessel is sumptuously decorated, graceful in shape, and exceedingly complex to cast. ─── 采用陶范法、失蜡法、钎焊、铆接等多种工艺精工制作而成,全器造型优美,纹饰繁复。

4、The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor. ─── 走廊很大,朦胧地亮着,一张华丽的地毯覆盖着大多数石头地板,十分奢华的装潢。

5、this was one of the cold , sumptuously furnished rooms which pierre knew , leading from the visitors staircase. ─── 这是皮埃尔从正门的台阶一看就知晓的冰凉的豪华卧室之一。

6、They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk. ─── 他们饿坏了,顾不得停下来捉鱼来吃,对着冷火腿,就是一番狼吞虎咽,吃罢就躺到荫凉下说话。

7、This was one of the cold, sumptuously furnished rooms which Pierre knew, leading from the visitors' staircase. ─── 但是,就在这卧室的中央,摆着一只空浴盆,地毯上洒满了水。

8、It certainly was agreeable to fare sumptuously, drive in a fine carriage, wear her best frock every day, and do nothing but enjoy herself. ─── 她们确实是每天坐着奢华的马车,穿着她们最好的罩袍,除了享乐外没有其他的事了。

9、The palace is sumptuously decorated. ─── 宫殿被装饰得富丽堂皇。

10、There was a rich man 13 who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. ─── 有一个富家人,身穿紫红袍及细麻衣,天天奢华地宴乐。

11、The hall was sumptuously decorated. ─── 大厅装饰得富丽堂皇。

12、The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated. ─── 这户人家的室内装修真是没说的。

13、"There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. ─── 有一个财主穿著紫色袍和细麻布衣服,天天奢华宴乐。

14、Thy girdle of gold so red, With pearls bedecked sumptuously: The like no other lasses had, And yet thou wouldst not love me. ─── 红彤彤的金束腰,缀着名贵的珠子:你的容貌艳压群芳:而你不再爱我。

15、There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: ─── 有一个财主、穿着紫色袍和细麻布衣服、天天奢华宴乐。

16、The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated. ─── 新房的内装修十分豪华。

17、Thus, he transformed the king's bedchamber first into a salon and then into the Throne Room (in 1808) and had the imperial apartment sumptuously refurnished. ─── 由此,他将国王卧室首次改成沙龙,随后改成金銮殿(1808)并将行宫奢华修饰。

18、The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor. ─── 门廊很大,有微弱的光线并且装饰得十分华丽,一张漂亮的地毯几乎铺满了石地。

19、this government building is sumptuously appointed. ─── 这座政府办公大楼要求装修得豪华一些。

20、The breeze pouring on you is sumptuously cold and laced with a faint smell of medicine, like the waiting room of a dentist's office. ─── 微风吹向你于你,它是如此的冷,空气中还夹带着药物的轻微香味,就像牙医诊所的候诊室医物室。

21、There was a rich man who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. ─── 有一个富家人,身穿紫红袍及细麻衣,天天奢华地宴乐。

22、Summer sticks to her skirt sumptuously, in the shiny gray fabric hanging loosely from her curves. ─── 她身上的裙子尽显夏天的艳丽,裙子闪亮的灰色裙料飘逸地从她的身体垂下。

23、With numerous color plates and b/w illustrations, this volume is a sumptuously illustrated overview of 122 classical Chinese furniture from the periods of Liao, Jin, Ming and Qing dynasties. ─── 北京文物精粹大系家具卷选录范围包括辽金、明、清各个时期的家具122件。本卷家具的年代按辽金、明代、清代的顺序排列。

24、Tere was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day ─── 有一个财主,穿著紫色袍和细麻布衣服,天天奢华宴乐。

25、but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham , ─── 对着冷火腿,就是一番狼吞虎咽,

26、49 For this reason, even some Tyrians were indignant over the crime and provided sumptuously for their burial. ─── 因此有些提洛人,为了表示痛恨这种恶行,自愿为这些牺牲者举行隆重的丧礼。

27、19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. ─── 19有一个财主穿著紫色袍和细麻布衣服,天天奢华宴乐。

28、25 Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine garments? Those who dress luxuriously and live sumptuously are found in royal palaces. ─── 你们出去到底是为看什么?为看一位穿细软衣服的人吗?啊!那衣着华丽和生活奢侈的人是在王宫里。

29、Summer sticks to her skirt sumptuously, in the shiny gray fabric hanging loosely from her curves. ─── 她身上的裙子尽显夏天的艳丽,裙子闪亮的灰色裙料飘逸地从她的身体垂下。

30、He usually fares sumptuously. ─── 他平常吃得很丰富。

31、With pearls bedecked sumptuously; ─── 缀着名贵的珠子;

32、The hall was sumptuously decorated ─── 大厅装饰得富丽堂皇。

33、The palace is sumptuously decorated. ─── 宫殿被装饰得富丽堂皇。

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