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08-15 投稿


araucaria 发音

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araucaria 中文意思翻译



araucaria 短语词组

1、araucaria family un. ─── 南美杉科

2、Araucaria heterophylla ─── [网络] 异叶南洋杉;小叶南洋杉;澳洲杉

3、Araucaria cunninghamii ─── [网络] 南洋杉;肯氏南洋杉;南洋衫

4、araucaria arbol ─── 树

5、Araucaria L. ─── [医] 南美杉属

6、Araucaria araucana ─── [网络] 智利南洋杉;南洋杉属;阿根廷及智利种

7、araucaria angustifolia ─── [机] 南美杉

8、genus Araucaria ─── [网络] Araucaria

9、Araucaria bidwillii ─── [网络] 大叶南洋杉;二名法;阔叶南洋杉

10、araucaria tree ─── 南洋杉

11、Araucaria columnaris ─── [网络] 南洋杉

12、araucaria pine cone ─── 南洋杉松果

13、Araucaria excelsa ─── [网络] 小叶南洋杉;南美杉;细叶南洋杉

14、araucaria oil ─── 南洋杉油

15、araucaria nuts ─── 花生仁

araucaria 词性/词形变化,araucaria变形


araucaria 相似词语短语

1、Araucania ─── n.阿劳卡尼亚

2、faucaria ─── 福卡里亚

3、Caucasia ─── n.高加索

4、adularia ─── n.[矿物]冰长石

5、araucarias ─── n.南洋杉(原产南半球)

6、araucarian ─── adj.南洋杉的

7、aracari ─── 阿拉卡里

8、Araucana ─── n.阿拉乌咖那(诗集名)

9、Araucanian ─── n.阿洛柯人;阿洛柯语;adj.阿洛柯人的;阿洛柯语的

araucaria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Flag next to the kinds of Taiwan betel nuts with Araucaria and false. ─── 升旗台旁边种着南洋杉和假槟榔。

2、Araucaria angustifolia ─── 巴拉那南洋杉

3、araucaria oil ─── 南洋杉油

4、Any of several evergreen coniferous trees of the genus Araucaria native to South America and Australia, having awl - shaped leaves and whorled branches and including the monkey puzzle and Norfolk lsland pine. ─── 南洋杉一种生于美洲和澳洲的南洋杉属常绿结球果的树,具有锥形叶和轮生树枝,包括智利南洋杉及诺福克南洋杉

5、Araucaria cunninghamii ─── 肯宁南洋杉

6、This study also suggested that Araucaria cunninghamii might be called pseudo-winged seed. ─── 本研究提出肯氏南洋杉为似具翅种子。

7、30-meter-tall araucaria trees surrounding a waterfall reach for the stars in Chile's Copahue Provincial Park. ─── 在智利科帕威省立公园,一处瀑布周围的南洋杉树高达30米,直入云端。

8、The southern part of the country turns temperate, with grasslands, wetlands and stands of Araucaria pine forests. ─── 该国南部地区变成温带,草原,湿地和林分南洋杉松林里。

9、Maintenance of Potted Cunningham araucaria In The North ─── 盆栽南洋杉在北方的养护

10、The southern part of the country turns temperate , with grasslands , wetlands and stands of Araucaria pine forests . ─── 该国南部地区变成温带,草原,湿地和林分南洋杉松林里。

11、Flag next to the kinds of Taiwan betel nuts with Araucaria and false. ─── 升旗台旁边种着南洋杉和假槟榔。

12、Araucaria cunninghamii Alton ex A. Cunn. ─── 南洋杉

13、Studies on Introduction and Cultivation of Cunningham araucaria ─── 南洋杉引种栽培技术研究

14、Maintenance of Potted Cunningham araucaria In The North ─── 盆栽南洋杉在北方的养护

15、Araucaria L. ─── [医] 南美杉属

16、Photo Gallery: Land of the Living Wind Hundred-foot-tall (30-meter-tall) araucaria trees surrounding a waterfall reach for the stars in Chile's Copahue Provincial Park. ─── Photograph by Peter Essick 意译:生活的风在陆地的图片组合。百英尺高( 30米高)南洋杉树属树木周围的一处瀑布延伸到星星,在智利的copahue省级公园。

17、The sunshine before the window is enougher, can choose the plant of a variety of different colour and configuration, wait like violet of araucaria, pineapple, Africa; ─── 窗前阳光比较充足,可选用多种不同色彩和形态的植物,如南洋杉、凤梨、非洲紫罗兰等;

18、Araucaria bidwillii ─── n. 大叶南洋杉


20、Evergreen ornamental and timber conifer (Araucaria araucana) of the family Araucariaceae, native to the Andes Mountains of South America. ─── 南洋杉科常绿乔木,学名为Araucaria araucana。可供观赏和材用,原产南美安地斯山脉。

21、Another two branches are the araucaria cunninghamia branch and the arhat pinaceae. ─── 另二科即南洋杉科和罗汉松科。

22、Araucaria Tit-Spinetail ─── n. 南美针尾雀

23、Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Araucaria heterphylla ─── 南洋杉组织培养与快速繁殖研究

24、This study also suggested that Araucaria cunninghamii might be called pseudo-winged seed. ─── 本研究提出肯氏南洋杉为似具翅种子。

25、Belonging to the Taiwan araucaria plant of fir family,Taiwania flousiana Gaussen is the kind of plant under the first-grade State protection. ─── 秃杉(Taiwania flousiana Gaussen)系杉科台湾杉属植物,是国家的一级保护植物。

26、The content of this page is from the ARAUCARIA port or ARAUCARIA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自ARAUCARIA港口或ARAUCARIA海关的进出口公司目录;

27、, Araucaria cuminghamia Sweet, Nageia fleuryi ( Hickel) de Laubenf. ─── 、南洋杉Araucaria cunninghamia Sweet、长叶竹柏Nageia fleuryi(Hickel)de Laubenf.

28、Araucaria heterophylla ─── 诺福克南洋杉

29、Another two branches are the araucaria cunninghamia branch and the arhat pinaceae. ─── 另二科即南洋杉科和罗汉松科。

30、Araucaria bidwilli ─── 大叶南洋杉

31、Results obtained showed that seeds of? Cunningham araucaria? had the highest germinative rate,26.4%,after being soaked in warm water and sown in sands. ─── 结果表明:南洋杉种子以浸泡后播于沙中发芽率最高,达26.4%;

32、The paper deals with the successful experiment of grafting propagation by taking the root of Araucaria heterophylla, a valuable ornamental tree, as stock, and its branch of one-year growth as scion, in the light of the root-tied theory. ─── 本文根据根接原理,选择珍贵观赏树种异叶南洋杉的根做砧木,一年生的枝条为接穗,进行嫁接繁殖试验成功地获得新植株。

33、Araucaria cunninghamii [hoop pine] ─── 花旗杉

34、It claims the world's only parasitic conifer and nearly two-thirds off the world's species of Araucaria trees, all of which are endemic. ─── 它宣称是世界的唯一地方性的寄生针叶树和世界三分之二地方性的南洋杉树的种类。

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