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08-15 投稿


albedo 发音

英:[?l'bi?d??]  美:[?l'bido]

英:  美:

albedo 中文意思翻译



albedo 短语词组

1、albedo unguis ─── [医] 爪甲弧影

2、albedo retinae ─── [医] 视网膜水肿

3、albedo map ─── 反照率图

4、Albedo feature ─── 反照率特征

5、albedo method ─── 反照率方法

6、albedo of the earth ─── [大气]地气系统反照率

7、albedo-effect ─── 反照率效应

8、Geometric albedo ─── 几何反照率

9、albedo perception ─── 反照率知觉

albedo 词性/词形变化,albedo变形

名词复数: albedos |

albedo 相似词语短语

1、albino ─── n.[皮肤]白化病者;[遗]白化体;白化现象;n.(Albino)人名;(西)阿尔维诺;(阿拉伯)阿勒比努;(葡、意、英)阿尔比诺

2、abbed ─── 阿贝德

3、albeit ─── conj.虽然,尽管;n.(Albeit)(美、英、马)艾乐贝特(人名)

4、albugo ─── n.角膜白斑

5、albergo ─── n.旅馆

6、alfredo ─── n.阿尔弗雷多(古代国王的名字)

7、albedoes ─── n.(行星等的)反射率;星体反照率

8、albedos ─── n.(行星等的)反射率;星体反照率(albedo的变形)

9、albert ─── n.艾伯特(男子名)

albedo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、albedo calculation ─── 反射率演算

2、land surface albedo ─── 地表反照率

3、Reflecting sunlight back into outer space (increasing the Earth’s albedo, as it is known) would also cool the planet, and the Royal Society’s authors consider two ways of doing so. ─── 它把光照反射到外太空(也就是人们所熟知的增加地球的反照率)同样也能降低地球的温度。皇家学会的笔者认为有两种途径实现此作用。

4、the albedo of soils ranges from high to low; ─── 土壤的反射率由高到低变化较大;

5、Undressed ore for nature massive, the monthly output may amount to 5,000 tons; Undressed ore albedo above 95. ─── 原矿为自然块状,月产量可达5000吨;原矿白度95以上。

6、Albedo of the earth atmosphere system; ─── 地气系统反照率;

7、Hydraulic controls of summer Arctic pack ice albedo ─── 夏天北极冰群反照率的水力学控制

8、albedo neutrons ─── 反照粒子

9、ice melts and disappears this "albedo" effect is lessened, contributing to a rise in temperature. ─── 冰层融化消失后,这种“反射能”效应减弱,从而导致气温上升。

10、albedo electron ─── 反照电子

11、"You change the albedo of the Earth," he explained. ─── 他解释道:“因为你改变了地球的反照率。

12、A surface's albedo is the percentage of incoming solar energy, sunlight, that's reflected off that surface back into space. ─── 一个表面的反照率是入射的太阳能、阳光从这个表面反射回太空的百分比。

13、The solar zenith angle dependence of desert albedo ─── 太阳天顶角沙漠反照率的依赖关系

14、s albedo perception ─── 反照知觉

15、albedo perception ─── 反照率知觉

16、But why not fiddle with the earth's albedo myself, I thought. ─── 于是我就想,为什么我们自己不能来操控地球的反照率呢。

17、Albedo Monte Carlo Method and MORSE-ALBC Code ─── 反照蒙特卡罗方法和MORSE-ALBC程序

18、The scientists say this pattern is consistent with a climate process known as the ice-albedo feedback. ─── 科学家认为这种模式,与被称为冰反射率回馈( ice-albedo feedback)的气候变化过程的原理一致。

19、Sky radiance might be influenced by the multiple reflectance between the earth's albedo surface and the atmosphere. ─── 天空亮度可能受到地表与大气之间的多次反射的影响。

20、Comparison of International Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report climate model simulations of surface albedo with satellite products over northern latitudes ─── 国际专题小组对气候变化的第四评价报告的北纬度上空有卫星产品的地面反照率气候模式模拟的比较

21、The relationship between land surface albedo and land use type--A case study of Qaidam Basin ─── 地表反照率与土地利用类型的关系-以柴达木盆地为例

22、The Earth's albedo varies mainly through varying cloudiness, snow, ice, leaf area and land cover changes. ─── 地球的反射率主要因云的变化、冰、雪和土地覆被状况的改变而变化。

23、albedo neutron dosimeter ─── 反照率中子剂量计

24、Derivation of diurnal courses of albedo and reflected solar irradiance from airborne POLDER data acquired near solar noon ─── 从近太阳中午获得的飞机POLDER资料推导反照率和反射太阳光辐照的每日过程

25、At smaller warmings, the ice/snow albedo positive feedback is partially counteracted by solar cloud feedback, which becomes increasingly negative with temperature. ─── 在较小的增暖中,冰雪/反照率引起的正反馈可以由短波云引起的负反馈部分抵消,后者随温度的增加而下降。

26、Keywords Sanj iang Plain;heat balance;net radiation;albedo; ─── 三江平原;热量平衡;净辐射;反射率;


28、Undressed ore albedo above 95. ─── 原矿白度95以上。

29、Otherwise, six parameter of model outputs and medial parameters, including APAR, NPP, albedo, EET, LUE were produced as public production for users. ─── 6个数据参数包括:N即、APAR、C、LUE(LightUtility EffiCienCy)、albedo和EET(EStimated Evapotranspiration)。

30、It shows how high surface albedo extends equatorwards in two opposing bulges into Asia and North America ─── 它表明高的地表反照率如何在亚洲和北美两个相对的部位向着赤道扩展。

31、the relationship between the NDVI and the albedo is a power function in the fully covered areas by vegetation, and between the surface temperature and the albedo is a linear function in the dry or wet condition; ─── 农田植被和天然植被的植被指数变化规律不同; 在植被全覆盖区域,植被指数与反照率成幂函数关系,在极干或极湿情况下,地表温度与反照率成线性关系;

32、Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer bidirectional reflectance distribution function - based albedo parameterization for weather and climate models ─── 为天气和气候模式参数化的以中等分辨率图像分光辐射度计双向反射分布函数为基础的反照率参数化

33、albedo of the earth ─── 地球反射率

34、The cosmic dose rate( determined primarily by shielding) and albedo directly affect the level of natural TL in meteorites. ─── 宇宙剂量率(定于初始屏蔽作用)反照率直接影响陨石的自然tl值。

35、albedo neutron theory ─── 反照中子理论

36、Some albedo parameterizations of SZA dependence were evaluated in a simple land surface model BATS using in situ data over Gobi and Desert. ─── 在陆面过程模式BATS中引入考虑太阳天顶角变化的裸土反照率参数化以改善沙漠、戈壁地表的辐射和热状况模拟,并与观测资料进行了对比。


38、The standard deviation at the equator is 0.5%. This means that a zonal mean albedo increase of 1% for a 30-day interval is statistically significant at the 95% level. ─── 在赤道这一标准差是0。5%,这就是说在30天间隔纬向平均反射率增加1%,在95%水平时统计上是显著的。

39、neutron albedo ─── 中子反照率

40、Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Monthly Mean Surface Albedo in China ─── 中国月平均地表反照率的估算及其时空分布

41、Relationships between albedo and microwave emissions over thin newly formed sea ice during fall freeze-up ─── 在封冻期反射率和在最近形成的薄海冰上面微波发射之间的关系

42、Finally, some suggestions are proposed to eliminate the effect of embankment slope orientation: 1) to spray or paint material with high albedo on the slopes or the road surface; ─── 对于如何消除阴阳坡问题,减缓其危害性,给出了两条建议:1)在路基边坡或者路面喷涂热反射材料;

43、The impact of surface albedo on the retrievals of low-level stratus cloud properties: An updated parameterization ─── 地面反照率对低空层云特性反演的影响:一个更新了的参数化

44、They also have a strong influence on surface albedo (solar energy, absorption and reflectance) and the hydrological cycle. ─── 它们还对地表反照率(太阳能的吸收和反射)与水文循环有很强的影响。

45、English: 650. The standard deviation at the equator is 0.5%. This means that a zonal mean albedo increase of 1% for a 30-day interval is statistically significant at the 95% level. ─── 中文:在赤道这一标准差是0。5%,这就是说在30天间隔纬向平均反射率增加1%,在95%水平时统计上是显著的。

46、albedo neutron ─── 反照中子

47、The loss of Arctic sea ice helps accelerate the warming of the atmosphere in the far north, thanks to what's known as the albedo effect. ─── 北极海冰的下降有助于加快在遥远的北方,大气变暖,什么作为反照率效应知。

48、cosmic ray neutron albedo ─── 宇宙线中子反照

49、Intercomparison and validation of snow albedo parameterization schemes in climate models ─── 在气候模式里雪反照率参数化方案的相互比较和确认

50、Initial Validation of MODIS Albedo Product by Using Field Measurements and Airborne Multiangular Remote Sensing Observations ─── 地面和机载多角度观测数据的反照率反演及对MODIS反照率产品的初步验证

51、Different varieties of the same plant can vary in how much light they reflect, a property called albedo, so selecting for higher-albedo crops would enhance the cooling effect from agriculture. ─── 同一类植物的不同品种具有不同的反射率,而选择那些反射率更高的品种将能提高农业对控制全球变暖的贡献。

52、geometric albedo ─── 几何反照率

53、albedo unguis ─── [医] 爪甲弧影

54、Variation of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters with soil moisture content at a semi-desert site on the western Tibetan Plateau ─── 在青藏高原西部半沙漠站点表面反照率和土壤热参数随土壤水汽含量的变化

55、albedo theory ─── 反照率理论

56、albedo retinae ─── [医] 视网膜水肿

57、"Albedo :Fraction of light reflected by a Body or surface, commonly used in astronomy to describe the reflective properties of planets, natural satellites, and asteroids. " ─── 反照率:指物体反射太阳辐射的量同投射到物体上面的总辐射量之比,通常用百分比表示。一般用于天文学上,用来描述行星、天然卫星和小行星)的反射率。

58、Keywords ASTER;Landsat/TM;atmospheric correction;albedo;aerosol optic thickness; ─── 大气校正;地表反射率;气溶胶光学厚度;

59、albedo measurement ─── 反射率测量

60、albedo radiation ─── 反照辐射

61、albedo method ─── 反照率法

62、cosmic ray albedo nuetron decay ─── 宇宙线反照中子衰变

63、Part of this change is down to the albedo effect, with white, reflective ice replaced by dark water, which absorbs more of the sun's heat. ─── 这种变化趋势的发生部分是因为黑色的水与白色的冰相比,反射效应低,从而吸收了更多来自太阳的热量。

64、albedo image ─── 反射率图像

65、Moreover, a technique is presented to estimate the surface albedo at any time of a day by the use of the surface albedo at a single time. ─── 还提出一种由单一时刻反照率推算一天中其他任意时刻反照率的方法,发现方法可靠。

66、dose albedo ─── 剂量反照率

67、Transmission of Solar Radiation by Clouds over Snow and Ice Surfaces: A Parameterization in Terms of Optical Depth, Solar Zenith Angle, and Surface Albedo. ─── 云和冰地表云对太阳辐射的传输:用光学厚度,太阳高度角和地表反照率参数化。

68、Vegetation can feedback on climate, both directly on the energy budget through surface albedo and exchanges of heat, water, and momentum and indirectly on the biogeochemical process. ─── 地表植被覆盖的变化能通过改变陆面参数,以及生地化循环过程,对区域和全球气候产生重要影响。

69、albedo collection ─── 反射率收集

70、They increase albedo of the Earth and serve as the basis of its global freezing up. ─── 它们增加了地球的反射率,并成为地球全球冰封的基础。

71、neutron albedo experiment ─── 中子反照实验

72、However, the approximation error can be large under harsh lighting conditions, thus making it difficult to recover albedo information. ─── 然而,在苛刻光照条件下,这种近似的误差往往比较大,以至于很难恢复出反射率信息。

73、Albedo of X-ray through the region of rarefaction wave ─── X光辐射通过稀疏波区的反照率

74、Broadband Diffuse Radiation Method to Retrieve Radiation-Weighted Mean Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo ─── 宽带太阳漫射辐射法反演辐射加权平均的气溶胶一次散射反照率研究


76、Progress in the Research of Snow and Ice Albedo ─── 冰雪反照率研究进展

77、earth rs albedo ─── 地球反照率

78、For the wavelength shorter than 500nm, the single scattering albedo (SSA) is higher in summer and lower in spring. ─── 在波长小于500nm时,单次散射返照率是夏季较高,春季较低;

79、Narrowband-to-broadband albedo conversion for glacier ice and snow based on aircraft and near-surface measurements ─── 基于机载和近地面观测结果的窄带到宽带冰川冰和雪的反照率变换

80、The accumulation of snow and ice during a glacial period increases the surface albedo, reflecting more of the Sun's energy into space and maintaining a lower atmospheric temperature. ─── 在某些情况下,这个术语也通常被赋予一种对人为原因的推测,气候变化框架公约中就是这样应用的。

81、Improved albedo formulation for chemistry transport models based on satellite observations and assimilated snow data and its impact on tropospheric photochemistry ─── 基于卫星观测和同化的雪数据改进化学输送模式的反照率公式及它们对对流层光化学的影响表述

82、If the stellar spectrum is known, the albedo of the dust can be obtained ─── 如果恒星的光谱已知,就可得出尘埃的反照率。

83、Parameterization of the cloud droplet single scattering albedo based on aerosol chemical composition for LES modelling of boundary layer clouds ─── 为了LES边界层云的模拟根据气溶胶化学成分进行云滴单个散射反照率产数化

84、spectral albedo ─── 分光反照率

85、Single scattering albedo ─── 单次散射反照率

86、Derivation of a soil albedo dataset from MODIS using principal component analysis: Northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula ─── 利用主要成分分析来自MODIS一个土壤反照率数据集的求导:非洲北部和阿拉伯半岛

87、The fraction of the light hitting an object which is reflected back from it. The higher the albedo, the more "reflective" the object. ─── 光照射到一个物体后部分被反射回来。反照率越高,物体的反射光越多。

88、Albedo Ratio Segmentation ─── 同反射率分割

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