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08-15 投稿


precedence 发音

英:[?pres?d?ns]  美:[pr?'sid?ns]

英:  美:

precedence 中文意思翻译



precedence 短语词组

have/take precedence of/over

1. 优先于; 地位高于

This is a problem that takes precedence over the others.


1、implicit precedence ─── [计] 隐含优先度

2、name precedence ─── [计] 名字优先顺序

3、generalized precedence grammar ─── [计] 广义优先文法

4、give precedence to ─── 把主要席位让给…,优先考虑…,承认…优越性

5、mixed strategy precedence parser ─── [计] 混合策略优先分析程序

6、free operator precedence grammar ─── [计] 自由算符优先文法, 自由算子优先文法

7、have precedence ove ─── 在…之上,优先于…

8、low precedence ─── [计] 低优先级

9、matching precedence algorithm ─── [计] 匹配优先算法

10、higher order precedence grammar ─── [计] 高阶优先文法

11、messsage precedence ─── [计] 信息优先等级

12、operator precedence grammar ─── [计] 算符优先文法

13、have precedence of ─── [法] 优先于, 地位在...之上

14、extended precedence grammar ─── [计] 扩充优先文法

15、mixed strategy precedence grammar ─── [计] 混合策略优先文法

16、have precedence over ─── 优先于

17、operator precedence ─── [计] 算符优先, 操作优先

18、information precedence relation ─── [电] 信息前后关系

19、high-order precedence grammar ─── [计] 高阶优先文法

precedence 反义词

succeed |follow

precedence 同义词

antecede | come | herald | introduce | go before | first | come before | forego |lead | head | premise | forgo | come first | predate | pave the way | preface | antedate | forerun

precedence 词性/词形变化,precedence变形

异体字: precedency |

precedence 相似词语短语

1、presentence ─── v.在正式判决前判决

2、precedented ─── adj.有先例的

3、antecedence ─── n.先行;居先;在先

4、preaudience ─── n.优先发言权

5、precedently ─── 在前地

6、preference ─── n.偏爱,倾向;优先权

7、precedents ─── n.判例;引用单元

8、precedency ─── n.领先;上席

9、precedent ─── n.先例;前例;adj.在前的;在先的

precedence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people's needs. ─── 她必须懂得,自己的愿望不能先于别人的需要。

2、Always check the assembly drawing for confirmation as tightening torque values on the drawing takes precedence. ─── 因为图纸上的拧紧扭矩值是居先的,始终要对组装图进行检查以达到确认。

3、For example, the division operator has a higher precedence than does the addition operator. ─── 例如,除法运算符的优先权比加法运算符的高。因此,下面两个表达式是等价的。

4、When it comes to making women happy, chocolate really does take precedence over sex a new poll has revealed. ─── 女人因什么而快乐?一项最新民调显示,对于女性来说,巧克力比性更具吸引力。

5、Hatha yoga will continue to keep the body healthy, but more devotional and mindfulness practices will take precedence. ─── 哈他瑜伽将继续发挥其强身健体的作用,但更多信仰与精神上的修行将占具主导地位。

6、An established right to precedence. ─── 优先权已获得的(或已被承认的)居先的权利

7、Event handlers also use precedence constraints to link their executables into a control flow. ─── 事件处理程序也使用优先约束将其可执行文件链接为控制流。

8、A precedence constraint defines the relationship between the two connected items. ─── 优先约束定义了两个连接项之间的关系。

9、Positions are assigned in the order of precedence. ─── 各个位置按照优先级予以分配。

10、In such a case, the entries in the roaming version take precedence over duplicated entries in the local user configuration file. ─── 在这种情况下,漫游版本中的项优先于本地用户配置文件中的重复项。

11、If both keys have an override, the device key has precedence. ─── 如果这两个关键具有代理,设备关键优先。

12、Firstly, all existing supplies of helium ought to be conserved and released only by permit, with medical uses receiving precedence over other commercial or recreational demands. ─── 首先,所有现有的氦供应应该被保存下来,并且只有在获得许可的情况下才能释放,医疗用途应优先于其他商业或娱乐需求。

13、The royal couple left, followed by the rest of the company in order of precedence. ─── 国王和王后伉俪走在前面,其余陪伴的人员按先后顺序跟在后面。

14、You can use parentheses to override these precedence rules. ─── 可以使用圆括号超越所有的优先级规则。

15、The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirement. ─── 公众的利益高于个人的利益。

16、The right to go before; precedence. ─── 先行权,优先权先去的权利;优先权

17、If you have two replacement sets with similar patterns being matched, the longer of the two takes precedence. ─── 如果有两个具有相似模式的替换集可匹配,则优先选用两者中的更长者。

18、For in this most holy and supremely excellent Sacrament, faith and love take precedence and work in a hidden manner. ─── 因为在这至尊至圣的圣事中,信德和爱德是最高超的,在暗中完成一切。

19、The needs of the community must take precedence over (ie must be met before) individual requirements. ─── 公众的利益高於个人的利益。

20、As you mature, other things in life take precedence over nursing hangovers and not remembering the end of the night. ─── 为自己留点时间如果你一直以来真正的努力了,需要一个低调的突破,试着呆在家里一个晚上。

21、National defense must take precedence over all other questions. ─── 国防应优先考虑。

22、If we give precedence to the word, this is called literal or word-for-word translation. ─── 如果我们以字面意思为主,这叫做直译或字对字翻译。

23、Priority a rank assigned to a task that determines its precedence in receiving system resources. ─── 优先级;给任务指派的等级,决定任务在使用系统资源时的优先次序。

24、Connect tasks and containers in the For Loop container using precedence constraints. ─── 使用优先约束连接For循环容器中的任务和容器。

25、In the Accessibility group, select Show precedence constraint labels. ─── 在“辅助功能”组中,选中“显示优先约束标签”。

26、This takes precedence over the Implicit label of the left expression. ─── 它的优先级高于左表达式的隐式标签。

27、The Precedence Constraint Editor opens. ─── “优先约束编辑器”将打开。

28、In the event of any inconsistency, the limits of liability set out in below shall take precedence. ─── 如有任何差异,概以下列的责任限制为准。

29、The additional parentheses around the assignment are necessary because assignment has lower precedence than inequality. ─── 在赋值操作上加圆括号是必需的,因为赋值操作符的优先级低于不等操作符。

30、In the future, the claims of workers will take precedence only over unsecured creditors. ─── 以后对工人的诉求,将只会优先于无担保的债权人。

31、A senator takes precedence over a Representative. ─── 参议员的地位高于众议员。

32、When a module has more restricted access than one of its members, the specified module access level takes precedence. ─── 如果模块的访问级别在限制性上高于其一个成员的访问级别,则指定的模块访问级别将具有优先权。

33、The Trademark Office, of course, gives precedence to the person who files first. ─── 商标局对申请在先的自然予以优先。

34、For public folders, expiration dates take precedence over the length of time set by your administrator. ─── 对于公用文件夹,到期日期优先于管理员设置的期限。

35、The precedence constraint uses a constraint value, an expression, both, or either to determine whether the constrained executable runs. ─── 优先约束同时使用约束值和表达式,或者使用其中任一个来决定受约束的可执行文件是否运行。

36、They may be taken precedence in northern China. ─── 伊豆表现早熟、果实品质极上,适宜密植;

37、In DACLs, among the explicit ACEs, ACEs that deny access take precedence over ACEs that allow access. ─── 在DACL中,对于显式的ACE,拒绝访问的ACE优先于允许访问的ACE。

38、The following find-qualifiers occur at the same level of precedence. ─── 以下搜索修饰符同时出现时具有相同的优先级。

39、MFCCALC does not interpret parentheses and does not implement operator precedence. ─── MFCCALC不解释括号也不实现运算符优先级。

40、But revoking the granted permission at a higher scope does not take precedence. ─── 但是,在更高级别撤消已授予权限的操作并不优先。

41、Routes with mirror addresses have the highest precedence when choosing a route from among the initial set of matching routes. ─── 从初始匹配路由集中选择路由时,带有镜像地址的路由优先级最高。

42、Style block or style sheet, you can control the precedence of settings. ─── 块或样式表中的样式不同,可以控制主题设置的优先级。

43、The setting of the min memory per query option has precedence over the index create memory option. ─── min memory per query选项的设置优先于index create memory选项的设置。

44、Parentheses can be used to override this precedence in a search condition. ─── 不过,可以在搜索条件内使用括号来表示优于此优先顺序的运算符。

45、This is a dangerous precedence because you won’t know who is assaulting you,” he said. ─── 对于警官给予一个风马牛不相及的回应,欧阳捍华表示感到无奈。

46、High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs. ─── 优先级高的程序先于特定的后台作业执行。

47、The connector between two items represents a precedence constraint. ─── 两个项之间的连接器表示优先约束。

48、The following table shows the types of precedence constraints you can use in DTS. ─── 下表显示了可以在DTS中使用的优先约束的类型。

49、In British legend, a round table was designed so that all knights could sit equally without precedence. ─── 在英国的传说中,圆桌的设计是为了所有的武士坐的身份平等。

50、An important processing procedure in which top-priority processing most often results from real-time entries which usually have precedence, through the use of interrupts into lower-priority or background processing. ─── 一种重要的处理过程,其中最高优先权处理任务常常由具有优先度的实时任务形成,经过使用中断而进入较低优先权任务或后台处理任务。

51、If the host refuses, we are likely to choose a different restaurant where our desires take precedence over the host’s. ─── 如果餐馆服务员拒绝了我们的要求,我们可能就会选择别的餐馆,一家更尊重我们意愿的餐馆。

52、The longest-serving officer always takes precedence. ─── 任职时间最长的官员事事优先。

53、Before filling in the Trues (1's) and Falses (0's), we rank the Causes in the table according to "masking" precedence. ─── 在填入真(1)和假(0)之前,我们根据掩盖优先原则对表中的原因进行排列。

54、Precedence specifies how the operands are grouped.It says nothing about the order in which the operands are evaluated. ─── 优先级规定的是操作数的结合方式,但并没有说明操作数的计算顺序。

55、However, if the linked OR clauses take precedence over an AND clause, the AND clause is repeated for each OR clause. ─── 但是,如果链接的OR子句优先级高于AND子句,则每个OR子句都会重复AND子句。

56、The assertion that your right should take precedence over mine is unlikely to find favour with me if it is put in the form of a demand. ─── 如果你要求将你的权利摆在我的权利之前,我一定不会答应。

57、To give priority or precedence to(a creditor). ─── 优先偿付给予(债权人)优先权

58、In this case, local page settings take precedence over those defined in the theme when the setting is defined in both places. ─── 在这种情况下,本地页设置优先于主题中定义的设置(如果两个位置都定义了设置)。

59、A constraint that uses only the execution result of the precedence executable to determine whether the constrained executable runs. ─── 仅使用优先可执行文件的执行结果来决定受约束的可执行文件是否运行的约束。

60、Why does God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of light beings? ─── 为什么上帝给予黑暗势力优先的自由意志凌驾在光存有的自由意志之上?

61、After you create a default precedence constraint, you can modify the properties of the precedence constraint. ─── 创建默认优先约束后,即可修改优先约束的属性。

62、National defence must take precedence over all other questions. ─── 国防问题必须优先考虑。

63、Finding out one thing, though, took precedence over that cut: the nature of the barrier. ─── 不过比起这个伤口,卡森更在乎的是眼前这道该死的结界。

64、Do you give precedence as well to the one who files first for a patent? ─── 你们对首先申请专利的人也给予优先权吗?

65、The unborn baby 's "right to life" , enshrined in the constitution, did not take precedence over Miss D's right to travel, it suggested. ─── 判决表明,未出生婴儿的“生命权”固然受到宪法保护,但却不能凌驾于D小姐的出游权之上。

66、Skewness Preference, Risk Aversion, and the Precedence Relations on Stochastic Changes By: Chiu, W. Henry. ─── 偏态偏好、风险规避与随机变化优先关系。

67、Parameters set in this field take precedence over parameters set throughout the rest of this dialog. ─── 在该字段中设置的参数优先于在该对话框的其余部分中设置的参数。

68、If both the Key Scale and Keys properties are set, the value of Keys takes precedence. ─── 如果同时设置了“键范围”和“键”属性,则“键”的值优先。

69、The execution result of the precedence executable can be completion, success, or failure. ─── 优先可执行文件的执行结果可以为完成、成功或失败。

70、In that case, the theme is used to set properties that have no local settings, but explicit local settings take precedence. ─── 在这种情况下,主题用于设置没有本地设置的属性,但是显式本地设置优先。

71、When parsing expressions written in infix notation, you need parentheses and precedence rules to remove ambiguity. ─── 对以中缀表示法书写的表达式进行语法分析时,需要用括号和优先规则排除多义性。

72、Before the rules of diplomatic precedence were worked out in the early sixteenth century, rival ambassadors often fought for the most honourable seating position at a ceremony. ─── 在16世纪早期外交优先规则制定之前,敌对的大使经常在仪式上争夺最尊贵的座位。

73、If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the last column will take precedence. ─── 如果结果中的两个或以上的列具有相同字段名,最后一列将优先。

74、Completion requires only that the precedence executable has completed, without regard to outcome, in order for the constrained executable to run. ─── 完成仅要求优先可执行文件完成而不考虑结果,受约束的执行文件便可运行。

75、DON'T stay too long or allow it to take precedence over a meeting or a deadline. ─── 不要吃得太久或者将其优先次序排在会议或者某个期限之前。

76、Under such criteria, there is no doubt who should take precedence: the state does not have the right to educate children about sex. ─── 按照这样的权利标准,无疑政府没有权利去对儿童开展性教育。

77、Loyalty to the nation and country must take precedence over blood ties and loyalty to an individual or to a community. ─── 它要求对民族国家的忠诚战胜人伦的、地方的和血缘的忠诚。

78、In that case, the individual config file settings will take precedence over the shared config file. ─── 在那种情况,单独的配置文件设置将会优先于共享配置文件。

79、The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirements. ─── 公众的利益高于个人的利益.

80、The precedence constraint can use the following execution results alone or in combination with an expression. ─── 优先约束可以单独使用下列执行结果或将这些结果与表达式结合使用。

81、Quality of time takes precedence over quantity. ─── 与其拥有更多时间,不如提升时间的品质。

82、Loyalty to the nation and country must take precedence over blood ties and loyalty to an individual or to a community. ─── 它要求对民族国家的忠诚战胜人伦的、地方的和血缘的忠诚。

83、Here is how the "masking" precedence is achieved. ─── 下面论述什么是掩盖优先。

84、The arithmetic operators provided by NASM are listed here, in increasing order of precedence. ─── NASM的代数操作符列于下面,按优先权增加的顺序排列。

85、Last week a question of precedence arose at a sledging-party, and all our amusement was spoiled. ─── 上星期乘雪橇出游时就发生了一场争吵,真是扫兴。

86、If we give precedence to the idea, this is called free or sense-for-sense translation. ─── 如果我们以意义为主,这叫做意译或意对意翻译。

87、The guests were seated strictly in order of precedence. ─── 客人严格按照地位高低就座。

88、All existing supplies of helium ought to be conserved and released only by permit, with medical uses receiving precedence over other commercial or recreational demands. ─── 现有的所有氦供给应该被保存下来,并且只有在获得许可的情况下才能释放,医疗用途优先于其他商业或娱乐需求。

89、In general, local style rules take precedence over general style rules. ─── 一般而言,局部样式规则的优先级高于通用样式规则。

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