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08-15 投稿


dangled 发音

英:[?d??ɡld]  美:[?d??ɡld]

英:  美:

dangled 中文意思翻译




dangled 短语词组

1、dangled toddler ─── 摇 ─── 摇晃晃的幼儿

2、dangled cupcakke ─── 悬挂的杯子

3、dangled medical ─── 悬挂的医疗设备

4、dangled line ─── 悬垂线

5、dangled crossword ─── 悬空纵横字谜

6、dangled mean ─── 悬垂的意思

7、dangled def ─── 悬挂的def

8、dangled define ─── 悬挂的定义

dangled 词性/词形变化,dangled变形

动词过去式: dangled |形容词: dangly |动词第三人称单数: dangles |名词: dangler |动词现在分词: dangling |动词过去分词: dangled |

dangled 相似词语短语

1、dandled ─── v.摇逗(放在膝上的孩子);上下轻摇;宠溺,纵容

2、bangled ─── 手镯

3、danged ─── 危险的

4、angled ─── adj.成角的;有角的;v.使成角度(angle的过去式和过去分词)

5、cangled ─── 坎格里德

6、dangle ─── v.(使)摇晃地悬挂着;提着;炫示;用……来诱惑(或激励);n.(Dangle)(美、印、法)当格勒(人名)

7、dangles ─── v.摇晃地悬挂着(dangle的第三人称单数)

8、daggled ─── v.拖曳;拖脏

9、dangler ─── n.耳环;追逐女人的男人;吊着晃来晃去的东西;n.(Dangler)人名;(英)丹格勒

dangled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The rope dangled in the breeze. ─── 绳索在微风中悬荡。

2、His fingers bore several rings--one, the ever-enduring heavy seal--and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks. ─── 他手指上戴着好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不离身的。 从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂着兄弟会的秘密徽章。

3、The 2002 episode in which he briefly dangled his son Prince over a balcony in Berlin, above horrified, fascinated fans, seemed like a ritualized attempt to dispose of his own younger self. ─── 2002年发生一个插曲,他在柏林旅馆阳台上对著下面一群崇拜他的粉丝短暂悬晃他的儿子王子,众人大惊失色,这似乎有如某种仪式,企图摆脱他年少的自我。

4、HEAT Dangled Marion to Lakers, Bulls &Jazz? ─── 热火向湖人,公牛,爵士兜售马里昂???

5、But Petronas cannot match the salaries dangled by rivals, since it sticks to Malaysian pay scales. ─── 但是马来西亚国家石油公司的薪资并不能和竞争对手有竞争力的薪资相提并论,因为它坚持马来西亚的薪级。

6、ich dangled by a string from his belt; ─── 至于人,哪里都少不了人的。

7、The ornaments dangled from the tree; The light dropped from the ceiling. ─── 树上的装饰品不停地摇摆着;天花板下的灯一直在摇摆着。

8、His thin legs just dangled there , all but lifeless . ─── 他那两条孱弱的腿在裤管里打晃,了无生机。

9、His legs dangled over the side of the boat. ─── 他双腿悬垂在船舷外。

10、It's the biggest financial incentive ever dangled before British footballers. ─── 这是历来对英国足球运动员的最大经济诱惑。

11、I nodded. I wanted to cry. My bubbup dangled from Papa's long fingers, just out of reach. ─── 我点了点头。我想哭。我的奶嘴在爸爸长长的手指间,我刚好够不着。

12、The boy dangled a bone in front of the dog. ─── 那个男孩在狗前面晃动骨头。

13、"I think the Postal Service dangled that to defuse any pushback," Mr.Bevis said. ─── 布瑞斯先生说:"我认为邮电业只是以此作为幌子来缓和任何反对意见。

14、He dangled a trip to Paris to get her to work for him. ─── 他以巴黎之游吸引她为他工作。

15、The manager dangled in front of us the chance of a bigger salary. ─── 经理在我们面前炫示加薪的机会。

16、Huge earrings dangled from her ears. ─── 她的耳朵上吊着巨大的耳环。

17、His fingers bore several rings--one,the ever-enduring heavy seal--and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain,from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks. ─── 他手指上戴着好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不离身的。从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂着兄弟会的秘密徽章。

18、A new scarlet silk handkerchief with yellow dice dangled from his pocket like a flag on a still day. ─── 口袋外喧挂着一方簇新的猩红色的丝绸手帕,手帕上还带着黄色的方格,好象是风和日丽中的一面彩旗。

19、He has been dangled to the Lakers and Jazz, and more recently the Heat tried to work out something with the Bulls that would have brought them Ben Gordon and others. ─── 他之前就曾经被传出要交易到湖人和爵士的消息,但是现在,热火更有可能跟将马里昂送到公牛,换得本戈登或者其他球员。

20、He dangled the bone in front of the puppy. ─── 他晃动着骨头逗小狗。

21、A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling. ─── 天花板上孤零零地悬吊着一只灯泡。

22、Frank Lampard has warned his Chelsea team-mates not to rise to the bait dangled by jealous rivals desperate to undermine the Barclays Premiership champions. ─── 弗兰克兰帕德警戒他的切尔西队友们不要上了那些嫉妒的竞争者们企图瓦解切尔西的当。

23、Gold charms dangled from her bracelet. ─── 她的手镯上挂着许多金饰物。

24、His fleet included a tricked-out Cadillac El Dorado, as flashy as the cross that dangled around his neck on a gold rope chain. ─── 他的车阵中有一辆豪华的凯迪拉克“梦想宝藏”,炫人的还有脖子上那条纯金的十字架挂索。

25、He had a company directorship dangled in front of him. ─── 公司董事的职位对他颇有诱惑力。

26、Every Dec. 31 for the last decade, Bill Duggan has dangled $1,000 before any smoker working at his Adams Morgan bar and restaurant. ─── 过去10年,每逢12月31日,比尔.杜根都会在他经营的亚当摩根餐馆,向那里工作的烟枪们亮出千元大钞。

27、He dangled a bone in front of the dog. ─── 他晃动骨头逗狗。

28、cold meats, often cold woodchucks, and coffee in a stone bottle which dangled by a string from his belt;and sometimes he offered me a drink. ─── 他身穿一件肮脏的羊毛色大衣,头戴一顶扁平的灰色帽子,足登一双牛皮靴。

29、His hands dangled between his knees, and Dooku saw that they were shaking. ─── 他的双手在两膝间摇摆着,杜库看到他双手不住地颤抖着。

30、That was agreeable, so they chewed it turn about, and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment. ─── 谈好条件以后,他俩轮流嚼着口香糖,他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,高兴极了。

31、His sleeves were rolled over his fat forearms, and the two flaps of his unbuttoned vest dangled as he bent to bail out the boat. ─── 他把袖子捋过肥胖的前臂,当他俯身从船里往外舀水时,身上的马甲因为没有系上扣,两片襟子在荡来荡去。

32、A well-dressed Wall Street type, his coat was unbuttoned, a briefcase dangled from his hand and he'd obviously had one too many. ─── 那个人穿着时髦,敞着怀,一个手提箱在他的手里悬吊着,很明显他是多喝了一杯。

33、Jut xianb ax hneb hlat,njout lol sheit ax peax,dangl end ghab xongb nex yad yad lol doux ndeud xongb! ─── 新年头一天,上来发一贴,欢迎所有的苗族朋友们都来学习苗文!

34、Silvestre:So?It's normal that beautiful girls are dangled round.I suggest you to Change a target. ─── 西尔维斯特:所以呢?这很正常,美女早就有人追了,所以你只需要换一个人去追。

35、Stuffed behind. the packs was a tan vest with many pockets. Out of one pocket dangled a thin cord with a plunger on the end. ─── 在这些包包后面塞着一件有许多口袋的背心,从一只口袋中挂下一条一端有活塞的绳子。

36、Holding hands, they dangled their feet over the edge, rapt in beauty. ─── 他们手牵着手,坐在峡谷边缘,双腿荡悠着,陶醉于美景之中。

37、Bright prospects were dangled before him. ─── 光明的前景若隐若现地浮现在他眼前。

38、Or a carrot would have to be dangled from the point of his finger so that the horses (now in the loop) followed it. ─── 或者,它的手指上至少也得弄根可以挑弄拉车的马(现在是这马在回路中了)的胡萝卜,让马跟着他的手指的方向走。

39、An upside-down car dangled off the edge of a hollowed-out office building. A bicycle twisted among cables and metal scraps. ─── 一辆被掀翻的轿车在一座被掏空的办公楼的一侧摇摇晃晃,一辆自行车被电缆和金属碎片缠绕。

40、A new scarlet silk handkerchief with yellow dice dangled from his pocket like a flag on a still day. ─── 口袋外喧挂着一方簇新的猩红色的丝绸手帕,手帕上还带着黄色的方格,好象是风和日丽中的一面彩旗。

41、If you went through life refusing all the bait dangled before you, that would be no life at all. ─── 如果你拒绝所有摆吊在你面前的诱饵而度过一生,那就根本谈不上是生活了。

42、She dangled her car keys nervously as she spoke. ─── 她说话时紧张地晃动着她那串汽车钥匙。

43、Clutches should be dangled and chain handles should be twiddled around your fingers. ─── 还有,你应该将那种无带皮包的手链绕在手指上,让皮包挂在那里。

44、” He has dangled the carrot.It is up to the country to bite. ─── 他已经捧出了诱人的胡萝卜,现在该这个国家来咬一咬了。

45、The couple dangled their toes in the pond. ─── 那对情侣将脚趾摆荡在池塘里。

46、I dangled my fingers in the water, figuring it would be worth it. ─── 我用手指在水里划着,心想即使被鱼咬一口也值得。

47、High salaries offered by this company were dangled before us. ─── 这家公司的高薪聘请对我们颇有诱惑力。

48、The next day, two nooses dangled from the tree. ─── 第二天,那棵树上挂起了两条绞索绳套。

49、and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment. ─── 他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,高兴极了。

50、The plane's tail dangled(摇摆)near the 28th floor of the 42-story Bank of America building. ─── 机尾在42层的银行大楼的第28层震动摇摆。

51、His keys dangled from a chain. ─── 他的钥匙挂在钥匙串上。

52、You can use a plumb line (e. G. A key tied to a piece of string, dangled in front of the lens) to help you find the position accurately. ─── 您可以使用铅直线(比如系到绳上的一把钥匙,在镜头前晃来晃去),以帮助您精确地定位。

53、She dangled a toy in front of a baby. ─── 她把玩具在婴儿的面前摇动。

54、The prospect of promotion was dangled before him. ─── 晋升的希望在吸引着他.

55、He dangled before her a chance to study abroad to get her to marry him. ─── 他在她面前允诺可以给她提供到国外学习的机会,以此让她同他结婚。

56、In the third cycle she was dead.Lying in a hearse as big as a furniture van, she was surrounded by dead women.There are so many of them that the back door would not close and several legs dangled out. ─── 在第三个梦魇中,她已经死了.躺在一个像面包车一样大的类似家俱一样的灵车上,她的四周都是女死尸.死尸多的连后门的关不上了,甚至几条腿还在外面悬着.

57、If the poor Marionette had dangled there much longer, all hope would have been lost. ─── 如果这可怜的木偶在那里吊得再久一点,一切希望就都没有了。

58、4. I saw a number of amputation stumps from which long ligatures dangled, waiting to ripen in pus to drop off . ─── 我看见许多截肢端外面露出长的结扎线,等待化脓后再脱落。

59、Gold charms dangled from her bracelet. ─── 她的手镯上挂着许多金饰物。

60、Have you had a situation where money, power or similar means have been dangled before you as a temptation to refuse doing what is right before God? ─── 你是否曾面对过金钱、权力或其他的诱惑,令你背离上帝认为义的事情?

61、Kerr envisioned the state's public universities as “bait to be dangled in front of industry, with drawing power greater than low taxes or cheap labour. ─── 克尔预言说,国家的公立大学是“工业面前悬着的一块诱饵,比低税收和廉价劳动力更有号召力。”

62、Dangled upside down on a conveyor belt, ─── 把它们倒挂在传送带上,

63、Long, blackened pods dangled from carob trees.We tried chewing them for their chocolaty taste. ─── 角豆树上长长的黑色豆荚随风摆动,我们试着咀嚼了一下那些豆荚,为的是品尝它们那巧克力般的味道。

64、Ropes were dangled from the Japanese ships, as prisoners climbed up them they were then kicked back into water. ─── 甚至当英军战俘好不容易才爬上日船垂挂的绳索时,又被日军野蛮地踢了下去。

65、Tiles and glass lay smashed in the streets and concrete balconies dangled. ─── 因为混凝土建筑摇摆而碎落的瓦片和玻璃撒满街道。

66、A well-dressed Wall Street type, his coat was unbuttoned, a briefcase dangled from his hand and he'd obviously had one too many. ─── 那个人穿着时髦,敞着怀,一个手提箱在他的手里悬吊着,很明显他是多喝了一杯。

67、The dog's paw was still sore so he licked it some more while his tail dangled in the water. ─── 小狗的爪子仍然很痛,因此他把尾巴浸在水里的,一直在舔自己的爪子。

68、An old-young man with hair which dangled over his shoulders and the heaven-preoccupied gaze of some eighteenth-century abbe was sweeping out a discotheque at the corner of little Compton Street as Castle went by. ─── 卡斯尔走过小康普顿大街拐角时看到一个老成的青年,披散着头发,象个十八世纪的神父,正在聚精会神地打扫夜总会的舞

69、"That's up to management," Kidd said. "They dangled me out there last year. What happens, happens. That's just the business of basketball. We shall see." ─── “这取决于管理层,”基德说,“他们就这么悬着我过去一年。要咋咋地。不就是生意么。我就等着看好戏了。”

70、He dangled his watch in front of the baby ─── 他在婴儿面前摇晃著表.

71、Many of the higher rates are being dangled by cost-effective internet operations. ─── 许多较高的利率由于成本推动的网上操作而无法实施。

72、The little man's explanation enlightened Simon not one whit, but things had been happening fast enough to satisfy even his impatient nature. He nodded and dangled his feet some more. ─── “你吃饭的时候我已经把大部分的事情完成了,你看,可这儿还有一些事没有做,一些还没有完成的收尾。”

73、They dangled their legs. ─── 他们悬摆着脚。

74、The boss dangled a trip to New York in front of her to get her to work for him. ─── 老板以纽约之旅吸引她为他工作。

75、He dangled the ornaments from the Christmas tree. ─── 他摇晃着圣诞树上的装饰品。

76、He dangled his watch in front of the baby. ─── 他在婴儿面前摇晃著表。

77、Not far away rice paddy ear, because of full abundant solid kernel heavy pressure, but has dangled silently the head. ─── 不远处稻畦的穗子,因为饱满丰实的谷粒的重压而默默地垂下了头。树林的叶子枯黄,随着风飘摇于尘世间。...

78、I saw a rope being dangled. ─── 我曾看见一根绳索被挂了起来。

79、an eye-glass dangled over his closely buttoned-up waistcoat, and he carried a cane in his ungloved hand. ─── 眼镜摇摇晃晃地挂在密密地扣紧的背心上,不戴手套的手里拿着一根手杖。

80、She dangled a toy with a string before the baby. ─── 她把一个玩具用线拴起来吊在婴儿的面前。

81、As she bent down to prostrate, he noticed that her hair was indifferently dyed and that the parting in the middle widened into a bald patch over which a string of jasmine dangled loosely. ─── 当她弯下身子准备跪拜下来时,他注意到她的头发淡淡地染过,头发中央的分线处有一小块光秃的地方,头上扎着一串茉莉花,轻轻地摆晃着。

82、The leaves dangled in the wind. ─── 树叶随风摇摆。

83、Dangl mait diangd diub jid , ─── 等妹回家去,

84、The mother dangled a toy in front of the baby. ─── 母亲在婴儿面前晃动着玩具。

85、You can use a plumb line (e. G. A key tied to a piece of string, dangled in front of the lens) to help you find the position accurately. ─── 您可以使用铅直线(比如系到绳上的一把钥匙,在镜头前晃来晃去),以帮助您精确地定位。

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