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08-15 投稿


repartee 发音

英:[?repɑ?r?ti?]  美:[?repɑ??ti?]

英:  美:

repartee 中文意思翻译



repartee 短语词组

1、repartee means ─── 回答方式

2、repartee iris ─── 回复虹膜

3、repartee conversation ─── 回答对话

4、repartee define ─── 回答定义

5、witty repartee ─── 机智的回答

6、repartee fall apart ─── 回答失败

7、repartee definition ─── 应答定义

8、repartee humor ─── 机智幽默

9、repartee pro ─── 专业的回答

repartee 相似词语短语

1、departer ─── 离开的人

2、repasted ─── n.就餐,饮食;vi.就餐;设宴

3、departee ─── 离港

4、reported ─── adj.报告的;据报道的;v.报道;报告;记录;告发;公告(report的过去式和过去分词)

5、deportee ─── n.被驱逐出境者;被放逐者

6、repartees ─── n.机敏的应答;妙语;巧辩

7、reparked ─── 重新标记

8、departees ─── 离境者

9、departed ─── adj.已故的;过去的,以往的;n.死者;v.离去,去世(depart的过去式和过去分词)

repartee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、indulge in brilliant, witty, etc repartee ─── 热中于巧妙、 机智等的对答

2、His precocious repartee with President Nixon showed the world that this son of Mainland China was someone to watch. ─── 他少年老成地巧妙地与美国总统尼克松做应答,这显示了他这个中国内地的孩子是个值得瞩目的人物。

3、“framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee” (H.G. Wells). ─── “一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论”(H.G.威尔斯)。

4、She is good at repartee. ─── 她善于应对。

5、One-armed Tsai Shufan was quick-witted, excitable, and full of repartee and badinage ─── 独臂蔡树藩才华横溢,充满激情,妙语连珠。

6、James Boswell admired Samuel Johnson's power of repartee. ─── 詹姆斯·包斯威尔钦羡山姆尔·强森机敏的应答能力。

7、It is not the superficial witty repartee of the talk show host. ─── 它不是那种肤浅的脱口秀的小聪明。

8、The repartee flies back and forth across the dinner table. ─── 宴会上妙语连珠对答如流。

9、Clarke masterwork whose namesake year has come and gone with computers eliciting not invigorating repartee but muffled cursing from their users at the obtuseness of their behavior. ─── 哈儿那种电脑,不会引发令人精神奕奕的机敏应答,而是使用者的低声咒骂,因为人类不能了解它们的行为。好在2001年与哈儿都过去了。

10、scintillating repartee ─── 机敏的应答

11、One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee. ─── 富于机智的人说话风趣的人,尤指善于机敏应答的人

12、A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear. The contestants' brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one's intellect as well. ─── 欣赏一场精彩的辩论会,不单是一种听觉上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知识水平和分析能力。

13、Two of the biggest laughs I get in my performances come from my imitation of a bit of child repartee. ─── 在我的演出中,令人两次开怀的大笑是源于我模仿一点孩子们的机敏应答。

14、I am a very matter-of-fact, plain spoken being, and may blunder on the border of a repartee for half an hour together without striking it out ─── 我是个一是一,二是二,实话实说的人。想作个巧妙应答,即使搜索枯肠一连挤半个钟头也挤不出来。

15、What will happen with our iron oxide industry after joining WTO,advantages and disadvantages and measures at repartee to be taken. ─── 从国内氧化铁行业的现状谈起,对中国加入WTO后可能带来的利弊作了分析,并提出了下一步的应对措施和建议。

16、The repartee psychology the offices ─── 办公室心理学

17、” There’s obviously some kind of repartee going on between Jesus and this woman. ─── 耶稣和妇人之间的对话明显的有某种机巧。

18、one noted for this ability,especially one skilled in repartee ─── 才华出众的人,尤指善于机敏应答的人

19、The repartee flew back and forth across the dinner table. ─── 宴会上妙语连珠对答如流.

20、The repartee flies back and forth across the dinner table ─── 宴会上妙语连珠对答如流

21、He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee. ─── 他很机敏、思维敏捷并且能机智应答。

22、quick at repartee ─── 敏于应对

23、answer fluently; fluent repartee ─── 对答如流

24、The infruence to ethnic theory policy of China bringing from joining in WTO and the repartee measure ─── 加入WTO对中国民族理论政策的影响及应对措施

25、Meanwhile, the local society's repartee was weak, its existing space was increasingly narrowed, and it was at an unfavorable position in wrestling with state's interest. ─── 与此相对应的则是地方社会应对乏力,生存空间日渐缩小,在与国家的利益角力中日益处于不利和无奈的境地。

26、In the age of the TV sitcom, witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in the modern sense can mean something more like the dialogue from an American sitcom. ─── 在电视情景喜剧、纽约式的机智问答和即兴的单句俏皮话大行其道的时代,现代意义上的西方智慧更像是一出美国情景喜剧里对白之类的东西。

27、Skillful repartee, especially as a defense against having to give direct answers. ─── 雄辩巧妙机敏的应答,尤指作为反对必须直接回答的辩护

28、good at repartee ─── 善于应对

29、Humpback whale songs and repartee: communication in marine mammals ─── 驼背鲸的歌声与巧妙的应答:海洋哺乳动物的通讯

30、In the weeks that my husband, kids and I had been staying with my cousin while house-hunting, I had come to enjoy Ben's jovial repartee ─── 在找房子期间,我和丈夫、孩子们一直住在堂兄家里。

31、Retail trades in China: challenge for repartee of entering into WTO ─── 中国零售业:应对加入WTO的挑战

32、If the post-match repartee sparkled, it was more than could be said for the game itself. ─── 如果赛后能够妙语连珠,说的最多的还是比赛本身。

33、"framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee" (H. G. Wells). ─── “一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论”(H.G。威尔斯)。

34、The venerable Beijing Opera, Beijing repartee, tea-house, courtyard dwelling, Hutong, overpass, remains of ancient city wall, they all remind the long history of civilization. ─── 古色古香的京剧、相声、茶馆、胡同、四合院、天桥、残缺的古城墙让人感受到悠远的历史文化;

35、comic repartee ─── 相声

36、This diplomat possessed an excellent gift for repartee. ─── 这位外交官具有卓越的应对才能。

37、Neither of the authors can have ever felt the joy of having an e-mail partner at work: someone with one can engage in an endless ping-pong game of repartee. ─── 对于写作风格的问题,他们的一些严格规则与我自己的偏好不谋而合,但我仍不赞成,理由是,电邮应该和发送它们的人一样各不相同。

38、Their booth did not have so many customers as did the other booths where the tootling laugh of Maybelle Merriwether sounded and Fanny Elsing's giggles and the Whiting girls' repartee made merriment. ─── 这个摊位的顾客不如旁的摊位上多,因为人家那有里梅贝尔 - 梅里韦瑟的银笛般的欢笑,有范妮 - 埃尔辛的格格的笑声,有惠廷家姑娘们的灵敏的应答,能使顾客们感到高兴。

39、Sabes que puedes compartir un piso con otras personas y el alquiler se reparte entre todos. ─── 你知道你可以和其他人一起租一套房子,而租金可以大家一起分摊。

40、This type of performance was paralell to our Chinese "Peking repartee in monolog", but surely was more complicated. ─── 最后演完的时候,演员汗流浃背,真为他精彩表演和敬业精神喝彩。

41、She isn't quick at repartee. ─── 她跟人家对答并不怎么样机灵。

42、But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee. ─── 然而当简遇上了流里流气显然不是贵族的汤姆?勒弗罗伊,迅即在唇枪舌剑中擦出了火花。

43、Battle of wits, repartee ─── 舌剑唇枪

44、The repartee flew back and forth across the dinner table . ─── 服务员在收拾桌子, 提醒顾客该走了.

45、Indulge in brilliant,witty,etc repartee ─── 热中于巧妙、机智等的对答

46、For Americans, he's affable demeanor and witty repartee are a welcome antidote to the antics of the NBA's bad boys. ─── 对于美国人而言,他和蔼可亲的举止与机敏的谈吐是NBA坏小子们滑稽行为的解药。

47、Casablanca's Oscar-winning screenplay, penned by Julius Epstein, Philip Epstein and Howard Koch, offered up unmatched repartee and some of the most memorable lines in movie history. ─── 这一赢得奥斯卡奖的剧本由朱利叶斯-爱泼斯坦、菲利普-爱泼斯坦与霍华德-科克编写。该剧本为电影史贡献了无与伦比的机智妙语答复和一些最让人难以忘怀的言辞。

48、Peking repartee in monolog ─── 单口相声

49、Here are ten of history's best comebacks, retorts, repartee, insults, or whatever else you'd like to call them. ─── 下面是史上十大最佳的反驳,你说这些是机敏的回答也好,不动声色的侮辱也好,都可以。

50、He is proficient at repartee. ─── 他擅长于机敏应答。

51、framing comments.that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee(H.G.Wells. ─── 一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论威尔斯)。

52、He was acclaimed for his acerbic wit and repartee. ─── 他以自己尖刻的风趣和巧妙的应答迎来喝彩。

53、razor-sharp wit,repartee,criticism,etc ─── 极敏锐的智力、极巧妙的回答、极尖锐的批评.

54、To be quick at repartee ─── 捷于应对

55、The competitive drive of 1s can manifest as quick or cutting repartee to stay on top of conversations; ─── 1的竞争驱动可以表现为敏捷锐利的谈话;

56、He was a brilliant debater and his gift of repartee was celebrated ─── 他擅长辩论,以敏于应答著称。

57、I enjoy listening to their witty repartee. ─── 我很喜欢听他们妙语连珠的对答。

58、Repartee is what you wish you'd say. ─── 所谓妙语,就是你会说“我当时也那么讲就好了”的话。

59、His precocious repartee with President Nixon showed the world that this son of Mainland China was someone to watch. ─── 他少年老成地巧妙地与美国总统尼克松做应答,这显示了他这个中国内地的孩子是个值得瞩目的人物。

60、Repartee Measure of Deepening Peak Load Adjusting Work on Thermal Instrumentation Aspect to Thermal Power Units in West Inner Mongolia Power Grid ─── 蒙西电网火电机组深度调峰热工专业的应对措施

61、She was good at repartee. ─── 她善于机智地应答。

62、But when Jane meets the roguish and decidedly non-aristocratic Tom Lefroy, sparks soon fly along with the sharp repartee. ─── 然而当简遇上了流里流气显然不是贵族的汤姆·勒弗罗伊,迅即在唇枪舌剑中擦出了火花。

63、Repartee is what you wish you'd said. ─── 巧言对答是你希望你是这样说的。

64、Still taciturn, he could, when he wanted, engage in repartee which though neither fluent nor smart had the right twang to it. ─── 他还是不大爱说话,可是要张口的时候也勉强的要点俏皮,即使说得不圆满利落,好歹是那么股子劲儿。

65、He had spent a lot of time with Fan Po-wen just lately, and was acquiring the poet's fondness for repartee ─── 他近来常和范博文在一处,也学会了些俏皮话了。

66、Repartee of a Speech Being Held up ─── 应对讲话卡壳的妙法

67、Comparative study of repartee strategies for some university student athletes and professional athletes in Tianjin ─── 天津市部分大学生运动员和专业队运动员应对策略的比较研究

68、But you always get a smile and some witty repartee from him that provides an uplift. ─── 但柏利总是笑容可掬,妙语如珠,让你精神一振。”

69、The Source and Repartee of Psychology Pressure ─── 心理压力的来源与应对

70、light teasing repartee. ─── 有点戏弄人的机敏答复。

71、Of the entire round-table discussion, no topic seemed to stir as much interest and draw forth as much repartee as whether or not journalists should pay for the privilege of interviewing scholars. ─── 整个座谈会中,谈到记者采访学者是否应该付费,两造都兴致勃勃、妙语如珠。

72、In the age of the TV sitcom , witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in the modern sense can mean something more like the dialogue from an American sitcom. ─── 而在电视情景喜剧、诙谐的纽约式妙语对答和即兴单句俏皮话流行的时代,现代意义上的西方智慧似乎更像美国情景喜剧中的台词。

73、"framing comments . . . that would be sure to sting and yet leave no opening for repartee" (H.G. Wells). ─── “一定会刺伤人但又使反驳的机会消失的框架评论” (H.G.威尔斯)。

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