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08-15 投稿


symmetrical 发音

英:[s??metr?k(?)l]  美:[s??metr?k(?)l]

英:  美:

symmetrical 中文意思翻译



symmetrical 同义词

regular | symmetric | proportionate | orderly | proportioned | equal | harmonious | uniform | balanced | proportional | even

symmetrical 词性/词形变化,symmetrical变形

异体字: symmetric |副词: symmetrically |

symmetrical 短语词组

1、symmetrical avalanche rectifier ─── [电] 对称累积整流器

2、symmetrical alternating quantity ─── [电] 对称交变量

3、diffuse symmetrical scleroderma ─── [医] 弥漫对称性硬皮病, 硬皮病

4、bilaterally symmetrical ─── 两侧对称的

5、symmetrical band-pass filter ─── [电] 对称带通滤波器

6、silicon-symmetrical switch ─── [电] 硅对称开关

7、symmetrical deflection ─── [电] 对称偏转

8、symmetrical aerofoil ─── [机] 对称翼面

9、symmetrical diagram ─── [化] 对称图解

10、symmetrical clipper ─── [电] 对称截波器

11、mirror-symmetrical ─── [网络] 镜面对称

12、matched symmetrical transistor ─── [电] 匹配对称电晶体

13、symmetrical compound ─── [化] 对称化合物

14、symmetrical asphyxia ─── [医] 对称性窒息, 雷诺氏综合征

15、complementary symmetrical circuit ─── [计] 互补对称电路

16、diffuse symmetrical lipomatosis ─── [医] 对称性弥漫性脂肪过多症

17、radially symmetrical ─── 径向对称

18、symmetrical h attenuator ─── [电] 对称H型衰减器

19、symmetrical channel ─── [计] 对称信道

symmetrical 常用词组

symmetrical distribution ─── 对称分布,对称分配

symmetrical 反义词


symmetrical 相似词语短语

1、symmetral ─── 对称的

2、symmetrically ─── adv.对称地;平衡地;匀称地

3、asymmetrical ─── adj.非对称的;不匀称的,不对等的

4、asymmetrically ─── adv.不对称地(不平衡地)

5、symmetric ─── adj.对称的;匀称的

6、bisymmetrical ─── 双对称的

7、symmetrian ─── 对称的

8、axisymmetrical ─── adj.轴对称的

9、unsymmetrical ─── adj.非对称的;不匀称的;不调和的;不相等的(同asymmetrical)

symmetrical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At least one pair of holes symmetrical with the pipe axis as the center are arranged on the net pipe. ─── 所述的网管上可开设有以管轴为对称的至少一对孔洞。

2、Symmetrical dancers were rated more positively than non-symmetrical ones, especially by women. ─── 平衡性好的舞者比平衡性差的人得到的评价要高,尤其是女性更加青睐平衡性好的人。

3、They are bilateral symmetrical animals with a triploblastic body plan. ─── 它们是三胚层体制的两侧对称。

4、The A1423 offers high vibration immunity, by means of its larger hysteresis that establishes symmetrical switchpoints further from the zero-crossing. ─── A1423通过其较大的滞后来抗高振动,该滞后在远离过零点处建立对称开关点。

5、People's bodies are never quite symmetrical. ─── 人体绝不是完全对称的。

6、Symmetrical single microgap surge absorber. ─── 对称单微隙放电管。

7、I thought that the large-scale hadron collider promulgates the ultra symmetrical probability to be big. ─── 因此,它的发现可能需要进一步解释这种观点。

8、The best dancers have the most symmetrical bodies and a head start in being chosen as the most promising mate, according to new research. ─── 一项新的研究发现:顶级舞蹈选手身体和头部最为匀称,在激烈的竞争中,最有希望被选择为配偶。

9、As a visual modality of art,Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty. ─── 作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。

10、Chinese fancy knots are symmetrical and well balanced. ─── 中国结是对称的、非常平衡。

11、FIGURE 7. Typical symmetrical distribution of seborrheic dermatitis on the head (top), and on the body (bottom). ─── 图-7(头)皮屑和瘙痒-脂溢性皮炎在人体的头部、身体多发部位。

12、During the high LOD terrain,we render the fluctuant detail of terrain’s height using symmetrical mesh along view center. ─── 在高层次细节中,借助以视点为中心的均匀网格描述地形高度起伏的细节。

13、Can you get a perfectly symmetrical pattern if you put a mirror on the dotted line? ─── 如果在虚线上放一面镜子,你能得到一个完整的对称图案吗?

14、Symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP). ─── 对称多处理(SMP)。

15、Abdominal examination reveals diffuse tenderness greatest in the lower quadrants, which may or may not be symmetrical. ─── 反跳痛以及肠鸣音的减弱也比较常见。

16、two wings of the building are exactly symmetrical. ─── 这座大厦的两翼完全对称。

17、Of or relating to diatoms of the class Centrales, distinguished by their radially symmetrical form. ─── 中心类硅藻的中心类硅藻的或与之相关的,以其辐射状对称形态为特征

18、Unipolar induction is a special electromagnetic induction phenomenon which occurs when a cylindrical magnet rotates around its symmetrical axis. ─── 单极感应是轴对称磁体绕其对称轴转动时产生的一种特殊的电磁感应现象。

19、However,if you need symmetrical traffic,which you may need in a campus setting or with video conferencing,ADSL won't be satisfactory. ─── 但如果需要对称的信息流(在校园网或电视会议应用中需要这种对称信息流),ADSL就不能得到令人满意的结果。

20、The shape of outlet rearward should adopt the symmetrical spiral case. ─── 同时还发现了流道中旋涡产生的位置,分析了产生这些现象的原因。

21、The brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical halves, called hemispheres, one on the right and one on the left. ─── 大脑可分为大致对称的两半,称为半球,一个在左边,一个在右边。

22、The parties in a symbiosis don't have to be symmetrical or even at parity. ─── 共生关系中的各方行为不必对称或对等。

23、The implosion must be extremely symmetrical to be fully successful. ─── 内爆要完全成功,必须达到极度对称。

24、If these two bodies were isolated in deep space, their close encounters would be symmetrical in space and time. ─── 如果太空中只有这两个物体,它们的相遇在时间和空间中会是对称的。

25、A symmetrical body rotating about an axis, one point of which is fixed, is called a top. ─── 形状对称的一物体绕其轴转动,若轴上一点固定不动,则这个物体就叫做陀螺。

26、Formal balance Layout pattern that balances elements in exact centre to an imaginable vertical axis.Also called symmetrical balance. ─── 形式化文件设计图上的各单元格的跟随一虚设的垂直轴线分中放置。也称对称平衡。

27、Some optimum fitting methods for treating the measured lift data of the symmetrical cam profile are presented in the previous decades. ─── 已有的配气凸轮实测升程数据的优化拟合研究基本上都是针对对称型配气凸轮展开的。

28、Symmetrical conjoined twins usually have no birth anomalies except at the areas of fusion and can sometimes be separated by surgery. ─── 对称性连体双胞胎除了融合部位外,其余部位大体正常。有些病例可用外科手术成功地把他们分开。

29、For years, this sort of backhaul has mostly come from incumbent telcos offering expensive, symmetrical dedicated lines to the tower site. ─── 多年来,这种回程大多来自主导电信公司提供昂贵的,对称的专用线路的大楼上。

30、It also looks symmetrical in profile. ─── 在横剖面上它看起来也是对称的。

31、The two wings of the building are exactly symmetrical. ─── 大楼的两翼完全对称。

32、Develop more symmetrical decision support systems. ─── 发展更对称的决策系统。

33、To understand how NUMA works it's necessary to know how traditional symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) works. ─── 为了理解非均匀存储器存取结构(NUMA)是如何工作的,有必要了解传统的对称多处理(SMP)结构是如何工作的。

34、As a visual modality of art, Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty. ─── 作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。

35、SDSL is a symmetrical version of ADSL running at 384Kbps, which is the speed required for video telephone. ─── SDSL是对称型的ADSL,工作在384Kbps的速度上,这是可视电话所需的速度。

36、If the airplane has positive weathercock stability, and is truly symmetrical, then it will tend to fly in this condition. ─── 如果飞机确实是对称的,并且具有正的风标稳定性,则飞机将倾向于在此状态飞行。

37、She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles. ─── 她喜欢谈论对称和不对称的三角形。

38、In despite of my dead father, in despite of having been a child in one of the symmetrical gardens of Hai Feng, was I to die now? ─── 虽然我父亲已经去世,虽然我小时候在海丰一个对称的花园里待过,难道我现在也得死去?。

39、Only very healthy women would have been able to grow a large and symmetrical pair of breasts. ─── 只有非常健康的女人才可以长出一对丰满而又对称的乳房。

40、Only starboard is shown, portside and starboard are symmetrical except as shown. ─── 图示为右舷结构,除注明外,左右舷对称。

41、From content namely " advocate content " symmetrical. ─── 从物就是“主物”的对称。

42、Bilateral (symmetrical) form of shuttle of tibial middle bone adds crus thick, pith antrum narrow, high density spends a reflection. ─── 双侧(相称)小腿骨头中段骨质梭型增厚,髓腔变窄,高细蜜影.

43、This problem can be avoided by using three components which produce a skew symmetrical path curve. ─── 使用三块能产生反对称形路径曲线的元件,即可避免上述问题。

44、Symmetry Waveforms.Ideally, each human face is bilaterally symmetrical when viewed in either visual or IR imagery. ─── 对称波形技术在理想状况下,无论是可见光图像还是红外图像中每个人脸都是两侧对称的。

45、Under symmetrical hypotheses, the taxiing response parameter of BOEING707 has been calculated on one runway. ─── 在对称假设的前提下,计算了BOEING707飞机在某条 跑道上的滑行响应参数。

46、You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty. ─── 你开始发觉即使是线轴和钉子的重复运动也蕴含了一种对称美。

47、"It appears people who boogie better tend to be more symmetrical - which is something people look for in a mate. ─── "能随音乐翩翩起舞的人似乎身体的平衡性也较好,而这正是人们寻找另一半的标准之一.

48、On physical exam, she has multiple facial abrasions, periorbital ecchymosis, symmetrical breath sounds, and a slightly distended abdomen. ─── 体格检查发现,患者面部多处擦伤,眼眶周围瘀血,呼吸节律正常,腹部轻度膨隆。

49、The simultaneous cytokinesis in microspore mother cells leads to tetrahedral as well as isobilateral (bilaterally symmetrical) tetrads. ─── 小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体为四面体型,也有左右对称型的;

50、She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles. ─── 她喜欢谈论对称和纰谬称的三角形。

51、If a symmetrical matrix is positive definite, the determinants of all its minors are also positive. ─── 如果对称矩阵是为正定者,它的所有子式的行列式也都是正的。

52、Workers set up chairs on the stage in orderly and symmetrical rows. ─── 工作人员把舞台上的椅子摆成整齐且对称的几排。

53、Conventional algorithms are symmetrical and rely on the same key for encryption and decryption. ─── 常规算法是对称的,对于加密和解密都依赖于同一钥匙。

54、In this paper,we prove that maximal strategy and ESS are equivalent in ESS model which payoff matrix is symmetrical. ─── 主要证明了在由对称支付矩阵所决定的进化稳定策略模型中,极大策略与进化稳定策略是等价的.

55、Their symmetrical disparity vergence movements have reduced dynamics compared to healthy controls. ─── 他们转斜眼球运动与正常人相比之下呈现出较慢的动态。

56、IDEA is a symmetrical block cipher . End-to-end encryption based on IDEA is presented and analyzed. ─── 分析了基于分组密码算法IDEA设计的端-端加密系统。

57、Assignment: Create a water kettle or tea pot, using a rotational symmetrical shape as basis. ─── 任务:利用旋转对称形状的物体,制作成水壶或者茶罐子。

58、A tree or shrub that is trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall, often in a symmetrical pattern. ─── 墙树,树篱在平坦的平地靠着墙对称生长的树或灌木

59、Cohesion is essential for the symmetrical segregation of chromosomes during cell division(1). ─── 内聚力在细胞分裂时维持染色体种族隔离是必需的(1)。

60、In Europe the most common is the symmetrical raft steered with a paddle at the stern. ─── 在欧洲,最普遍的是用桨在尾部划动的对称筏。

61、By contrast, ISDN basic service provides symmetrical 128Kbps service within 18,000 feet of the central office. ─── 与之相反,ISDN的基本服务在距电话局的1.8万英尺范围内提供对称的128Kbps服务。

62、Incentives to participate in a network have to be symmetrical, for one thing. ─── 加入社交的网络应该是一个系统工程。

63、Based on the symmetrical feature of corneal surface, a 3D model for the 2D-image sequence registration was designed. ─── 在基于模型的配准中,利用角膜的对称性,设计了配准模型。

64、I was reminded of that question recently, thanks to a symmetrical bit of history from the archives of The New Yorker. ─── 多亏一份《纽约客》的历史档案,最近我又想起这个问题来。

65、A symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing. ─── 对称对某物件各部分所作的对称性配置

66、If the sun were a rigid body, its magnetic field might resemble the earth's, with symmetrical field lines like a bar magnet's. ─── 如果太阳是一颗固体星球,其磁场或许与地球磁场相似,像条状磁铁那样具有对称的磁力线。

67、Buildings were symmetrical in layout, diversified in form and magnificent in style. ─── 建筑布局对称,外形多样,风格宏伟。

68、A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry. ─── 半球体一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者

69、An axial symmetrical model is set up for the sealing structure of the bulkhead plate for a columniform dewar. ─── 建立了针对柱形真空杜瓦容器端盖密封结构的轴对称模型。

70、Microsoft chose to have symmetrical CPU's, have less of them, but you can program them all the same way. ─── 微软选择的是对称型CPU(并发线程型CPU),数量少,但是你能够编程让这些(CPU核心)同时运作。

71、Front Suspension - Longer, straighter and symmetrical suspension arms connect to a narrow front bulkhead. ─── 前悬架-更长的时间,直和对称的暂停武器连接到一个狭窄的前舱壁。

72、It often times repeats and it can be symmetrical in that sense. ─── 它经常重复并且感觉是对称的。

73、If snowflakes spin like tops when they fall, they can be perfectly symmetrical as they grow. ─── 如果雪花在降落的过程中象叶子一样自旋,他们可以随着体积的增大变的完全对称。

74、The fluid cavity should be smooth, continuous, and symmetrical to minimize fluid torque. ─── 为了减省液体力矩,液体腔应该是光滑的,连续的和对称的。

75、It doesn't seem fair-it isn't-but symmetrical men also make better lovers. ─── 似乎不太公平--的确是不公平--但身材匀称的男人也是比较好的情人。

76、Advocate content is " from content " symmetrical. ─── 主物是“从物”的对称。

77、If a vertical straight line is drawn in the centre of the design, the left and the right parts thereof are completely symmetrical. ─── 二、从图案正中垂直画一直线,其左右两部分,完全对称。

78、The major difference from the conventional SMPDP is that the symmetrical axis of the rear opening in each cell deviates from that of the front opening. ─── 在结构上,它与现有的荫罩式等离子体显示板(SMPDP)不同的是,荫罩上每个单元的后开口对称中心偏离其前开口对称中心。

79、For a symmetrical distribution of a group of numbers, these three measures of central tendency are all the same. ─── 对于对称分布的一组数来说,这三种趋中性计算方法是相同的。

80、A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice. ─── 匀称的脸型是一种健康暗示,不错的发型及挺拔的下巴和低沉的声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。

81、Because the core current is somewhat symmetrical around the axis of rotation, the associated magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet. ─── 因为地核流在旋转轴周围存在着一些对称,所以相关的磁场与棒磁铁的磁场相似。

82、The brain is divided into two roughly symmetrical hemispheres which appear to specialize in handling various tasks. ─── 大脑划分为两个大致对称的各司其职的半球。

83、You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty. ─── 你开始发觉即使是线轴和钉子的重复运动也蕴含了一种对称美。

84、The upper and lower retinas of the fovea were basically symmetrical. ─── 将所取视网膜厚度的裂隙像贮存于计算机内。

85、The stator clamps the rotor by a flexure hinge clamping structures in symmetrical directions. ─── 定子采用柔性铰链双侧对钳方式交替对动子起到钳位作用。

86、He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden. ─── 他为我们介绍了花园中对称的布局。

87、The plan of the ground floor is completely symmetrical. ─── 一楼的平面图是完全对称的。

88、Formal balance: Layout pattern that balances elements in exact centre to an imaginable vertical axis.Also called symmetrical balance. ─── 形式化文件:设计图上的各单元格的跟随一虚设的垂直轴线分中放置。也称对称平衡。

89、Only when two elements have the same symmetrical center lines or axes, can they be drawn half divided by center line. ─── 仅当两个要素具有公共对称中心线或轴线时,可以各画一半,并以中心线分界。

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