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08-15 投稿


bicentennial 发音

英:[?ba?sen?teni?l]  美:[?ba?sen?teni?l]

英:  美:

bicentennial 中文意思翻译




bicentennial 网络释义

n. 二百周年纪念adj. 二百周年的

bicentennial 短语词组

1、bicentennial quarters ─── 二百周年纪念区

2、bicentennial quarter value ─── 二百周年价值

3、bicentennial park ─── 两百周年公园

4、bicentennial man ─── 两百年人;机器管家; [电影]铁人浮生记

5、bicentennial definition ─── 二百年定义

6、bicentennial man 1999 ─── 二百周年纪念1999

7、Bicentennial Coordination Office 200 ─── 周年协调办公室

bicentennial 词性/词形变化,bicentennial变形


bicentennial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sydney 0900English study. 1230 BBQ lunch/closing ceremony at Bicentennial Park. Dinner at 1800. Enjoy entertainment programs in Sydney Opera House in the evening(optional). ─── 悉尼0900英语学习,1230BBQ于双世纪公园,学习结业典礼,学习和作文评比,颁奖。1800晚餐。晚上到歌剧院观赏文艺节目(自费)。

2、a bicentennial anniversary/celebration ─── 二百周年纪念活动庆典.

3、It is right that the memory of Washington be with us today, not only because this is our Bicentennial Inauguration, but because Washington remains the father of our country. ─── 我们今天怀念华盛顿是很合适的,不仅因为这是第一届总统就职的二百周年纪念,而且因为华盛顿一直是我们的国父。

4、We've never had such an outpouring of reminiscences, not even in 1989, when the bicentennial of the French Revolution was celebrated. ─── 即使是1989年法国大革命两百周年纪念之时,也不曾有过如此大规模的纪念活动。

5、The bicentennial of his birth was the occasion for academic bacchanalias on both sides of the Atlantic. ─── 他的诞辰二百周年已成为大西洋两岸的空前盛会。

6、Potter called authorities who found Stewart waiting on the edge of Lantana Bicentennial Park. ─── 波特报警后,警方赶到时发现斯图尔特坐在LantanaBicentennial公园的边上。

7、Days after celebrations honoring his bicentennial, Abraham Lincoln kept his rank as best US president, according to a survey of 65 historians that landed George W. Bush 36th out of 42 overall. ─── 在美国纪念已故前总统亚伯拉罕?林肯诞辰两百周年之际,一项对65位历史学家开展的调查显示,在美国历任42位总统中,林肯被认为是最出色的总统,而小布什则仅排在第36位。

8、Bicentennial Man: As the great Andrew Martin used to say, "One is glad to be of service. ─── " 喜欢Robin Williams的这种低成本电影,建议大家再去看看题材差不多的A.I.

9、The bicentennial of George Washington's birth was celebrated in 1932. ─── 1932年举行了乔治.华盛顿诞辰两百周年的庆典。

10、And it is the sesquicentennial of the book next year, along with the bicentennial of Darwin's birth, which will be more widely marked than the 1858 event. ─── 明年是这部著作出版150周年,同时也是达尔文诞生200周年,二百周年纪念将比1858年的事件更加引人注目。

11、From being "free" to having internal organs, Andrews quest for semblance in a changing world provides the main plot for "Bicentennial Man" . ─── 从渴望自由到获得器官,安德鲁为融入人类生活所作出的努力构成了该片的情节主线。

12、But his book will provide a valuable corrective to the more fanciful outpourings of Bolivarianism which can be expected in the bicentennial junketing. ─── 但他的书却给那些对“波利瓦拉主义”过于异想天开的描述提供了一个修正,这也是这场持续两百年的盛宴中很值得期待的事情。

13、If the hottest political question in this bicentennial week is “what would Lincoln do? ─── 如果在200年纪念周中,最热门的政治话题是“林肯会怎么做?”

14、Far North Bicentennial Park ─── 二百年

15、More than 60 Lincoln-themed books are being published to mark the bicentennial month, and Michael Burlingame's 1m-word biography is about to go online. ─── 超过60本以林肯为题的书籍付梓以纪念200周年诞辰。MichaelBurlingame百万字数的传记还将上网发行。

16、This year marks the bicentennial anniversary of the arrival of the first Chinese immigrant to Hawaii. ─── 今年是中国移民抵达夏威夷两百周年纪念。

17、They stopped using the red light and got rid of the go-go girls, and Miss Bicentennial took off. ─── 他们停止使用红灯,剔除了歌舞表演女孩,停止了双百年小姐的表演节目。

18、New York City Bicentennial Corporation; ─── 纽约市两百周年公司;

19、The Fourth of July was the most spectacular celebration since the Bicentennial. ─── 这一年的美国国庆是继美国建国以来最盛大的一次。

20、Bicentennial Coordination Office ─── 美国建国200周年纪念活动筹备办公室

21、From being "free" to having internal organs, Andrews quest for semblance in a changing world provides the main plot for "Bicentennial Man". ─── 从渴望自由到获得器官,安德鲁为融入人类生活所作出的努力构成了该片的情节主线。

22、Such is Lincoln's grip on the country that the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission estimates that 16,000 books have been written about him since 1865. ─── 这就是林肯对这个国家的影响,根据林肯两百年纪念委员会估计,自1865年起,描写林肯的书多达16000本。

23、American Bicentennial Administration ─── 美国成立二百周年纪念管理(机构)

24、He also celebrated the bicentennial of Catholic dioceses in Baltimore, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Louisville, Kentucky and the tradition of religious freedom in the United States, ─── 他也祝贺在巴尔的摩、波士顿、纽约、费城和路易威尔、肯塔基的天主教教区成立200周年,并说美国的宗教自由传统,

25、"For various reasons, the House and Senate, in their bicentennial year, have gotten off to an even slower start than usual." ─── 由于种种原因,众参两院在这两百周年里,一开始[议程进度]就比往常迟缓。

26、bicentennial watch ─── 二百周年纪念手表

27、It's hardly worth discussing Bicentennial Man's thematic content, since the light, feel-good s cript has effectively emasculated nearly every possible area of interest. ─── 现在没必要讨论这部影片的主题思想,因为轻快的,自我感觉良好的剧本已经扼杀了影片可以吸引人的方方面面。

28、The Australian bicentenary, Bicentennial, the commemoration of Australia's 200th anniversary. ─── 这些庆祝活动将持续一整年的时间。”

29、a time when millions of other American families were preparing to crowd into the Bicentennial shrines of the East. ─── 当时数百万美国家庭正准备拥向东部两百年大庆的圣地。

30、Australia last had two giant pandas in 1988, as China's gift for the Bicentennial celebrations. ─── 这两个家伙分别是1岁和2岁。将被出租给澳大利亚10年。

31、If that had been the case, this year, Haiti would be celebrating the bicentennial of its independence with fewer and lighter shackles. ─── 如果真是这样,今年海地庆祝独立二百周年时,它所戴着的枷锁一定会轻些,少些。

32、But it is a just and necessary cause that our generation, the bicentennial generation, can realistically assume. ─── 但这是我们这一代人(两百周年世代)在现实上可以承担之正义且必要的理想目标。

33、This year is the bicentennial celebration of Lincoln's birthday. ─── 今年是林肯诞辰200周年。

34、The quake hit Chile in the middle of a presidential transition and right smack at the start of our bicentennial celebration. ─── 地震爆发时,智利正处总统换届期,我们刚开始庆祝建国两百周年。

35、United States Armed Forces Bicentennial Band ─── 美国武装部队"纪念二百周年"乐队

36、The bicentennial of his birth this week has led to a renewed interest in all things Lincoln, but of course that’s not the only reason. ─── 本周是林肯诞辰两百周年的纪念,人们又开始对所有有关林肯的事情产生兴趣,但200岁生日当然不是人们追捧林肯的唯一原因。

37、Among McGovern's most recent awards are The James Smithsonian Bicentennial Medal from the Smithsonian Institution ─── 麦戈文近年获得了一系列殊荣,其中包括来自华盛顿的美国国立博物馆的“James Smithsonian二百周年奖章”

38、Fireworks explode around the Statue of Liberty during the American Bicentennial celebration on July 4, 1976. ─── 1976年7月4日,在庆祝美国独立两百周年的活动上,五彩焰火在自由女神像周围闪耀。

39、But he's never looked as good as he does on this 2009 Bicentennial Silver Dollar. ─── 但是他从来没有看上去像他那样好这2009拜森泰尼亚尔银元。

40、American Revolution Bicentennial Administration ─── 美国革命二百周年纪念行政处

41、As a result, all cancer initiatives funded by Federal dollars were channeled through a restructured National Cancer Institute and some predicted the conquest of cancer by the nation’s bicentennial. ─── 因此, 以联邦美元提供资金的全部癌症行动被透过一个改组的国家癌症研究所注入,一些预言二百周年国家对癌症的征服。

42、With a deft style and no small amount of swagger, Swanson, a member of the Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, has crafted pure narrative pleasure, sure to satisfy the casual reader and Civil War aficionado alike. ─── 作为“林肯二百周年纪念委员会”成员的斯旺森,通过娴熟的文风,颇为得意地精心创造出一种纯粹的阅读享受,想必会让一般读者和“美国内战”迷们都心满意足的。

43、Auer is currently recording the major works of Chopin, in honor of Chopin s Bicentennial year 2010. ─── 在录音方面,2010年适逢萧邦二百周年纪念,为了向一代经典钢琴大师萧邦致敬,奥尔近来积极录制萧邦的主要作品。

44、Days after celebrations honoring his bicentennial, Abraham Lincoln kept his rank as best US president, according to a survey of 65 historians that landed George W. ─── 吉米?卡特从上一次排名的第22位跌至第25位,而其他很多总统较之上次的排名都有所上升。

45、It has spent some $12m on a three-year-long bicentennial celebration, to promote stirring events and exhibitions across the country. ─── 海军花了约1200万美元进行这场为期三年的200周年庆祝,以在全国进行激动人心的庆祝活动并举行展览。

46、Yet the later, more material and genially circumstantial Emerson is not the one whose bicentennial we celebrate. ─── 但是,后来,一个更为具体、在各种情况下都很亲切的爱默生却不是我们要庆祝的二百周年的爱默生。

47、Bicentennial Park is part of Sydney Olympic Park and offers visitors recreation, nature-based tours, environmental education and outdoor event experiences. ─── 澳大利亚悉尼的建国两百周年纪念公园,现在为奥林匹克公园的一部分。

48、The citizens of the United States celebrate their country's bicentennial. ─── 1976年的今天,美国公民庆祝他们国家独立二百周年。

49、bicentennial celebrations ─── 200 周年庆典

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