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08-15 投稿


incidental 发音

英:[?ns?'dent(?)l]  美:['?ns?'d?ntl]

英:  美:

incidental 中文意思翻译



incidental 网络释义

adj. 附带的;偶然的;容易发生的n. 附带事件;偶然事件;杂项

incidental 同义词

occasional | consequent | secondary | ensuant | sequent | attendant | accidental | subsidiary | minor |adventitious | circumstantial | incident | resultant | contingent | supplementary | extraneous | concomitant | side | related | accompanying | nonessential | incidental expense

incidental 短语词组

1、incidental causal relationship ─── [法] 偶然因果关系

2、foreign exchange for incidental use ─── [法] 临时性外汇

3、incidental image ─── [医] 副像, 残像

4、incidental claim ─── [法] 附带请求

5、incidental cost ─── [经] 附带成本

6、incidental civil action ─── [法] 附带民事诉讼

7、incidental appeal ─── [法] 附带上诉

8、incidental expenses ─── [经] 杂费, 临时费

9、incidental drime ─── [法] 附带犯罪

10、incidental judgement ─── [法] 附带判决

11、incidental expense ─── 偶然费用

12、incidental color ─── [医] 后遗色(觉)

13、be incidental to ─── 伴随...的, 为...所易得的

14、incidental damage ─── [经] 附带赔偿损失, 杂项赔偿金

15、incidental charges ─── [经] 杂项支出, 杂费

16、incidental dissipation ─── [电] 内潜耗损

17、guarantee incidental to a contract ─── [经] 合同附带的保证

18、incidental losses ─── [经] 附带损失

19、incidental malaria ─── [医] 偶发疟

incidental 反义词


incidental 词性/词形变化,incidental变形


incidental 相似词语短语

1、Occidentals ─── 西方人

2、accidental ─── adj.意外的;偶然的;附属的;临时记号的;n.次要方面;非主要的特性;临时记号

3、Occidental ─── n.西方人,欧美人;adj.西方(国家)的;欧美的

4、incidentals ─── n.杂费(incidental的复数形式);附带事件

5、coincidental ─── adj.巧合的;符合的;暗合的;一致的

6、incidentally ─── adv.顺便;偶然地;附带地

7、incidents ─── 事件;事变;插曲(incident的复数)

8、accidentals ─── adj.意外的;偶然的;附属的;临时记号的;n.次要方面;非主要的特性;临时记号

9、incident ─── n.事件,事变;插曲;adj.[光]入射的;附带的;易发生的,伴随而来的

incidental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Also be careful to avoid incidental sharing of these keys. ─── 也应该注意避免不经意地共享这些密钥。

2、They held an inquiry into the incident. ─── 他们对这一事件展开调查。

3、Don't let the incident get you down too much. ─── 别让这事搅得你过於烦恼了。

4、There was, they felt, one very humorous incident on the way. ─── 出了一个他们认为十分有趣的小插曲。

5、The Mukden Incident of September 18 broke out. ─── 1931年9月18日,“九·一八”事变爆发。

6、A mere metion of the incident is a redrag to him. ─── 一提到那个意外事件,他就发火了。

7、He referred to an incident that occurred in 1980. ─── 他提到了1980年发生的一件事。

8、His account of the incident accords with yours. ─── 他对这个事件的描述与你的描述一致。

9、The incident is being talked about everywhere. ─── 人们到处在谈论这事故。

10、He amplified the whole course of the incident. ─── 他详述了事件的全过程。

11、A star is defined as the set of edges incident to a vertex. ─── 一个星形定义为关联于某个顶点的边的集合。

12、The tuition fee and incidental expenses will be debucted via the debt card from next semester. ─── 从第2个学期起,缴付学费、费将集中统一扣款。

13、She has only a vague idea of that incident. ─── 她对那件事只有模糊的印象。

14、She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. ─── 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪。

15、Certain discomforts are incidental to the joys of camping out. ─── 享受露营的快乐时,难免也会有些不便之处。

16、A verifiable account of the incident; verifiable sales data. ─── 事故的可证实的叙述; 可核实的销售数据

17、He is fully aware of the risks incident to the life of a racing driver. ─── 他完全了解伴随赛车生涯而来的风险。

18、This incident in his childhood is never again referred to. ─── 他小时候的这件事永远不再提了。

19、Fatigue is incidental to a journey [to traveling] in a strange land. ─── 在陌生的地方旅行,容易疲劳。

20、Incidental in use process cottony phenomenon. ─── 在使用过程中轻易发生起毛现象。

21、These risks are incidental to the work of a firefighter. ─── 这些风险是担任消防员不可避免的。

22、Ian witnessed the incident and he's been asked to write it up for the local paper. ─── 伊恩亲眼目睹了这一事件,结果他被要求为本地报纸写文章报道此事。

23、He said his government regretted the incident. ─── 他说,他的政府对这次事件感到遗憾。

24、They prefer to draw a veil over the whole incident. ─── 他们宁可把这整个事件隐瞒起来。

25、She denied all knowledge of the incident. ─── 她矢口否认知晓此事的任何情况。

26、The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses . ─── 公司每周给他一百英镑作为杂费。

27、I told her everything I knew about the incident. ─── 关于这件事,我告诉了她我所知道的一切。

28、Do you think the border incident will bring on a full-scale war? ─── 你认为这次边境事件会引起一场全面战争吗?

29、He made an impersonal comment on the incident. ─── 他对那一事件作了客观的评论。

30、Smaller tumor size was also found in the "incidental" group (5.17 vs. 8.72 cm). ─── 偶发性肾肿瘤比有症状的肾肿瘤小。

31、"The incidental expenses are so heavy," she confides to inquiring friends. ─── “杂七杂八的开销太大了。”她向问起的朋友们这样说道。

32、The tone of the Cabinet is veered by every incidental change of war. ─── 内阁因战况的偶然变化而改变意见。

33、Of no primary significance; incidental. ─── 不重要的;偶然的

34、The discovery was incidental to their main research. ─── 这一发现是他们主要研究中的附带收获。

35、He could remember every trivial incident in great detail. ─── 他能把每件小事的细节都记得很清楚。

36、He tried to work in the incident in his novel. ─── 他设法把这件事编到小说里去。

37、The incident confirmed him in (ie established more firmly) his dislike of dogs. ─── 出了这件事之後他就更加不喜欢狗了。

38、They hold an official inquiry into the incident. ─── 他们对这起事件做了正式的调查。

39、Her account of the incident cohered with his. ─── 关于这一事件, 她的报导和他的一致。

40、However, the incident was only the spark that set off the fire. ─── 但这个事件只不过是引起火灾的一个火星。

41、The fact that WLS turned out to be a gold mine for Korea's tourism industry is, I believe, incidental and unintentional. ─── WLS最终成为韩国旅游业金矿的事实,我相信是偶然的,不经意的。

42、In these, the hypertension is more or less incidental or of subordinate importance to the primary disease. ─── 在这些情况下,高血压在某种程度上都是偶然的,并且没有原发性疾病重要。

43、Your incidental remark has drawn my attention to that matter. ─── 你无意中说出的话引起了我对那件事情的注意。

44、One of the book's incidental pleasures is to remind the reader that there are worse weeds than those found in the garden. ─── 这本书附赠的乐趣之一就是让读者知道还有比长在花园里的杂草还要麻烦的草。

45、This has been borne out by the Hungarian incident. ─── 匈牙利事件就是证明。

46、If you want to be a writer, a serious writer, your focus has to be on writing as well as you can and all those other things are incidental. ─── 如果你想成为一个作家,一个严肃的作家,你的重心必须尽可能的放在写作上以及其它与写作相关的事情上。

47、His memory of the incident was somewhat indistinct. ─── 他有点记不清那次事件了。

48、Security was/were called to the incident. ─── 保安人员被叫到事发现场。

49、He relegated the incident to the back of his mind. ─── 他将这件事抛到了脑后。

50、The firm allows him a hundred pound a week for incidental expenses. ─── 公司每周给他100英镑作为杂费。

51、You don't have to write down every little incident in your life. ─── 你不必把生活中每一件事都记录下来。

52、They gave unlike accounts of the incident. ─── 他们对这事情的描述各不相同。

53、When axial loads are incidental and of small magnitude, the members are kept from sliding along the shaft by means of a set screw. ─── 当轴向负荷是偶然和小规模,成员不断从沿轴滑动螺杆的一套方法。

54、He said his government regretted the incident . ─── 他说,他的政府对这次事件感到遗憾。

55、She made no allusion to the incident. ─── 她没有提及那个事件。

56、An incidental reference or allusion. ─── 偶然的提及或暗示

57、He resolved never to tell anyone about the incident. ─── 他决定永远不跟任何人谈这件事。

58、He could not expunge the incident from his memory. ─── 他无法忘掉这件事.

59、Keep this money for incidental expenses on the way. ─── 你留着这点钱在路上零花吧!

60、She simply discounted the whole incident. ─── 她把这件事忘到脑后。

61、Their walking is incidental. ─── 他们很少步行。

62、The snags incidental to a changeover in upper management. ─── 在改变上层管理时产生的隐患

63、She gave the police a full account of the incident. ─── 她把事件向警方作了详细叙述。

64、Annular pancreas is often an incidental finding in adults on UGI, CT, MR, and ERCP examinations. ─── 环状胰腺常常是在行上消化道、CT、MR和ERCP检查时意外发现。

65、He played the part of contemptible scoundrel in the incident. ─── 他在这个事件中扮演了一个跳梁小丑的角色。

66、The sangs incidental to a changeover in upper management . ─── 在改变上层管理时产生的隐患.

67、You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job. ─── 你该知道做这项工作要承担额外责任。

68、Features that are neither free nor incidental are called base features. ─── 即非自由亦非附带的特性被称为基本特性。

69、A particularly meaningful incident or event. ─── 一个特定的事件或插曲。

70、The next few days passed without incident. ─── 以后的几天平平静静地过去了。

71、Thus, many incidental costs may be included in the cost assigned to a plant asset. ─── 因此,长期资产的成本可能包括很多附加成本。

72、He made a clear narration of the incident. ─── 他对事件作了清楚的解说。

73、Gastric papillary adenoma is rarely encountered and is usually an incidental finding in daily clinical practice. ─── 胃乳突状腺瘤很少见且在临床上常是偶然发现。

74、She gave an incomplete account of the incident. ─── 她对那个事件作了不完整的叙述。

75、You may be able to get help with incidental expenses(= small costs that you get in connection with sth). ─── 你可以付些钱找人帮忙。

76、You remember,of course,the Caroline incident? ─── 你是否还记得"卡罗琳事件"?

77、winner of our Editors' Choice distinction, utilizes a special system that's capable of separating incidental RF interference from targeted jamming attacks. ─── 我们的编辑选择的荣誉优胜者,利用了一种特殊的系统,能够将偶然的射频干扰从有针对性的干扰攻击中分离出来。

78、The snags incidental to a changeover in supper management . ─── 在改变上层管理时产生的隐患。

79、Reflecting onlya small fraction of incident light. ─── 反射入射光的仅一小部分的。

80、An unusual conjunction of circumstances led to the incident. ─── 各种情况的偶然巧合导致了这件事的发生。

81、A passing tourist snapped the incident. ─── 一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。

82、His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. ─── 他的不良行为只是个别事件。

83、Fatigue is incidental to a journey in a strange land. ─── 在陌生的地方旅行,容易疲劳。

84、An incidental action performed by an actor on the stage to fill a pause between lines or to provide interesting detail. ─── (演员的)动作演员在舞台上为了填补背台词间的停顿和提供有趣的细节所做的附加动作

85、Thus they created an incident known as the Boston Massacre. ─── 他们就这样制造了一次事件,称为波士顿惨案。

86、"There is scarcely any practice which is so corrupt as not to produce some incidental good" (Enoch Mellor). ─── “没有比连附带的好处都没有产生的行为更腐败的了” (伊内奇·梅洛)。

87、On our trip there will be incidental expenses. ─── 在我们旅途中会有临时的花费。

88、He told them in detail about the incident. ─── 他详细地把事情告诉他们。

89、All Risks mea WPA plus additional risks, or extraneous risks, risks not incidental to tra ort by sea. ─── 一切险就是水渍险加上附加险,附加险即不是由于海上运输本身的特性所带来的风险。


日语写作:贵方达日语假名:あなたたち日语读音:a na ta ta qi中文谐音:啊那他他期中文翻译:你们


(抬起; 仰着) hold (one's head) high; raise:

The horse perked up its head.那匹马精神抖擞地昂起头来。


- (振奋; 高涨) high; soaring:

Popular feeling ran high.群情激昂。




The transport of goods by air is very expensive.


The dress is too expensive for me to buy.


This set of mahogany furniture must be very expensive.


His black leather couch looks expensive.


Building materials are expensive.


The incidental expenses of cars in this city are expensive.


This set of crystal wine cups is very expensive.


Demand for these books is high, despite their high price.

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