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08-15 投稿


declining 发音

英:[ d?'kla?n]  美:[d??kla?n??]

英:  美:

declining 中文意思翻译



declining 网络释义

adj. 下滑的;衰退的;倾斜的v. 下降;衰退;婉谢(decline的ing形式)

declining 短语词组

1、declining growth ─── 增长下降

2、depreciation declining balance method ─── [经] 定率递减折旧法

3、depreciation-double-declining balance method ─── [经] 建筑期内折旧法

4、declining balance method ─── [经] 余额递减法

5、declining trend ─── 下降趋势

6、declining-rate filter ─── 下降率过滤器

7、declining years n. ─── 老年,垂暮之年

8、declining-unit-use charge method ─── [经] 递减单位费用方法, 单位使用递减出帐法

9、coupled with a declining birth ─── 再加上出生率下降

10、declining balance depreciation ─── [财]余额递减法

11、declining curve ─── 下降曲线

12、declining balance method of depreciation ─── [经] 余额递减折旧法

13、double-declining-balance depreciation ─── [经] 双信余额递减折旧法

14、declining balance account ─── 余额递减账户

15、declining price ─── [经] 下跌中的价格

16、declining-balance depreciation ─── 退货-称重平衡

17、declining industry ─── 衰落的工业

18、declining average variable cost ─── 平均变动成本下降

19、double-declining balance method ─── [经] 加倍余额递减法

declining 同义词

ebb | deny | droop | relaxation | run down | wane | correct | turn down | declension | regression | descend | lower | downslope | abstain | rust | fade | wrinkle | go down | deteriorate | decrease | fail | reduction | dwindle | descent | slope | reject | depression | falling-off | hill | loosen | deterioration | declivity | sink | slant | repel | degenerate | weaken | falloff | downfall | lessen | diminution | fall | run | pass up | slump |refuse | declination | lapse | subside | repudiate | degeneration | decay | languish | down | spurn | afternoon | worsen

declining 反义词

improvement | accept

declining 词性/词形变化,declining变形

动词过去式: declined |形容词: declinable |动词现在分词: declining |名词: decliner |动词过去分词: declined |动词第三人称单数: declines |

declining 相似词语短语

1、declaiming ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

2、declawing ─── 去爪术

3、de-mining ─── 排雷

4、undeclining ─── 不倾斜

5、declaring ─── n.宣告行为,说明;v.说明(declare的现在分词形式)

6、reclining ─── adj.倾斜的;n.倾斜;v.斜倚;向后倚靠(recline的现在分词)

7、decerning ─── v.宣判;辨别(等于discern)

8、declinant ─── 下降

9、-clining ─── 倾斜

declining 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After a flush, the floating ball sinks with the declining water level, pulling open the water valve with its metal arm. ─── 在冲水之后,浮球会随着水位的降低而下沉,并利用其金属臂拉开水阀。

2、Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind. But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide. ─── 菲利普亲王因为拒绝各种赞扬而出名。但是,他是一个坚定的支持者和向导。

3、Poverty is rising and median household incomes are, in real terms, declining. ─── 在美国,贫困人口正在增多,并且中等家庭的收入实际上正在减少。

4、Declining woodiness structure housetop, declining berth, give a person the appreciate that has no before and pleasure. ─── 倾斜的木质结构屋顶,倾斜的睡床,给人以前所未有的体味与乐趣。

5、The census revealed a declining birth rate. ─── 人口普查结果表明出生率在下降。

6、The government was accused of propping up declining industries. ─── 人们指责政府贴补日趋衰落的产业。

7、Classmate Rob Tyson blames Australia's geographical isolation for declining interest in foreign languages. ─── 同学鲍勃·泰森批评澳大利亚的地理隔膜降低了对外语的兴趣。

8、He said he could not afford to pay all his workers because of declining orders. ─── 他表示由于订单下降,他不可能支付所有工人的工资。

9、Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy. ─── 一般认为《斜阳》中的母亲是没落贵族的全权代表。

10、Joe's hearing started declining almost the moment he was born. ─── 乔的听觉几乎从他一出生就开始减退了。

11、In section 6 we analyze fundamental reason for the declining growth in China, financial disintermediation. ─── 在第六部分,我们分析了中国经济增长放缓,金融脱媒的基础原因。

12、Clements'system has otherwise been of declining influence in the United States in the last two decades. ─── 另一方面近二十年在美国克莱门特的系统已日趋衰微。

13、He spent his declining years in the country. ─── 他在乡间度过晚年。

14、Public morals are declining day by day. ─── 世风日下。

15、Stopping study is the start of caducity and declining. ─── 停止学习意味着衰老、衰落的开始。

16、But overall the percentage of parents who spank has been steadily declining. ─── 不过总的来说,体罚小孩的家长还是越来越少了。

17、At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining. ─── 与此同时,世界人均耕地正在减少。

18、The retail price was down by 1.9%; the declining rate was 0.9 percentage points lower over that in the last quarter. ─── 商品零售价格下降1.9%,降幅比去年第四季度缩小0.9个百分点。

19、His health was declining in after years. ─── 在以後的岁月,他的健康不断衰退。

20、He was always declining their invitations on grounds of ill health. ─── 他常以身体不适为由,拒绝他们的邀请。

21、In the interval he had written to the Nobel Committee declining the award. ─── 在这期间,他曾写信给诺贝尔委员会拒受奖金。

22、The population of tigers in the world has been declining. ─── 世界上的老虎数量不断减少。

23、The more recent down turn in home sales, he added, is "a temporary problem" that should reverse itself once declining interest rates take hold. ─── 他又说,最近房屋售出率下降是“暂时问题”, 一旦利率持续下降,应会自动回升。

24、WHO says declining air quality worsens illnesses and deaths from asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. ─── 世界卫生组织说,空气质量下降能使哮喘、心脏病和肺癌病人病情加重,导致死亡。

25、Other large carnivores such as the spotted hyena face similar pressures, yet are not declining. ─── 其他的大型食肉动物,如带斑点的袋狼也面临着类似的压力,但数量并没有下降。

26、The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales. ─── 樵夫们说他们的工作因不断下降的木材销售而面临消亡。

27、A descending triangle has a flat lower boundary and a declining upper boundary. ─── 下跌三角形有一条水平的下边,还有一条下跌的边。

28、The savings deposit rate followed a similar downtrend, declining from 4.75 per cent to around 0.2 per cent. ─── 储蓄存款利率亦跟随同样的下跌走势,由4.75厘下跌至0.2厘左右。

29、It is not always possible for a working-man with a large family to put something aside for his declining years. ─── 一个要负担一大家子生活的人,通常要为自己的晚年积攒些钱也是很难的。

30、No medical certificate would compensate for a declining sales graph. ─── 任何医疗证明都不能使下降的销售指数得到报偿。

31、A declining Christian must needs be a doubting Christian. ─── 一位灵命衰弱的基督徒一定也是位怀疑的基督徒。

32、She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty. ─── 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。

33、It is encouraging to read that illiteracy is declining. ─── 从读报中了解文盲情况正在好转,这是令人鼓舞的。

34、After first politely declining, he eventually took a seat in the front row. ─── 他辞让了一番, 才在前排就座。

35、So oil firms must work doubly hard to replace declining fields and to increase output. ─── 因此,各石油企业必须努力取代日益老化的油田并且提高产量。

36、Clinical manifestations of the eyeball can be pain, congestive, photophobia, and tears with declining eyesight. ─── 临床可表现为眼球疼痛、充血、畏光、流泪伴视力下降等。

37、The declining standard of language is a common phenomenon bemoaned by cultural elites in many countries. ─── 在许多国家,文化精英都在感叹语文水准低落的现象。

38、We are likely to reverse the declining fertility rate only if people adopt a new and responsible attitude towards marriage and procreation. ─── 只有思想观念得以改变,明白身为人类一员所应承担的责任时,生育率回弹才能成为一种可能。

39、His declining health added weight to speculation that the king would soon abdicate. ─── 国王日益恶化的健康状况加强了人们对他即将退位的猜测。

40、He refused to acquaint me with his reasons for declining my offer. ─── 他拒绝让我知道谢绝我提议的理由。

41、"Public morals are declining day by day." Such is the correct exposure of the dark side of our society. ─── “公共道德日渐堕落。”这就是对我们社会阴暗面的准确揭露。

42、Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture. ─── 先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化。

43、Selling futures contracts to protect against possible declining prices of commodities that will be sold in the future. ─── 商品价格未来可能走低,为了减小损失而卖出期货合同。

44、In this early spring or late winter are declining, I pick the flowers slightly damp snow up on stationery. ─── 在这初春或者说是没落的晚冬里,我拾了朵微湿的雪花,放在信纸上。

45、English: The market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance. ─── 中文:市场在萎缩,我们建议你方马上接受。

46、Declining malls are the latest trend. ─── 大型购物中心的衰落是最新的趋势。

47、The root cause of the crisis is poverty and declining social services. ─── 危机根源所在。

48、A. The sun was sinking in the west. B. The sun was declining in the west. ─── 太阳在西沉。

49、C. fairylakea was stable, but the genet population was in declining. ─── 图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;

50、Demographers say a rate of 2.1 is needed to keep a population from declining. ─── 人口统计学家指出,生育率必须达到2.1,才能防止人口减少。

51、Where declining costs do not exist, the presence of state enterprise is controversial. ─── 在不存在成本递减的地方,对国营企业的存在是有争论的。

52、He said he would join me sled-length in declining to yield. ─── 他说他将兴我全力合作拒绝让步。

53、He said he would join me sled-length in declining to yield. ─── 他说他将与我全力合作拒绝让步。

54、Is the Traditional Culture in Declining? ─── 中国传统文化会消失吗?

55、Nonetheless, very few managers look forward to dealing with "messy" declining performance situations. ─── 不管怎么说,很少有经理希望去处理工作每况愈下的“混乱”局面。

56、Experts have detected signs that the economy is declining. ─── 专家们已经察觉出经济在衰退中的征兆。

57、By "bullish" we mean stock prices are rising while by "bearish" we mean stock prices are declining. ─── "牛" 指的是股价正在上升,而"熊" 指的是股价正在下跌。

58、He had to spend his declining years in prison. ─── 他只能在监狱了此残年。

59、The nub of the matter is that business is declining. ─── 事情的实质是工商业在萎缩。

60、He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining numbers. ─── 他指的是该国生存的这种斑纹动物的数量正在锐减。

61、The declining literacy of our society has been a major concern of educators for a while now, and yet things are not getting better. ─── 有一段时间,全社会不断下降的文化水平成为教育家们的一大忧虑,然而现在情况仍没有任何好转。

62、Declining GDP would not, in itself, be much of a worry, provided that output per person continued to rise. ─── 如果人均产量持续增长,那么国民生产总值的下降本身并不太值得担忧。

63、There is an undeniable fact that the number of animals is declining faster than everbefore. ─── 动物的数量在迅速减少。

64、At the right edge of the chart XOM is declining, confirmed by the falling EMA. ─── 在本图的右边,埃克森在跌,下跌的均线确认了这点。

65、A market in which prices are declining. ─── 一个价格趋势正在下滑的市场。

66、Aquino remained a beloved figure in her declining years. ─── 她推翻独裁者并且把民主带到了菲律宾,这是在菲律宾现代史上光辉的一笔。

67、Otherwise their investment may be faced with declining values. ─── 否则,这些投资者将面临着投资的股票贬值的风险。

68、The declining securities market yesterday bottomed out and began to rise. ─── 一直衰退的证券市场昨天股票价格下跌到最低点后开始回升了。

69、Doubling declining balance is a form of Accelerated Depreciation. ─── 双倍余额递减法是加速折旧法中的一种.

70、Where can we find two better hemispheres without sharp north, without declining west? ─── 哪儿能找到两个更好的半球?没有严酷的北,没有下沉的西?

71、She was resolute in declining to visit any family beyond the distance of a walk. ─── 她坚决不去访问任何步行所不能及的家庭。

72、Even in her declining years, whenever she would speak of it, her eyes would light up. ─── 即使在她风烛残年之际,每当谈起马驹儿,她都会眼里放光。有光泽的皮毛,光亮的鬃毛。

73、Since then,the level had stabilised and was now declining,albeit slowly,Dr Fraser said. ─── 佛瑞斯博士说,直到2000年以后,氯气含量才停止增加并呈现缓慢下降的趋势。

74、Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets. ─── 与有形长期资产一样,无形资产的价值在资产生命期中不断递减。

75、"Is he accepting on declining? I need to know,"she complained to her husband. ─── “我得知道他是接受还是谢绝了邀请。”她对丈夫抱怨道。

76、But these viewing figures belie the country's declining interest in the sport. ─── 但是这些个看身材掩饰国家运动的倾斜兴趣。

77、Mother Plutarque, whose health was declining, was ill and in bed. ─── 体力日渐衰退的普卢塔克妈妈正病倒在床上。

78、The North Sea, the Baltic and Celtic-Biscay shelf fisheries are all still declining. ─── 北海、波罗的海以及凯尔特-比斯开大陆架的渔场仍然在走下坡路。

79、But the CEP singles out declining belief in class conflict as the most important factor. ─── 但经济表现中心(CEP)的分析认为,对于阶级冲突的信念的下降是单一的最大因素。

80、The number of IIs arrested for crimes was also declining. ─── 因犯罪而被捕的非法入境者数目也持续下降。

81、After declining the post of secretary of state, he took the role of advisor to the President. ─── 他谢绝国务卿职务后,担任了总统顾问。

82、position of the Church had been declining since the late eighteenth century. ─── 自18世纪晚期以来,教堂的世俗地位一直在下降。

83、During a period of deflation or declining prices, the effect described above is reversed. ─── 在通货紧缩或物价下跌时期,结果与上述相反。

84、Official statistics show real wages declining by 24%. ─── 官方统计数据表明实际工资水平下降了24%。

85、A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter. ─── 不断走低的美元拉低了上一个季度的出口数据。

86、Declining requests from others in an arrogant manner. ─── 以傲慢的态度拒绝他人的要求。

87、The deformation strength is declining eastward and seaward. ─── 变形强度总体趋势由西而东,由陆向海减弱。

88、The commercial property market is declining. ─── 商业性房地产市场正在下跌。

89、How did he "escape" from an inexorably declining business into a completely new field? ─── 他如何“逃离”那个无情地在下滑的行业进入一个全新的领域呢?

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