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08-15 投稿


fringed 发音

英:[fr?nd?d]  美:[fr?nd?d]

英:  美:

fringed 中文意思翻译



fringed 短语词组

1、fringed grass of Parnassus ─── [网络] 帕纳苏斯边缘草

2、fringed pink ─── 巨麦草; 瞿麦

3、purple-fringed orchid ─── [网络] 紫色兰花

4、prairie white-fringed orchis ─── [网络] 草原白纹兰花

5、white fringed orchis ─── 白玉凤花

6、prairie white-fringed orchid ─── [网络] 草原白纹兰花

7、white fringed orchid ─── [网络] 白色流苏兰花

8、fringed-micelle model ─── [化] 缨状微束模型

9、green fringed orchis ─── [网络] 绿色边缘的兰花

10、ragged-fringed orchid ─── [网络] 破烂的兰花

11、fringed polygala ─── [植物]少叶远志(Polygala paucifolia, 生长于北美东部森林中) ─── [亦称作 flowering wintergreen, gaywings]

12、fringed poppy mallow ─── [网络] 流苏罂粟

13、purple-fringed orchis ─── [网络] 紫色的兰花

14、fringed loosestrife ─── [网络] 边缘的狂喜

15、fringed orchis ─── [网络] 边缘的兰花

16、fringed orchid ─── [网络] 流苏兰花

17、fringed tapeworm ─── [医] 放射状ъ体绦虫

18、fringed gentian ─── [植物]?裂龙胆

19、fringed gecko ─── [网络] 边缘的壁虎

fringed 常用词组

fringe pattern ─── 条纹图形,干涉图样

interference fringe ─── [电]干涉条纹

fringe area ─── 电视接收边缘区;边缘地区;干扰区域

fringed 词性/词形变化,fringed变形

过去式:fringed 过去分词:fringed 原型:fringe

fringed 相似词语短语

1、fringes ─── n.条纹(fringe的复数);边缘;云图条纹

2、-fringed ─── adj.具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的

3、ringed ─── adj.环状的;戴戒指的;有环的;被包围的;v.围绕;圈出(ring的过去分词)

4、fringe ─── n.边缘;穗;刘海;adj.边缘的;附加的;vt.加穗于

5、cringed ─── 畏缩(cringed是cringe的过去式);感到难堪(cringed是cringe的过去式);卑躬屈膝(cringed是cringe的过去式)

6、befringed ─── vt.给…饰边

7、-ringed ─── adj.环状的;戴戒指的;有环的;被包围的;v.围绕;圈出(ring的过去分词)

8、frigged ─── v.与……发生性行为;手淫;n.性交;冰箱(非正式,相当于fridge);int.(粗话)他妈的(表示极端的愤怒或蔑视等)

9、wringed ─── vt.拧;绞;紧握;使痛苦;折磨;vi.蠕动;扭动;感到痛苦;感到苦恼;n.拧;绞;挤;扭动

fringed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fringed iris rhizome ─── 扁竹根

2、Su Su: Sense of the big wave of messy long hair fringed with long, everything is attractive. ─── 凌乱感大波浪长卷发搭配长长的流苏,一切都很诱人。

3、large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers ─── 一种大的、非常漂亮的地中海地区的品种,具有不育花,呈浅蓝色,具穗的花冠,生在分支的茎上,成松散的簇状

4、Semidouble dark burgundy-purple/white fringed edge. ─── 半重瓣深紫红到深紫色,白色折边花。

5、Single pale pink star/red eye, wide white fringed edge. Dark green, quilted. Large. ─── 单瓣的淡粉红色星形花,红眼,白色宽蕾丝边。深绿色叶,叶脉向上气状突起。大型。

6、Nevertheless the present specimen, with his narrow hay-coloured wings, fringed with a tassel of the same colour, seemed to be content with life. ─── 尽管如此,眼前这东西,却看似怡然自得。只见它翼窄,色呈灰黄,带一抹同是灰黄的流苏。

7、fringed brome ─── 冰箱

8、large beautiful Mediterranean species having sterile bluish-violet flowers with fringed corollas forming a tuft above the fertile flowers. ─── 一种大的、非常漂亮的地中海地区的品种,具有不育花,呈浅蓝色,具穗的花冠,生在分支的茎上,成松散的簇状。

9、North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers ─── 北美洲产的一种紫穗玉凤花,具有香味,有紫色流苏的花

10、fringed selvage ─── 加穗饰边

11、fringed pink ─── 巨麦草

12、fringed tapeworm ─── [医] 放射状ъ体绦虫

13、fring area ─── [法] 射击区

14、To make it exciting, buy a pair of jeans with a fringed hem or a simple leather belt. ─── 如果想加点街头时尚的味道,可以买一条有穗边或配有简单皮带的裤子。

15、The fringed drawstring adds a strong power into fantasy, so that handbag has a special charm. ─── 倒是成全了那若有若无的虚幻,那穿梭其中的流苏颈带像是要为虚幻的注入一抹刚劲的力量,使手袋别有一翻韵味。

16、small blue-flowered fringed gentian of Sierra Nevada mountains. ─── 内华达山脉的一种小形、有流苏的、蓝色花。

17、An oak tree(Quercus macrocarpa) of eastern North America, having pinnately lobed leaves, acorns enclosed within a deep fringed cup, and hard, durable wood. ─── 大果栎:产于北美东部的一种栎树(大果栎栎属),具羽状圆形叶片和被深穗杯包裹的槲果和坚硬耐久的木质

18、Single white/purple-red fringed edge. ─── 单瓣花,白色镶深紫红色须边。

19、Perfect shows with fringed laces decoration are the highlights of this handbag. Since the distinguished bag design, there is no need to worry about the security of your things. ─── 完美展现,流苏点缀,是此款手袋整体的亮点,考虑到包身的别样所以没有必要担心包内东西的安全性。内有隔层的设计便于更多用品的收纳。

20、Rare and endangered plants like the white-fringed orchid and a pale vetchling suddenly sprouted on their own. ─── 稀有而濒临灭绝的植物如白蝴蝶兰花和浅色连理草也突然自己冒了出来。

21、To make it exciting, buy a pair of jeans with a fringed hem or a simple leather belt. ─── 如果想加点街头时尚的味道,可以买一条有穗边或配有简单皮带的裤子。

22、slender fringed orchid of eastern North America having white flowers ─── 北美东部一种纤细的流苏状兰花,花白色

23、The wig came from Paris and so did the rest of the fine gentleman's ornaments, his embroidered coat, his fringed gloves, and the tassel which upheld his pantaloons. ─── 圣詹姆斯公园附近的咖啡店是纨绔子弟聚会的处所,这些人戴着黑色或淡黄色的假发。

24、fringed angler ─── n. 单棘躄鱼

25、In the osiers which fringed the bank he spied a swallow sitting. ─── 他看见,岸边的一排杞柳林里,栖着一只燕子。

26、Influence of Grazing on the Reproduction Characteristic of Fringed Sagebrush Population in the Desert Steppe of Inner Mongolia ─── 放牧对冷蒿繁殖特性的影响

27、1.The officer wears a habit with longer tails and a fringed epaulette on the right shoulder only. ─── 军官身着长尾军服,只有右肩上有带流苏的肩章。

28、For answer Holmes pushed back the frill of black lace which fringed the hand that lay upon our visitor's knee. ─── 为了回答这个问题,福尔摩斯把来访者放在膝盖上的手的袖子边缘上的黑色缎饰向后拉。

29、In his jeans and big boots and wide Stetson, his fringed leather jacket and gun belt, he looked like something out of one of Nora's dime novels. ─── 他看上去就像劳拉一便士小说里的人物--穿着牛仔服,套双大皮靴,戴着宽边史特桑帽子,加边的皮夹克,挎着枪套。

30、Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck. ─── 爱玛脖子上围了一条饰有流苏的披巾。

31、was fringed by coconut palms. ─── 着椰子树。

32、She fringed the small white flag with red satin. ─── 她用红色缎子做流苏装饰小白旗。

33、The banks fringed with low bamboo ─── 两边矮竹成行的堤岸

34、any of numerous small moths having lightly fringed wings; larvae are leafrollers or live in fruits and galls. ─── 多种夜间活动的小蛾子,翅膀有轻微的边饰;幼虫是卷叶蛾或生活在果实和虫瘿中。

35、The SEM appearance of ruptured surfaces for impacting of the castings showed that the prepolymerized gellike DAIP is beneficial to producing of fringed crackings on ruptured surfaces. ─── 扫描电子显微镜对浇铸体冲击断面的观察显示:将DAIP预聚至凝胶状态有利于冲击断面璎珞状裂纹的产生。

36、Leaf bud scales deciduous or persistent, often fringed with branched dendroid hairs; ─── 叶芽鳞脱落或宿存,具流苏的通常具分开毛;

37、In the process of education modernization,rural education has suffered"aphasia" because it is involved in a process of being ruralized,fringed and instrumentalized. ─── 在教育现代化的进程中农村教育已经“失语”,正在经历一个去农化、边缘化和工具化的过程。

38、auricles absent or if present, small, sparsely fringed with scabrid oral setae; ─── 叶耳无或如果有,小,疏生具流苏具口头刚毛;

39、She has dark stright and long hair.Her fring parted to the left and covers a part of her forehead.She pushes her hair back behind her ears. ─── 她有着乌黑的垂顺的长发,她的头发帘向左偏,并且盖住了部分额头。

40、fring squad ─── [法] 行刑队, 死刑执行部队

41、Ciliate 1. Ddscribing a structure, such the margin of a leaf, fringed with fine hairs. ─── 1具纤毛的;具缘毛的:类似于叶片的边缘具有精细的毛的结构。

42、A line of trees fringed the river. ─── 一行树木排列在河边。

43、He said people rushed out of their homes and buildings as the quake rocked the reef-fringed tropical island around lunchtime. ─── 他说,在这场地震于大约午餐时间袭击这个由礁石环绕的热带岛屿之时,人们都从自己的家中和建筑物中蜂拥奔出。

44、The tail may be trimmed, or well fringed with wavy feathering. ─── 尾巴可以修剪,或在边缘保留波浪状饰毛。

45、It is matched with retractile fringed strap which could narrow the month of the bag, improve safety index. ─── 带有流苏装饰的收缩带,可以把手袋宽口缩合,安全系数高。

46、The tail is thicker at the base, tapers to a point, and is feathered (covered and fringed with hair). ─── 尾巴根部粗,向末端呈锥形,有饰毛(覆盖的毛发和边缘的毛发)。

47、The costumes of the Babylonians and the Assyrians consisted of two garments a straight tunic edged with fringe, either long or short, called the candys, and a fringed shawl of varying dimensions. ─── 巴比伦和亚述服装有两种。一是边缘带有流苏的或长或短的袍服“坎迪斯”,再有就是各种尺寸的流苏披肩。

48、Single bright red/ wide white fringed edge. Wavy. Standard. ─── 单瓣明亮的红色花,宽的白色折边。波浪叶。标准型。

49、North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers. ─── 北美洲产的一种紫穗玉凤花,具有香味,有紫色流苏的花。

50、Do you like this fringed scarf? ─── 你喜欢这条流苏围巾吗?

51、The estate was fringed with stately elms . ─── 我们在院子里种了一些榆树。

52、a large suburban community fringed by an industrial area ─── 一个很大的郊外社区被一个工业区环绕着

53、Perfect shows with fringed laces decoration are the highlights of this handbag.Dark green presents the full fashionable personality. ─── 完美展现,流苏点缀,是此款手袋整体的亮点,褐色,时尚个性十足。

54、A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces ─── 低帮无舌运动鞋有流苏饰带的一种低帮运动鞋

55、Beyond its medieval heart, it is a sprawling town, fringed with factories and housing developments, home to 120,000 people and long an important center of the British car industry. ─── 它拥有中世纪流传下来的内涵,是一座拥有约120,000人口,周边地区遍布工厂和住宅的大城,同时还是英国汽车工业的中心。

56、beginning to turn gold, fringed the edge of the gravelled track. ─── 开始转向黄金,流苏的砾石赛道的边缘。

57、a carpet with a fringed edge ─── 四边有穗子的地毯

58、fringed polygala ─── 少叶远志(Polygala paucifolia,生长于北美东部森林中), n. 【植物,植物学】少叶远志

59、Semidouble pink/lavender shading, white fringed edge. ─── 半重瓣粉红色花,淡紫色的晕染,白色须边。

60、The path going off to the left takes you through more evergreens, along a murmuring steam fringed by flowering shrubs, and then onto a zigzag bridge over a pond teeming with goldfish. ─── 往左拐的小径,带你穿过更多的常青树,经过花丛镶边的潺潺小溪,来到金鱼池上的曲桥。

61、medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; yields tough close-grained wood. ─── 一种北美中部和东部产的栎树,中大型,槲果卵球形,壳斗大,具流苏;木材纹理细密,坚韧耐久。

62、orchid of northeastern and alpine eastern North America closely related to the purple fringed orchids but having rosy-purple or violet flowers with denticulate leaf divisions. ─── 北美东北部和东部高山产的一种兰花,他与大花的大紫玉凤兰有密切亲缘关系,但有玫瑰紫色至紫罗兰色的花,唇瓣裂片成齿状。

63、Nevertheless the present specimen, with his narrow hay - coloured wings, fringed with a tassel of the same colour, seemed to be content with life. ─── 不过眼前这翅呈干草色、翅缘逾深的窄翅蛾子,看来倒也乐天知命。

64、In midmost of the stream, embraced in the weir's shimmering arm-spread, a small island lay anchored, fringed close with willow and silver birch and alder. ─── 在大坝那闪光的臂膀环抱中,安卧着一个小岛,四周密密层层长着柳树、白桦和赤杨。

65、"bur oak:an oak tree (Quercus macrocarpa) of eastern North america, having pinnately lobed leaves, acorns enclosed within a deep fringed cup, and hard, durable wood." ─── 大果栎:产于北美东部的一种栎树 (大果栎 栎属),具羽状圆形叶片和被深穗杯包裹的槲果和坚硬耐久的木质。

66、Any of several plants of the genera Lychnis and Silene native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having variously colored flowers with notched or fringed petals. ─── 剪秋罗属植物一种剪秋罗属和麦瓶草属的主要生长于北半球的植物,长有各色的花朵,花瓣带槽或带须边。

67、a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers. ─── 南美一种非常考究的一年生植物,开紫白色花,略带杏香的花序,羽状叶片。

68、A crown of richly colored feathers fringed her head and neck, trailing away from her beaked face and keen eyes. ─── 五彩缤纷的羽毛头冠环绕着她的头部和颈部,在钩形面部和机敏的眼睛旁逐渐消失。

69、Famous for its "tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation," Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for its Dragon Boat Festival. ─── 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿杨夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞渡得天独厚。

70、bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers. ─── 北美东部的一种沼泽兰花,花纯白、流苏状,穗状花序。

71、On one of them, which was a fringed scarf for a dress of ceremony, I saw the armorial bearings of a Noble, and the letter E. ─── 其中之一是穿礼服用的绣有花边的围巾。在那上面我看到一个贵族纹章和字母e。

72、medium to large deciduous oak of central and eastern North America with ovoid acorns deeply immersed in large fringed cups; ─── 一种北美中部和东部产的栎树,中大型,槲果卵球形,壳斗大,具流苏;

73、I swa her sable skirts all fringed with light From the celestial walls! ─── 我听见夜的垂曳轻裳, 拂过她大理石的厅堂, 我看见她的黑貂皮衣裙, 缀饰着天国宫墙的莹光。

74、any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant(Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy,variously colored,usually double,often fragrant flowers with fringed petals ─── 一种大量种植的(麝香石竹石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣

75、his chin was propped on a spreading cravat which was as broad and as long as a bank-note, and had fringed ends; ─── 他的下巴托在一条宽大的领结上面,那个领结就像一张支票那样又宽又长,周围还带有花边。

76、Fringed myotis ─── n. 缨鼠耳蝠

77、Semidouble lavender two-tone fringed pansy/ dark eye, top petal edges. ─── 半重瓣深浅不一的淡紫色须边菫型花,深色的眼,上花瓣边较深色。

78、"carnation:any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant (Dianthus caryophyllus) having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals." ─── (麝)香石竹,康乃馨:一种大量种植的 (麝香石竹 石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣。

79、Semidouble lavender two-tone fringed pansy/dark eye, top petal edges. ─── 半重瓣深浅不一的淡紫色须边?型花,深色的眼,上花瓣边较深色。

80、The house is fringed by fields and woodlands. ─── 这房子的周围是田地和树林。

81、Fringed Helmet ─── n. 薄唐冠螺(鹑螺超科,唐冠螺科)

82、On this surface the encroaching Muskeg Sea developed a carbonate bank fringed by coastal sabkhas in which gypsiferous deposits were formed. ─── 在这个地表上,侵入的马斯恺格海发育了一个碳酸盐滩,其边缘有海岸萨勃哈石膏质沉积形成。

83、Frosted cowskin and PU are put together perfectly.The fringed sash adds a fashion sense for the handbag, while the eye-catching hot drilling LOGO makes you the most dazzling one among crowd. ─── 包身拥有柔软的触感,正面的磨砂牛皮与背面PU完美拼接,流苏饰带为包包增添了一份时尚感,醒目的烫钻LOGO让你成为人群中最亮眼的一个。

84、Semidouble lavender two-tone fringed pansy/dark eye, top petal edges. TL variegated dark green, ruffled. Standard. ─── 半重瓣深浅不一的淡紫色须边菫型花,深色的眼,上花瓣边较深色。深绿色的皱皱斑叶。标准型。

85、6 species, 14.3% of the total, were found in the forest fringed waters through the whole year, and 8 species, 14.8% of the total in the tidal creek waters. ─── 各季节均出现的鱼类在林缘有6种,占全年总种数的14.3%; 潮沟有8种,占全年总种数的14.8%;

86、Single wine fringed pansy/ dark wine tips. ─── 单瓣酒红色须边堇型花,花瓣尖端为较暗的酒红色。

87、Sometimes, the mountains just stopped, dropping into a void fringed with black sand and surf. ─── 有时,山脉中断了,跌落进黑沙和海浪镶边的空地。

88、In the high Andes of Ecuador the intense power of the equatorial sun beats down through thin air onto a grassland world fringed by glaciers and cloud forest. ─── 在厄瓜多尔的安第斯高地,强烈的阳光透过稀薄的空气炙烤着草原,周围点缀着冰河和云雾缭绕的森林。

89、slender fringed orchid of eastern North America having white flowers. ─── 北美东部一种纤细的流苏状兰花,花白色。

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