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08-15 投稿


naval 发音

英:['ne?v(?)l]  美:['nevl]

英:  美:

naval 中文意思翻译



naval 反义词


naval 同义词

maritime | nautical | sailing |marine | seafaring | navigational

naval 短语词组

1、naval campaign ─── 海军战役

2、naval engineer ─── 造船工程师

3、naval engineering ─── 海军工程(学)

4、naval battle ─── 海战

5、naval brass ─── [机] 海军黄铜

6、commissioned naval officer ─── [网络] 委托海军军官

7、naval aeroplane ─── [机] 海军飞机

8、naval architect ─── 造船工程师

9、naval division n. ─── 海军舰艇分队

10、naval academy n. ( ─── 美国)海军军官学校

11、naval attache n. 〔 ─── 外交〕海军武官

12、naval blockade ─── [经] 海上封锁

13、Bachelor of Naval Science ─── [网络] 海军科学学士学位

14、a naval battle ─── 海战

15、naval criminal law ─── [法] 海军刑法

16、Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division ─── [网络] 海军空战中心武器部;美国海军空战中心武器部门

17、naval commander ─── [网络] 海军司令

18、naval court ─── [法] 海军海事法庭

19、naval chart ─── [网络] 海图

naval 相似词语短语

1、Laval ─── adj.似熔岩般灼热的;熔岩的;n.(Laval)人名;(英、西、俄、法、瑞典)拉瓦尔

2、nasal ─── adj.鼻的;鼻音的;n.鼻骨;鼻音;鼻音字

3、navar ─── n.[雷达][航]指挥飞行的雷达系统

4、nival ─── adj.多雪的,雪的;生长在雪中的

5、kaval ─── 聪明的

6、aval ─── n.保兑;adj.祖父母的;n.(Aval)(美)艾瓦乐(人名)

7、navel ─── n.[解剖]肚脐;中央;中心点

8、natal ─── adj.出生的;诞生的;分娩的;出生地的;n.(Natal)人名;(英、法、西、葡)纳塔尔

9、navally ─── adv.海军地;与海军有关地;船舶地

naval 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can also clearly see the weapons are crewed by Naval personnel. ─── 在图片中可以看到这种炮使用的是立楔式炮闩,整装海军制式弹,由海军人员操作。

2、He was designated a Naval Aviator and received his wings in July 1957. ─── 他是一名海军飞行员并于1957年获得一枚飞行章。

3、Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old. ─── 利昂18岁时有了第一次海战的经历。

4、Corvette: Fast naval vessel smaller than a frigate. ─── 小型巡防舰:小型快速海军船只,比中型巡防舰低一个等级。

5、Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. ─── 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。

6、His two sons were naval officers, his daughter was self-supporting and clever. ─── 他的两儿子都是海军军官,女儿经济上也已经独立了,而且很聪明。

7、He accepted a commission as a naval officer. ─── 他接受了海军军官的任命。

8、Young RAF and Naval Officers trained on the site in radar technology. ─── 年轻的英国皇家空军和海军军官们曾在这里训练雷达技术。

9、For years a Russian naval base in Syria has been standing empty. ─── 俄在叙利亚的海军基地已经长达数年没有一兵一卒。

10、Bing Xin (1900 -1999), originally known as Xie Wanying, was from a naval officer's family in Changle, Fujian. ─── 冰 心(1900-1999)福建长乐人。 原名谢婉莹。 出生于海军军官家庭。

11、Since the beginning of the 1990s China's naval vessels have visited nearly a score of countries. ─── 九十年代以来,中国海军舰艇编队出访了近20个国家。

12、He took part in a great naval battle. ─── 他参加了一次大海战。

13、S. naval buildup in interwar era? ─── 主题: Re: Prospect of greater U.

14、This was later confirmed by a naval official at the Ministry of Defence after the Elkor had returned home. ─── 埃尔克尔号回港后,国防部的一位海军官员证实了这一点。

15、Naval forces were all we could spare. ─── 我们只能提供海军舰队。

16、We therefore deploy ground and air forces in Europe and Asia, and naval forces worldwide. ─── 因此,我们在欧洲和亚洲部署了地面和空中部队,并在全世界范围内部署了海军部队。

17、A military or naval action, campaign, or mission. ─── 军事行动,军事演习:陆军或海军的行动、战役或演习。

18、ASW - Increases the Sub Combat values of Naval units. ─── 反潜战:增加海军攻击潜艇火力。

19、No attempt was ever made to develop it as a naval station. ─── 任何时候都不能指望把它发展成海军基地。

20、Mister Bursch is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy. ─── 伯切先生毕业于美国海军军官学校,

21、He said the United States has enough combat power in its air and naval forces to deter, or respond to, any "aggression. " ─── 他说,美国海军和空军有足够的作战能力能够遏阻,或回应任何“侵略”。

22、Either the left or right flank of an army or a naval fleet. ─── 侧翼部队陆军或海军的左或右侧火力段

23、There is an international shortage of naval architects. ─── 国际上紧缺船舶建筑师。

24、"Allied naval force has begun its advance. ─── “联合军海军部队已开始推进,

25、In modern naval warfare, men seldom fight hand to hand. ─── 在现代海战中,很少短兵相接。

26、They took the lead in the development of naval aviation. ─── 他们在海军航空学的发展中起了带头作用。

27、India has dispatched two naval ships with food, tents, blankets and medicine. ─── 印度派遣了装满了食物,帐篷,棉被和药物的两艘船。

28、She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service,who in turn contacted the FBI. ─── 她立即打电话给海军情报机构的一名官员,这名官员接着便与联邦调查局取得了联系。

29、The naval force was annihilated during the attack. ─── 在这次袭击中海军被彻底消灭了

30、I've never been aboard a naval vessel. ─── 我从来没有在军舰上呆过。

31、But, even this does not content the adventurous naval architect. ─── 但是,即使如此,还不能使具有冒险精神的海运设计师满意。

32、A Continental naval fleet was organized in the rebellious American colonies. ─── 年,欧洲海军舰队集结以应对美洲殖民地反抗运动。

33、A small scouting boat used to observe and report on an opposing naval force. ─── 哨艇用于观察并汇报敌对海军部队情况的小型侦察艇。

34、"You certainly have nearly a hundred naval vessels operating in the North Atlantic or heading in that direction. ─── 你们目前有将近100艘海军舰艇在北大西洋活动或者朝那个方向进发。

35、Is your enemy relying on naval power? ─── 你的敌人依赖海军?

36、He favored a policy of applying our naval and air strength toward the blockading of Germany. ─── 他主张以我们的海空军封锁德国。

37、She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn contacted the FBI. ─── 她立即打电话给海军情报机构的一名官员,这名官员接着便与联邦调查局取得了联系

38、He was a naval officer of the fighting type, abrupt, decisive. ─── 他是一个战斗型的海军军官,突兀,果断。

39、He is a retired naval officer. ─── 他是一位退役的海军军官。

40、Brazilian naval vessels are expected to arrive on the scene Wednesday. ─── 巴西海军专用船预计在星期三到达事故现场。

41、The mountains on both sides are natural barriers embracing a naval base inside. ─── 它就像一座天然的屏障,将军港环抱在臂弯之中。

42、In 2007, a Chinese naval delegation and warship formation paid a visit. ─── 2007年,中国一海军代表团和舰艇编队访问了印尼。

43、Large air and naval forces were put into action. ─── 出动了庞大的空军和海军力量。

44、He told her of his naval life, his Southern home and his connections. ─── 他同她谈他的海军生活、南部家庭以及亲戚。

45、The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and so stop him from invade England. ─── 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。

46、He was the senior serving naval officer. ─── 他曾是高级现役海军军官。

47、She was a terrific ship, and a masterpiece of naval construction. ─── 她是一艘威力很大的战舰,是军舰建造史上的一项杰作。

48、And also a naval base along Fujian's coast. ─── 也是福建的一个沿海军事要塞。

49、He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases. ─── 他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。

50、They succeeded in the trial production of a fast naval vessel named Sea Eagle. ─── 他们成功地试制了一种名为“海鹰”的海军快艇。

51、"Smart" nuclear submarine next year will join the British naval service. ─── “机敏号”核潜艇将于明年加入英国海军服役。

52、A naval patrol was sent to reconnoitre the approaches to the bay. ─── 一支海军巡逻队奉命侦察进入海湾的路线。

53、Her father is a naval officer. ─── 她爸爸是一位海军军官。

54、Naval organisations were covertly incorporated into civil ministries. ─── 各种海军组织秘密地混合在各民政机关之中。

55、Tom Cruise plays a young Naval pilot in Top Gun. ─── 在捍卫战士中汤姆克鲁斯扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。

56、Also Naval cannons will do more damage from afar. ─── 又海军大炮将尽更大的破坏来自远方。

57、Charles: Well, right, their music has a naval quality. ─── 呃...对,他们的音乐确实有一种海军气质。

58、They retook a fortress in the naval port. ─── 他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。

59、"Mr. Ambassador,"Pelt began," we have noted a troubling increase in your naval activity in the North Atlantic. ─── “大使先生,”佩尔特开了腔,“我们已经注意到贵国海军在北大西洋活动大增,这一情况令人不安

60、Kennedy decided to use a naval blockade -- he called it a "quarantine" -- to prevent any more Soviet ships from reaching Cuba. ─── 肯尼迪决定进行海上封锁,他称之为“隔离”,以此来阻止苏联舰队抵达古巴。

61、Would you like to go there for a spell as a naval observer? ─── 你愿不愿意以海军观察员的身份到那里呆上一个时期?

62、Have you taken part in the naval exercises? ─── 你参加过海军演习吗?

63、A high-ranking German Naval officer received him and guaranteed that no such thing would happen again. ─── 一位德国高级海军军官接待了他,向他保证,今后不会再发生类似事件了。

64、More naval shells were used at Hungnam than at Inchon. ─── 倾泻在兴南的海军炮弹要比在仁川时多的多。

65、To appoint to a naval or military command. ─── 委派任命司令官或舰长

66、April 1939: Admiral Graf Spee in the Atlantic during the naval exercise. ─── 1939年4月在大西洋演习期间的格拉夫.斯佩海军上将号。

67、At that time no power can cope with England naval strength. ─── 当时,没有一国能和英国海军对抗。

68、I'm on from five to midnight; Naval personnel on duty in Alaska; her on-duty hours were 11p.m. to 7 a.m.. ─── 我从5点到晚上12点上班;海军人员正在阿拉斯加值勤;她的在岗时间是从晚上11点到早上7点。

69、It comes as something of a surprise to hear that Peter Weir has made a historical naval epic. ─── 当我知道彼德威尔执导了一齣有关海军的史诗式电影,实在有点惊讶。

70、A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law. ─── 军事法庭由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判

71、Mr. Ambassador,” Pelt began,“ we have noted a troubling increase in your naval activity in the North Atlantic. ─── 大使先生,"佩尔特开了腔,"我们已经注意到贵国海军在北大西洋活动大增,这一情况令人不安啊。

72、A first-year student at the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Naval Academy. ─── 一年级新生美国陆军或海军军官学校的一年级学生。

73、His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the German Naval Staff. ─── 他后来对各项布置的胡乱更动,使德国海军参谋部忧心忡忡。

74、However it is possible that they might have naval maneuvers close to the two and to interfere with fish and shipping. ─── 然而,他们在这两个地方有些动作,干涉渔业和航行也是有可能的。

75、Burnett!Zero Six,you are a combat naval aviator.Start acting like one! ─── Zero Six,你是一名海军战机领航员,记住自己的身份!

76、Israel's first move was to impose an air and naval blockade on Lebanon. ─── 以色列的第一步行动是对黎巴嫩进行空中和海上的封锁。

77、The barrel of an enormous naval gun was inhabited by a cluster of clams. ─── 一管海军的大炮,如今被一群蛤蜊所佔据。

78、It used to be the Royal Naval College. ─── 它过去曾是皇家海军学院。

79、In two weeks, a Russian naval task force is to reach Syrian waters to be ready to help in the possible evacuation of Russians. ─── 在两周内,一支俄罗斯海军特遣部队到达叙利亚水域准备协助可能撤离的俄罗斯人。

80、He is determined to become a naval captain. ─── 他立志当一名海军。

81、A military, naval, or civil service rank. ─── 官阶陆军,海军或文职服务的区别

82、The hall was crowded with government officials and military and naval officers,all in full dress. ─── 大厅里满是政府官员和陆海军军官,人人都穿着大礼服。

83、The U. S. said the naval drills are 'defensive' in nature and had been planned before last Tuesday's artillery barrage by the North. ─── 美国说,此次海上军演从本质上来说是“防御性质的”,是在23日朝鲜炮袭之前就已计划好的。

84、He had been a naval ensign stationed off Cuba. ─── 他曾是派驻在古巴的海军少尉。

85、Dromon modified to carry the medieval naval equivalent of a flamethrower. ─── 喷火战舰是德罗蒙战舰的改进型号,配备大型喷火器。

86、He pushed his black-and-white views of international affairs with bluff naval persistence. ─── 他用海军军人那种粗鲁顽强的劲头,硬要别人接受他对国际事务的绝对化见解。

87、In the naval sphere similar evasions were practised. ─── 在海军方面,德国人也是实行同样的掩饰手段。

88、An Indonesian naval commander said metal objects had been located on the seabed at three locations, Reuters reported. ─── 一名印尼海军官员说,金属物在大陆架的3个位置有发现。

89、Naval port is silent and beautiful at night. ─── 军港之夜寂静而美丽。

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