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08-15 投稿


vitiated 发音

英:[?v??ie?t?d]  美:[?v??ie?t?d]

英:  美:

vitiated 中文意思翻译



vitiated 词性/词形变化,vitiated变形

动词过去式: vitiated |名词: vitiation |形容词: vitiable |动词现在分词: vitiating |动词过去分词: vitiated |动词第三人称单数: vitiates |

vitiated 短语词组

1、vitiated air ─── [医] 污浊空气

2、vitiated define ─── 无效定义

3、vitiated defined ─── 无效定义

4、vitiated heater ─── 失效加热器

5、vitiated flow ─── 无效流量

6、vitiated doshas ─── 无效剂量

7、vitiated definition ─── 无效定义

8、vitiated by a fundamental flaw ─── [法] 根本无效的缺陷

vitiated 相似词语短语

1、initiated ─── v.开始,发起;开创(initiate的过去式)

2、mitigated ─── v.缓和,减轻(痛苦);减轻(罪行或过错)(mitigate的过去式及过去分词);adj.缓和的

3、ciliated ─── adj.有纤毛的

4、tritiated ─── adj.氚标记的;含氚的;v.使…与氚混合;使…氚化(tritiate的过去分词)

5、vitiates ─── vt.损害,弄坏;使无效;污染

6、vitiate ─── vt.损害,弄坏;使无效;污染

7、unvitiated ─── adj.未被污染的,未腐败的,未败坏的,纯洁的

8、titivated ─── vi.化妆;装饰;打扮自己;vt.化妆;打扮;装饰

9、litigated ─── vt.在法庭相争;提出诉讼;vi.对簿法庭

vitiated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Prospect and utilization status of Low concentration gas in vitiated air at mines ─── 矿井回风流中低浓度瓦斯利用现状及前景

2、The serum is vitiated byexposure to the air . ─── 血清暴露在空气中已变质.

3、development programmes have been vitiated by the rise in population. ─── 人口上升影响了发展计划的效果。

4、a proof vitiated by a serious omission. ─── 因严重玩忽职守而被破坏的证据

5、Keywords vitiated air low concentration gas ancillary fuel principal fuel TFRR prospects; ─── 矿井回风流;低浓度瓦斯;辅助燃料;主要燃料;热流转反应器;前景;

6、comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste. ─── 喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。

7、EXMP: the comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste. ─── 喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。

8、vitiated expired air ─── 污浊排泄气

9、Nevertheless, the municipal court held that in the present case there was no valid offer because defendant's unilateral mistake of fact vitiated or negated contractual intent. ─── 尽管如此,市法院裁定在本案中并不存在有效的合同要约,原因是被告的单方面的事实错误减少或否定了合同意愿。

10、A lifted turbulent H_2/N_2 jet flame in a hot and vitiated coflow is investigated numerically to explore the issues of auto-ignition as well as the flame lift-off. ─── 计算结果和实验数据进行了对比,表明所采用的模型可以精确的模拟火焰抬举高度和自然的过程。

11、Much was done by white men to relieve the famine, but very little by the Chinese, and that little vitiated by corruption. ─── 救济饥民这种慈善事业,大多都是白人在干,极少有中国人所为,即使这少数也为腐败所累。

12、Pornography is vitiated decline in human-art gas is increased. ─── 色情是浊气下降,人体艺术是清气上升。

13、fraus omnia vitiat ─── 诈骗使一切都失效

14、The contract was vitiated because one person signed under compulsion. ─── 该契约由于一人系被迫签字而无效。

15、vitiated judgement ─── 错误的判断

16、The comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste . ─── 喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。

17、Yet the novel's potential is largely vitiated by Brown's carelessness and inexperience . ─── 此外,布朗的粗心大意和经验不足极大地损害了小说的潜力。

18、the vitiated atmosphere of our polluted inner cities ─── 我们市中心区受到污染的恶浊的空气

19、Now we know only a few laws, and our result is vitiated, not, of course, by any confusion or irregularity in Nature, but by our ignorance of essential elements in the calculation. ─── 现在我们只知道少数的规律,我们的结论往往荒谬,自然罗,这并不是因为大自然不规则,或混乱,这是因为我们在计算之中,对于某些基本的原理,还是无知之故。

20、The 'yes' vote was vitiated by the low turnout in the election. ─── 赞成票的说服力因选举中投票率低而减弱。

21、All his attempts to improve were vitiated by his lack of will power. ─── 他想要取得进步的所有努力都由于意志力的缺乏而付诸东流了。

22、Much was done by white men to relieve the famine, but very little by the Chinese, and that little vitiated by corruption. ─── 救济饥民这种慈善事业,大多都是白人在干,极少有中国人所为,即使这少数也为腐败所累。

23、His spirit was vitiated by pleasure seeking. ─── 他的志气因追求吃喝玩乐而消磨殆尽。

24、The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes. ─── 这份报告被不断出现的拼写错误搞糟了。

25、with black glass goblet and vitiated, bone-resin plague skull. ─── 在无法想象的恐惧中,不可避免的屈从于痛苦的死亡。

26、Any benefits from extra water supplies will be short-term, and vitiated by floods. ─── 任何额外水量供给都是暂时的,随之而来的往往是洪水。

27、29. The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes. ─── 这份报告被不断出现的拼写错误搞糟了。

28、All the results can be used to validate the autoignition and combustion models of homogeneous mixture in vitiated coflow. ─── 为活化热氛围下液体燃料自燃及燃烧模型的建立奠定了基础。

29、who it had been suffer'd by providence in his wise disposition of the world, to have no other guide than that of their own abominable and vitiated passions; ─── 造物主治理世界,当然是英明无比的,但他似乎已经弃绝了这些土人。

30、vitiated air ─── 污浊空气

31、About the experiment, these experiments were conducted in the free stream wind tunnel, and vitiated air heater was used to simulate the high altitude flow condition. ─── 试验方面:本文试验在自由射流风洞中进行,利用空气加热器模拟高空飞行条件。

32、Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between easterners and westerners. ─── 由于“东方人”和“西方人”间的巨大分歧,战争期间的战略方针没有得到切实的执行。

33、Yet its potential is largely vitiated by Brown's carelessness and inexperience . ─── 此外,布朗的粗心大意和经验不足极大地损害了小说的潜力。

34、Yet the novel's potential is largely vitiated by Brown's carelessness and inexperience. ─── 此外,布朗的粗心大意和经验不足极大地损害了小说的潜力。

35、Based on the remote sensing data,information of the distribution of sea ice in the Bohai Sea was invariably vitiated by the illusory ice-pixel. ─── "伪海冰像元"对渤海海冰范围分布信息的提取产生影响,消除伪海冰像元需要得到一些传感器、大气状况等参数,但往往很难全部得到满足。

36、For BedZED a wind-cowl system was developed to deliver preheated fresh air for each home, and to extract its vitiated air, complete with heat recovery from the extracted ventilation air. ─── 对BedZED系统,一种风帽系统被用于将预先加热的空气导入房间内,同时,排出有害的废气,并在排风中进行热回收。

37、A proof vitiated by a serious omission. ─── 因严重玩忽职守而被破坏的证据

38、Conduct vitiated by attachment, i.e. conduct from practical view point is only the means to attain it. ─── 爱恋会破坏一个人的行为,例如,从经验角度出发的行为只是实现它的方法。因此,两者应当接踵而来。

39、All his attempts to improve were vitiated by his lack of will-power. ─── 由于缺乏意志力,他想改良的尝试全部无效。

40、vitiated by a fundamental flaw ─── [法] 根本无效的缺陷

41、But so far his presidency has been vitiated by a combination of incompetence and a willingness to fall back on the very tactics that he denounced as a candidate. ─── 但到目前为止,他的总统任期已经被那些回到完全是他作为候选人时所谴责的旧路的想法和无能所玷污。

42、Heating is concerned with the supply of fresh air and removal of air that is vitiated, polluted, or contaminated. ─── 供暖系统参与了新鲜空气的供给和污浊空气的排除。

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