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08-15 投稿


behest 发音

英:[b?'hest]  美:[b?'h?st]

英:  美:

behest 中文意思翻译



behest 网络释义

n. 命令;邀请;请求

behest 短语词组

1、behest define ─── 至少定义

2、behest meaning ─── 至少有意义

3、behest aeen ─── 伊恩的命令

4、behest means ─── 命令意味着

5、behest definition ─── 命令定义

6、behest syn ─── 短视

behest 词性/词形变化,behest变形

动词现在分词: beheading |动词第三人称单数: beheads |动词过去分词: beheaded |动词过去式: beheaded |

behest 相似词语短语

1、bestest ─── 最好的

2、reest ─── v.(尤指马)不合作;n.(Reest)(美、澳、荷、新、俄)里斯特(人名)

3、retest ─── n.再测验;再考验;vt.再考验;[试验]重复测试

4、beheld ─── v.看,看见,观看(behold的过去式和过去分词)

5、behead ─── vt.砍头;使河流被夺流

6、renest ─── 新的

7、regest ─── 雷吉斯特

8、behests ─── n.命令;邀请;请求

9、chest ─── n.胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库

behest 习惯用语

1、at sb.'s behest ─── 在...的命令[要求]下; 受某人的委托

behest 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The only prominent NBA offense that really has a named structure is The Triangle employed by Phil Jackson and, uh, kinda employed by Tim Floyd at the behest of Bulls GM Jerry Krause. ─── 唯一突出的NBA有着命名架构的进攻是三角进攻,菲尔杰克逊和使用过,弗洛伊德在公牛经理JerryKrause命令下使用过。

2、I called the office at the behest of my secretary. ─── 在秘书的催促下,我给办公室打了电话

3、An intermediary buying American bonds in London at the behest of the Bank of China would not show up in Washington's tallies. ─── 例如,中介根据中国银行的要求在伦敦购买的美国债券将不会出现在华盛顿公布的账单上。

4、As part of Mr de Rato's reforms, and largely at the behest of America, the Fund has beefed up its focus on exchange-rate surveillance. ─── 作为de Rato先生改革的一部分,在美国的要求下,基金组织增加了它在汇率上的关注。

5、At the behest of the royal councilor, Lady Prestor, young Anduin was given the crown so that order could be preserved within the kingdom of Stormwind. ─── 根据皇家一会中的普瑞斯托女伯爵的命令,年轻的安度因被授予皇冠,这样暴风城王国的皇权被留在了暴风城内。

6、Many emerging economies, often at the IMF's behest, have limited their fiscal flexibility by introducing clear budget rules. ─── 许多新兴经济体已经依照 IMF 的要求,采用了透明的预算标准,其财政灵活性受到制约。

7、Capello will be undermined entirely if he reassigns the armband at the behest of disgruntled members of the Football Association board. ─── 如果卡佩罗在足总那些令人不满的成员的颐指下重新指定队长人选的话,那他可能被颠覆掉。

8、While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. ─── 他一边挥着手,喃喃地说他根本说不上干了些什么,一边听从了她的吩咐,预备在椅子上坐下来。

9、She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca. ─── 之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。

10、Sadly, Jones' incident isn't an isolated one - UK drivers in particular have been driving into trouble at the behest of their GPS systems for years. ─── 可悲的是,琼斯的事件不是一个孤立的一个-英国车手特别是已驾驶陷入困境,这对他们的GPS系统多年。

11、NATO is in the country under a UN mandate, operating in defence and at the behest of an elected government. ─── 北约受联合国委托管理阿富汗,执行防务,同时应民选政府的请求清剿塔利班武装。

12、A former criminal prosecutor, Clayton takes care of Kenner, Bach &Ledeen's dirtiest work at the behest of the firm's co-founder Marty Bach (Sydney Pollack). ─── 他可以帮助处理委托人很多不为人知的甩不掉的问题。

13、Since the Democratic Reform, religion-related cultural relics and historical sites, monasteries and temples have been well preserved at the behest of both the clerical and secular masses. ─── 民主改革以后,按照大多数僧尼的意愿和人民群众宗教信仰的需要,有关宗教的文物、古迹、寺庙都得到了妥善保护。

14、At the behest of the president, NASA has been undergoing an independent review of its human-spaceflight plans. ─── 按照总统的指令,国家宇航局正在独立审查人类太空旅行计划。

15、At the behest of the bishop, the bullet was later set in the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. ─── 在主教的要求下,子弹后来放置在法蒂玛圣母像的王冠上。

16、This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work. ─── 据说该设计是应英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板的要求而做,他认为穿方格呢裙的员工在工作中需要更大的肢体自由。

17、But a clause about the incitement to religious hatred still in that at the behest of the Middle Eastern nations. ─── 但在中东国家的要求下,一项有关煽动宗教仇恨的条款仍被保留了下来。

18、ensure that the whole Party will carry out Comrade Deng Xiaoping's behest and march unswervingly and triumphantly along the correct line adopted since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee. ─── 保证全党继承邓小平同志遗志,坚定不移地沿着十一届三中全会以来正确路线胜利前进

19、Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guanyin's behest. ─── 师傅,这是观世音菩萨特意让他在此等候陪您上西天取经的。

20、at his new wife's behest, they moved to Dodge City. ─── 在他新婚妻子的要求下,他们搬到了道奇。

21、Several countries in the region have cut or restricted flights to and from Mexico and the EU could follow suit at the behest of France. ─── 此区域的多个国家已经开始限制或缩减开往或离开墨西哥的航班,欧盟可能会效仿法国。

22、Their servile lives were spent in grovelling and cringing and toiling and running about like little dogs at the behest of their numerous masters ─── 他们卑躬屈节的一生是在拍马奉承、拼命干活中度过的,他们象小狗般的奔走在无数主人膝下。

23、Worse, one tabloid reported Shevchenko faked his recent groin injury at the behest of Abramovich, who was hoping a frustrated Mourinho would leave Stamford Bridge at the end of the season. ─── 更糟糕的是,某小报杜撰了一条消息,说舍甫琴科最近谎称腹股沟有伤,用以要挟希望穆里尼奥以失败告终并在这个赛季结束后就离开斯坦福桥的阿布拉莫维奇。

24、at the behest of ─── 按照 ... 的命令; 应 ... 的要求

25、In the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights, and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

26、Many of GM's toughest restructuring measures, including the ousting of former Chief Executive Rick Wagoner and the bankruptcy filing itself, came at the behest of the auto task force. ─── 通用许多极其强硬的重组措施都是出于汽车业工作小组的命令,包括迫使前任首席执行长瓦格纳(RickWagoner)辞职以及申请破产保护本身。

27、While he waved his hand and muttered that he had done nothing at all, he was obeying her behest by trying to get into a chair. ─── 他一面含混地表示他做的事不值一提,一面也按她的希望打算坐下,也还有时间欣赏她坐下时的优美轻松。

28、The European Union (at Britain's behest) may follow. ─── 欧盟(由英国领军)可能跟进。

29、However, only49 of these77(63.6%) underwent additional evaluation at the behest of the referring physician. ─── 然而,这77位病人中,只有49位(3.3%听从咨询医师的劝告。

30、A recent “tree census” in New York City, conducted at the behest of Mr Bloomberg, values the city's nearly 600,000 trees at $122m. ─── 最近,布隆伯格先生下令,对纽约市进行“树木普查”,经估算,纽约近60万株树木总价值为1.22亿美元。

31、"This suggestion that somehow we expect Pakistan to carry out activities, on our behalf and at our behest, that are not in Pakistan's interest is simply wrong. ─── 不知什么原因,这些批评人士认为我们期望巴基斯坦为了我们的利益、按照我们的要求,而不是为了巴基斯坦的利益采取行动。这种想法完全是错误的。”

32、Any other kind of Three People's Principles which lack this policy, do not give the peasants and workers whole-hearted assistance or do not carry out the behest to "arouse the masses of the people", will certainly perish. ─── 如果有什么一种三民主义,它是没有农工政策的,它是并不真心实意扶助农工,并不实行“唤起民众”的,那就一定会灭亡。

33、Behest project ─── 指令性项目

34、Although there was no official announcement, many believe this was at the behest of the security forces. ─── 尽管没有官方声明,但许多人认为这是应安全部队的要求这么做的。

35、At the behest of their mother Katherine but against Joseph's wishes, the Jackson children were raised as Jehovah's Witnesses and practiced door-to-door evangelization. ─── 杰克逊出生于印地安那州盖瑞市,在约瑟夫·杰克逊和凯瑟琳·杰克逊的9个孩子中排行第7。

36、Yet there have been many such Congressional excesses in this arena - in the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights,and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 国会在这一领域曾经作出过许多这样超限的行为,以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

37、“A big brain on four legs” describes an intellect devourer. The creature stalks living prey, sometimes at the behest of powerful masters, and co-opts their bodies after devouring the brain. ─── “一个长有四条腿的大脑”最能描述出噬脑怪。这种生物会悄悄的跟随活体猎物(有时是依照强大主人的命令)并在吞噬其大脑后占据他们的身体。

38、at the behest of a person ─── 依某人的吩咐

39、, police Chief Charles Moose made reference to a "duck in a noose," a cryptic comment made, according to Moose, at the behest of the person presumed to be the Washington-area sniper. ─── 10月23日,美国蒙哥马利县警方召开新闻发布会,警察局长查尔斯·穆斯在会上提到凶手曾用一个关于"绳套里的鸭子"的神秘传说暗示警方,并把自己比喻成故事中的"鸭子"。

40、At the behest of Disney Co. and other large media firms, that gave authors and inventors another 20 years to dictate the sale and use of their words, images and music. ─── 这部法案是应迪斯尼公司和其他几家大的传媒公司作出的,其中赋予作者和发明者另外20年的保护期以便销售和使用他们的文字、图像和音乐。

41、carry out the behest of the martyrs; continue the work left by the martyrs ─── 继承先烈遗志

42、Though rare, his losses usually come at the behest of a single tactic."Running in circles like your head is cut off... ─── 据说,现在中年男较流行的人生模式就是这样的:忙时打拼事业,闲来与女士们聊聊爱情哲学。

43、They are vulnerable to high Arab politics: al-Jazeera has recently been muting its criticism of Saudi Arabia, probably at the behest of the Qatari royal family. ─── 它们无法抵御来自高层阿拉伯政治的攻击:最近半岛台就收声,不再批评沙特,很可能是因为得到卡塔尔王室的命令。

44、At the behest of Supreme Chancellor Valorum, Obi-Wan and his master secretly voyaged to Naboo to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the tense Trade Federation blockade of the planet. ─── 因为那卜星受到了贸易联邦恶意的封锁,共和国最高议长魏伦派遣欧比王和他的师父金魁刚秘密的来到那卜,希望能以和平的方式与贸易联邦谈判。

45、All these extensions have occurred at the behest of copyright owners and the industries that thrive on copyright ownership. ─── 所有这些著作权保护期的延长都是应著作权人以及因拥有版权而繁荣发展的产业的要求作出的。

46、follow sb.'s unfulfilled wish [behest] ─── 法其遗志

47、We cherish the memory of them is to inherit the behest of martyrs, martyrs of the virtues of tradition, the revival of the motherland and national prosperity due diligence, due diligence. ─── 我们缅怀他们,就是要继承烈士遗志,传承烈士美德,为祖国的复兴、民族的昌盛尽职、尽责。

48、Although there was no official announcement, many believe this was at the behest of the security forces. ─── 尽管没有官方声明,但许多人认为这是应安全部队的要求这么做的。

49、At the behest of his mother, he sails downstream in a raft and comes to place known as Yilihada where he successfully stops an internecine war among three Manchu tribes and is voted the chieftain of all three. ─── 他遵照母亲的嘱咐,乘坐筏子顺流而下,来到依立哈达地方,平息了这里的战乱,结束了3个部族的械斗,被推举为三族的首领。

50、In state-controlled companies, senior managers are rotated at the behest of government. ─── 在国有企业中,高管由政府指定轮换担任。

51、Yet there have been many such Congressional excesses in this arena - in the form of repeated extension of the copyright term at the behest of corporations who hold copyrights, and to the detriment of the public domain. ─── 国会在这一领域曾经作出过许多这样超限的行为-以多次延长著作权保护期的方式维护拥有版权的公司的利益,侵害公众的利益。

52、But she belied my behest and was beheaded on a bench surrounded by many beholders under a belfry. ─── 但她违背了我的命令,将在一座钟楼下被许多目睹者围观在一条长凳上被斩首。

53、The provision was inserted into the rescue legislation last week, at the behest of the FDIC, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 知情人士说,在FDIC的要求下,这一条款上周被加入到救助计划中。

54、Yesterday, the UN special envoy, Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka, continued an inspection that started last week at the behest of the secretary general, Kofi Annan. ─── 在7月4日,应联合国秘书长安南的要求,联合国特使安娜?卡裘慕洛?提拜裘卡持续进行从上周起就开始的调查。

55、Consumer advocates charge that the GOP is trying to weaken the agency's powers at the behest of the financial-services lobby. ─── 消费者指责共和党按金融服务游说的要求,正在试图剥弱机构的权力。

56、Late in the Clone Wars, they patrolled the vast cityscapes, and Coruscant's citizens knew to produce their identification at the behest of any red-marked clone trooper. ─── 复制人战争末期,他们巡逻广大的都市,科罗森的市民知道对任何红色的复制人士兵的命令都要认同。

57、The poem was written, possibly at Charles's behest, and published in early November of 1681. ─── 这首诗有可能是依查理士的指令而写,并刊登于一六八一年十一月初。

58、The creature stalks living prey, sometimes at the behest of powerful masters, and co-opts their bodies after devouring the brain. ─── 这种生物会悄悄的跟随活体猎物(有时是依照强大主人的命令)并在吞噬其大脑后占据他们的身体。

59、Howeer, only 49 of these 77 (63.6%) underwent additional ealuation at the behest of the referring physician. ─── 然而,这77位病人中,只有49位(63.3%)听从咨询医师的劝告。

60、Senator Chuchi intervened, at the behest of the Pantoran Assembly. ─── 竹琦议员奉潘托拉联盟之命予以调停。

61、As the life and good fame of yonder man were in your hands there seemed no choice to me, save to be silent in accordance with your behest. ─── 由于那个人的生命和名声全都在你的把握之中,我除去遵从你的意志保持沉默之外,似乎已别无出路。

62、But some people close to him say key appointments are made and unmade at her behest. ─── 但据内塔尼亚胡的亲信透露,一些关键的任命都是由萨拉决定的。

63、The EU, for example, slapped so-called “anti-dumping” import tariffs on energy-saving lightbulbs from China in 2001 at the behest of European manufacturers and kept them for seven years. ─── 例如,在欧洲制造商的要求下,欧盟2001年开始对从中国进口的节能灯泡征收所谓的“反倾销”进口关税,并且一直保持了7年。

64、Sightings of Terry on the Stamford Bridge pitch prior to kick-off were frequent while he battled back to fitness and the England captain has revealed that it was at his behest that he be allowed him to take part in the pre-game routine. ─── 特里受伤期间经常在斯坦福桥的贵宾看台观看切尔西的比赛,同时这位英格兰队长透露这是因为他与球队一起备战的要求得到了特许。

65、But only waits to be born again at God's behest... where in ancient starlight we lay in repose. ─── 只是在古老的星光中休息,等待著神的命令重生。

66、When he had left to become Medivh’s apprentice, at the behest of his previous masters in Dalaran, Khadgar had not expected to return until he was a master mage himself. ─── 当年他在曾经的导师们的吩咐下,离开这里去拜麦迪文为师的时候,是准备成为一位大师以后再回来的。

67、In the Europe of 1621, memories of heretics burned at the behest of the Church and massacred by mobs egged on by politicians were still fresh. ─── 在1621年的欧洲,人们还记得持异端者会在教堂的命令下被活活烧死,或者被那些由政客驱使的无知暴民打死。

68、Yet in at least two ways, apparently at Mr Zardari's behest, the government has sacrificed fiscal responsibility for political advantage. ─── 至少在两个方面,政府显然执行了扎尔达里的命令以牺牲财政职责为代价保全政治利益。

69、They arrested him at the King's behest. ─── 他们奉国王之命逮捕了他。

70、Though technically confined to practicing non-Chinese law in a cross-border setting, many foreign law firms, generally at the behest of foreign corporations operating in China, have pushed into the frontiers of the practice restrictions. ─── 虽然,理论上可以界定不包括中国法律事务的国际业务,但是,在华经营的外国律所已经推进到执业限制的前沿。

71、Finally, the dawn of a quiet, Tess arrested, and then liable to be hanged; Klein with Tess's behest, with the feelings of remorse and Tess's sister started a new life. ─── 最后在一个静谧的黎明,苔丝被捕,接着被处绞刑;克莱遵照苔丝的遗愿,带着忏悔的心情和苔丝的妹妹开始了新的生活。

72、They were apparently created by Eru Iluvatar at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aule's children, the Dwarves, knowing that they would want to fell trees. ─── 当雅凡娜(奥力的老婆)得知奥力创造了矮人后,她很担心矮人会过分砍伐树林,于是她恳请伊露维塔(托尔金认为的至高无上的神)创造了树人来保护树林。

73、Crucially, we work with local scientists and at the behest of local organizations. ─── 关键在于我们与当地科学家合作,并听从当地机构的指示。

74、At the behest of Grand Moff Tarkin, Vader released Motti, and it was a lesson that the admiral wasn't soon to forget. ─── 高等星区首长塔金一声令下后,维德放开莫提,这应该是上将久久不能忘怀的一课。

75、Submit our wills to her behest, ─── 遵从她的旨意,

76、at one's behest ─── 按one's命令应one's的邀请

77、“The banking system has been on steroids at the behest of the government,” he says. ─── “在政府的命令下,银行体系就像吃了兴奋剂一样,”他表示。

78、The law passed at the behest of press and public interest groups who charged that existing federal law designed to make information available to the public was often used to just the opposite effect. ─── 这项法律是应新闻界和公共利益团体的要求制定的,新闻界和公共利益团体提出,旨在使公众了解情况的现行联邦法律经常带来相反的效果。

79、The so-called Stiglitz commission has been working at the French president's behest for 18 months on recommendations for measuring well-being. ─── 被称之为斯蒂格利茨委员会的这个组织过去18个月里一直在萨科齐的授意下进行有关幸福指标建议的研究。

80、She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca. ─── 之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。

81、But his arrest at the behest of Serbia will damage its relations with Bosnia. ─── 然而他在塞尔维亚的要求下被逮捕,这将损害塞国同波黑的关系。

82、Lacking the legitimacy democracy might confer, they rightly dread being branded as appeasers who have sold out the Palestinians at the behest of a resented superpower. ─── 由于缺乏民主制度可能赋予它们的合法性,这些政权有理由担心被打上奉可恶的超级大国之命、出卖巴勒斯坦人民的绥靖者标签。

83、The time soon comes when Proximo's troupe is called to Rome to participate in a marathon of gladiator games held at the behest of the new emperor, Commodus. ─── 但是,马克西默斯从未放弃复仇的心愿,因为他坚信人的意志比皇权更为强大。

84、The provision was inserted into the rescue legislation last week, at the behest of the FDIC, according to people familiar with the matter. ─── 知情人士说,在FDIC的要求下,这一条款上周被加入到救助计划中。

85、At your behest, flesh dances and eyes smile; ─── 肌肉用力的全部含义是敢于搏击。

86、He had spent much of the day on the subway platform reenacting events at the behest of various television and newspaper crews. ─── 他几乎成天在地铁站月台,应不同电视台和报纸采访人员要求,重演事发经过。

87、They are determined to inherit martyrs behest of the North completed modernization of the rural village. ─── 他们决心继承先烈遗志,把北村建成现代化的农村。

88、Somewhat in awe of the president, Moreau is a journalist researching a biography of the president at his behest. ─── 他陪伴这位总统渡过了其人生的最后几个月,与他谈论他的政见、信念和往事。

89、at someone's behest ─── 在某人的命令下

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