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08-15 投稿


perceptive 发音

英:[p?r?sept?v]  美:[p??sept?v]

英:  美:

perceptive 中文意思翻译



perceptive 同义词

understanding | aware | sensitive | intelligent | keen | insightful | sharp | observant | aesthetic |discerning

perceptive 反义词


perceptive 词性/词形变化,perceptive变形

名词: perceptivity |副词: perceptively |

perceptive 短语词组

1、perceptive organ ─── 感受器官

2、perceptive meaning ─── 知觉意义

3、perceptive experience ─── 感知体验

4、perceptive synonym ─── 感知同义词

5、perceptive deafness ─── [医] 感受性聋

6、perceptive workplace ─── 感性工作场所

7、perceptive software ─── 感知软件

8、perceptive function ─── [计] 感知功能

9、perceptive observer ─── 敏锐的观察者

10、perceptive definition ─── 感性定义

11、perceptive mytrials ─── 我的直觉

12、perceptive listener ─── 敏锐的听众

perceptive 相似词语短语

1、imperceptive ─── adj.无感觉的;缺乏感知力的

2、perceptively ─── adv.知觉地;有洞察力地;敏锐地

3、perceive ─── vt.察觉,感觉;理解;认知;vi.感到,感知;认识到

4、percentile ─── n.百分位,百分位数

5、exceptive ─── adj.例外的,特殊的;优越的;吹毛求疵的

6、perceptible ─── adj.可察觉的;可感知的;看得见的

7、deceptive ─── adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的

8、unperceptive ─── 无感觉的

9、apperceptive ─── adj.统觉的;感知的;明觉的

perceptive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you begin to comfort her even before she's said she's worried about her career, you will come off as a caring, perceptive friend. ─── 如果在她还没开口称自己对职业生涯感到担忧时,你就开始安慰她,你将会被认为是一位关心、善解人意的朋友。

2、He was one of the most perceptive U.S. political commentators. ─── 他曾是美国最具洞察力的政治评论员之一。

3、Gallagher was more perceptive now. ─── 加拉赫的眼睛现在亮得多了。

4、However the culture is profound and difficult to percept , it is very difficult to measure. ─── 但由于文化深层次的难以察觉性,所以对其进行测度又是相当困难的。

5、He was a perceptive analyst of the Asian crisis and has been a sharp, witty defender of globalisation. ─── 他预见了亚洲金融危机,同时也是全球化坚定而又机智的捍卫者。

6、On the way back home, in the bus at night, I thought a lot and percept a lot. ─── 其实他什么也不用说,什么也不用做,只要能让我安静地喘口气就好。可是,他还是选择在我最脆弱、最需要安慰的时候离开我。

7、Why, then, the tears, the sniffle that was not from any budding cold? the perceptive ranger wondered. ─── 但敏感的游侠惊奇地发现她已流下泪来。

8、A good teacher should be very perceptive to his students' progress. If their progress is ignored, the students will feel discouraged. ─── 一位好的教师应对学生取得的进步非常敏感。如果学生的进步被忽视,他们就会感到沮丧。

9、Perceptive and understanding of others your positive approach to life and influential nature means that you have leadership qualities. ─── 他人的理解;你对生命的肯定和有影响的本性意味着你有很好的领导能力。

10、The perceptive faculty and the point of realization are centralized in the area between the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland. ─── 理解力和认识点是集中在前额和松果体之间的区域里。

11、Auditing analysis, and perceptive of the slightest ─── 审计分析明察秋毫

12、Although they are selfish and cruel,eldritch giants are smart enough to bargain fairly when they must and perceptive enough to know that open conflict distracts them from their studies. ─── 尽管他们自私且残忍,但在必要时,他们拥有进行公平谈判的智慧,也充分明白公开冲突会分散它们的研究精力。

13、BUT don't make it wrong, That not the only kind of beauty we can percept, which means... come on, this is just a show, like an opera or a movie.Relating this to NAZI German is just going too far. ─── 但是不要误会,这并不是我唯一能感受到的美丽,怎么说呢...额,这只是一个秀,与戏剧或电影似的,把这个与纳粹联系起来就扯太远了。

14、We trust the people is the motive power of company, wish to grow up with positive/ initiative/ perceptive people! ─── 公司崇尚以人为本的信念,坚信人才是公司快速稳定发展的原动力,望能与有理想、能力、责任、纪律的四有人才共同发展,同创美好明天!

15、You are sensitive, perceptive, caring and affectionate. ─── 你敏感锐智又温柔体贴。

16、It was very perceptive of you to notice that. ─── 你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的。

17、Perturbing or halting any neuronal correlate of consciousness will alter its associated percept or cause that percept to disappear. ─── 干扰或是终止任何一个意识的神经关联,就会改变相关的知觉,或让这个知觉消失。

18、Seeing an organism in its ecological setting permits a very perceptive analysis of its natural history. ─── 在生态学背景中观察一种有机体,可以使人们对物种的自然历史进行一次极为透澈的分析。

19、Had he been a little less jealous and a little more perceptive, it is possible he might even have heard the note of quiet desperation. ─── 他一直有点儿嫉妒和敏感,可能他甚至听到了藏在心里的绝望的暗示。

20、Great Aqueduct of Vestibule Syndrome and Perceptive Nerve Deafness ─── 大前庭导水管综合征和儿童感音神经性耳聋

21、very perceptive of you to notice that. ─── 你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的。

22、She claims that it makes mums-to-be more perceptive, efficient and resilient. ─── 她说,怀孕让准妈妈们表现出更出色的理解力,她们会比以前更能干、更灵活。

23、Secondly, female students percept more.performance motivation climate than male students, male students hold more master goal than female students. ─── 女生比男生更多知觉到成绩氛围,男生比女生更多采取掌握目标和元认知策略。

24、a highly perceptive analysis of the problem ─── 对问题深入透彻的分析

25、He is very perceptive and nothing can be hidden from him. ─── 他耳聪目明,什么事都很难瞒住他。

26、Both the DiamondTouch and Perceptive Pixel systems feature keyboard “emulators” that shine a virtual keyboard onto the screen so that people can type. ─── 多重触控最大的优点是让多名使用者共同执行复杂的工作。

27、perceptive color difference threshold ─── 可察觉色差

28、And he expounds hypothetical mental language from the perceptive of innate language, non-verbal organism, thoughts non-vagueness and non-expression, belief division, and so on. ─── 并从天赋语言、非言语有机体、思想的非含糊性和不可表达性、信念划分等几个方面具体论证需要假定心理语言。

29、Clara has always been very perceptive about whether her employees are being honest. ─── 克拉罗总能看透她的员工是否诚实。

30、Perceptive information of object ─── 客体感知信息

31、You are quick, perceptive, clever, playful and imaginative. ─── 你是个迅速、反应敏锐、身手敏锐、幽默和幻想的人。

32、Provide customers perceptive strategy and innovative ideas and implement them excellently. ─── 为客户提供具有洞悉力的策略与具突破性的创意并出色执行;

33、Jose comes out with some very interesting, perceptive comments and I love going to his press conferences to listen to him. ─── 何塞能提出很多非常有趣而又很有道理的想法,我喜欢参加他的新闻发布会,去听听他说什么。

34、While the sheriff's men miss the proof of her guilt, their more perceptive wives immediately spot what has actually been going on in the bleak farmhouse. ─── 尽管地方长官的手下漏掉了定罪的证据,但是妻子们要比她们的丈夫智慧的多,她们很快弄清在那个暗无天日的农舍里一直发生的事。

35、Practice proved that,with the help of this system,students can study various operation skill freely in their spare time.It strengthened the percept... ─── 实践证明通过本系统的使用,学生可在课余时间自由地学习各项技能操作,强化了学生临床护理的感性认识,调动了学生自主学习的积极性。

36、The research on history should attention the perceptive history of anima for sense. ─── 历史学应关注主体对意义感知的历史。

37、He also wrote perceptive art criticism. ─── 他还写了一些艺术评论的作品。"

38、He is a perceptive scholar. ─── 他是个洞察力强的学者。

39、Example is better n percept. ─── 东西是新的好,朋友是老的亲。

40、Students: People Oriented, not only can use some Chinese Kungfu, but also can percept Chinese Wushu culture deeply. ─── 以人为本,传承中华武术文化;使学员不仅学得武术本身,而是透过武术深度感知中华文化。

41、The most perceptive of the three, she is the first to realize the potential danger of their situation. ─── 她在他们三人中最敏感,首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险。

42、If you receive the precepts, you will have the protection of precepts.The precept marks, percept dharma, and precept substance will support you.You will not fall into the hells that easily. ─── 你若受戒,有戒来支持你,有戒相、戒法、戒体支持你,就不容易堕地狱;

43、In more than ten years' study life,as a student,I have never in the real sense taken any responsibility in the entity,economic percept or achieved agoal for a company. ─── 在过去的十几年的学习生涯中,作为一名学生,我从未真正意义上从一个实体、经济的角度去承担过责任,为一个企业完成一个目标。

44、When the theme is circumscribed, as in his delightful sketches of George Ripley and Thoreau, or in his perceptive English Traits the product is far more satisfactory than in the unconfined essay. ─── 如果题目的范围有限制,如关于乔治·里普利和梭罗的随笔和那本极有见地的《英国人的性格》,就远比无拘束的散文使人满意。

45、About a decade ago, main part piercing jewelry was considered to be a figurative notwithstanding seditious and perceptive youth. ─── 宋元时期,以民间结社的武艺组织为主体的民间练武活动蓬勃兴起。

46、Example is well now percept. ─── 东西是新的好,同学是老的亲。

47、A perceptive analysis, comment,judgement,etc ─── 富有见地的分析、评论、判断等.

48、When combined with the ideal of cultivation for the immortal life of the Quiet and Perceptive religious sect, loyalty and affiliation stimulated moral needs, called for spiritual belief of lo... ─── 将忠孝道德与道教“净明成仙”的心性修炼之道和得道成仙的人生理想紧密结合起来,有助于激发主体内在的道德需要,形成忠孝之德的精神信念支持,产生践履忠孝之行的道德内驱力。

49、His comment was trenchant and perceptive. ─── 他的评论犀利且具洞察力。

50、He believes this sort of approach will have far wider appeal than today's windows and mouse-based systems, and he has founded a start-up, called Perceptive Pixel, to commercialise the technology. ─── 他相信这个方法在不久的将来会比现在的窗口和鼠标系统具有更大的吸引力,他已经创办了一家叫做“感知像素”的小公司将这项技术商业化。

51、Starting a new job is as exciting as it is challenging. By being perceptive, engaged,willing to learn, you can make a great impressionsidestep these hard-to-recover-from faux pas. ─── 开始新工作即令人兴奋又是一个挑战。通过敏锐的观察、勤快工作、乐于学习,你就能给别人留下一个很好的印象,从而避开这些难以弥补的错误。

52、Next, should make furniture kneads gout as far as possible gender and practical at an organic whole, with sparking the child is opposite the perceptive ability of the thing. ─── 其次,要尽量使家具揉趣味性与实用性于一体,以触发孩子对事物的感知能力。

53、Quiet and Perceptive religious sect ─── 净明道

54、Meanwhile this paper points out that translators should enhance cultural awareness and cultivate the perceptive competence of cultural knowledge. ─── 同时强调,译者在翻译过程中要不断加强文化意识,提高对文化的感应能力.

55、The perceptive mind with self-mood as aesthetic object and poetry ci's singing way of transmission enlarges Song ci poetry ideorealm with a moving charm. ─── 以自身心绪作为审美对象的极具感性色彩的心态世界和词的传播演唱方式,使宋词形成了狭媚幽深的境界,获得了动人的魅力。

56、It consists of the signal processing, from the physical sensor, and the software processing needed to extract the percept. ─── 它包括物理传感器的信号处理和提取感知所需的软件处理。

57、What you said about my getting hung up on trivialities is especially perceptive. ─── 你说我在小节上看不开,这话尤其深刻。

58、He is a truly perceptive critic . ─── 他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。

59、If you are attentive and perceptive,you can learn to do this as well as I can. ─── 如果你专心而又有理解力,你就会象我一样能学会做这件事。

60、For the perceptive observer, they gave a hint of the difficulties similar efforts might later encounter. ─── 地方管理人员最后的任务就是监督未来入住人员的挑选。

61、A good supervisor should in never judges ,for help and employees was perceptive .want to is values you just forgives your mistakes ,gives unconditionally helps employees . ─── 一个好的老板应该是不武断的,能帮助和理解员工的;应当是能尊重你公正地对待你的过失,能无条件的给与员工的帮助。

62、No matter the sex, derro are a quite perceptive race, able to see short distances in even the darkest conditions. ─── 无论性别,迪洛矮人是相当敏锐的种族,即便是最黑暗的环境里也能看清近距离内的物体。

63、The breed is highly intelligent and perceptive and also very independent. ─── 大白熊具有高度的智商和洞察力,并且也非常独立。

64、Mentally acute or perceptive. ─── 头脑敏锐,有洞察力的

65、Croce boils down art, i.e. intuition, to perceptual knowledge and art criticism to rational knowledge, which takes interpretation as its content and perceptive judgment as its form. ─── 克罗齐把艺术即直觉归结为感性认识 ,把艺术批评归结为以人生阐释为内容、以知觉判断为形式的理性认识。

66、You appreciate many different kinds of art and music, and you are perceptive and sensitive to subtle and sophisticated creative genius. ─── 你喜欢各种不同形式的艺术和音乐,在微妙、高深的创造性天赋方面,你有着直觉性和敏锐度。

67、After communicating with him ,you must percept his most touching point: frankness, passion and confidence. ─── 和果然交流之后,你准能发觉他的最感人之处,就是坦白、激情和自信。

68、It‘s important for a manager to have a perceptive sense for the market. ─── 对于一位经理来说,具备敏锐的市场判断力至关重要。

69、In order to improve the perceptive degree of Wudang Mount, it is necessary to investigate the perceptive image of Wudang Mount and on the base of it, a new image should be designed to carry Out the tourism marketing. ─── 因此,要提高武当山的知名度、美誉度,招揽游客,很有必要进行武当山的旅游感知形象调查,在受众调查的基础上对其进行全新的旅游形象策划,从而更有效地开展旅游营销活动。

70、Filled with the rich and eclectic characters that remain a hallmark of Jonathan Demme's films, Rachel Getting Married paints a heartfelt, perceptive and sometimes hilarious family portrait. ─── 一个婚礼,一场风暴,令这家人坦诚地面对过去、勇敢地寻求宽恕,经历一次爱与痛的洗礼。

71、But how do we determine which set of neurons, and what activity among them, constitutes a conscious percept? ─── 但我们如何知道组成意识知觉的是哪些神经元?以及这些神经元之间的活动?

72、Then we have the little things that the more perceptive of you might have seen in the screenshots. ─── 然后我们有更多的感知你可能在截图看到的小东西。

73、Compassionate and perceptive, Crabs do best in nurturing professions. ─── 巨蟹:理解力强、于同情心的蟹子能做好一切和养育相关的工作。

74、Experiment results show that the proposed method is effective and can find better matching according to human visual percept. ─── 实验结果表明,应用该方法得到的检索结果是有效的,能够很好地满足人的视觉感受。

75、Being an eternal graphic type, its special perceptive object image and ways of abstract transfiguration and the decorative sense of beauty of all shapes formed in the process of evolution show themselves in the field of civilized art. ─── 作为一个永恒的图式,它所孕育的特殊感知物象抽象变形的方式和对各类造型样式在演化的过程中形成的装饰美感,在文明艺术的领地中一一表现出来。

76、Your natural ability to communicate ideas to others is keenly perceptive now. ─── 天生的向别人表达想法的能力非常敏锐。

77、Perceptive place out of buildings ─── 建筑物外的感知场所

78、Kids are perceptive and know something is up, so trying to cover up a harsh reality to protect them only fuels their worries more. ─── 孩子有敏锐的洞察力,知道发生了什么事。所以,为了保护他们,尽量的掩盖严酷的事实,以免他们更加的担心。

79、Yes , this is the life of Edie Britt, who is described as sexy by Gabrielle Solis , as perceptive by Bree Van De Kamp, as strong by Lynette Scavo, and most typically , as one of a kind by Susan Mayer. ─── 将生活中每一个平淡的片段放在一起,就编制成了生活,以及你是谁,我们中的每个人只是其中一种。

80、I do not know whether the perceptive Peter Lee believed me. ─── 不知道善于观察的李彼得是否相信了我。

81、The author’s copyright and personal information can be embedded in the products.But we can't percept it, only special software can pick it up. ─── 创作者的创作信息和个人标志通过数字水印系统以人所不可感知的水印形式嵌入在数字产品中,人们无法从表面上感知水印,只有专用的软件才可以检测出隐藏的数字水印。

82、Intense and emotionally perceptive, you appear to be tacitum. ─── 你感情强烈且敏锐,表现得沉默寡言。

83、This essay, from the viewpoint that perceptive creation contains theoretical factors, makes an approach to the creative modes, to the aesthetic features of traditional Chinese paintings, especially to landscape paintings. ─── 从感性创作中所蕴含的理性思维的角度,对中国传统绘画、尤其是山水画的创作过程中表现出来的中国传统艺术中所特有创作方式和审美特征予以详尽的论述。

84、One powerful abstraction of a sensor is a logical sensor, which is a unit of sensing or module that supplies a particular percept. ─── 传感器的一个强大的抽象是逻辑传感器,它是提供一个对象的传感单元或模块。

85、The quality of writing is closely related with the writer's perceptive ability. ─── 写作质量的高低与作者感知能力的高低有直接关系。

86、If you can imagine a treasure-island, a pool of human perceptive power, expressed in the concrete form of palaces and temples, that is the Winter Palace. ─── 假定有一座集人类想象力之大成的宝岛,以宫殿庙宇的形象出现,那就是圆明园。

87、Chinese literature, calligraphy, painting, and arts will also be introduced, so as to provide students with a basic cognitive and perceptive knowledge of the Chinese Culture. ─── 亦介绍部分中国文学和书法、绘画等艺术作品,使选学者对中国文化有一知性和感性的基本认识。

88、a perceptive analysis, comment, judgement, etc ─── 富有见地的分析、 评论、 判断等.

89、Comprehension, which is obtainable, perceptive and expressive, is the fruit of understanding and requires the learners' wisdom and knowledge. ─── “悟”是解的结果,其一,悟可求可得;其二,悟可以意会也可以言传;其三,悟需要灵性,更需要学养。

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