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pathogenic 发音

英:[?p?θ??d?en?k]  美:[?p?θ??d?en?k]

英:  美:

pathogenic 中文意思翻译



pathogenic 词性/词形变化,pathogenic变形

异体字: pathogenetic |名词: pathogenicity |副词: pathogenically |

pathogenic 常用词组

pathogenic bacteria ─── 致病菌;病原菌

pathogenic mechanism ─── 发病机理

pathogenic factor ─── 致病因素

pathogenic 短语词组

1、pathogenic microbiology ─── 病原微生物

2、non-pathogenic bacteria ─── [医] 非病原菌

3、pathogenic yeast ─── [医] 致病酵母

4、pathogenic organism ─── 致病[病源]生物

5、pathogenic potential ─── 致病潜力

6、pathogenic bacterium ─── [医]致病菌,病原菌

7、pathogenic definition ─── 病原学定义

8、auxiliary pathogenic factor ─── [医] 辅致病因子

9、pathogenic conditions ─── 致病条件

10、pathogenic fungi ─── 病原菌类

11、pathogenic factor ─── 致病因素; 邪[病理] ─── 致病因素

12、pathogenic organisms ─── 病原生物体,致 ─── 病菌致 ─── 病生物

13、pathogenic microorganism ─── [医] 病原微生物

14、non-pathogenic ─── [医] 非病原的, 不致病的

15、pathogenic bacteria ─── [医] 病原菌, 致病菌

16、pathogenic germ ─── 致病病菌

17、pathogenic parasite ─── [医] 致病性寄生物, 病原寄生物

18、pathogenic mechanism ─── 发病机理

19、pathogenic contamination ─── 致病性污染

pathogenic 相似词语短语

1、pathogenes ─── n.病原体

2、pathogen ─── n.病原体;病菌

3、orthogenic ─── adj.直向发生的

4、paedogenic ─── 恋童癖

5、pathogens ─── n.[基医]病原体;病原菌;[基医]致病菌

6、pathogenetic ─── adj.发病的;致病的

7、pathogene ─── n.病原体

8、iatrogenic ─── adj.医源性的;因医生的治疗而引起的

9、pythogenic ─── adj.腐生的

pathogenic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Plant pathogenic bacteria are tiny prokaryote with the characteristic of rapid propagation. ─── 摘要植物病原细菌是寄生在植物上的原核生物,个体微小,繁殖速度快。

2、Besides we carry on the pathogenic toxicity of the lung cell(MRC-5) to experiment. ─── 另外我们进行 肺部上皮细胞(MRC-5)之致病性毒性试验。

3、A microorganism, especially a pathogen. ─── 一种微生物,尤指病原体

4、The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi. ─── 三种病原菌中,丝瓜伤流液对灰黴病菌的抑制效果最好。

5、Infect v. To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染通过致病的微生物或媒介来传染。

6、Please list all the pathogenic mycoplasma, chlamydia and richettsia. ─── 列举出致病性支原体、衣原体和立克次体。

7、In other words these "non-pathogenic" and "health factors" than many pathogenic "health factors" even more terrifying. ─── 换句话说这些“不致病”的“健康因素”比很多致病的“健康因素”更加可怕。

8、"This event raised concern that it could be a newly emerged zoonotic pathogen. ─── “这可能是一种新出现的动物疫源性致病菌。

9、This paper reviews the apoptotic pathways of Pathogenic ... ─── 因此,本文对致病真菌凋亡通路做一综述。

10、The objective is to explore the pathogenic course, clinical features and prognosis on hallervorden spatz disease (HSD). ─── 目的是探讨苍白球黑质红核色素变性(HSD)的发病过程、临床特征及预后诊断。

11、Most of them inhi bited mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro. ─── 在实验室内测定,大多数菌株对纹枯病菌丝有较强的抑制作用。

12、A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic. ─── 一个冲突或者阻挠不一定会产生心理变态。

13、The results directly proved that L-LPS was one of the important pathogenic substances of leptospira. ─── 实验结果表明L-LPS是钩端螺旋体主要致病物质之一。

14、Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is an important pathogenic agent of chicken. ─── 摘要传染性法氏囊病毒是鸡的一种重要的病原。

15、Pathogenic identification of a new banana disease caused by Phytophthora sp. ─── 一种疫霉菌引起的香蕉新病害的病原初步鉴定。

16、Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and autoimmune thyroid diseases are both marked by pathogenic autoantibodies. ─── 摘要病理性自体抗体在全身性红斑狼疮及自体免疫性甲状腺疾病都扮演重要角色。

17、Objective To discuss the pathogenic mechanism of Prinzmetal's variant angina pectoris. ─── 摘要目的探讨变异型心绞病的发生机制。

18、To the scientists'amazement, it wasn't a human pathogen at all. ─── 令科学家们惊讶的是:它根本不是人类的病原体。

19、Poisons and pathogenic micro-organisms are among the natural health hazards with which human beings are obliged to co-exist. ─── 毒药和致病微生物是人类不得不与之共存的天然健康危害。

20、Hemophilus?influenzae?accounted for?65% of the?pathogenic bacteria?in acute?pharyngitis. ─── 嗜血杆菌占急性咽炎的致病菌的65%。

21、Man is host to a variety of pathogenic bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. ─── 人是各种致疾的细菌、原生动物以及病毒的宿主。

22、Objective To investigate the etiologic pathogen in a colony febrile event. ─── 摘要目的查找一起群体发热事件的病原体。

23、Pathogenic fire-heat tends to consume the body fluid and leads to deficiency of it. ─── 火热之邪最易迫津外泄,耗伤人体阴液。

24、AT-toxin produced by Alternaria alteniata was a kind of HST and a pathogenic factor of Tobacco Brown Spot disease . ─── AT-毒素是烟草赤星病的致病因子,是一种寄主专化性毒素。

25、Abstract Type II secretory system is associated with secretion of pathogenic proteins of Ralstonia solanacearum. ─── 摘要 植物青枯菌II型分泌系统与致病蛋白的分泌密切相关。

26、Investigation on Pathogen in Case with Cervical Erosion in STD Outpatients. ─── 性病门诊中宫颈糜烂患者病原微生物感染情况调查。

27、ACB positive rate in sputum of pathogenic samples was 64.4% and that in mpm pa thogenic free specimens was only 11.9%. ─── ACB在含致病菌标本中阳性率为 64 .4% ;

28、Sheep were immunized with the removed pathogenic organize from a patient suffer from pulmonary carcinoma. ─── 取一供体肺癌患者术后切下的病变组织免疫羊,再用羊的免疫器官提制核酸,然后回注射于供体。

29、Porphyromonas gingivalis is the mainly pathogenic bacteria for adult periodontitis. 2. ─── 2. 中间普氏菌是成人牙周炎主要致病菌。

30、Cryptosporidium and Giardia axe two common species of pathogenic protozoan, seriously endangering the water quality. ─── 摘要隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫是两种严重危害水质安全的病原性原生动物。

31、Escherichia coli O157 is an important food-borne human pathogen. ─── 大肠杆菌O157是一种重要的食源性病原菌。

32、To communicate a pathogen or disease to. ─── 侵染将病原体或疾病传播给

33、Methods To analyze the pathogenic characteristies and X ray findings of 29 cases of PIP. ─── 方法分析29例肺炎性假瘤的发病特点,发病机理及X线表现。

34、To investigate the pathogenic bacteria and the evaluate the prognosis of postoperative intraabdominal infection. ─── 探讨腹部术后腹腔感染的病原菌和预后估计。

35、The pathogenic mechanisms were mainly basilar artery branch disease (BABD) and small artery disease. ─── 临床上主要表现为病变对侧中枢性面瘫及肢体瘫痪,常伴构音障碍、头晕、共济失调、偏身感觉障碍等。

36、Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive enteric pathogen. ─── 摘要难辨梭状芽孢杆菌是一种革兰阳性肠道病原体。

37、At temperatures of 71℃, almost all pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and most plant viruses are destroyed. ─── 71℃的温度几乎对所有的病原包括细菌、真菌和大多数植物的病毒都能被杀死。

38、The present study deals with the species of pathogenic mites causing urinary acariasis. ─── 探讨引起尿螨病的病原螨种类。

39、To investigate the methods for pathogenic diagnosis of Demodicid mites. ─── 摘要了解人体蠕形螨病原的检查方法。

40、Foodborne pathogenic bacteria biofilm is hidden danger to food safety in food industry. ─── 摘要食源性病原菌生物被膜是威胁食品安全的一个重大隐患。

41、METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the pathogenic bacteria clinically isolated in 2006. ─── 方法:对2006年我院临床分离的病原菌数据进行回顾性分析。

42、Any of various paired spherical bacteria, including those of the genus Diplococcus, some of which are pathogenic. ─── 双球菌一种成对球形细菌,包括双球菌属的细菌,其中一部分是致病的

43、pathogenic mutation was detected in the exon and franking regions of MYH9 gene except a synonymous mutation. ─── 除同义突变外,在 MYH9 基因的外显子和弗兰克区域未检测到致病突变。

44、Caused by a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染病的由致病微生物或媒介导致的

45、Cytomegalovirus is the pathogen of cytomegalic inclusion disease. ─── 巨细胞包涵体病。

46、They can occur as spoilage organisms and some are pathogenic causing infections. ─── 作为腐生菌,它可能损害生物机体并具有一定致病性和传染性。

47、Mice infected with the pathogenic E. coli and given ciprofloxacin did not develop resistance. ─── 当研究人员喂食小鼠致病性的大肠杆菌,并给予塞浦弗洒辛,细菌并不会产生抗药性。

48、The thin line between gut commensal and pathogen. ─── 大黄对肠粘膜屏障的保护作用。

49、Any of the pathogenic yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida. ─── 假丝酵母任一种假丝酵母属类似酵母的不完全病原性真菌

50、Summer heat is a yang pathogen, so is wind, and so is fire-heat. ─── (1)暑为阳邪,风也为阳邪,火也为阳邪。

51、Of, relating to, or having immunity to infection by a specific pathogen. ─── 免疫的属于、关于或具有对某种特定病原体的感染的免疫力的

52、The immune system does not need to analyses the entire pathogen. ─── 免疫系统并不需要分析整个病菌。

53、Objective: Since the uveitis pathogenic active of S-antigen is in relation to its purity, isolation of the antigen is extremely important. ─── 目的:视网膜S抗原的致葡萄膜炎活性与其纯度呈正相关,所以S抗原的纯化尤为重要。

54、The effects of the root exudates on hyphal growth of pathogenic fungi, Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.(F. ox. ─── 同时检测了培养基中添加大豆根系分泌物和纯品氨基酸对大豆根腐病菌菌落生长的影响。

55、Pathogenic Mycoplasmas have been found in humans, animals, plants and insects, which can cause many diseases. ─── 摘要致病性支原体感染造成的危害非常广泛,在人类、动物、植物和昆虫中,可引起多种疾病。

56、It had become of major importance as a pathogen. ─── 它已成为极其重要的病原菌。

57、Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses? ─── 候鸟会传播致病性禽流感吗?

58、Root-knot nematode is a kind of most important pathogenic, causing enormous damage to plants. ─── 摘要根结线虫是一类重要的植物病原物,严重为害农作物。

59、The infections due to this pathogen occur in the hot summer season. ─── 其感染大部分是在炎热的夏季发生。

60、Relative immunity to severe infection by a particular pathogen as a result of a chronic low-grade infection induced earlier by the same pathogen. ─── 传染免疫由以前同一病原体所引起的慢性低度传染而造成的特定病原体对严重感染的相对免疫

61、BC TBC 169 strain had obvious inhibitory effect on the pathogenic becteriae of intestinal tract. ─── 凝结芽胞杆菌TBC 169株对肠道致病菌有显著的抑制作用。

62、The main pathogenic microbes are anaerobes,mycoplasma,Neisseria gonorrhoeae and so on. ─── 主要病原微生物有厌氧菌、支原体、衣原体及淋球菌等。

63、The tabtoxin is an important pathogenic factor for the worldwide-occurred tobacco wildfire disease. ─── 摘要烟草野火病是一种世界普遍发生的病害。

64、The strain of Ebola that broke out in Zaire has one of the highest of any human pathogenic virus, roughly 90%. ─── 扎伊尔爆发的伊波拉种群具备人类致病菌的最高死亡率,大约为90%。

65、May be associated with proctitis and a variety of pathogenic microorganisms on the invasion of the intestinal tract. ─── 可能与直肠炎及多种病原微生物对肠道的侵袭有关。

66、An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. ─── 初疮病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡

67、A facultative pathogen of some insect species commonly used as a biopesticide. ─── 一些昆虫的兼性病原物,常用作生物杀虫剂。

68、Pathogenic hemopoiesis may be observed in the two series of cells or more. ─── 并不在于环形铁粒幼细胞的多少。

69、Injured emotion,dietetic irrationality and pathogenic factors were also important factors resulting to urticaria. ─── 另外,情志所伤、饮食不当和病理产物性病因亦是荨麻疹发病的重要原因。

70、Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic spirochetes. ─── 摘要钩端螺旋体病由致病性螺旋体引起。

71、Expelling pathogenic factors cannot only remove the pathogenic factors but also make qi flow in harmonious way. ─── “透邪”,达邪也,不仅能透邪外出,而且能畅达邪郁之气机。

72、However, there are some differences in biological features, pathogenic mechanism and histology. ─── 但肿瘤模型与人类肿瘤在生物学特性、致病机制、组织学等方面尚存在一定差别。

73、To contaminate with a pathogenic microorganism or agent. ─── 传染通过致病的微生物或媒介来传染

74、Most of the pathogenic bacteria were sensitive to ciprofloxacin (81.81%) and gentamicin (77.92%). ─── 其中,致病细菌对环丙沙星敏感者最多,占81.81%;庆大霉素次之,占77.92%。

75、Studies on the Regeneration and Reversion of Protoplasts From Beauveria bassiana, a Pathogenic Fungus to Bombyx mori L. ─── 家蚕病原白僵菌原生质体的再生回复研究。

76、But like the flu jab, R genes can be rendered useless if a pathogen mutates into a slightly modified form. ─── 但是就像流感发作一样,如果病原变异为稍有不同的形式,r基因就会毫无用武之地。

77、Under light microscope, pathogenic changes were s een mainly in the jejunum and ileum. ─── 主要病理改变为水肿、炎症细胞浸润和充血。

78、What if I could stick this molecule, slap it onto a bacteria that was pathogenic to me, that had just invaded my lungs? ─── 假如我把这个分子,植入到一个细菌上,而这个细菌恰恰是正在侵略我肺部的病原体呢?

79、Morphological and molecular biological property of the rare pathogenic Chaetomium spp. ─── 少见致病性毛壳菌形态学及分子生物学特性研究。

80、Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen. ─── 免疫力遗传的、后天的或诱发的对特定的病原感染的抵抗能力

81、Objective: To investigate pathogenic bacterium and drug resistance of the vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). ─── 摘要目的:了解外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病的致病菌种及耐药情况。

82、Indications:Clear away heat, eliminate dampness, purge pathogenic fire, put out steam, detoxicate and cure furuncles. ─── 功能主治:清热燥湿,泻火除蒸,解毒疗疮。

83、Objective To explore the pathogenic factors, clinical grade and treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the elderly. ─── 摘要目的分析老年心房颤动患者的病因和治疗等相关情况。

84、They are not pathogenic factors; they are five comprehensive changes of pathogenesis. ─── 它们不是病理因素,而是五种综合的病理改变。

85、Objective To analyse the mutation of pathogenic gene TSC2 in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). ─── 摘要目的分析结节性硬化症(TSC)致病基因TSC2突变方式。

86、It has the function of dredging the obstruction,expelling pathogenic cold,relieving pain and tranquilizing the mind. ─── 具有开导闭塞、祛寒止痛、镇静安神的功能。

87、At least one avian disease pathogen has been found. ─── 已经发现至少有一种禽病的病原体。

88、Among parasites, protozoa are usually more pathogenic than nematodes. ─── 在寄生虫中,原虫的致病性往往比线虫的要高。


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