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08-15 投稿


argentate 中文意思翻译



argentate 短语词组

1、argentate chemistry ─── 银化学

2、argentate translation ─── 银色翻译

3、argentate definition ─── 银色定义

argentate 相似词语短语

1、orientate ─── v.朝向,面向;确定方向;使熟悉,适应;以……为重点(同orient)

2、argentite ─── n.辉银矿

3、argental ─── adj.银的;似银的;n.[矿物]银汞膏

4、orientates ─── v.朝向,面向;确定方向;使熟悉,适应;以……为重点(同orient)

5、argentines ─── 银(argentine的名词复数);银色素;银色工艺材料

6、argentine ─── adj.阿根廷的;银的;n.阿根廷人;银

7、archontate ─── n.古雅典执政官的任期

8、fragmentate ─── vt.使…裂成碎片

9、orientated ─── v.(使)朝向;(使)朝东;(使)适应;引导(某人)的方向;针对;摆正方向(orientate的过去式及过去分词,orientate等于orient);adj.面向……的,对……感兴趣的

argentate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ne argent ni bouquets de roses ─── 不要金钱,不要玫瑰花束

2、Dress: Dress of real silk of argent jacquard weave cooperates unlined upper garment of knitting dark variegated wool, very novel tie-in gimmick. ─── 服饰:镶珠片紧身连衣裙配合腰间网状蕾丝设计,个性别致。经典配件:帆布面料仿牛仔军帽,搭配珠链很新奇。

3、Accordingly, develop " argent industry " , prospect of market of development the aged is valued. ─── 因此,开发“银色产业”,发展老龄市场前景看好。

4、Study and application of plate dam for meeting argent water retaining ─── 板坝式应急挡水子堤方案的研究与应用

5、Gold-plated hoop earrings with chain and green enamel coral charm at end which is set with Comet Argent Light crystals. ─── 款型:金属部分为金色镀铑(铑是一种贵金属,价格高于白金)

6、Of course, yi Ke is added into metallic color or argent wait. ─── 当然,亦可加进金属色或银色等。

7、Some teenagers suffer the effect of the film, caricature probably, can feel the black of cruel cruel, argent to ability individualizes, hope to be in on wall on gush even letter and design. ─── 有些少年或许受电影、漫画的影响,会觉得酷酷的黑色、银色才有个性,甚至希望在墙壁上喷上字母和图案。

8、How the Argent Crusade managed to capture these fiends remains a mystery; ─── 至于银色十字军是如何抓捕它们将是一个谜;

9、Beijing Tian Zhao Xin Real Estate Argent Co., Ltd. ─── 北京天兆新房地产经纪有限公司。

10、If your budget cannot the material such as burden stainless steel, also can convert white, gray or argent glue board material, its appearance is same very flowing, and very durable. ─── 假如你的预算不能负担不锈钢等材料,也可改用白色、灰色或银色的胶板材料,其表面同样十分平滑,且极为耐用。

11、The Approach to the Extraction of Argent from Silver Chloride Precipitate ─── 氯化银沉淀提取金属银方法探讨

12、The 2nd: Argent and aureate, OK as suitable as any color line. Aureate do not include yellow, argent do not include hoar. ─── 第二条:金色、银色可以与任何颜色相配衬。金色不包括黄色,银色不包括灰白色。

13、white, gules, argent combination is together, took the effect of a kind of shock immediately. ─── 白色、红色、银色组合在一起,立刻带出了一种震撼的效果。

14、He told me that he should be at the Tillac d'Argent this evening." ─── 他告诉我说今天晚上,他在银甲板客栈。”

15、34 14 Aluminium Housing Color Argent; Argent; Argent; Argent; Argent; ─── 35铝支架颜色银色;银色;银色;银色;银色;

16、No time, le temps c 'est DE l 'argent, no money, money is god, lack of true feelings, became the self-esteem! ─── 没时间的人,一寸光阴一寸金,没钱的人,钱是上帝,缺感情的人,真情成了自尊!

17、Some vulgar buildings look uncomfortable with golden and argent decoration and stone lions and red lanterns. ─── 跟我们的价值观、审美情趣比较相同的人,一看我们的产品就会受到吸引,就会成为我们的顾客。

18、If your heart bids you, come this evening to the inn of the Tillac d'Argent,you will find me there." ─── 假使您愿意,今天晚上,你到银甲板客栈里来,您可以在那里找着我。”

19、Messanger: Excuse me, sir. Argent messager from the spaceship monitoring station. A strange flash of light and an explorsion followed by irregularity in the gravitational field. ─── 对不起,长官。从太空监视站传来了紧急情况。太空中出现了一个奇怪的闪光,接着就是重力场的不规则的扩散。

20、A display issue may occur with this change, causing the Argent Hippogryph to continue to display a cost of 250 Champion's Seals. ─── 一个显示问题可能会因为这个改动而发生,使得银色角鹰兽仍继续显示花费250枚勇士徽记。

21、a cross argent between four bezants ─── 在4个金环纹章中间的一个银白色十字架

22、In patch 3.1, a new world event titled “The Argent Tournament” will be coming to Northrend! ─── 1补丁诺森德将会上演一个新的世界事件“银色锦标赛”。

23、argent(o)-, argyro- ─── 银

24、2.Take " argent clique " do not take aureate hinge. ─── 2.取“银色派”就不取金色的铰链。

25、The story of Darion Mograine, the Ashbringer, and Tirion Fordring - the battle for Light's Hope and the forging of the Argent Crusade. ─── 完全声望手册:银色十字军(装备翻译更新完毕,我想咬人!)-海龟

26、The matter is not argent,so there is no need to send a telegram and writing a letter is all right. ─── 事情不急,何必打电报呢?写封信就行了。

27、Rhodium-plated scarf necklace with cubic-cut Comet Argent Light crystals; link chain. ─── 铑镀领巾项链立方切银彗星光晶体;链。

28、The reaction of carbonate & silver chloride under high temperature produces silver carbonate, which is decomposed into argent, thus reclaiming argent from the waste liquid. ─── 利用碳酸盐与氯化银在高温下作用生成碳酸银,碳酸银分解得到金属银,从而提取回收含银废液中的金属银.

29、Consume clew: The most popular this year mosaic colour is the department that mix scene and metallic color department, aureate with argent the delegate that is vogue and avant-courier. ─── 消费提示:今年最流行的马赛克色彩是混色系与金属色系,金色与银色是时尚与前卫的代表。

30、01 Highlord Darion Mograine yells: Soldiers of the Scourge, stand ready! Prepare to unleash your fury upon the Argent Dawn! ─── 大领主达里安.莫格莱尼喊道:天灾的勇士们,各就各位!准备将你们的怒火释放在银色黎明上!

31、Wonderful unscramble: This wrist expresses the argent and plastic base of park rectangle to go up, base surface shows arc slightly. ─── 出色解读:这款腕表置于长方形的银色塑料底座上,底座表面略呈弧形。

32、 双语使用场景

33、The ambry of orange red, shallow argent metal pledges the cistern of feeling, kitchen is provided, the style is contracted and contemporary, also facilitate at the same time clean. ─── 橙红色的橱柜,浅银色金属质感的水槽、灶具,风格简约现代,同时也便于清洁。

34、67 Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: The Argent Crusade comes for you, Arthas! ─── 大领主提里奥佛丁喊道:银色远征军找你算账了,阿尔萨斯!

35、the bright moonlight illuminated argent watercourse,and the monkeys cried mirthlessly along the riverside. Flowers were dark and the town was located in the mountain, few placeman could be seem. ─── 在我看来,江路应该是水道,因为原来就有“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”的诗句。把合适的修饰词用上,诗意可能就出来了。本人愚见,愿与各位切磋。

36、Enchase in glass considerably photograph, this is a not bad originality really, but if be " argent clique " if, might as well take black-and-white photograph, can appear more cruel. ─── 在玻璃中镶嵌大幅的照片,这的确是个不坏的创意,但假如是“银色派”的话,不妨取黑白照片,会显得更酷。

37、Apothecary Society Messenger says: The Argent Dawn's agents scored a decisive victory in the deserts of Tanaris. ─── 药剂师协会信使:塔纳利斯沙漠的疫情已经被银色黎明使者完全控制住。

38、un argent :Ce bracelet est brillant:il est en argent. ─── 银:这个闪亮的手镯是银质的.

39、Adorable ruthenium-plated robot pendant in Comet Argent Light, Jet, Hyacinth, Lime and clear crystal, set in the Pointiage technique. The robot's head, arms and legs are moveable. ─── 施华洛世奇源自奥地利,来自奥地利专柜的施华洛世奇产品,无论质量和价格,都堪称世界顶尖。享受世界顶级水晶艺术,部分商品有现货,无现货的代购需15-20天。

40、Because, want to turn over its leaf only, argent one side can reflex the brightness of astral month, enlighten pass through silvan method. ─── 因为,只要将其叶子翻过来,银色的一面便会反射星月的光辉,照亮穿越森林的路径。

41、Under thundering skies, Argent Tournament participants have honed the arts of war and faced off in bone-shattering jousting matches to earn the right to be called champions. ─── 在雷鸣般的天空,银色赛参与者磨练战争的艺术和面临的骨外粉碎赞不绝口比赛获得的权利,被称为冠军。

42、Argentate , amused , beatific ...;reindeer , ring , Santa Claus ...;red , green , white ...;Yes, the Christmas Day is coming!The presents are coming! ─── 将自己容在天与地中,感受如此一个毫无繁杂的世界.用心灵的调色盘,重新渲染缤纷的色彩.

43、Come with respect to the argent eye shadow inside reoccupy box finally line of the look below brushwork. ─── 最后就再用盒内的银色眼影来绘画下眼线。

44、Apothecary Society Messenger says: Light's Hope Chapel remains a bastion in the Plaguelands. Argent Dawn's foothold there is key to securing the area. ─── 药剂师协会信使:瘟疫之地的圣光之愿礼拜堂已经变成一个要塞,由银色黎明成员驻守,那里成为该地区的最终防线。

45、Below are the new achievements for the upcoming Arena dungeon of the Argent Tournament - Call of the Crusade[/b]. ─── 以下是来自将要上线的银白联赛中十字军竞技场的新成就-十字军的召唤。

46、Aureate, argent draw the outline of successfully with white become a monk or nun the decorous atmosphere in. ─── 金色、银色和白色成功地勾勒出家里的高雅氛围。

47、the furniture with existing bedroom, for instance bed, ambry, drawer brush a metal argent, undertake assorted with the wall of new stucco. ─── 把卧室现有的家具,比如床、橱柜、抽屉等刷成金属银色,与新粉刷的墙壁进行组合。

48、the bright moonlight illuminated argent watercourse,and the monkeys cried mirthlessly along the riverside. ─── 在我看来,江路应该是水道,因为原来就有“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”的诗句。

49、Argent, W. ─── 金教士

50、After line of the look below 2. uses fluid of blue look line to had been drawn carefully, with brush nature divide evenly leaves, canthus gives Gao Guang with argent picture before. ─── 2.下眼线用蓝色眼线液仔细地画好后用刷子自然匀开,前眼角用银色画出高光。

51、But aureate and argent and general cannot exist at the same time, can use only in same space among them a kind. ─── 第七条:想制造明快现代的家居味,那么您就不要选用那些印有大花小花的东西植物除外,尽量使用素色的设计。

52、Product Design of Argent Terylene Snow Reels yarn by Water Jet Loom ─── 喷水织机涤纶银丝雪纺纱产品设计

53、New art textures have been added for Argent Tournament mounts. ─── * 银色锦标赛的坐骑获得了新的材质外观。

54、Green and argent clever collocation, wonderful unsurpassed, let a person see gutty and pure and fresh sense. ─── 绿色与银色的巧妙搭配,出色又绝伦,让人一看就有种清新的感觉。

55、65 Highlord Tirion Fordring says: The Argent Dawn and the Order of Silver Hand will come together as one! We will succeed where so many before us have failed! ─── 大领主提里奥佛丁说:银色黎明舆白银之手骑士团将合而为一!我们将实现先人从未达到的愿望!

56、Today the pulsation of summerly dress popularity is fast and jumpy, from white, argent, arrive pink, army green, sudden change, your person has too many visitors or business to deal with. ─── 今夏服饰流行的脉博快速跳动,从白色、银色,到桃红、军绿,瞬间变化,令人应接不暇。

57、W. Argent ─── 金教士(?-1891),英国人,来华传教士。

58、Other times, the grind takes on a different goal as players seek to raise their reputation with factions such as the Thorium Brotherhood, Timbermaw Firbolgs, or Argent Dawn. ─── 过叁洞重新训练细芬的眼力、手力、落汗、打花章及记忆力等麻雀技法。另一方面,颠奴疯狂追求初恋,初恋要他努力练习打麻雀,在雀神大赛中助细芬一臂之力。

59、Hero of Northrend - First player on the realm to gain exalted reputation with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade. ─── 诺森德的英雄-伺服器第一个将银色十字军、龙息议会、肯瑞托、黑锋骑士团修到崇拜。

60、If your toilet is given priority to with cool color, can choose argent bibcock; If be given priority to with warm color, that is about to use aureate. ─── 假如您的卫生间以冷色为主,可以挑选银色的龙头;假如以暖色为主,那就要用金色的。

61、Take any color to be able to have very marked effect, but want " argent clique " if, it is of course take white, gray or argent. ─── 取任何颜色都能有非常醒目的效果,但要“银色派”的话,当然是取白色、灰色或银色。

62、argent nitrate ─── 硝酸银

63、* Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn.This has been fixed. ─── 杀死某些怪物后未得到银色黎明声望的错误已被修正。

64、peluche argent ─── 银线丝绒

65、Because of how well the Argent Tournament allows you to gain reputation with city factions, I think it will continue to be relevant. ─── 因为银色联赛能够让你便捷的获得各主城的声望,所以我认为它还是有存在的意义的。

66、Potassium Bis(cyano-c)Argentate ─── 氰化银钾

67、Highlord Trion Fordring says: The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one! ─── 大领主提里奥.弗丁说:我们将要同阿尔萨斯战斗并最终攻破寒冰皇冠的城墙!

68、They were off to the Sargasso, and so they had changed their yellowish-grey colour for the universal argent of the seas. ─── 但是鳗鱼肯定是错不了的,他们闪着银光的皮肤是它们的标志性特征.他们离开故乡去马尾藻海,为了在通常呈现银色的海洋中生存,他们更换了黄灰色的外表。

69、If your toilet is given priority to with cool color, can choose argent bibcock; ─── 假如您的卫生间以冷色为主,可以挑选银色的龙头;

70、To Argent Usher for all the great graphics you have done for me and XAI (We miss you, friend) . ─── 以银亚瑟的所有伟大的图形你为我所做的和赛(我们想念你,朋友) 。

71、Highlord Trion Fordring says: The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one!We will succeed where so many before us have failed! ─── 大领主提里奥.弗丁:银色黎明和白银之手骑士团从今往后合而为一!我们会继承前人未竟的事业!

72、Do not bring the model of decorative pattern, symmetrical design and argent and cool metal fittings made perfect integral style. ─── 不带花纹的造型,对称的图案和银色冷淡的金属配件构成了完美的整体风格。

73、Its exterior line is fluent and concise, the surface is titanium argent, colour is full, bright and clean had spent, have a metal to feel character. ─── 它的外观线条流畅简洁,表面为钛银色,色彩饱满,光洁度好,具有金属质感。

74、The color of the products is argent grey metallic shine, smooth, unknit. They mustn't be oxydic badly, lacking of sintering, over heating, delamination and cracking. ─── 产品表面呈银灰色金属光泽、光滑、平整、不得有严重氧化现象,不得有欠烧、过熔、鼓泡、分层、裂纹等缺陷。

75、Highlord Trion Fordring yells:The Argent Crusade comes for you.Arthas! ─── 大领主提里奥.弗丁:银色北伐军来和你清算了,阿尔萨斯!

76、In order to better balance the cost of new rewards that we would like to add to the Argent Tournament, we will be changing the cost of the Argent Hippogryph flying mount in the next minor patch. ─── 为了能够更好的平衡银色锦标赛新加入的奖励的花费,我们决定在下个小补丁改变角鹰兽飞行坐骑的花费。

78、Improving faction with Timbermaw Hold will now decrease your faction with Argent Dawn, and visa versa, as we want to encourage players to make more important choices at higher levels. ─── 许多绿色的任务不再奖励经验,但是提供金钱回报。这会使得升级更有挑战性,然而同时也能使玩家更容易地得到坐骑。

79、Variety of main Plasma Hormones and Control of them on Reproduction in Argent Fox ─── 银狐繁殖期血浆主要激素变化及其对繁殖功能的调控

80、Increases damage done to Undead and Demons by magical spells and effects by up to 85. It also allows the acquisition of Scourgestones on behalf of the Argent Dawn. ─── 使魔法和法术效果对亡灵和恶魔造成的伤害提高最多85点。同时也可为银色黎明收集天灾石。

81、Varian, Jaina and their escort appear from inside the Silver Covenant Pavilion and walk west towards the Argent Pavilion. ─── 瓦里安,吉安娜和保镖从白银之阁中出现,向西行进。

82、Deliver Father Gustav's Report to Highlord Tirion Fordring at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown. ───

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