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08-15 投稿


apronful 中文意思翻译



apronful 相似词语短语

1、aproning ─── n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;vt.着围裙于;围绕;n.(Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙

2、throngful ─── 拥挤的

3、teaspoonful ─── n.一茶匙的量

4、apronfuls ─── n.满满一围裙(的数量)

5、spoonfuls ─── n.一匙;一匙的量

6、apron ─── n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;vt.着围裙于;围绕;n.(Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙

7、spoonful ─── n.一匙;一匙的量

8、aprons ─── n.[轻]围裙;皮圈;裙板(apron的复数)

9、aproned ─── adj.穿围裙的

apronful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be tied to the apron strings of one's wife. ─── 围裙带,泛指女人。

2、Croatia :Married remale relatives remove the bride's veil and replace it with a kerchief and apron ,symbols of her new married status. ─── 克罗地亚:由已婚的女性亲戚摘下新娘的面纱,换上一块头巾和一条围裙,意味着新娘的已婚新身份。

3、The maidservant wears apron when she works. ─── 女佣工作时穿围裙。

4、He returns to wear to break the apron with a slippers. ─── 他还穿着破围裙和一双拖鞋。

5、Kitchen products, such as apron, oven glove, heat insulation mat, placemat and tea towel etc. ─── 围裙,餐垫,微波炉手套,茶巾等厨房用品,棒槌花边,绣花挂件等工艺礼品;

6、His apron was blotted with oil. ─── 他的围裙上满是油点。

7、A maid in a white apron opened the door. ─── 一个身著白围裙的女佣开了门。

8、Even he grew up, he was still tied to his mother's apron strings. ─── 他甚至成年后仍然什么都依靠母亲作主。

9、The negroes fled, the luckless Lou wailing into her apron. ─── 几个黑人都溜了,那个倒霉的卢儿还一路用围裙捂着脸伤心地哭泣。

10、An apron keeps his clothing unstained. ─── 围裙使他的衣服保持原样。

11、And off she ran, returning with an apronful of parsley and a turnip. ─── 于是她跑回家,带着满满一围裙的欧芹和一根萝卜回来了。

12、A sleeveless garment similar to an apron, worn especially by small girls as a dress or an overdress. ─── 围裙,围身裙似围裙的无袖衣袍,尤指小姑娘做裙子或外衣穿

13、He sewed a patch on his old gardening apron, the one he always wore when he was sowing seeds. ─── 他在旧的园艺围裙上缝了一块补丁,在他播种时他总是围着这块围裙。

14、He put on an apron and peeled the apples,chatting with Elena. ─── 他围上围裙,一边削苹果,一边和埃莱娜交谈。

15、"Fine," I handed him the knife, removed my apron, and fled the kitchen for my office. He wanted me to write grace? He'd get it! ─── “妙哉,”我把刀递给他,摘下围裙,逃离厨房直奔办公室。他要我写个谢恩祷告?他会如愿的!

16、Decontamination, demolition and removal of buildings and apron pavement, and site formation in North Apron of Kai Tak Airport. ─── 为启德机场北面停机坪进行除污、拆除建筑物和机坪行人道、以及土地平整工程。

17、If a houseman, appropriate smart-casual clothing would be better, including an apron if cooking! ─── 仆人应当穿得随意一些,如果是在烹调,记得加上围裙!

18、"Put on a clean apron because I want you to go over to the hospital. ─── "快去系上一条干净的围裙,我要你上医院去一趟。

19、Villa ate very little at her Aunt's home because she was thinking all the time of her beautiful apron. ─── 在姑姑家,维拉吃得很少,因为她一直想着她美丽的围裙。

20、When he was very young, he let go of his mother's apron strings. ─── 在他很年轻的时候他就不依赖母亲了。

21、PVC TABLE-CLOTH,SHOWER CURTAIN,TABLEMAT,APRON AND SO ON. ─── PVC台布,浴帘,餐垫,围裙等等.质量保证,花色新颖.希望有需要者与我联系.

22、The rest of the bodywork is made up of new side skirts, a front spoiler insert, fender inserts and a rear apron. ─── 其余的车体是由新的侧裙,前扰流器插入,插入挡泥板和后挡板。

23、A maid in a white apron opened the door for me. ─── 一个身着白围裙的女佣帮我开了门。

24、While handling HRW in the utility room, gloves must be done, and appropriate gown or plastic apron must be worn. ─── 在杂物间处理医疗危险垃圾时,必须戴手套,穿合适的长外套或戴塑料围裙。

25、The chef in the carver wear a long white apron. ─── 切肉的厨师系一件白色长围裙。

26、What have you got in your apron? ─── “你手里拿的什么呀?”

27、To prevent being known, I pulled off my blue apron, and wrapt the bundle in it. ─── 为了避免被人认出,我脱下我的蓝围裙,拿来包起我的大包袱。

28、He embrace the witch's apron top the dog son. ─── 他把狗儿抱到女巫的围裙上。

29、You can taxi back to the apron via taxiway No. ─── 你可以通过五号滑行道回到停机坪。

30、Inside, white pillars support a flat ceiling and apron balconies trim the walls. ─── 圣堂内的天花板布满图案装饰,其中有一皇冠图案,恰好就在主坛上,大门雕工精细;

31、Mark of a chef: Messy apron, clean sleeves. ─── 厨师格言:脏裙净袖。

32、She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch. ─── 做午饭时,她不小心把围裙溅上了油。

33、A charming apron sink, shaker-style cabinetry and dark oiled-soapstone counters infuse this kitchen with farmhouse style. ─── 一个漂亮的水槽,线条简洁的橱柜和深橄榄色台面,赋予这个厨房以深厚的乡村风味。

34、"First call for dinner in the dining-car," a Pullman servitor was announcing, as he hastened through the aisle in snow-white apron and jacket. ─── “餐车第一次叫吃晚饭,"车上的一个侍者穿着雪白的围裙和短上衣,一边喊一边匆匆地穿过车厢的走道。

35、Charlotte uttered a scream, and hid her face in her apron . ─── 夏洛特发出一声尖叫,用围裙把面孔遮起来。

36、The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest. ─── 围裙上部,工装裤上部围裙的一部分或工装裤胸前的部分

37、Use of especially hazardous reagents (bromine, chlorosulfonic acid, etc.) may require a rubber apron also. ─── 使用尤其具有危险性的试剂时(溴、氯磺酸等等)需要穿上橡胶制的防护围裙。

38、Kitchen(Which including oven glove, kitchen towel, tea towel, placemat, apron etc. Cotton yarn-dyed fabric with or without embroidery. ─── 厨房用品(包括全棉色织布加绣花或无绣花的微波炉手套,厨房巾,茶巾,餐垫,围裙等)

39、Escape 500-years frequency flood, apron end average velocity is 4.37m/s, stream bed filled rubble maximum scour depth 2.8m. ─── 下泄500年一遇洪水时,护坦末端平均流速为4.37m/s,河床??块石时最大冲刷深度2.8m。

40、Kai Tak Airport North Apron, Kowloon. ─── 九龙启德机场北面停机坪。

41、There were no wound complication in apron and MacFee group. ─── 围裙式和平行切口未出现并发症。

42、He wore a neat apron and suggested that the aquarium should be equipped by advanced appurtenance . ─── 他穿着一条整洁的围裙并建议用先进的配件装备水族馆。

43、The BRABUS rear apron is the perfect backdrop for the four tailpipes of the BRABUS high-performance exhaust system. ─── Brabus后方车裙是为BRABUS高性能排气系统的四条排气管完美的背景。

44、Kitchen (Which including oven glove, kitchen towel, tea towel, placemat, apron etc. Cotton yarn-dyed fabric with or without embroidery. ─── 厨房用品(包括全棉色织布加绣花或无绣花的微波炉手套,厨房巾,茶巾,餐垫,围裙等

45、But when the dizziness began to go off, she whisked her little scissors out of her apron pocket, and snip! ─── 不过,当她清醒的时候,她从围裙口袋里拿出了那把小剪刀,咔嚓!

46、He's over twenty and lives at home, still tied to his mother's apron strings. ─── 他20多岁了,还住在家里,仍然拴在母亲的围裙带上。

47、A new rear wing and apron, larger front grill, new front spoiler, large fender extensions, and door trims round out the list of body improvements. ─── 一种新的尾翼和围裙,大前格栅,新的前扰流板,大挡泥板扩展,和门的装饰轮名单机构改进。

48、"First call for dinner in the dining car, "a Pullman servitor was announcing, as he hastened through the aisle in snow white apron and jacket. ─── “餐车第一次叫吃晚饭,”车上的一个侍者穿着雪白的围裙和短上衣,一边喊一边匆匆地穿过车厢的走道。

49、Could you tie this apron round me? ─── 你受累把围裙给我系上行吗?

50、Additionally,introduction is made to the philosophy and way of application of the patented "gange Measuring diameter of lattice apron". ─── 同时,介绍了已申请专利的"网圈直径测量尺"的原理及使用方法。

51、Granny tied an apron around her full waist. ─── 奶奶在她那粗壮的腰上系了个围裙。

52、Inside the darkened city, a man clad in a butcher's apron enters Vorenus's home, startling Niobe. ─── 在黑暗的城市里,一个穿着屠夫围裙的男人冲进沃伦诺斯的家,吓了尼娥波一大跳。

53、"If you come, bring an apron," he added. ─── “来的话,带一条围腰。 "他又加了一句。

54、Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron. ─── 允许通过三叉戟停机坪到达03号跑道等待位置。

55、He drive straight to the apron where the plane is wait. ─── 他驱车直奔停机坪, 那儿飞机正等待起飞。

56、Special production sale absorbent gauze mouthpiece, apron, labor insurance things and environmental protection cloth sack and so on oversleeve. ─── 专门生产销售脱脂纱布口罩,围裙,袖套等劳保用品及环保布袋。

57、He snatched the ducks out of her apron . ─── 他从她的围裙里夺过了那几只野鸭。

58、For the whole night, Villa was dreaming of her new apron. ─── 一整夜,小猫维拉都梦着她的新围裙。

59、He was tied to his mother's apron strings. ─── 他受他妈妈的影响。

60、He drives straight to the apron where the plane is wait. ─── 他驱车直奔停机坪,那儿飞机正等待起飞。

61、I gave her an apronful of yellow and red tomatoes. ─── 我拿给她一围裙的黄番茄红番茄。

62、They consist of an AMG front apron with large cooling air intakes, new side skirts and a custom rear bumper. ─── 他们组成的AMG的前裙与大型冷却进气口,新的侧裙和一个自定义后保险杠。

63、The county attorney goes to the table , picks up the apron . laughs . ─── 县检察官走到桌前,拿起围裙,笑了。)

64、Thelma: (Embarrassed, smiles, twists her apron and wriggles her shoulders.) Well, ma'am;I, well, it's this way. ─── 塞尔玛:(尴尬地笑了笑扯了围裙,扭了扭肩膀)哦,夫人,事情是这样的。

65、Cleared to return to the apron. ─── 允许返回停机坪。

66、You spread it on the ground, then at once walk through to go to, and is only that the dog embrace, put on my apron. ─── 你把它铺在地上,然后赶快走过去,把那只狗抱起来,放在我的围裙上。

67、He didn't want to cling to his wife's apron strings after marriage. ─── 他不想在婚后受太太的控制。

68、Well, I don't think she did. Asking for an apron and her little shawl. Worrying about her fruit. ─── 哼,我认为不是她,她要她的围裙和小围巾,还担心她的水果。

69、He tied an apron on and got down to work. ─── 他系上围裙就开始干活。

70、He began to unfasten her little apron. ─── 他开始解她的小围裙。

71、Sew, sow He sewed a patch on his old gardening apron, the one he always wore when he was sowing seeds. ─── 他在旧的园艺围裙上缝了一块补丁,在他播种时他总是围着这块围裙。

72、"A bachelor!" I said, astonished."Why, who's that, Mr. Peggotty?" pointing to the person in the apron who was knitting. ─── “光棍儿

73、You put it on my apron, and then take out money. ─── 你把它放在我的围裙上,然后把钱取出来。

74、Apron larga contro a me la bocca, mi percuoton per obbrobrio le guance, si metton tutt’insieme a darmi addosso. ─── 他的怒气撕裂我,攻击我;他向我咬牙切齿,我的敌人以锐利的眼光看着我。

75、Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting. ─── 兰纳德偷偷地从装着脏衣物的袋子里拿出一个纸裹着的包,藏到了他的围裙下面,然后继续分捡衣物。

76、An apron is a protection when doing dirty work. ─── 围裙是做脏活时的保护物。

77、He holds the land by the apron - string . ─── 他因裙带关系而拥有那块地皮。

78、The poor emperor has been tied to his mother's apron strings all his life. ─── 可怜的皇帝一辈子都不能脱离母亲的控制。

79、To specially produce all kings of nonwoven products advertisement and gift bages, suit covers, advertisement apron, face film, eye film. ─── 专业生产各种无纺布制品,广告礼品袋购物袋、西装袋、广告围裙、面膜、眼膜。

80、"A bachelor!" I said, astonished. "Why, who's that, Mr. Peggotty?" pointing to the person in the apron who was knitting. ─── “光棍儿!”我吃了一惊,说。“那么,那是谁哪,坡勾提先生?”我一面这样问,一面往那个系着围裙,坐着打毛活的妇人那儿一指。

81、A coarse linen apron concealed the half of her petticoat. ─── 一条粗布围腰把那裙子遮去了一半。

82、He was always dressed in an old carpenter's apron, and he usually had shavings lodged in his beard and sawdust on his steelrimmed glasses. ─── 他经常围着一条旧的木匠围裙,胡子上粘着刨花,钢框眼镜上堆着锯屑。

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