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08-15 投稿


ascendancy 发音

英:[?'send(?)ns?]  美:[?'s?nd?nsi]

英:  美:

ascendancy 中文意思翻译



ascendancy 网络释义

n. 优势;支配地位(等于ascendency,ascendence)

ascendancy 词性/词形变化,ascendancy变形

动词过去分词: ascended |动词现在分词: ascending |形容词: ascendable |动词第三人称单数: ascends |动词过去式: ascended |

ascendancy 短语词组

1、to gain ascendancy over... ─── 对...占优势

2、to ensure the ascendancy of... ─── 保证...的支配地位

3、ascendancy class ─── 优势阶级

4、ascendancy definition ─── 优势定义

5、ascendancy of europe ─── 欧洲的优势

6、under the ascendancy of ─── 在…的支配下,受…摆布,为…所左右

7、ascendancy to president of united states ─── 美国总统的优势

8、ascendancy class poe ─── 优势级poe

9、ascendancy synonym ─── 优势同义词

10、ascendancy define ─── 优势定义

11、ascendancy trials ─── 优势试验

ascendancy 同义词

soar | rocket | climb up | kite | arise | climb | go up | go | move up | tower | to | come up | uprise | scale |rise | mount | get up | go to

ascendancy 反义词


ascendancy 习惯用语

1、obtain the ascendancy over ─── 占优势;对...占支配地位

2、have the ascendancy over ─── 占优势;对...占支配地位

3、get the ascendancy over ─── 占优势;对...占支配地位

4、gain the ascendancy over ─── 占优势;对...占支配地位

ascendancy 相似词语短语

1、ascendantly ─── 高高在上

2、ascendant ─── n.优势;星位;adj.上升的;优越的;增长的;星位的

3、ascendance ─── n.优势;权势;支配地位(等于ascendence或者ascendancy)

4、abundancy ─── 大量的

5、ascendants ─── n.优势;星位;adj.上升的;优越的;增长的;星位的

6、appendancy ─── 附录

7、attendancy ─── 出席

8、ascendence ─── n.权势;主权

9、ascendency ─── n.优势;权势;优越

ascendancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Not all will be able to ascend out of the dance. ─── 不是所有成员都能超越这类舞蹈而提升。

2、Why is expansion necessary to ascend? ─── 为什么扩展需要提升?

3、Setting foot on the island, he began to ascend the trail. ─── 他踏上荒岛,开始顺着小径往上攀登。

4、Foreign stage machinery manufactures are monopolizing advanced market by means of all kinds of ascendancy including control system . ─── 国外舞台机械生产商凭借包括控制系统在内各方面的优势垄断高端市场。

5、And you will not ascend my altar on steps lest you expose your nakedness on it. ─── 你不可沿著台阶登我的祭坛,免得暴露你的裸体。

6、The tendency of chlorophyll content was ascend in first and descend at last. ─── 叶绿素含量在各播期基本都呈现先升后降的趋势。

7、Europeans no longer worry about American ascendancy. ─── 欧洲已经不再忧虑美国的霸主地位。

8、In the choice to ascend, one ceases to take more than they give. ─── 在选择提升中,一个人停止索取多于给予。

9、The opposition party was in the ascendancy(= gaining control). ─── 反对党已渐占优势。

10、It is easier to descend than to ascend. ─── 下降容易上升难。

11、Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy. ─── 专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。

12、He ascend the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom. ─── 他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。

13、It is only in a state of resonance that one can continue to ascend. ─── 只有在共鸣的状态中,人们才可以继续提升。

14、He longed to ascend through the roof and fly away to another country where he would never hear again of his trouble. ─── 他恨不得穿过屋顶,飞到另一个国度,再也听不到这种烦恼。

15、To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward. ─── 倒八字形上坡使滑撬末端指向外地上一斜坡

16、They had no other choice lest they wished to die rather than ascend. ─── 他们没有其它选择,除非他们希望死亡而不是提升。

17、In these early years, despite the ascendancy of structural-functionalism, it seemed to be medical, psychological and, at best, psychosocial perspective which predominated. ─── 在最初几年中,尽管结构机能主义处于支配地位,但似乎是医学的、心理的、至少还有社会心理学的观点占了上风。

18、To these impulses must be added the complete ascendancy which his friend had long been accustomed to exercise over him. ─── 在这些动机方面,还要加上他那位朋友好久以来对他的完全控制。

19、AMONG the consequences of Silvio Berlusconi's long ascendancy over Italy is the numbing of his compatriots' democratic sensibilities. ─── 贝卢斯科尼的意大利同胞们的民主情感麻木是他当政下的后果之一。

20、The concept of peaceful ascendancy appears to imply a long-term strategy. ─── 和平崛起的观念似乎包含了一个长期战略。

21、He has(gained)the ascendancy over all his main rivals. ─── 他(获)有压倒一切主要对手的优势.

22、He was destined to ascend to the throne. ─── 他命中注定要登上王位。

23、In choosing to ascend, one recovers their genetic abilities to relate to the nonphysical realms. ─── 在选择提升中,你发现你们的遗传能力被连向非物质领域。

24、To rise slowly, steadily, or effortfully; ascend. ─── 上升缓慢地、稳当地或努力地升起;上升

25、He gained the ascendancy over me in the last election. ─── 他在上次竞选中胜过我。

26、Approximately peaking, the market have the tendency to ascend. ─── 大致说来,市场行情有上升的趋势。

27、Sirius claims that it never seeded humans upon earth to ascend. ─── 天狼星声称从未在地球上播种下提升的人类。

28、Out of the1.5 billion to ascend to3000, less than1% is anticipated to ascend on to6000 or Bodhisattva level evolution. ─── 在15亿中提升到3000股的人中,预期少于1%人将提升到6000股或菩萨进化水平(注,“菩萨”概念和早期提升与提升大师中的不同。

29、China says it will pursue a "peaceful ascendancy. ─── 中国说,它会寻求一种“和平崛起”的进程。

30、He watched the airplane ascend higher and higher . ─── 他看到飞机飞得越来越高。

31、Without taking responsibility, one cannot transcend or ascend, it is not possible. ─── 不能负责,你就不能超越和提升,这是不可能的。

32、A small party was planning to ascend Mt. Everest. ─── 一小队人在计画攀登圣母峰。

33、In an age lacking radio or recordings, an age dominated by print, fiction gained its outstandingest ascendancy. ─── 在么有录音机和唱片的时代,亦即被印刷统治的时代,小说取得了它最大的支配地位。

34、To rise slowly,steadily,or effortfully;ascend. ─── 上升缓慢地、稳当地或努力地升起;上升

35、It is one that infuses the intent to ascend into all that one does. ─── 你把提升意愿注入所有你所做的事。

36、During Nixon's ascendancy, too many staffers were overbearing. ─── 在尼克松蒸蒸日上的时期,他的手下人一个个骄横跋扈。

37、So we will also support any human that so chooses to awaken and ascend. ─── 因此我们也将支持任何一个也选择去觉醒和提升的人类。

38、Don't ascend to the parent directory. ─── 不追溯至父级。

39、His hatred,like a powerless though furious wave,was broken against the strong ascendancy which Mercds exercised over him. ─── 他的仇恨象一个来势汹猛却又无力的浪头,被美塞苔丝所说的一番话击得粉碎。

40、We have had ascendancy over the enemy in the battle. ─── 在战斗中我们已占有优势。

41、He will ascend the throne tomorrow and become the king. ─── 他将于明日登基,继承帝位。

42、Aristotle's science had acquired ascendancy. ─── 亚里斯多德的科学早已盛行一时。

43、Upon his ascendancy to Galactic Emperor, Darth Sidious had no further need of the Separatists. ─── 坐稳银河皇帝宝座之后,达斯·西帝厄斯已不再需要分离主义者了。

44、Much of what you have experienced is the ongoing struggle to ascend. ─── 你们所经历的很多事物,都是持续不断的提升挣扎。

45、He who has not ascend a high hill,cannot appreciate the level ground. ─── 不上高山不显平地

46、He is completely under his wife's ascendancy. ─── 他完全受制于其妻。

47、Throughout a stormy autumn the U-boats struggled vainly to regain the ascendancy in the North Atlantic. ─── 在整个多风暴的秋季中,德国潜艇极力想在北大西洋重新取得优势,但是并未成功。

48、He has (gained) the ascendancy over all his main rivals. ─── 他(获)有压倒一切主要对手的优势。

49、Humans therefore are indeed destined to either ascend or be cleansed. ─── 因此,人类的确注定要么提升,要么被净化。

50、The space or passage in the chimney through which smoke, gas, or fumes ascend. ─── 在烟囱中的空间或通道,烟雾,气体或者臭气可以通过而上升。

51、They have fulfilled upon their ability to execute this job in their relentless choice to ascend. ─── 他们已实现了他们的能力,在对提升的无情选择中去完成这个工作。

52、The ascend rocket are experimented hundreds of times. ─── 上升火箭,试验过几百次了。

53、IL-10 production in asthmatic children tends to ascend. ─── 哮喘组IL-10有升高倾向;

54、I must ascend the mountain's crest; it dwarfs all peaks under my feet. ─── 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小

55、In either case, strength and power are an expression of being, not an affectation, not used as a tool to gain unrightfully an ascendancy over another. ─── 不论发生何种情况,强壮和力量都是一种存在的表达,没有做作,不用来当成不合法地获得对他人的统治权的工具。

56、Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job? ─── 丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位?

57、The ascendancy of commercial banks largely reflects their use of customer deposits to fund much of their business. ─── 商业银行的优势很大程度上体现在它们可利用消费者的存款来为自己的大部分业务提供资金。

58、Holy words &pure &goodly deeds ascend unto the heaven of celestial glory. ─── 圣洁的言辞和正直的行为,会使你升上神圣荣耀之天堂.

59、The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony. ─── 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们。

60、"China depends on their pragmatism,competence and resolve to ascend greater heights in the new millennium," he added. ─── 他说道:“中国若要在下个千年里攀登新的高峰,就必须依靠这一代领导人的务实精神、领导能力和果敢决断。”

61、As the addition of OVS, Tg and water resistance of emulsion film ascend. ─── 在涂膜性能方面,玻璃化转变温度随OVS含量的增加而不断上升,耐温性能提高,耐水性增强;

62、To ascend or ride in a balloon. ─── 乘气球上升或驾驶气球。

63、What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? ─── 倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎吗样呢。

64、In an age without radio or recordings, an age dominated by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy. ─── 在没有录音机和唱片的时代,亦即被印刷统治的时代,小说取得了它最大的支配地位。

65、Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy. ─── 尽管地理相连,这两个省长久以来都在为政治优势而竞争。

66、TCM also has great ascendancy to prevent and regulate sub-health state with varied health cultivation and therap... ─── 在亚健康状态的预防与调摄方面,中医丰富多彩的养生保健和治疗手段也独具优势。

67、If one is going to ascend into something, where is one going to go? ─── 如果你正提升进这些,你将走向哪里?

68、The Delegation pointed out that the music industry was also in a similar state of ascendancy. ─── 代表团指出,音乐产业也处于相似的上升状态。

69、In fact, in his own self-control under difficult or dangerous circumstances, lies his chief ascendancy over others who impulsively betray every emotion which animates them. ─── 事实上,在艰难或危险的情形中表现出来的自我控制力,正是他超越那些为各种情绪而冲动的人之处。

70、All patients received aortic valve and ascend aorta replacement. ─── 均在体外循环下行主动脉瓣和升主动脉置换。

71、Just over a century ago, French would have appeared to have attained an undisputed claim to such ascendancy. ─── 仅一个多世纪前,法语看来已经获得了对这种优势的无可争议的要求。

72、But we will be a best friend in life, with market ascend clap the file best. ─── 可是我们在生活中会是最好的朋友,和商场上最佳的拍档。

73、Just over a century ago, French would have appeared to have attained an undisputed claim to such ascendancy. ─── 仅一个多世纪前,法语看来已经获得了对这种优势的无可争议的要求。

74、They will see it as confirmation that the imperious Ballack is in the ascendancy and Lampard's influence is on the wane. ─── 他们会把这一幕视作强势的巴拉克逐渐占据上位而兰帕德却影响日衰的明证。

75、In a sense, the Queen, or Elizabeth Windsor as some choose to call her, is the last symbol of an old ascendancy that has gone forever. ─── 在某种意义上,女王或者可以称呼她伊丽莎白·温莎,是已一去不复返的古老统治时代的最终标记。

76、To go, move, or incline upward;ascend. ─── 向上运动,移动或倾斜

77、Ascend: v. To go or move upward; rise. ─── 上升;向上走或移动;升起。

78、Ningbo Ascend Hero Kitchenware Co., Ltd. ─── 宁波振雄厨具有限公司。

79、A small party is planning to ascend Mount Everest . ─── 一小伙人正计划攀登珠穆朗玛峰。

80、They will begin a reshaping of the landscape that must take place before Earth herself can move to the next phase of her ascendancy. ─── 它们将开始地貌的重塑——在地球进入她主权的下一阶段之前必须发生。

81、Each species that so chooses to ascend shall also become their living truth. ─── 同样选择去提升的每一物种也会成为它们活着的真相。

82、But isn't Princess Mia first in line to ascend the throne? ─── 但是难道蜜娅公主不是皇位的第一继承人吗?

83、"China depends on their pragmatism, competence and resolve to ascend greater heights in the new millennium," he added. ─── 中国若要在下个千年里攀登新的高峰,就必须依靠这一代领导人的务实精神、领导能力和果敢决断。

84、Compared with cows and sheep, the special chickens have ascendancy over them. ─── 与牛、羊相比,特种鸡具有优势。

85、His ancestors ascend to the 15th century. ─── 他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。

86、What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! ─── 倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎么样呢?

87、Humans must clear their own problems in the choice to ascend. ─── 人类必须在提升的选择中清理掉自己的问题。

88、Bodies that cannot ascend will become sick or lost and then perish. ─── 不能提升的身体就将会疾病、迷路,随后死亡。

89、In the west, humans can ascend separate from family. ─── 在西方,个人能从家庭分离出来提升。

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