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08-15 投稿


singleness 发音

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英:  美:

singleness 中文意思翻译



singleness 词性/词形变化,singleness变形

名词: single-heartedness |副词: singleheartedly |

singleness 短语词组

1、singleness of purpose ─── 目的专一,一门心思 ─── 目的专一,一心一意

2、singleness of mind ─── 思想单一

3、singleness of ─── 单一性

4、singleness in modern times ─── 现代的单身

5、singleness of heart ─── 赤诚

6、singleness has grown ─── 单身的人越来越多了

singleness 相似词语短语

1、finableness ─── 结局

2、singletrees ─── n.车前横木(等于whiffletree)

3、simpleness ─── n.简单;单纯

4、single-ends ─── [计]单端

5、singableness ─── 柔美

6、winglessness ─── 无翼

7、single beds ─── 单人床;单人房

8、singularness ─── 奇异性

9、sincereness ─── n.真诚;诚实

singleness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The singleness of his motives could not be questioned. ─── 她的动机单一没有疑问。

2、O single-soled jest, solely singular for the singleness. ─── 啊,好一个又呆又秃的笑话,真配傻子来说。

3、But it is very difficult to take accurately and completely data of producing liquid section in all wells because of con dition of producing well complex and logging method singleness in field logging. ─── 但在现场测井应用中,由于抽油井井况复杂及测井方法单一,使得环空测井施工中很难取准、取全油井产液剖面资料。

4、Because of the professional limity,its functions was singleness. ─── 以往,由于专业的局限,报价系统的功能比较单一。

5、He demanded singleness of purpose and maturity. ─── 祂要求的是专一和成熟。

6、Monopoly right is the singleness soul of shared ownership of buildings while sharing right is the commonness soul,and the two factors constitute the pivot of shared ownership of buildings. ─── 专有权是建筑物区分所有权的“单独性灵魂”,共有权是“共同性灵魂”,二者共同构成建筑物区分所有权的轴心。

7、Development of Singl Belt Buffering Machine for Multi-wedge Belt ─── 多楔带单根磨楔机的开发

8、And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, ─── 他们天天同心合意,恒切的在殿里且在家中擘饼,存着欢喜诚实的心用饭

9、Accepting singleness is a victory, not a defeat. ─── 去接受单身是一种胜利,而非一场失利。

10、The research of CRM has been very developed, but people haven't paid more attention to the sale and stock rules of some singleness products. ─── 在改进传统意义上的概念树的基础上,提出构建多深度概念树的思想。

11、My sincere benediction represents my singleness of heart :May the finest in the world always accompany you . ─── 一份真挚的祝福,代表一颗赤诚的心,原世上最美好的一切永远属于你。

12、Cultural globalization goes beyond the limits of culture, breaks up singleness of cultural expression, and brings into being cultural scenes to interpret gradually. ─── 摘要文化全球化跨越了文化的边界,打破了文化表达方式的单一性,并日益成为诠释事物的文化场景。

13、Not a very enthralling book; but at the first glance you could see there a singleness of intention. ─── 总之,这不是一本令人爱不释手的书;不过,稍稍读一下你就会发现,书的宗旨明确。

14、Not a very enthralling book; but at the first glance you could see there a singleness of intention ─── 总之,这不是一本令人爱不释手的书;不过,稍稍读一下你就会发现,书的宗旨明确。

15、Accepting singleness means you can resist the constant feeling of needing to be a part of a couple, regardless of the influences around you. ─── 接受单身意味着,无论周围有什么样的影响,你都能抵制需要两个人相守的持续感受。

16、Singleness is not a curse, as God created us to be unique and is worthy. ─── 单身并不是一种咒诅,原因在于上帝造了我们,使我们独一无二并且有价值。

17、My sincere benedication represents my singleness of heart. May the finest in the world always accompany you! ─── 一份真挚的祝福,代表一颗赤诚的心,愿世上最美好的一切永远属于你!

18、singleness of purpose ─── 目的专一一心一意

19、Outside the Senate, Hillary has displayed the same singleness of purpose. ─── 在参议院内外,希拉里表现一致,没有二心。

20、Slaves, obey in all things those who are your masters according to the flesh, not with eye-service as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart fearing the Lord. ─── 22作奴仆的,要凡事顺从肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是讨人喜欢的,乃要凭心中的单纯敬畏主。

21、Harish, a young man in affluent circumstances, renounced his family and took shelter with the Master, who loved him for his sincerity, singleness of purpose, and quiet nature. ─── 哈里什是一个生长在富裕家庭的年轻人,他与家庭断绝关系,寻求师父的庇护,他爱师父的真诚,目的专一和平静的本性。

22、singl e chip microcomputer ─── 单片机

23、Finally her singleness of aim and her resolution won the day. ─── 最后,她始终不渝的目的和决心终于取得了胜利。

24、By the investigation and study of mass sports in Weinan, the paper states the diversification of the sports in this city, the singleness of the sports fund and the difficulties of developing sports. ─── 摘要对渭南市群众体育活动开展状况进行调查研究。结果认为,群众体育开展的项目多样化;群众体育经费来源比较单一;

25、According to the fundamental theory of group representations, a direct proof is given for the singleness of demension of Dirac s matrix in the relativistic quantum mechanics. ─── 根据群表示论的基本定理,对相对论量子力学中狄拉克矩阵维数的唯一性给出直接证明。

26、Informatization construction in archives exists thearchives staff's character low, the management means dropbehind, the collection structure singleness; ─── 档案信息化建设存在着档案干部素质低、管理手段落后、馆藏结构单一的不利因素;

27、The Asymptotic Stability of a Solution of a Repairable System with Singleness Components ─── 单部件可修系统解的渐近稳定性

28、Perhaps the answer is singleness of purpose. ─── 也许答案就是要专心。

29、This selection, with my singleness of heart and to pursue, sincerely recommend myself. ─── 借此择业之际,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执着追求,真诚的推荐自己。

30、Each of these nouns means steadfast singleness of purpose, as in the pursuit of a goal, despite difficulties or obstacles. ─── 这些名词都表示当在追求目标过程中遇到了困难或障碍时意向坚定、一的意思。

31、For our boasting is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in singleness and sincerity of God, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and more abundantly toward you. ─── 12我们所夸的,是我们的良心见证我们凭着神的单纯和纯诚,在世为人,不靠属肉体的智慧,乃靠神的恩典,对你们更是这样。

32、You constantly dwell on your singleness. ─── 你会不停地想着自己的单身问题。

33、Nevertheless, the singleness and repetition of the creative subjects impeded the development of the internet literature. ─── 不过,创作主题的单一和重复使网络文学的发展思路变得狭窄,网络文学有自己的局限和不足。

34、In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear. ─── 用独奏窒息你心中那部合奏。

35、He worked with singleness of purpose for his friend's election. ─── 他专心致志地帮朋友竞选。

36、From Singleness to Diversity: Development in Research Method of Western Sports Sociology ─── 从单一走向多元:西方体育社会学研究方法的流变

37、Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim. ─── 不管目标何在,一心一意是人生成功的基本要素之一。

38、2 Cor. 1:12 For our boasting is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in singleness and sincerity of God, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and more abundantly toward you. ─── 林后一12我们所夸的,是我们的良心见证我们凭著神的单纯和纯诚,在世为人,不靠属肉体的智慧,乃靠神的恩典,对你们更是这样。

39、22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: ─── 弗:6:5你们作仆人的,要惧怕战兢,用诚实的心听从你们肉身的主人,好像听从基督一般。

40、the singleness channel pullulating motivation; ─── 单一通道的成长激励机制;

41、Keywords Crystal face index;Singl unit;Multiunit;Diffraction index; ─── 晶面指标;素单位;复单位;衍射指标;

42、singleness of aim ─── 专心致志,目标专一

43、But it is very difficult to take accurately and completely data of producing liquid section in all wells because of condition of producing well complex and logging method singleness in field logging. ─── 但在现场测井应用中,由于抽油井井况复杂及测井方法单一,使得环空测井施工中很难取准、取全油井产液剖面资料。

44、the singleness of business operation, serious disorderly competition caused by heavy competitive pressure, ─── 会计师行业业务单一,竞争压力大导致无序竞争严重;

45、What the writer means, I think, was singleness of mind, holding steadfastly to the purpose in mind, without being drawing aside by less worthy objects. ─── 我揣测笔者想表达“坚定不移的意志”,即不为所惑,持之以恒的决心。

46、the training method is singleness, lacks creative ability, and their scientific research ability is low and the training level of coaches lags the developing requirement of athletes. ─── 教练员训练方法、单一,缺乏创新能力,科研能力较低以及教练员训练水平滞后于运动员的发展要求等。

47、Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; ─── 弗6:5你们作仆人的、要惧怕战兢、用诚实的心听从你们肉身的主人、好像听从基督一般。

48、He ate all three cans of dog food with an awe-inspiring20 singleness of purpose. ─── 我想摸摸它,可它身上散发出死狗的恶臭,而且样子更是可怕。

49、When proponents of singleness spoke out in 20(superscript th) century China, they were immediately met with strong doubts and concerns, especially those advocating female Celibacy. ─── 摘要廿世纪中国出现倡导独身的声音时,随即遭到强烈的质疑和关切,特别是女子的独身。

50、In our country the finance exchequer manage system are being constituted and consummated that is based on exchequer singleness account system on foundation and formed by financing capture a exchequer centralized and paid . ─── 我国目前正在建立和完善以国库单一账户体系为基础、资金缴拨以国库集中收付为主要形成的财政国库管理体制。

51、Marriage is not a sacrament (as the Catholic church teaches). By getting married, you do not gain more grace/salvation. Nor is singleness more holy/spiritual. ─── 婚姻不是圣礼(我们不同意天主教的教导)。结婚并不让我们得到更多的救恩。单身也并不等于更加属灵。

52、not with eye-service as pleasers of men, but with singleness of heart as in thy sight; ─── 并非表面的取悦人,乃专心致志的心事奉主。

53、Despite the way it sounds, accepting singleness does not mean resigning the rest of your life to an unhappy state of being single. ─── 无论听起来怎样,接受单身并不意味着放弃你生活的其他方面而陷入不幸福的单身状态。

54、Moral integration has the features of strong permeability and weak restriction, promotion and openness, progressness and ascent and cLearner'ss and singleness of the object. ─── 从道德整合的特征来看,它呈现出强渗透性与弱约束性、提升性与开放性、前进性与上升性以及目标的明确性与唯一性。

55、The state or quality of being one; singleness. ─── 个体;单一是一个的状态和性质;单一

56、Singleness of Plot in the Detective Story ─── 侦探小说情节的单一性

57、The globe is composed of various species and large quantity of resources.Ignoring the balance between man and nature well only lead to singleness and similarity. ─── 地球是一个由丰富物种和大量自然资源组成的星球,一味地强调人类社会的单向发展而忽视环境系统的平衡,造成的结果只能是单一的而不是多样性统一的“和”。

58、I am singl'd out and separated, as it were, from all the World to be miserable. ─── 唯我独存,孤苦伶仃,困苦万状。

59、5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; ─── 5你们作仆人的,要惧怕战兢,用诚实的心听从你们肉身的主人,好像听从基督一般。

60、Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: ─── 你们作仆人的,要凡事听从你们肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是讨人喜欢的,总要存心诚实敬畏主。

61、The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness. ─── 原子独自旋转,典型的单一性缩影。

62、Singleness thick coal seam ─── 单一厚煤层

63、i living a big factory,and i's too new ,but i studed to singleness,this is just my view. ─── 大家好,我也是单证新人,请多多关照。我英语也很差,这上面的话可能有很多错误。请帮我指点一二

64、I've never heard of anyone dying of singleness. ─── 我还没听说过谁因单身而死的。

65、She never called it the state of solitude, much less of singleness. ─── 她从来不认为这是孤僻,更不是与世隔绝。

66、You can have anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. ─── 你能成为你想成为的任何人,做你计划完成的任何事,只要你能一门心思地坚持下去。

67、Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as to Christ; ─── 5作奴仆的,要恐惧战兢的,凭心中的单纯,顺从肉身的主人,如同顺从基督一样。

68、With a ruthless singleness of purpose, he desired his own house, his own plantation, his own horses, his own slaves. ─── 唯一而残忍的目标,他渴望拥有自己的房子,自己的种植园,自己的马匹,自己的奴隶。

69、Begin to put closure to your situation and move on. Do not continue to let your singleness take its physical, emotional, or spiritual toll. ─── 开始将当前处境封存起来,向前看。不要让你的身体、情绪和精神继续为单身而买单。

70、If the Love Train ever came to my station, I planned on scoffing at the fools aboard, waving from my platform of self-satisfied singleness as they pulled away and became a blur of maudlin, gag-worthy sentiment on the horizon. ─── 如果爱情列车会经过我的车站,我打算去嘲讽那些列车上的傻瓜们,站在自我满足的单身站台上挥手,而列车将驾离,成为那地平线上那伤感、值得掉泪的情绪模糊物。

71、However, fast development also brings about some problems, such as singleness of economic configuration, scare capabihty of risk proof, problems of resources and environments. ─── 在沿江地区经济快速发展的同时,也出现了过度依赖工业和外资、抗风险能力低、资源环境矛盾突出等问题。

72、Better sealing, waterproofing pressure .. L # / # M / S # : -- ordinary beads. singl... ─── 本产品使用水中.密封性较好,防水压..L#/M#/S#:普通电珠.LED单闪.LED三闪.LED七彩.是最佳的诱鱼灯具The products use water.

73、I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them. ─── 我要使他们彼此同心同道,好叫他们永远敬畏我,使他们和他们后世的子孙得福乐

74、Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God ─── 你们作仆人的,要凡事听从你们肉身的主人,不要只在眼前事奉,像是讨人喜欢的,总要存心诚实敬畏主。

75、Because of the singleness and tediousness on representation, the traditional historical documentary lacks of visibility. ─── 摘要传统的历史纪录片由于表现手法的单一和沉闷往往在审美上缺乏一定的可视性。

76、At present Department of Information can't satisfy demands of the building of hospital information in Chinese hospitals because of singleness of function,instability,lock of person with ability. ─── 目前我国医院信息科功能单一,基础薄弱,人才匮乏,无法满足医院信息化建设的要求。

77、The application form of E-business in hotel is more singleness, and in beginning stage. ─── 目前,电子商务在酒店业的应用形式比较单一,处于摸索阶段。

78、By using pure analysis method,are proved the monotone stability,existence and uniqeness of a dynamic state nonnegative solution of a repairable syatem with some singleness components. ─── 用纯分析的方法给出了一类单部件可修系统动态非负解的存在唯一性和单调稳定性证明.

79、There are many problems in the development of web banking in China, which is characterized by its high speed and singleness of form; ─── 摘要我国网络银行在发展过程中出现了快速、跳跃式、单一形式等特点,且存在诸多问题;

80、The present application of armed helicopter flight training simulation equipments is restricted because of the expensiveness and functional singleness. ─── 摘要现有武装直升机飞行模拟训练设备价格昂贵、功能单一,因而其应用受到限制。

81、The staff development is constrained by the product singleness. ─── 因产品的单一性而导致员工不能获得更大的发展空间.

82、Marriage is not a sacrament( as the Catholic church teaches). By getting married, you do not gain more grace/ salvation. Nor is singleness more holy/ spiritual. ─── 婚姻不是圣礼(们不同意天主教的教导)。结婚并不让我们得到更多的救恩。单身也并不等于更加属灵。

83、, Sonoluminescence from singl Bubble in non-aqueous liquide: New Parameler space for sono chemistry, J. ─── Why Air Bubbles in Water Glow So eaeily, chao-dyn/9608016及Weninger, K.

84、Combining intelligent design and aiming at objective vehicle process singleness operation in the access process, the disc solid garage system can reduce energy consumption of electromotor. ─── 固盘式立体车库结合智能化设计,存取过程中针对目标车辆进行单一操作,降低电机耗能。

85、singleness moral ─── 独语式道德

86、To see her might bring back his singleness of intention, calm his exasperation, clear his mind. ─── 看见她说不定会重新使他心思坚定,烦躁平息,头脑清楚起来。

87、Your season of singleness is a time to equip yourself by growing in relationship with Him and serve Him 100% without distraction. ─── 在单身时期你们得以与上帝建立更为亲密的关系,全身心地、毫无羁绊地服事上帝,装备自己。

88、But I am singl'd out too from all the ship's crew to be spar'd from death; and he that miraculously sav'd me from death, can deliver me from this condition. ─── 在全体船员中,我独免一死;上帝既然以其神力救我一命,也必然会救我脱离目前的困境。

89、one-dimension and singleness ─── 单一性和单向度

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