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08-15 投稿


frication 发音

英:[[fr?'ke???n]]  美:[[fr?'ke???n]]

英:  美:

frication 中文意思翻译



frication 短语词组

1、frication noise definition ─── 摩擦噪声定义

2、frication phonological process ─── 摩擦音系过程

3、frication definition ─── 摩擦定义

4、frication speech ─── 摩擦语

frication 相似词语短语

1、aprication ─── 日光浴

2、fabrication ─── n.制造,建造;装配;伪造物

3、lorication ─── 氯离子

4、affrication ─── (音的)破擦,塞擦

5、fornication ─── n.通奸;乱伦

6、friction ─── n.摩擦,[力]摩擦力

7、urtication ─── 刺疹

8、-fication ─── suff.表示“形成…”

9、formication ─── n.蚂蚁般的爬行;[医]蚁走感

frication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A new method for adaptive identification and compensation of frication based on the matching pursuit method was presented. ─── 提出一种基于匹配追随算法的摩擦力自适应辨识与补偿新方法。

2、As a new lubricating oil additive,the nano particles of rare earth have excellent tribological properties such as anti-wear,extreme-pressure,frication reducing and anti-oxidation. ─── 纳米稀土粒子具有优异的减摩抗磨性能、极高的承载能力和高温抗氧性能,是一种有很大潜在发展前景的润滑油添加剂。

3、Influence of Geometry Factors on Frication Angle of Needle Roller Clutch Bearing ─── 影响滚针离合器轴承摩擦角的几何因素

4、The China Iron and Steel Industry Association believe that the frication in international iron and steel trade is inevitable. ─── 中国钢铁协会认为,在国际钢铁贸易中发生争端和不同意见,是难以避免的。

5、What is lubrication for? It is for reducing frication. ─── 为什么窑进行润滑?这是为了减少摩擦。

6、A Study and Application of the Adhesive for Composite Frication Materials ─── 复合摩材用胶粘剂的研究和应用

7、The ART reagent is added to the pair, and then the frication experiment is carried out by constant load and velocity under air condition. ─── 在摩擦副中加入ART试剂,在一定载荷、一定转速条件下在大气环境中进行实验。

8、The influence of frication factor and extrusion speed to load has been analyzed. ─── 并通过模拟分析了摩擦因子和挤压速度对成形载荷的影响。

9、Frication Moment Measuring Instrument for Turntable Bearing ─── 转盘轴承摩擦力矩测量仪

10、What is lubrication for? It is for reducing frication. ─── 为什么窑进行润滑?这是为了减少摩擦。

11、Frication Moment Measuring Instrument for Turntable Bearing ─── 转盘轴承摩擦力矩测量仪

12、Influence of Geometry Factors on Frication Angle of Needle Roller Clutch Bearing ─── 影响滚针离合器轴承摩擦角的几何因素

13、Another factor that affects the mass measurements is the frication effects on the beam movement. ─── 另一个影响质量测量的因素是横梁运动时的摩擦作用。

14、The China Iron and Steel Industry Association believe that the frication in international iron and steel trade is inevitable. ─── 四、中国钢铁协会认为,在国际钢铁贸易中发生争端和不同意见,是难以避免的。

15、anti- frication & anti wear ─── 减摩抗磨

16、Our hair looks even much more dim and dull after the winter than our skin, because the static causes the dryness and frication. ─── 冬天结束后,我们的头发常常因为静电所致会看起来比肤色更暗淡,干燥。

17、Keywords graphite content;micro structure;physical property;frication;wear; ─── 石墨含量;显微组织;物理性能;摩擦磨损;

18、Keywords frication stir welding;LF21 Al alloy;structure; ─── 搅拌摩擦焊;LF21铝合金;组织;

19、28.What is lubrication for? It is for reducing frication. ─── 为什么窑进行润滑?这是为了减少摩擦。

20、Keywords boron phenolic resin;modifying;tung oil;frication property; ─── 硼酚醛树脂;改性;桐油;摩擦性能;

21、The effects of ART reagent on the frication performance of 45 steel/cast iron pair are studied by an improved frication apparatus. ─── 运用改装的摩擦实验机对45钢-灰铸铁摩擦副做旋转对磨实验。在摩擦副中加入ART试剂,在一定载荷、一定转速条件下在大气环境中进行实验。

22、The ART reagent is added to the pair,and then the frication experiment is carried out by constant load and velocity under air condition. ─── 在摩擦副中加入ART试剂,在一定载荷、一定转速条件下在大气环境中进行实验。

23、frication coefficient does not simply decrease with the increase of load. ─── 静摩擦系数不是简单的随载荷的增加而减小。

24、Study on Surface Frication and Wear Properties of Nanometer Phosphate Films ─── 纳米磷酸盐薄膜的表面摩擦磨损性能研究

25、It's property of the bearing fatigue is very good and its frication is very attle so the polytnr addictive agent is of the hige study value. ─── 聚合添加剂具有不与基体反应的特性,其抗疲劳性好,摩擦系数小,具有较高的研究价值。

26、Keywords tribological properties;antiwear and extreme press additives;environment friendly lubricants;compound property;frication regular;surface analysis technology; ─── 摩擦学特性;抗磨极压添加剂;绿色润滑油;复配性能;摩擦规律;表面分析技术;

27、wall frication ─── 壁面摩擦

28、Application of Frication Reel-cage Prevented Fall in Malan Mine Viceshaft ─── 摩擦卷筒式防坠罐装置在马兰矿副立井的应用

29、The friction force in the clutch works just like the blocks in the frication section of brake, except that the spring presses on the clutch plate instead of weight pressing the block into the ground. ─── 离合器的摩擦力和制动器的摩擦力起一样的作用,不同的是压在地面上的重压力变成了离合器中弹簧压在离合器盘上的压力。

30、effects of frication, air frication on the speed and trajectory of projectiles have been fully considered. ─── 考虑了摩擦力、空气阻力等因素对弹丸的速度和轨迹的影响。

31、Keywords cold extrusion;nonlocal frication;hydrodynamic lubrication; ─── 关键词冷挤压;非局部摩擦;润滑;

32、The physical simulation tests were studied on the frication characteristics of large complex automobile part (car front-floor part) during the drawing processing. ─── 文章对大型复杂汽车冲压件(轿车前地板零件)在拉深成形过程中产生的摩擦特性进行了物理模拟试验研究。

33、frication stir welding ─── 搅拌摩擦焊

34、Eg. 12 If in future experiments this relationship should prove valid it would be possible, by measuring the leakage, to determine the frication losses and vice versa. ─── 译文:如果在以后的试验中证明这个关系式是有效的,那么就有可能通过测量泄漏量来确定摩擦损失,反之亦然。

35、Keywords magnetic rubber;magnetic characteristics;frication; ─── 磁性橡胶;磁性能;摩擦特性;

36、Keywords cold extrusion;nonlocal frication;hydrodynamic lubrication model; ─── 冷挤压;非局部摩擦;流体润滑模型;

37、Frication properties study on plasma surface alloying Mo-Cr low-alloy HSS ─── 等离子表面Mo-Cr低合金高速钢的摩擦学特性

38、Parts with frication pairs ─── 摩擦副零件

39、Keywords polyacetal;self lubrication;frication and wear;blending alloy; ─── 增韧改性聚甲醛;自润滑;摩擦磨损机理;共混合金;

40、Keywords palygorskite phenolics complex material heat-resistance frication property; ─── 坡缕石;酚醛树脂;复合材料;耐热性;摩擦性能;

41、Study on Surface Frication and Wear Properties of Nanometer Phosphate Films ─── 纳米磷酸盐薄膜的表面摩擦磨损性能研究

42、Ball valve adopts double inclined plane flexible seal ring, efficiently reducing the frication between ball body and valve seat, and operation moment, and ensuring the service life of ball seat. ─── 当介质的冲刷力较大时.特别设计的阀座防冲刷结构能有效防止介质的冲刷,确保阀座的使用寿命.

43、The reagent of organic silicate is added to the pair, and then the frication experiment is carried out under variable load, constant velocity and air conditions. ─── 在摩擦副中加入有机硅酸盐试剂,在变载荷、定转速条件下在大气环境中进行试验。

44、nonlocal frication ─── 非局部摩擦

45、Keywords Workpiece stability Frication cone Linear programming Clamping sequence; ─── 工件稳定性;摩擦锥;线性规划;夹紧顺序;

46、use frication hinge with good safety, to reduce the window falling dangerous; ─── 适用安全系数高的摩擦铰链,降低掉窗的危险;

47、Keywords contain P additive;anti-wear;frication reducing;thermal stability;durability;transmission oils; ─── 含磷添加剂;抗磨减摩;热稳定性;耐久性;变速箱油;

48、We are dedicated to improving our customers' performance by applying our knowledge of frication management and power transmission to deliver unparalleled value and innovation to the world. ─── 我们致力于通过应用我们的摩擦管理和动力传动知识,提高客户的工作成效,以在世界各地提供无与伦比的价值和创新。

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