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08-15 投稿


carious 发音

英:[?keri?s]  美:[?ke?ri?s]

英:  美:

carious 中文意思翻译



carious 短语词组

1、carious debris ─── 龋屑

2、carious osteitis ─── [医] 骨髓炎

3、carious body function ─── 龋体功能

4、carious body functions ─── 龋体功能

5、carious lee ─── 龋齿李

6、carious about ─── 龋齿关于

7、carious mission ─── 慈善使命

8、carious defect ─── 龋病

9、carious lesion definition ─── 龋损定义

10、carious test ─── 龋试验

11、carious tooth ─── 龋齿

carious 词性/词形变化,carious变形

名词: cariosity |

carious 相似词语短语

1、caesious ─── adj.青灰色的

2、curious ─── adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的

3、various ─── adj.各种各样的;多方面的

4、vicarious ─── adj.替代的;代理的;发同感的

5、-arious ─── 五花八门的

6、corious ─── 革质的

7、scarious ─── adj.[植]干膜质的

8、cariacous ─── 卡里亚科斯

9、caribous ─── n.北美驯鹿(caribou的复数)

carious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Carious risk ─── 龋病风险性

2、The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth. ─── 窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。

3、Idioms are the elite of carious languages,influenced by the cultural factors,Chinese and English idioms bear the weight of rich cultural information and embod riliant national features as well. ─── 习语是各民族语言的精华,受文化因素的影响,汉英习语承载了浓厚的文化信息,体现了鲜明的民族特色。

4、Study of Treating Carious Mandibular Primary molar in Perfora- tion of Pulp Bottom with ZOE Iodoform Paste ─── 碘仿糊剂治疗下颌乳磨牙龋源性髓室底穿通的探讨

5、carious dentin ─── 龋坏牙本质, 牙本质龋, 龋腐质

6、A deluxe credit card coupled with concierge services in carious languages, as well as in Chinese. ─── 尊享世界至尊卡是一种拥有包括汉语服务在内的多种语言管理服务的高级信用卡。

7、Idioms are the elite of carious language, influenced by the cultural factors. ─── 习语是语言文化中的精华,而且受文化因素的影响。

8、Restoration of carious primary and permanent molars. ─── 修复主要牙齿和臼齿。

9、Method: The bacteria in outer and inner layer of carious dentin and pulp were isolated,identificated and analysed with chromatography and pyrolysis. ─── 方法: 利用色谱法、裂解法等对龋坏牙本质分三层作细菌分离、鉴定、分析。

10、The atraumatic restorativetreatment(ART) Is a procedure based on re-moving carious tooth tissues using hand instruments alone and restoring the cavity with glass-ionomer. ─── 非创伤性修复治疗(简称ART)是一种只用手动器械去除龋坏组织,然后用玻璃离子充填龋洞的操作技术。

11、Dead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spit, ─── 长着龋齿的死山嘴吐不出水浪

12、A Quantitative Assay of the Effects of Bicarbonate on Remineralization of Carious Enamel ─── 碳酸氢钠溶液对早期龋再矿化作用的定量分析

13、Comparative study of the plaque pH response in sound and carious sites of teeth ─── 牙齿健康部位与龋损部位菌斑pH变化的比较研究

14、A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians know when to play carious parts of a composition. ─── 乐队指挥使用信号和手势让音乐家们知道乐曲的各个部分何时演奏。

15、Keywords Dentin caries;Dentin-pulp complex;Carious activity; ─── 牙本质龋;牙本质-牙髓复合体;龋损活动性;

16、7. Wide selection of materials,applicable for carious medium. ─── 选择不同部件材质,可使用多种介质。

17、Objective To improve the diagnosis of acute pulpitis on molars without carious lesions. ─── 目的为了进一步提高非龋性磨牙急性牙髓炎的诊断水平。

18、Observation on White and Brown Spots at Incipient Carious of Enamel by SEM ─── 牙釉质早期龋白垩斑和褐斑的扫描电镜观察

19、The comparative study of the pathology of coronal pulp and root pulp from carious pulp disease ─── 龋源性牙髓病冠髓与根髓的病理学对比研究

20、Drilling group was using bur to remove carious dentin.While Carisolv group was using Carisolv. ─── 对照组不处理,机械组用传统牙钻去龋,伢典组用伢典去龋。

21、Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Carious and Healthy Dentin after Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Irradiation ─── Er,cr:YSGG激光处理正常及龋坏牙本质的扫描电镜观察

22、Hemorrhage pigments lead line teeth: regular edentulous carious teeth false tooth ─── 出血色素沉着牙列齐缺牙龋牙义牙

23、CPFR is a Web-based attempt to coordinate the carious activities including production and purchase planning, demand forecasting and inventory replenishment between supply chain trading partners. ─── CPFR是一种基于网络的合作模式,其活动包括供应链合作伙伴间在生产和购买计划、需求预测和库存补货上的合作。

24、It specilizes in manufacture of carious circyle receiver, electret receiver and accessories of various telecommunication product. ─── 专业生产各种动圈受话器、驻极体话筒及多种通信产品配件。

25、a carious tooth ─── 一只蛀牙

26、I was far more than emptier, and I was carious! ─── 我何止于“空洞”,简直是腐烂!

27、The good quality of oak,the fashioning of the ceramic and the crystal-clear of the glass,all of those excellent materials offer our consumers carious which can batter show their personality on life. ─── 产品有较高的表面硬度和抗冲击性能,颜色附着力强,不易变色。

28、Significantly higher levels of NOS were found in pulp of carious tooth and traumatic pulp, but lower in inflammatory pulp. ─── 这种染色在龋病、外伤时有不同程度的增强,而在炎症时则减弱。

29、carious tooth ─── 龋齿

30、This case report will present an immature mandibular first permanent molar with carious exposure treated by partial pulpotomy. ─── 本篇病例报告即描述局部断髓应用于发育未完成恒牙第一大臼齿,因治疗龋齿引起牙髓暴露。

31、Flour Milling Rollers are the critical of roller-milling machines. They are used to mill such grain as others into carious small flour products. ─── 磨辊是辊式磨粉机上的主要机件,用于将咖啡、麦芽、大麦、小麦及其他植物磨制成各种细度的粉状制品。

32、"carious:Having caries, especially of the teeth; decayed." ─── 龋的,骨疡的:长有龋或骨疡的,尤指牙齿被蛀蚀了的;腐朽的。

33、Test of Hardness and Wear Resistance of Artificial Carious Human Enamel ─── 龋病人牙釉质表面硬度及抗磨损性能测试

34、root carious lesion ─── 根面龋

35、carious teeth ─── 齿历

36、Conclusion: The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth. ─── 结论:窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。

37、Results: The carious rate of test group was smaller than the control. ─── 结果:实验组龋齿发病率明显小于对照组。

38、Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Carious and Health Dentin after Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Irradiation[J].Acta Laser Biology Sinica,2003,12 (2):141-144. ─── Er,Cr:YSGG激光处理正常及龋坏牙本质的扫描电镜观察[J].激光生物学报,2003,12(2):141-144.

39、A Clinical Analysis of Pulpits without Carious Lesions ─── 非龋性牙髓病的临床分析

40、Applicable four packing carious solid regular objects sunch asbiscuits, scroll, steamed bread, instant noodle, candy medicine, commodity hardware or and other product loaded by box/tray. ─── 适用于纸巾、馒头、面包、糖果,药品,日用品、五金零件、纸盒或托盘等各类固体有规则物体的包装。(有一套冲气装置,可以给包装物冲气,有效的保护被包装物体

41、Restoration of carious primary and permanent molars. ─── 修复主要牙齿和臼齿。

42、Changes of nerve growth factor expressing cells in normal and early inflamed dental pulp of carious teeth ─── 神经生长因子在恒前牙龋源性牙髓炎早期牙痛中的作用

43、So this demineralization system can be use for reproducible preparation of artificial carious lesions in dental enamel. ─── 与人牙具有相似化学组成的牛牙很适合代替人牙来检测脱矿和再矿化的效果。

44、Objective: To study the pathological type range and level of the carious pulp disease. ─── 目的:研究龋源性牙髓病的病变类型、范围和程度。

45、Structural changes of dental enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are discussed. ─── 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。

46、carious dentition ─── 龋脱

47、Immunohistochemical Study of Sensory Neuropeptides Positive Fibers in Human Dental Pulp of Carious Teeth ─── 人龋病牙髓中肽能感觉神经纤维的免疫组化研究

48、Immunohistochemical study of calicitonin gene-related peptide positive fibers in human dental pulp of carious teeth ─── 人龋病牙髓中降钙素基因相关肽阳性神经纤维的研究

49、Structural changes of dental enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal reactions in carious process are separately and consisively discussed. ─── 其中,釉质龋的研究资料最为丰富,其次是牙本质,有关牙骨质龋的资料最少。

50、Jean Cariou ─── 卡里乌

51、This machine is suitable for cleaning the adsorptive cotton on the surface of carious felt-covered rollers for different types of spinning frames. ─── 本机适应于纺织厂清洁各型细纱机上各种绒辊的表面积棉。

52、A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians know when to play carious parts of a composition. ─── 乐队指挥使用信号和手势让音乐家们知道乐曲的各个部分何时演奏。

53、Cariou D.Quebec company first in world to produce spider silk[J],La Revue Canadienne du Textile,l999,(3);12 ─── 时淑芝,蜘蛛丝蛋白的生物技术生产及其纤维的成形[J],国外纺织技术,2000(9);7-10

54、Because this study choosed the children who had at least two carious teeth at the same time that avoided bias on different oral circumstance , different oral habit ,and different dietetic habit. ─── 分析认为,本实验选择的对象是一人有两颗以上龋齿的儿童,这就避免了不同口腔环境、口腔习惯和饮食习惯造成的偏倚。

55、carious pain ─── 虫牙痛


57、Keywords the carious pulp disease;pathology;chronic inflammation; ─── 龋源性牙髓病;病理;慢性牙髓炎;

58、Results: the carious rate of test group was smaller than the control. ─── 结果:实验组龋齿发病率明显小于对照组。

59、Conclusions The correct diagnosis of acute pulpitis without carious lesions is based oncareful examination. ─── 结论非龋性磨牙急性牙髓炎虽诊断较难,但是只要仔细综合检查,一般还是可以确诊的。

60、A Study of the Mechanism of Effects of Solution Containing Trace Elements on Remineralization Layer Formation of Enamel Carious Lesions ─── 微量元素矿化液促进釉质龋再矿化层形成机理的研究

61、Non carious dental lesions are destructions of dental external surfaces originating from non bacterial cause in opposition to dental caries. ─── 非龋牙病变是破坏牙齿外表面来自非细菌引起反对龋齿。

62、Moreover, quite high success rate are also found in the treatment of young, posterior, symptom-free teeth with carious exposure. ─── 然而应用于治疗发育未完成恒牙龋齿,导致牙髓暴露但无临床症状之病例,亦获得极高之成功率。

63、carious cavity ─── 龋洞

64、Analysis of the Rlelationship Between Dental Carious Prevalence and Risk Factors Among Middle School Students in Hainan. ─── 海南省农村中学生龋病状况及其危险因素分析。

65、7.A trip to Rio will give you a glimpse of the happily lifestyle of the carious. ─── 一次里约的旅游让你看到里约热内卢人快乐的生活方式。

66、Keywords optical coherence tomography(OCT);enamel;dental;carious; ─── 光学相干层析;牙釉质;牙本质;龋齿;

67、The changes in organic components, inorganic components, buffering capacity, secretion velocity and flow of the saliva have a close relationship with carious risk. ─── 唾液有机成分、无机成分、缓冲能力及流速流量的改变与龋病风险性有着密切关系。

68、residual carious dentin ─── 残余龋坏牙本质, 残余龋腐质

69、They help each other to grow up together through carious hardships and difficulties. ─── 虹猫和他的朋友们在各种艰难和磨练中互帮互助,共同成长。

70、early carious enamel ─── 早龋釉质

71、Result: Lactobacillus and streptococcus mutans were found to be the main bacteria in the carious dentin.There were more bacteria in the outer layer than in the inner layer. ─── 结果: 牙本质龋中的主要相关菌为乳杆菌和变链菌,龋内层牙本质中的细菌含量较外层少。

72、Chemomechanical carious removal ─── 化学机械去龋

73、Determination of amino acids in collagenous proteins of two-layer carious dentin and its clinical values ─── 二层龋坏牙本质胶原蛋白中氨基酸含量测定及其临床意义

74、The comparative study of carious pulp disease and retrograde pulp disease ─── 龋源性与逆行性牙髓病的比较研究

75、Analysis of the Rlelationship Between Dental Carious Prevalence and Risk Factors Among Middle School Students in Hainan . ─── 海南省农村中学生龋病状况及其危险因素分析。

76、This is a rare case of bilateral talon cusps in the maxillary primary incisors.Treatment of the carious bilateral talon cusps was presented. ─── 本病例报告是关于一个罕见的双侧乳正中门齿鹰爪型牙阜的案例,将针对其龋齿的治疗加以讨论。

77、Results The carious rate of test group was lower than the control. ─── 结果实验组龋齿发病率明显小于对照组。

78、non- carious disease ─── 牙硬组织非龋性损伤

79、Results:The carious rate of test group was smaller than the control. ─── 结果:实验组龋齿发病率明显小于对照组。

80、In everyday practice, the general practitioner sometimes sees cases of fractured teeth or carious lesions around the cervical area. ─── 摘要临床上常见牙齿因外伤断裂、蛀牙或治疗不当造成齿颈部缺损的情形。

81、This case report will present an immature mandibular first permanent molar with carious exposure treated by partial pulpotomy . ─── 本篇病例报告即描述局部断髓应用于发育未完成恒牙第一大臼齿,因治疗龋齿引起牙髓暴露。

82、carious osteitis ─── [医] 骨髓炎

83、Methods 208 cases of acute pulpitis of molars without carious lesions was collected and analyzed. ─── 方法收集我科208例非龋性磨牙急性牙髓炎病例的临床诊治情况,进行总结分析。

84、Keywords Pit and fissure sealant;Carious;Prevention; ─── 窝沟封闭;龋齿;预防;

85、Conclusion The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth. ─── 结论窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。

86、Conclusion:The pit and fissure sealant have significant preventive effect on carious teeth. ─── 结论:窝沟封闭能有效预防窝沟龋的发生。

87、Conclusively, carious process is mainly and primarily a process of demineralization of the inorganic part of the tooth rather than the process of proteolysis of its organic matrix. ─── 在釉质和牙本质的龋病变中,无机物的破坏是结构变化的主要过程,其中包括羟磷灰石晶体的破坏。

88、carious pulp exposure ─── 龋致露髓

89、Method: The clinical and pathological data of the carious pulp disease from 200 teeth. ─── 方法:收集200例龋源性牙髓病牙的临床和病理资料,观察其组织病理变化。

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