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08-15 投稿


indict 发音

英:[?n'da?t]  美:[?n'da?t]

英:  美:

indict 中文意思翻译



indict 短语词组

1、indict sb. for ─── 告发

2、indict meaning ─── 指示意义

3、indict a ham sandwich origin ─── 指控火腿三明治的来源

4、indict sb as ─── 指控某人为

5、indict define ─── 起诉定义

6、indict a ham sandwich quote ─── 起诉火腿三明治

7、indict sb. for sabotage ─── [法] 控告某人的破坏行为

8、indict sb for ─── 告发某人的

9、indict synonym ─── 缩进同义词

10、indict biden ─── 起诉拜登

indict 词性/词形变化,indict变形

动词第三人称单数: indicts |动词过去分词: indicted |动词现在分词: indicting |动词过去式: indicted |名词: indictee |

indict 相似词语短语

1、indicant ─── n.指示物,标志

2、indicts ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

3、indicted ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

4、indictee ─── n.被告

5、indic. ─── adj.印度的;印度语的;n.印度语系

6、indicter ─── n.原告;起诉者

7、indictor ─── n.起诉者,原告

8、indicate ─── vt.表明;指出;预示;象征

9、indic ─── adj.印度的;印度语的;n.印度语系

indict 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If you dare to lay your finger on me, I will indict you. ─── 如果你敢碰我,我就把你告上法庭。

2、The jury indict all eleven men named by the FBI. ─── 陪审团对受到联邦调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉。

3、' And [despite] the circus we've seen in the media, it's a little early to indict him," attorney Haim Katz said. ─── 尽管媒体进行了大量报导,但是现在起诉奥尔默特还为时过早。”

4、The owners of a Hong Kong-registered oil tanker involved in South Korea's worst oil spill say the South Korean decision to indict the ship's officers for the incident is unjust. ─── 在韩国发生事故造成原油大规模泄露的油轮的香港船主表示,韩国决定起诉油轮的操纵人员是不公正的。

5、The grand jury indicts or refuses to indict accused persons. ─── 大陪审团可起诉或拒绝起诉被告。

6、Their decisions on whether to indict someone have mostly been unappealable. ─── 他们是否起诉犯罪嫌疑人的决定大部分情况下都是不可上诉的。

7、For same matter really, we indict genuine personal rush people residence case court in mutual criminal a person under age is from, not divide case underground trial. ─── 而就同一事实,我们起诉的真正的私闯民宅案子法院以共同罪犯中有一未成年人为由,不分案不公开审理。

8、Bring a suit against sb; file a complaint against sb; sue; charge; accuse; indict; Bring in an indictment against sb. ─── 控告

9、We decide not to indict them to avoid unnecessary trouble. ─── 4.我们决定不起诉他们, 免得惹事生非.

10、The judges of the International Criminal Court have decided to indict Sudan's President for war crimes in Darfur, and issued a warrant for his arrest. ─── 问:国际刑事法院法官已决定起诉苏丹总统在达尔富尔地区犯下战争罪,并签发逮捕令。

11、The Q&A session, which was audiotaped, came about two months prior to the child's initial appearance before the grand jury that later voted to indict Jackson on ten felony counts. ─── 录音的问答单元的出现要比男孩在以十项罪名起诉杰克逊大陪审团面前的最初露面早两个月。

12、Lula's critics indict him as a lucky bumbler who may have kept Brazil out of trouble but has done nothing to improve its prospects. ─── 卢拉的批评者认为他是人笨架不住运气好,他没给巴西带来麻烦,但也没什么作为。

13、to indict somebody for murder ─── 控告某人犯有谋杀罪

14、In simple civil cases, the plaintiff may indict verbally. ─── 对简单的民事案件,原告可以口头起诉。

15、He grew anxious over the possibility that the Justice Department might now indict him for perjury. ─── 他越来越担心司法部现在可能起诉他作伪证。

16、2.The longest-serving Republican in the Senate has been indict ed on seven federal counts of failing to disclose gifts from a powerful oil services company. ─── 在参议院服务时间最长的共和党参议员TedStevens在七个法庭上被控告隐瞒其接受一家有实力的石油服务公司贿赂的事实。

17、the context of the cause of action in economic includes the right of indict, the right of request judgement, the right of looking forward to recover, the right of appealing. ─── 经济公益诉讼受案范围界定了经济诉权客体的范围;经济诉权的内容包括起诉权、请求裁判权、期待胜诉权、上诉权。

18、indict sb as ─── 指控某人为

19、Avoiding troubles, we decided not to indict them. ─── 我们决定不起诉他们,免得惹事生非.

20、The indictments, unsealed Tuesday, did not indicate what possible evidence or arguments led the grand jury Monday to indict Reade Seligmann, 20, and Collin Finnerty, 19. ─── 星期二未公开的控告,没有显示可能的证据让大陪审团在星期一指控20岁的雷德·塞利格曼恩和19岁的科林·芬那提。

21、indict sb. for ─── v. 告发

22、to accuse sb. of; to charge; to arraign; to impeach sb. of (or with); to indict sb. for (or on); to lay sth. to sb.'s charge; to swear an accusation against; to bring a charge against; to put sb. in the dock ─── 指控

23、I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made. ─── 我的意思是我用了两年时间收集足以起诉丹蒂·阿雷特的证据,其中9个月是做卧底。

24、A decision not to indict should immediately be reported to the court in writing by the foreperson so that the accused may promptly be released from jail or freed on bail. ─── 一项不予起诉的裁决应当立刻被报告到法庭之上,以书面的形式呈递给主审法官,以便被告能够迅速地被释放出去或者获得保释。

25、The special prosecutor decided to indict Mr.Lee and nine other executives but not arrest them.Mr. ─── 赵俊雄决定对李健熙及其他九名高管提起诉讼,但没有批捕他们。

26、"We are very disappointed with any maritime authorities who indict crew members who have been involved in an accident. ─── 他说:“我们对任何海事当局起诉卷入事故的船员的做法都感到非常失望。

27、indict: to officially charge somebody with a crime(动)起诉; ─── 那位参议员被控犯谋杀罪。

28、The ICC must decide whether to indict the suspects. ─── 国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。

29、After a three year criminal investigation, they did not indict me, because we beat them. ─── 三年的犯罪调查之后,他们并没有起诉我,我们击败了他们。

30、Police indict he for breaking the law. ─── 警方指控他违法.

31、a list of charges give to a grand jury,asking them to indict the accused ─── 刑事起诉书,交给大陪审团的指控一览表,要求他们起诉刑事被告

32、Last part is about the evidence contract and the giving-up indict contract.It expounds the evidence contract concept, the existence right, the characteristic and several concrete evidence contracts. ─── 本文最后一部分对民事证据契约及不起诉契约作了些许研究,阐述了民事证据契约的概念、存在的正当性、特征及几种具体证据契约形式;

33、That doesn't mean that you can indict weird weather in your neck of woods as proof. ─── 这并不意味着你可以用某区域的怪异天气作为控诉的证据。

34、its higher staff will be deposit a fine and indict. If the company continue to each, the fine will. ─── 香港公司及其每名高级人员可被检控及处以罚款,如持续失责,可处按日计算的失责罚款。

35、In law practice fair principle is applied to medical civil indict more than before. ─── 在司法实践中公平原则越来越多地被应用到医疗侵权民事诉讼案件。

36、8.Us list of charges give to a grand jury, asking them to indict the accused. ─── 刑事起诉书,交给大陪审团的指控一览表,要求他们志诉刑事被告。

37、The calculation results indict that the loads of the casing in the segment with poor cementing quality were changed significantly. ─── 实例计算表明,固井质量较差井段的套管柱所受载荷发生了明显变化。

38、indict sb for ─── 告发某人的

39、Agents say they have broken up a major international ID theft ring, 100 American and Egyptian suspects were indict ed yesterday and at least 50 have already been arrested. ─── 特工称他们粉碎了一个重大国际ID盗窃团伙,昨日,100多名美国和埃及嫌疑犯被起诉,至少50人已被捕。

40、The experiment indict that the cycloconverter based on the 24 wave rectifier using FOC control method has a brilliant future. ─── 通过实验表明,采用矢量控制技术的24脉波交-交变频器控制效果较好,有很好的发展前景。

41、In July it decided not to indict her for second-degree murder. ─── 7月份,该陪审团做出了不起诉普医生犯有7级谋杀罪的裁决。

42、Don't respond this fastidium indict and that were detract yourself. ─── 不要回应这种无聊的指控而贬低自己。

43、indict sb. for sabotage ─── [法] 控告某人的破坏行为

44、Indict sb. for nuisance. ─── 控告某人非法妨害。

45、Reply to the Change of the Judicatory Circumslance Medical Civil Indict ─── 医疗侵权民事诉讼环境的变迁及应对措施

46、The jury indict all eleven men named by the fbi ─── 陪审团对受到联邦调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉

47、I certainly don't mean to indict Holy Communion. ─── 我绝对不是要诋毁圣餐礼。

48、indict someone for murder ─── 以谋杀罪对某人起诉

49、So far, the government has found sufficient grounds to indict only five executives on backdating out of all those at the 200-plus companies involved in the scandal. ─── 到目前为止,政府已经找到充足的根据来起诉二百多家涉及丑闻案的公司中的五位经理。

50、It will likewise report any “not true bills”, or decisions not to indict. ─── 这将同样可以报告称“指控不成立”,或者裁决不予起诉。

51、"At the end of World War II, the International Military Tribunal was established by the U.S., Britain, France, and the Soviet Union to indict and try former Nazis as war criminals. " ─── 第二次世界大战结束后,由美、英、法、苏四国组成国际军事法庭,控告前纳粹党人为战犯并进行审判。

52、First, a suspect must be advised of his right to remain silent, as not to indict himself. ─── 首先,嫌疑人必须被告知他有权保持沉默,不指控自己。

53、The test and investigation indict that there is certain waterpower relation among groundwater emergences in the field and between in and out the field. ─── 试验研究表明,堆场内各水点之间、堆场与外部各水点存在一定的水力联系,其流速受季节影响,在枯水期较为缓慢;地下水流向主要取决于地下暗河的走向;

54、One of the reasons American prosecutors did not indict KMPG last year for its part in a case of massive alleged tax fraud may have been to avoid the risk of another Andersen-like collapse. ─── 去年美国检察官没有因为大额税务欺诈控告毕马威,其中一个原因也许就是怕重蹈安达信覆辙。

55、After a three year criminal investigation, they did not indict me, because we beat them. ─── 三年的犯罪调查之后,他们并没有起诉我,我们击败了他们。

56、Prosecutors said they wouldn't indict Mr. Hatoyama due to insufficient evidence. ─── 检察官说因为证据不足,不会起诉鸠山由纪夫。

57、Anti-racism groups flew to indict her; ─── 反种族主义团体蜂拥而至,争相把他告上法庭;

58、Mr Li said he had no idea why he was being targeted by US prosecutors and questioned whether the US had the authority to indict him. ─── 李表示,他一点都不明白自己为什么成了美国检察官的目标,并质疑美国是否有权控告他。

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