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08-15 投稿


ascarid 发音

英:[['?sk?ra?d]]  美:[['?sk?ra?d]]

英:  美:

ascarid 中文意思翻译



ascarid 短语词组

1、ascarid migration ─── 蛔虫迁移

2、ascarid canine ─── 蛔虫犬

3、ascarid definition ─── 蛔虫定义

4、ascarid dog ─── 蛔虫犬

5、ascarid horse ─── 蛔虫

6、swine ascarid ─── 猪蛔虫

7、ascarid meaning ─── 蛔虫意义

8、ascarid parasites ─── 蛔虫

ascarid 词性/词形变化,ascarid变形


ascarid 相似词语短语

1、asterid ─── n.海盘车

2、ascarides ─── n.蛔虫;蛔虫属(ascaris的变形)

3、ascared ─── 已分配

4、acarid ─── n.螨;adj.蜱螨的(等于acarian,acarine)

5、acarids ─── n.螨;adj.蜱螨的(等于acarian,acarine)

6、ascaris ─── n.蛔虫(同ascarid)

7、scabrid ─── 微粗糙的

8、acrid ─── adj.(气味)辛辣的,苦的;刻薄的

9、ascarids ─── n.蛔虫

ascarid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Poultry dung is deodorized by a biological bacterium technology (mature technology) to kill the ascarid eggs in the poultry dung, decompose organic matters, and degrade heavy metals to volatilize. ─── 用生物菌技术(成熟技术)将鸡粪除臭,杀死其中的蛔虫卵,并腐熟有机质,降解重金属使其挥发。

2、Objectives To investigate the effect of the treatment of biliary ascarid with duodenoscopy. ─── 目的探讨十二指肠镜治疗胆道蛔虫病的效果。

3、cat ascarid ─── 猫蛔虫

4、How to know to there is ascarid inside abdomen? ─── 怎样知道肚子里面有蛔虫?

5、Eat pumpkin to be able to be used at the cure of children ascarid, tapeworm more, can reduce the sicken danger of hives and mortality. ─── 多吃南瓜可用于儿童蛔虫、绦虫的治疗,并能减少麻疹的患病危险和死亡率。

6、Keywords Children;Infection rate of ascarid;Cross-sectional investigation; ─── 儿童;蛔虫感染率;现状调查;

7、dog ascarid ─── 犬蛔虫

8、Look from aching property, clonic angina person, see at cholelith disease, bravery more ascarid, intestinal obstruction, enteritis; ─── 从疼痛性质上看,阵发性绞痛者,多见于胆石症、胆道蛔虫、肠梗阻、肠炎等;

9、General bellyacke place happens in right on abdomen person, see at cholecystitis, bilestone disease, bravery more ascarid; ─── 一般腹痛部位发生在右上腹者,多见于胆囊炎、胆石症、胆道蛔虫;

10、What Is The Ascarid In Bag? ─── 袋子里的蛔虫?

11、Infection rate of ascarid ─── 蛔虫感染率

12、Keywords Pyrantel pamoate;chewing tablet;pig ascarid;pharmacodynamics; ─── 关键词双羟萘酸噻嘧啶;咀嚼片;药效学;猪蛔虫;

13、Keywords Ascarid egg;Surveillance;Resident habitat; ─── 蛔虫卵;监测;生境;

14、Rangoon Creeper Extracts the Thing Expelling Parasite Experiment to Affecting the Pig Ascarid Small Rat ─── 使君子提取物对感染猪蛔虫小鼠的驱虫试验

15、Ascarid infection ─── 蛔虫感染

16、Rangoon Creeper Extracts the Thing Expelling Parasite Experiment to Affecting the Pig Ascarid Small Rat ─── 使君子提取物对感染猪蛔虫小鼠的驱虫试验

17、Calming intestinal ascarid by warming method ─── 温脏安蛔

18、Treatment of 2072 cases of biliary ascarid with duodenoscopy ─── 急诊十二指肠镜治疗胆道蛔虫病2072例分析

19、Keywords Primary school students;Ascarid;Infection rate; ─── 小学生;蛔虫;感染率;

20、showed that the rate of the intestinal nematode infection is 13.79%, all are ascarid. The rate of pinworm infection is 8.87%. ─── 发现厦门市儿童肠道线虫感染率为13.79%,全为蛔虫感染;蛲虫感染率为8.87%。

21、General bellyache place happens in right on abdomen person, see at cholecystitis, bilestone disease, bravery more ascarid; ─── 一般腹痛部位发生在右上腹者,多见于胆囊炎、胆石症、胆道蛔虫;

22、All round hilum painful person rise at the beginning of acute appendicitis it is thus clear that, alvine ascarid, intestinal obstruction; ─── 脐周围痛者可见于急性阑尾炎初起、肠蛔虫、肠梗阻;

23、Is ascarid bit of Ga? ─── 蛔虫是点噶?

24、A case-control study on risk factors for ascarid infection in Guangxi ─── 广西蛔虫感染危险因素病例对照研究

25、Results The child gastritis and peptic ulcer were easily misdiagnosed as bowel ascarid, gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, even mesentery scrofula etc. ─── 结果小儿胃炎、消化性溃疡极易误诊为肠道蛔虫症、胃肠炎、消化不良甚至肠系膜淋巴结核等。

26、Objective To investigate the clinical value of endoscopy on treatment of biliary ascarid. ─── 目的探讨采用内镜治疗胆道蛔虫病的临床应用价值。

27、Cattle ascarid ─── 牛蛔虫

28、Can the darling of 5 months have ascarid? ─── 五个月的宝宝会有蛔虫吗?

29、Ascarid egg ─── 蛔虫卵

30、Attic type composting latrine is a latrine mode of aerobiotic ferment,which makes pathogen and ascarid eggs of night soil inactivate to attain the requirements of sanitary standard for the non-hazardous treatment of night soil. ─── 阁楼式堆肥式厕所是好氧发酵的一种厕所模式,可使粪便中的病原体和寄生虫卵失活,达到粪便无害化卫生标准的要求。

31、Determination of mortality of ascarid egg in fertilizers ─── 肥料中蛔虫卵死亡率的测定

32、All round hilum painful person rise at the beginning of acute appendicitis it is thus clear that, alvine ascarid, intestinal obstruction; ─── 脐周围痛者可见于急性阑尾炎初起、肠蛔虫、肠梗阻;

33、Method:12 cases of the intenstinal obstruction due to ascarid have been treated by Oxydol enema combined with Major decoction for purging Down Digestive Qi and sustained therapy. ─── 方法:用双氧水灌肠及内服大承气汤和全身支持疗法治疗肠蛔虫堵塞12例。

34、What time takes the drug that makes ascarid optimal? ─── 打蛔虫的药什么时节吃最佳?

35、ascarid stomachache ─── 蛔动脘痛

36、Inspirational: "If the person drank wine,this proves, there won't be ascarid in abdomen. ─── 灵感:“这证实假如人喝了酒,肚子里就不会有蛔虫。”

37、How to know to there is ascarid inside abdomen? ─── 怎样知道肚子里面有蛔虫?

38、Keywords Ascarid eggs;separate;floatation; ─── 蛔虫卵;分离;漂浮;

39、Clinical application for treatment of biliary ascarid with endoscopy ─── 内镜治疗胆道蛔虫病的临床应用

40、Methods The removal of fecal E. Coli and ascarid eggs on attic type composting latrine was assessed,and the removal of salmonella bacteriophage 28B was studied,according to sanitary standards for the non-hazardous treatment of night soil. ─── 方法按粪便无害化标准对阁楼式堆肥厕所粪大肠菌群和蛔虫卵的去除效果进行检测,对沙门氏菌噬菌体28B的去除效果进行试验研究。

41、Look from aching property, clonic angina person, see at cholelith disease, bravery more ascarid, intestinal obstruction, enteritis; ─── 从疼痛性质上看,阵发性绞痛者,多见于胆石症、胆道蛔虫、肠梗阻、肠炎等;

42、pig ascarid ─── 猪蛔虫

43、Grind one's teeth expresses to have ascarid, go buying anthelmintic. ─── 怎么样能治疗半夜磨牙了?

44、The result makes clear, egg of positive rate ascarid is 47. 76 % , with vegetable plot, domestic animals place of circle, court, sole is much; ─── 结果表明,阳性率蛔虫卵为47.76%,以菜地、牲畜圈、庭院、鞋底处为多;

45、To explore the effect of treating intenstinal obstruction due to ascarid combined with Oxydol enema and Major decoction for purging Down Digestive Qi. ─── 目的:探讨双氧水灌肠及内服大承气汤治疗肠蛔虫堵塞的疗效。

46、ascarid epigastralgia ─── 蛔心痛

47、Keywords human intestinal nematodes;natural growth and decline trends;ascarid;whipworm;hookworm;pinworm; ─── 人体肠道线虫;自然消长;蛔虫;鞭虫;钩虫;蛲虫;


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