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08-15 投稿


tacitly 发音


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tacitly 中文意思翻译



tacitly 网络释义

adv. 肃静地;沉默地;心照不宣地

tacitly 短语词组

1、tacitly agree ─── 默许

2、tacitly consent ─── 默许

3、tacitly definition ─── 默认定义

4、tacitly syn ─── 默认同步

5、tacitly define ─── 默契地定义

6、tacitly assent ─── 默许

7、tacitly agreed ─── 默许

8、tacitly mean ─── 心照不宣

tacitly 相似词语短语

1、tactilely ─── 触觉地;能触知地

2、licitly ─── 合法地

3、tautly ─── adv.绷紧地;紧张地

4、tacit ─── adj.缄默的;不言而喻的;心照不宣的;默许的

5、tackily ─── 俗气的

6、tartly ─── adv.辛辣地;锋利地

7、intactly ─── 完整地;原封不动地;未受损伤地

8、taciturnly ─── adv.沉默寡言地

9、-acity ─── 敏捷

tacitly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In hospital management,how to dig up the tacit knowledge is a critical task. ─── 在医院管理中如何把隐性知识挖掘出来,是一项很重要的任务。

2、The other is tacit knowledge which is not easily visible and expressible. ─── 另一种则是隐性知识,不容易被看见和表达。

3、On the season three person of coordinations were already unusual the tacit understanding, Adelman do not want to take risk change. ─── 上赛季三人的配合已经非常默契,阿德尔曼不想冒险变阵。

4、Roc, you are tirelessly flying upward, circling, chasing with a definite aim in your heart, writing tacitly magnificent mythology and seeking for the truth of life. ─── 大鹏,你永不言倦地腾飞着,盘旋着,追逐着,你朝着心中的目标,默默地谱写着瑰丽的神话,追求着生命的真谛!

5、Meet mutually in the tacit understanding, is a kind of happy feeling really. ─── 在默契中相逢,实在是一种快乐的感受。

6、They were leagued together by a tacit treaty. ─── 他们根据默契关系联合起来了。

7、Never mind, carapace of whose metropolis exuviate is grown, everybody has the past, disappointed over- , reasonable reach tacit understanding to go. ─── 不要紧,谁都会蜕壳长大,谁都有过去,都失望过,合理及默契便行。

8、Also, it was tacitly understood that it was to be a long engagement. ─── 而且大家有个默契:婚约期会很长。

9、Handling computer to notify to send you such as this website, but you disagree out of the notice of the provision of time, will be seen as recognize tacitly by this website. ─── 如本网站届时将电脑处理通知送达予您,而您未在通知规定的时间内表示反对,将会被本网站视为默认。

10、Therefore, promoting the tacit knowledge sharing among the programmers has important reality meanings. ─── 因此,促进开发人员之间隐性知识共享具有重要的现实意义。

11、In ancient fable, if the lover tacitly makes a wish when he or she personally puts on the bracelet on your waist, the wish will realize when the bracelet falls off. ─── 在古老的传说中,如果恋人亲手为你戴上手链的同时,在心里默默许下愿望,当手链自动脱落的时候,愿望就会实现。

12、But regarding the rocket, a most important achievement team, we possesses the human in the defense to now achieve the tacit understanding. ─── 但现在对于火箭,最重要的作为一个团队,在防守中我们所有人都必须达成默契。”

13、Whereas internalization focuses on the transfer of explicit knowledge, intermediation brokers tacit knowledge. ─── 内部化着眼于显性知识的转移,而中间层对默认的知识进行中介代理。

14、The next instant he realized it was the signal for lunch-break, and his smile of relief also gave his tacit consent to Tu Wei-yueh's proposal. ─── 但是他立即想到这是午饭放工,不是什么意外,他就乘势笑了一笑,算是默认了屠维岳的办法。

15、On every decree of his they have a tacit veto, by merely refraining from carrying it into effect. ─── 他们对于沙皇的每项诏令都有一个不声不响的否决权,只要不把它付诸实施就得了。

16、One of the primary requirements for an enterprise establishing its core competence is the externalization of tacit knowledge within the enterprise. ─── 企业构建核心竞争力的基础条件需要将企业内部隐性知识外部化,这一过程中存在着企业与员工的相互博弈。

17、A tacit friendship had developed between them since they had been bunking together. ─── 他们俩自从睡在一个帐篷里以来,彼此之间已悄然结下了友谊。

18、It is a great social economic theoretical question and practice question that the tacit knowledge management of the enterprise is studied. ─── 企业隐性知识管理研究是一个重大的社会经济理论问题和实践问题。

19、But as long as two to form a tacit understanding, I believe the problem is no longer adapt. ─── 但是只要两人能够形成默契,相信适应就不再是问题。

20、She understood the tacit understanding between them, begin to envy their harmony, see they appear sweetly in her again before, she more it is to touch. ─── 她明白了他们之间的默契,开始羡慕他们的和谐,再看见他们温馨地出现在她的面前,她更多的是感动。

21、On happy festivals, there must be joyfulness linking between our hearts which are always in with a tacit understanding. ─── 在美好的节日里,我们心灵之间必会有默契的愉悦。

22、Her uncle seemed to regard his sister-in-law with a sort of tacit antipathy. ─── 她的叔叔似乎对他那个嫂嫂怀有一种不言而喻的嫌恶。

23、Organizations routinely make multimillion-dollar decisions based heavily on the tacit knowledge of key individuals. ─── 各组织日常做出几百万美元的决策在很大程度上是依据关键人物的无声知识。

24、Yet in the right circumstances a tacit understanding can endure. ─── 但在适当的环境下还是可以达成一种默契。

25、Washington is charting a course of tacit neutrality on the Arunachal issue. ─── 华盛顿正在筹划一条在阿鲁纳恰尔邦问题上保持中立的战略路线。

26、His silence is interpreted by them as tacit approval. ─── 他的沉默被他们解读为默许。

27、France had tacitly accepted that the next ECB head would be a German, after the previous presidents came from the Netherlands and France. ─── 欧洲央行前任行长相继来自荷兰、法国,因而法国对下届总裁的德国国籍表示接受。

28、By tacit agreement they turned to the wine to dispel their discontent. ─── 他们不约而同的想拿酒杀气。

29、Ambrosini V. &Bowman C. (2001). Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization. Journal of Management Studies. 38(6). ─── 刘京伟(2000)。知识管理的第一本书。台北市:商周。

30、Workers will not assist in codifying their tacit knowledge about doing their job if they feel it will jeopardize their employment. ─── 如果工人感到文档化有关如何完成他们的工作的背景知识将危害他们的工作位置,那么,他们不会帮助这样做。

31、By tacitly detaching executive compensation policy from long-term performance, committees harm their companies and the economy as a whole. ─── 委员会暗中将高管薪酬政策与长期业绩脱钩,这会损害公司和整体经济。

32、Tacit knowledge of a corporate is hidden and difficult to imitate,and not easily to be copied and theft. ─── 企业隐性知识是意会和难以模仿的,不易被复制和窃取,是企业核心竞争力的关键要素。

33、The three levels and phases of tacit knowledge sharing are realized through the tacit pattern and the explicit pattern. ─── 三个层次和四个阶段的隐性知识共享是通过隐性和显性两种共享模式来实现的。

34、Friendship is the combination of souls,which may get estranged and therefore is a tacit agreement between two sensitive and upright persons. ─── 友谊是灵魂的结合,这个结合时可以离异的,这是两个敏感的,正直的人之间心照不宣的契约。

35、The fiction of the cab had been tacitly abandoned. ─── 乘马车的托词,不言而喻没人再提了。

36、In this situation astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass. ─── 在目前的状况下,天文学家心照不宣地默认,光度和颜色都相同的恒星具有相同的质量。

37、The 222-year-old document contained language that tacitly condoned slavery, and did not give voting right to women. ─── 这部有222年历史的文件在修正之前存在着默认奴隶制的语言,也没有赋予妇女选举权。

38、H'm, something is tacit to us. ─── 嗯,还是很默契的感觉。

39、Aim to impel knowledge especially tacit knowledge tied in individual or group coming out flowing, sharing, updating in organization. ─── 使得个体和群体的知识,尤其是隐性知识从深度个人缠绕、队情节的束缚中解脱出来,实现流动、享和不断更新。

40、It was the second time Eric worked with Yeung Sze Kee and they had tacit agreement. ─── 孙耀威与杨思琦两度合作,非常有默契。

41、All that was needed was a tacit understanding of the relationship between a Muslim individual and his idolatrous tribe. ─── 因此,他们要先发制人,那就是一定要强调对信仰的新的效忠。

42、In the minds of almost all religious persons, even in the most tolerant countries, the duty of toleration is admitted with tacit reserves. ─── 即使在最富宽容的国度里,在几乎一切宗教人士的心中,对于宽容的义务的承认还是带有暗含的保留的。

43、Agreeability to the Zhijiao can not really affiliated done, always will have a tacit understanding. ─── 再投缘的知交也不能真正作到心心相印、时时都会有默契。

44、For example, Navarro believes that piracy and counterfeiting are tacitly supported by the Chinese government. ─── 例如,纳瓦罗认为盗版和仿冒问题得到了中国政府的默许。

45、If the fellow-competitors action is sactioned, tacitly or otherwise, by the competitor, is the competitor also subject to penalty? ─── 如果这名同组比赛者的行为得到了与他同组球员的认可或默许,那与他同组的球员也要接受处罚吗?

46、You know, you are pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly, that she just slept with my husband. ─── 作为女人,你真的很厚颜无耻。尽管很隐晦,但你还是承认了和我丈夫有奸情。

47、Attention is a tacit and continual compliment. ─── 关注是无声的、绵绵不断的赞赏。

48、Large staff is filled before regarding as, chen Fuming and royal " 18 plans " collaboration appears very tacit. ─── 作为前盛大员工,陈富明和盛大的“18计划”的合作显得很默契。

49、He indicated tacit approval by smiling and winking. ─── 他用微笑和眨眼来表示默许。

50、But the initiative is also a tacit admission by the government that the effort to feed the country at all costs may have backfired. ─── 但这也是政府对不计成本养活整个国家是帮倒忙的一种默认。

51、SSK unilaterally developed the ideas about knowledge's social respect advanced by the tacit theory, but it can't get rid of relativism defect. ─── SSK吸收了波兰尼默会知识理论中许多重要思想,但由于它片面发展了知识的社会维度,导致了它倒向相对主义。

52、They have a tacit understanding. ─── 他俩心照不宣。

53、Obviously, the United States is such a thought, and follow Japan, Australia and India tacitly gives cooperate. ─── 显然,美国也正是遵循这样一条思路,而日本、澳大利亚以及印度都心照不宣地予以配合。

54、Aspira not only helps out with the students' academic work; it also tries to combat their often tacit acceptance of the myth. ─── "阿斯匹拉"不仅帮助学生解决学习方面的问题,同时努力帮助他们清除那种对无稽之谈的默认。

55、Artest is the same on a less with the tacit understanding that this is a poor defensive roll. ─── 上一场是同阿泰斯特的配合欠默契,这一场是防守挡拆不佳。

56、China installs a new bishop of Beijing, the first in over 50 years to have tacit prior approval from the Vatican. ─── 中国安装一个北京的新主教,第一在50年内有来自梵蒂冈的无言的之前赞成。

57、Even tacit linkage between delaying or scrapping the scheme and pleasing Russia will heighten those worries. ─── 即使延迟或撕毁此项计划,取悦俄罗斯,也会加剧忧虑。

58、Team spirit:tacit communication,compact system and common target. ─── 团结:沟通默契,制度严谨,目标一致的团队。

59、But days, weeks, months, elapsed.Jean Valjean had tacitly accepted Cosette's tacit consent.She regretted it.It was too late. ─── 但是,多少天、多少星期、多少个月接连过去了,冉阿让一声不响地接受了珂赛特一声不响的同意。

60、He give the proposal his tacit approval. ─── 他默准了该项建议。

61、They were called the Golden Pair by their teammates because of their tacit cooperation. ─── 他们因为配合默契被队友称作黄金搭档。

62、It had been tacitly understood beforehand that she was to get work and pay her board. ─── 他们事先已达成默契,嘉莉得找份工作,付伙食费。

63、Your second assignment will include reading Chapter11" Tacit Negotiations and Social Dilemmas" as preparation for negotiating oil prices. ─── 你的第二次作业将包括〈许的谈判和社会困境〉第11章,作为石油价格谈判的准备。

64、Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals. ─── 你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。

65、The first two provide an underlying platform to facilitate communication between the tacit knowledge provider and knowledge seeker. ─── 前两种技术提供了一个基础平台,便于默认知识提供者与知识寻找者之间的交流。

66、The committee gave its tacit agreement to the proposal . ─── 委员会默许了这项建议。

67、Astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass. ─── 天文学家心照不宣地默认,光度和颜色都相同的恒星具有相同的质量。

68、E. ON, which operates six plants, says it may still challenge the nuclear-fuel tax; but it tacitly supports the shutdown. ─── ON公司经营六家核电长,该厂表示,可能仍将挑战核燃油税,但公司默默地支持关闭核电站。

69、The cooperation between the two sides is one of tacit agreement. ─── 双方合作非常默契。

70、Under this lies a fact never mentioned aloud, but tacitly understood and acted upon: namely, that the conditions of life in all three super-states are very much the same. ─── 在这里面有一个事实从来没有大声提到过,但是大家都是默认的,并且一切行动都是根据它来采取的,那就是:三个超级国家的生活基本上相同。

71、As long as there is tacit understanding, the anything all is not a problem. ─── 只要有默契,任何事都不是问题。

72、For example, Moscow sees a quick solution to the Chechnya imbroglio with tacit U.S. support or at least acquiescence. ─── 例如:莫斯科希望得到美国不公开的支持,或者默许来尽快解决车臣问题。

73、Meantime they continued their pilgrimage, Quentin now riding abreast of the ladies, into whose society he seemed to be tacitly adopted. ─── 他们继续往前行进。昆丁与两位仕女骑着马并排走着。他似乎通过她们的默许进入了她们的小圈子。

74、But tacit collusion may still be beyond them. ─── 但默契结盟还不止这些。

75、So, it tacitly approved Germany rearmament.Moreover, America sent Fuller to Germany as well as advocated Welles Plan. ─── 为此,美国默认德国重整军备的举动,并先后推出富勒使命和韦尔斯计划等安抚德国的行动与设想。

76、In Alabama, it might even be tacitly welcome. ─── 在阿拉巴马州,新法甚至可能会受人们心照不宣的欢迎。

77、In most countries, the markets are illegal, while in others they are tacitly condoned. ─── 在大多数国家,黑市都是非法的,但在一些国家却是默许的。

78、Aspira not only helps out with the students'academic work; it also tries to combat their often tacit acceptence of the myth. ─── “阿斯匹拉”不仅帮助学生解决学习方面的问题,同时努力帮助他们清除那种他们往往予以默认的无稽之谈。

79、They shake their branches tacitly as gesture to each other silently. ─── 它们会心地摇动着树枝,相互默默地打着手势。

80、Hence, GOD never takes responsibility again and you need to get tacit understanding with fate . ─── 从此,上帝的肩膀不再承担,而你需要的是与命运达成默契!

81、In this return true buckish away in the atmosphere, KR , ruby elim brand spirit, more tacit understanding to the trend of The Times. ─── 在这个浮华远去回归真实的氛围里,KR(卡璐琳兰)的品牌精神,更加默契于大势所趋。

82、This paper sums up a few important principles which, under tacit agreement, governed the election. ─── 作者以此为素材,总结出影响选举结果的若干条县乡默认的规则。

83、In this buckish far go returning to in true atmosphere, the brand spirit of VANCL, more tacit at hasten of general trends place. ─── 在这个浮华远去回归真实的氛围里,VANCL的品牌精神,更加默契于大势所趋。”

84、And the duties of his job which had been treated between them until now as a tacit joke, had become demanding and loathsome. ─── 他的本职工作本来彼此心照不宣,从来就不当一回事,可是现在也变得繁重可厌了。

85、Still, this form of indirect communication and tacit restraint was slow and chancy. ─── 不过,这种间接信息和暗自抑制的方式,毕竟还是太慢,而且也不太确实。

86、Where available, explicit process knowledge is used; otherwise tacit knowledge and trial and error is used to build process knowledge. ─── 如果有明确的过程知识,就用它来建立过程知识,否则就使用默认的知识以及试验的以及错误的知识。

87、Caring eyesight and tacit movements makes me become more and more intimate with the children. ─── 一个关心的眼神、个默契的动作,让我和孩子之间的距离越来越近。

88、As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide. ─── 久而久之,音乐使我们自然流畅地进入不约而同的默契。

89、He tacitly admitted that the government had breached regulations. ─── 他默认政府违反了规定。

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