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08-15 投稿


fantastically 发音

英:[f?n?t?st?kli]  美:[f?n?t?st?kli]

英:  美:

fantastically 中文意思翻译



fantastically 短语词组

1、fantastically fluffy ─── 毛茸茸的

2、fantastically awry ─── 出奇地歪了

3、Fantastically Reliable Electronic Device ─── 非常可靠的电子设备

4、fantastically cold night ─── 异常寒冷的夜晚

5、fantastically carpeted ─── 铺满梦幻般的地毯

6、fantastically cold ─── 冷得出奇

7、fantastically engaging ─── 引人入胜的

8、fantastically fit ─── 非常合身

9、fantastically handsome ─── 帅呆了的

10、fantastically in a sentence ─── 在一个句子里

11、Fantastically Reliable Electronic D ─── 惊人可靠的电子D

12、fantastically good ─── 非常好

13、fantastically fun ─── 非常有趣

14、fantastically well ─── 非常好

15、fantastically define ─── 幻想般地定义

fantastically 相似词语短语

1、astatically ─── adv.不稳定地;无定向地

2、fantasmically ─── 不可思议地

3、phantasmically ─── 幻觉的

4、fantasticals ─── 好极了

5、fatalistically ─── 宿命论

6、fantasticality ─── n.奇异,变化无常;空想性质

7、fanatically ─── adv.盲信地;狂热地

8、artistically ─── adv.在艺术上;富有艺术地

9、fantastical ─── adj.奇异的,虚构的

fantastically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I know ,Mr.Darcy is a fantastically nice gay. ─── 我知道,达西先生是个很不错的人!

2、"- yes, at herself- who stood on the scaffold of the pillory, an infant on her arm, and the letter A, in scarlet, fantastically embroidered with gold thread, upon her bosom!" ─── --是的,盯着她本人--她站在示众刑台上,怀中抱着婴儿,胸前钉着那个用金丝线绝妙地绣着花边的鲜红的字母A!

3、We had a good rapport and we got on fantastically. ─── 我们交谈非常融洽,手语教学互动效果非常好。

4、The limestone caves with its fantastically shaped stalactites and stalagmites win it the fame of "An Artistic Wonder of Nature". ─── 景区由12座山峰、46个岩洞、700多亩绿地、3000多米长的清溪和四个人工湖组成,洞内钟乳石奇特多变,形神兼备,被誉为“大自然的奇幻艺术之宫”。

5、Slip away to innocent days with this fantastically fun collection of jigsaws with a nostalgic theme. ─── 溜掉无辜天这个亲密乐趣收集灵感与怀旧主题。

6、"If you have a man who isn't fantastically fertile with a normal partner who is fertile, her fertility will compensate," said Dr. ─── “如果你有一个事实上不是个生育健全的男人但有一个生育正常的女性配偶,她的生育力可以作补偿。”

7、One only has to look at Inge De Bruijn and observe the fantastically efficient stroke she has developed with her super coaches, Paul Bergen and Jacco Verhaeren. ─── 你观看德布鲁因(的比赛)会观察到她由她的超级教练Paul Bergen 和Jacco Verhaeren培养出来的美妙的高效率划水。

8、You could cruise with a glaciologist through a bay filled with fantastically colored icebergs. ─── 您还可以跟随冰河学家一起寻着或有或无的动物叫声游走在其中。

9、The well-known scientist and fantast Isal Acymo has ever referred: the 21st century is a great time for creation. ─── 著名科幻家伊萨尔-阿西莫指出:21世纪是创造的伟大时代。

10、In the talk with 3 patriarch, oneself feel Stone is richer the shadow of fantast. ─── 在与3位创办人的交谈中,本人感觉到斯通更富有梦想家的影子。

11、8. The officer retired, and introduced, upon his return a tall, strapping wench of eighteen or twenty, dressed fantastically. ─── 官吏退了出去,回来时带进一个个儿高高的,身材匀称的,十八或二十岁光景的女子,打扮得奇形怪状。

12、What is clear is that obesity is a fantastically complicated condition, with a fantastic number of spots for science to step in and set things right ─── 不过十分清楚的是,肥胖是一种极为复杂的病症,对科学家来说就有着极多的问题需要深入研究并正确解决它们。

13、a dreamer; a fantast; a visionary ─── 梦想家

14、Jupiter is now in a compatible earth sign, one that blends fantastically well with Pisces water sign element. ─── 木星现在在相容的地球内签字,与双鱼座水一起调和得奇异好的一在元素上签字。

15、It was these new immigrants who fuelled the fantastically opulent and innovative nightlife culture in the town . ─── 正是这些新移民们给当时的夜生活文化注入了新活力。

16、4. Before these fantastically attractive flowers of violet and red and yellow, unkindness melted away. ─── 在这些奇异而迷人的紫、红、黄三种颜色的花朵面前,不友好的感情溶化了。

17、No wonder the multinational corporations have been growing fantastically and now dominate many sections of the international market. ─── 跨国公司发展迅速,如今已占据控制了许多国际市场,这不足为奇。

18、My wife will certainly yell fra fantastically murder when she learns how much I h audio-videoe spent for them. ─── 借使我的妻子知道我为他们花了几多钱,她必然会大吵大闹的。

19、"There is no doubt Alan did fantastically well for us when he came back last season."He gave the team a spiritual lift and because he is such a fighter, he was an inspiration to us. ─── 无可否认, 史密斯在伤愈回来后踢得很出色, 他的到来给了球队很多鼓励, 因为他是个奋斗者。

20、But that deep roster with some chance at contending this season stayed deep and became fantastically top-heavy with the Feb. 1 trade for Gasol. ─── 湖人的板凳深度在本赛季一直令人满意。而当2月1日加索尔来到湖人时,湖人的板凳深度变得更加可怕。

21、You did fantastically well in the exam. ─── 你考得非常好.

22、fantastically expensive/successful ─── 极其昂贵/成功

23、But often these people, these people are fantast forever. ─── 但往往这些人,这些人永远都是梦想家。

24、If you exaggerate, you will sound fantastically American. ─── 如果你发音夸张听起来会特别有美国味。

25、So she drew her mother away, skipping, dancing, and frisking fantastically among the hillocks of the dead people, like a creature that had nothing in common with a bygone and buried generation, nor owned herself akin to it. ─── 于是她在死者的坟墓间蹦蹦跳跳,欢快雀跃地拽着她母亲走开了,她那出奇的劲头似乎说明她与那逝去并埋葬的一代毫无共同之处,也不承认她自己与他们同属一个族类。

26、The first task will be fantastically expensive. ─── 第一个任务的成本将会是异常昂贵。

27、The patriotic and enthusiastic essayitic has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically ,too. ─── 这个爱国而热情的评论家也有许多国产的奇妙的富有弹性的塑料制品.

28、Aurelio has been absolutely brilliant in the last four or five games and Riera played fantastically well on Sunday. ─── 奥雷里奥过去四五场比赛的表现也相当抢眼,里埃拉周日的进球漂亮至极。

29、That compares fantastically with the 800 who travelled for our UEFA Cup tie against the same opposition in 2001. ─── 跟2001年同个对手却只有800名切迷随队出征相比,是非常梦幻的。

30、We encourage the kids to mingle with schools in other countries and then of course things like skype now make that fantastically easy to do. ─── 我们鼓励孩子们跟其他国家的学校交流,当然现在像skype之类的东西使得做这件事容易多了。

31、Membership fees at the big clubs are fantastically high. ─── 大俱乐部的会费高得惊人。

32、Coming up along the ridge, you can meet fantastically shaped stones and a group of withered trees. ─── 沿着棱线往上走,前方是奇岩怪石和枯木群落。

33、The person that do poineering work is fantast, the price that pays how to work hard also is notted hesitate again, need has courage and the resolution that assume responsibility, need has modest and make the ability with resource. ─── 创业者是梦想家,付出多么辛劳的代价也再所不惜,需要有勇气和承担责任的决心,需要有虚心和整和资源的能力。

34、Ross dates a fantastically beautiful paleontologist (Cheryl); ─── 罗斯和漂亮非凡的古生物学者谢丽约会;

35、He did fantastically well at Macclesfield when people probably thought he was mad to take the job. ─── 他在人们的质疑声中走上了教练席,并且在Macclesfield做的很棒。

36、Almost 1800 Chelsea fans are travelling out for the game.That compares fantastically with the 800 who travelled for our UEFA Cup tie against the same opposition in 2001. ─── 差不多有1800名切尔西的球迷赶到了保加利亚,相比之下,可喜的是,超过了2001年在联盟杯对阵同样的对手中800名支持者。

37、Dee, recently and cruelly widowed and one of her friends, never married, while yet another, a fantastically bright academic, has never been able to find Mrs Right. ─── 蒂依,最近残酷的变成了寡妇,她的一个朋友从来没有结过婚,然而另外一个学识渊博的从来都没能找到属于她的另外一半。

38、He's doing fantastically well and we still believe he can play before the end of the season. ─── 他做得非常好,我们依然相信他可以在赛季结束前回来。

39、The scenery before me was like the one depicted in the fairytale, fantastically romantic and charming! ─── 眼前的景物仿佛就是童话世界里描述的一般,是那么的浪漫与美丽,让人徘徊陶醉!

40、Americans over 65 currently receive, through Medicare, fantastically generous health insurance for which they pay only a small fraction of the cost. ─── 65岁以上的美国人现在通过医疗制度,可以获得极其丰厚的医疗保险,对这他们只需支付很少的费用。

41、But the insularity is not all their fault: it is hard to make friends when most British students are themselves so fantastically insular and clueless about foreigners. ─── 当大部分英国学生自己空想外国人的狭隘和无能的时,很难和他们交朋友。

42、He played fantastically, I noticed that he was fitter and more confident in the last few days, he guided the team, worked well with Zanetti and made some great passes for the forwards. ─── 他发挥得不错,我发现他最近这些日子更加踏实、更加有信心了,他引领了全队,并且和扎内蒂配合的不错,为前锋线传了不少好球。

43、Having slackened and loose skin after loosing pounds fantastically? ─── 您是否减肥后,皮肤松弛下垂,身形有如洩气水泡?

44、This looks at how people predict they will feel after both catastrophically bad, and, conversely, fantastically positive occurrences in their life. ─── 主要是观察:当人们在生活中遭遇灾难性的坏事,或者幻想性的积极事件,人们如何预测他们的感觉。

45、And the software that does all this is going to be fantastically inexpensive. ─── 而且软件所有的这正在去奇妙的廉宜。

46、Other students of the brain, noting that disease and physical damage can change personally and distort the mind, believe the brain to be nothing more than a fantastically complex computer. ─── 另外有一些科学家注意到疾病和身体损伤能够改变人的秉性,歪曲人的心灵。他们认为人脑仅仅是一个神奇复杂的计算机而已。

47、newspaper business was fantastically profitable in its heyday. ─── 新闻业务在其全盛时期的盈利是相当可观的。

48、Some men have been virtuous blindly, others have speculated fantastically, and others have been shrewd to bad purposes. ─── 有些人品行端正,却趋于盲目;有些人勤于思考,却脱离现实;有些人非常精明,却不走正道。

49、The patriotic and enthusiastic essayist has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically, too. ─── 爱国而又热情的散文家也充满了很多灵活的国内的和空想的创造力。

50、If you exaggerate you will sound fantastically American. ─── 你发音夸张,听起来会特别有美国味。

51、This 10-minute thrill trip takes in the vibrant city and the fantastically lush countryside. ─── 10分钟的的刺激旅程,让您把都会及郊区景色,尽收眼底。

52、Given time, people will acclimate to circumstances, whether fantastically positive or negative. ─── 只要给予时间,人们将会适应环境,无论是难以置信的积极面或消极面。

53、The first task will be fantastically expensive. ─── 第一项任务是非常昂贵的。

54、The stadiums were wonderful, very modern, with excellent facilities and always full; the transport was efficient and the hotels excellent; and everyone was fantastically helpful. ─── 体育场很好,非常现代,配备有极好的设施,并且总是坐满了观众;交通非常便利,宾馆也非常舒适;这里的每一个人都十分的乐于助人。(翻起来仍然磕磕碰碰!)

55、Contemplation is his joy and he achieves it through a fantastically demanding discipline, the accomplishment of which is itself a joy within him. ─── 冥思是他的快乐所在,他通过令人难以置信的苛刻戒律达到快乐,戒律的施行本身便是他内在的快乐。

56、Fantastically shaped stones are layered in a group around the summit of Mt. Chilseong. You can taste the mysterious scenery of the hidden mountain. ─── 七星台顶上周围,奇岩怪石层层罗列,可以领略到山中隐藏的妙境。

57、Rewardingly, he unveiled many fantastically beautiful scenes. ─── 孤独更多地产生人生的诗情-----激昂的和感伤的。

58、Rodley grew up in Belle Isle, a similar estate next-door, and synchs well with the team and their "fantastically supportive" parents. ─── 罗德里在拜耳岛长大,这两个地方颇有些相似,因此与队员们很合得来,而且也得到了家长们“超乎想象的支持”。

59、Team principal or technical director, he can do fantastically well. ─── 车队领导或者技术总管,他都能出色完成。

60、Because the price of gasoline was fantastically high, we seldom used our car. ─── 汽油贵得惊人,我们就很少用车。

61、His fantastically decadent lifestyle couldn't last forever, and gradually his finances began to suffer, beginning the next chapter in the saga of excesses. ─── 他那种荒诞放纵的生活方式不能再继续下去了,他的财政开始逐渐吃紧。这种放荡生活的下一篇章开始了。

62、Try this fantastically easy recipe for Mango Sorbet! ─── 快来动手制作易做又好吃的芒果沙冰吧!

63、they are fantast. ─── 他们是梦想家。

64、SNAKE-REVOLUTION is the completely redisgned and improved gamd based on the classic nokias game called snakeDeveloped in cooperation with gamelion studios offers highest playability, fantast... ─── 数字巧克力发布的一款超有趣的贪吃蛇游戏,华丽的游戏界面,更有创意的贪吃蛇版本,还有独特的闯关模式,赶快来体验下吧!

65、The artwork in "The Location You @ Now" reflects conceptually, metaphor ically and fantastically on our collective landscape of inherited technology and its effect on the individual. ─── 这些作品通过一些观念的,幻想的,隐喻的创作手法来反映遗传科技及遗传科技对个体的各种影响。

66、Fantastically Reliable Electronic Device ─── 极不可靠的电子器件

67、These are new photos just taken by myself, Please look at Joon-nim who is very fantastically handsome like a main character in the fables... ─── 这些是我刚刚拍下来的新照片,看看我们的勇浚,他看起来真是帅呆了,就好像是神话里的人物一样。

68、A variety of evidence make clear, ma Yun this indefatigable " fantast " , the 2nd round in American him angle " do poineering work " dream. ─── 种种迹象表明,马云这个不知疲倦的“梦想家”,正在美国追逐自己的第二轮“创业”梦。

69、Other scientists of the brain, noting that disease and physical damage can change personally and distort the mind, believe the brain to be nothing more than a fantastically complex computer. ─── 译文:另外有一些脑科学家注意到疾病和身体损伤能够改变人的秉性,歪曲人的心灵。他们认为人脑仅仅是一个神奇复杂的计算机而已。

70、Fantastically and ironically, the keys to doing this actually are in everyone's hands today, right now. ─── 让所有人都能够做到这一点实际上是比较不现实并且有讽刺意味的。

71、a fantastically shaped piece of stone ─── 一块奇形怪状的石头

72、He was fantastically handsome – I just fell for him right away. ─── 他帅极了–我对他简直就是一见钟情。

73、small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum. ─── 常见于马尾藻类海草堆中,体色鲜艳、形状怪异的小鱼。

74、is. a fantastically complicated condition, with a fantastic number of spots for science to step in and set things right. ─── 不过十分清楚的是,肥胖是一种极为复杂的病症,对科学家来说就有着极多的问题需要深入研究并正确解决它们。

75、"We've not discussed it but Sir Alex has done fantastically well and we' ─── “我们没讨论过,但是弗格森爵士做得很出色,我们给他的是滚动合约。

76、this conversation is getting more and more unreal; the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy; the unreal world of advertising art ─── 这次谈话越来越不真实了;政府的官僚机构是一个捕风捉影的虚幻的世界;广告艺术的虚幻世界

77、If one could take the heat and enjoy the numerous perks offered by most good companies, the job could be fantastically flexible and offer many opportunities. ─── 我们的知识,当然那是关于三个产品的治疗领域的,必须是精确的、详细的、不断更新的。

78、"We performed fantastically against them and won convincingly and they have not won since. ─── 我们在面对阿森纳的时候表现的非常优秀,赢得了比赛。

79、The officer retired, and introduced, upon his return a tall, strapping wench of eighteen or twenty, dressed fantastically. ─── 官吏退了出去,回来时带进一个个儿高高的,身材匀称的,十八或二十岁光景的女子,打扮得奇形怪状。

80、Horfans you guys were superbly duperly fantastically BRILLIANT yesterday! ─── 何粉你们昨天真的是超级无敌巅峰级的棒!

81、The design, known as the “Watercube”, plays on the geometry of water bubbles, fantastically crystallised as a massive rectangular form. ─── 这个设计,被称作“水立方”,由许多水泡沫的几何形体组成,看上去像是一个巨大厚重的立方体。

82、The shape of the old pine trees growing between fantastically shaped stones shows the magnificent scenery around there. ─── 而其周围的奇岩怪石和之间生长的老松别有一种古谱的韵味。

83、IMAGINE a fantastically large orchestra playing expansively for 14 billion years. ─── 想像一下,有个成员无比众多的管弦乐团,演出长达140亿年的盛况。

84、Fantastically versatile design: you’ll want to furnish your living room will a liberal sprinkling of the Pastille Chairs by Leolux and nothing more! ─── 机器人的飞速发展的确令人惊讶,尤其是许多类人机器人的功能更是让人感到不可思议。

85、The artwork in "The Location You @ Now" reflects conceptually, metaphorically and fantastically on our collective landscape of inherited technology and its effect on the individual. ─── 这些作品通过一些观念的,幻想的,隐喻的创作手法来反映遗传科技及遗传科技对个体的各种影响。

86、We're staying up with Chelsea. They have done fantastically well in the last two years, winning the league early on. ─── 我们领先切尔西,他们在过去的两年立有着梦幻般的表现,提前就拿到了联赛冠军。

87、If you exaggerate, you will sound fantastically American! ─── (如果将发音夸大一些,你听起来会美国味十足!

88、The patriotic and enthusiastic has a lot of elastic plastics domestically and fantastically, too. ─── 爱国而又热情的评论家还有许多弹性的塑料品是家庭式的,并充满了想象。

89、this conversation is getting more and more unreal; the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy; the unreal world of advertising art. ─── 这次谈话越来越不真实了;政府的官僚机构是一个捕风捉影的虚幻的世界。

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