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08-15 投稿


frailty 发音

英:[?fre?lti]  美:[?fre?lti]

英:  美:

frailty 中文意思翻译



frailty 词性/词形变化,frailty变形


frailty 短语词组

1、frailty icd 10 ─── 虚弱icd 10

2、frailty cast ─── 脆弱铸型

3、frailty movie ─── 虚弱电影

4、frailty index ─── 虚弱指数

5、frailty movie 2001 ─── 脆弱电影2001

6、frailty definition ─── 脆弱性定义

frailty 相似词语短语

1、frailer ─── 脆弱的;虚弱的;易损的(frail的比较级)

2、frailero ─── 弗雷勒

3、fragilely ─── 虚弱的;脆的;易碎的

4、frailest ─── 脆弱的;易损的;易碎的(frail的最高级)

5、frails ─── adj.脆弱的;虚弱的;n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女

6、frailly ─── adv.脆弱地;易碎地;不坚实地

7、frail ─── adj.脆弱的;虚弱的;n.灯心草篓;少妇;少女

8、frailties ─── n.虚弱;弱点;意志薄弱

9、fragility ─── n.脆弱;[力]易碎性;虚弱

frailty 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yes, God can work through human frailty to accomplish his redemptive plan. ─── 是的,神通过人的软弱实现他的救赎计划。

2、Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we: For such as we are made of, such we be. ─── 唉,原因在于我们的弱点,而非我们:因为我们由什么材料制成,就会成为什么样子。

3、We have reports that remind us of the urgency and frailty of these times-- times rich with drama and comedy and wonder. ─── 我们用报道来提醒我们注意那些时代中的危情和脆弱,那些时代充满了悲剧、剧和奇迹。

4、Despite his age and frailty, he did not die. ─── 尽管他年老虚弱,但他没有死。


6、Death masks capture the duality of the mask- acknowledging human frailty and mortality yet attesting to the lasting power of personality. ─── 死亡的面具,留存了面具的双重性-承认了脆弱及死亡的必然性,却也证明了个人永存不灭的影响力。

7、A mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty . ─── 尽管他有很多缺点,但她仍爱他.

8、On one hand, the options are finding the flightless bird and realizing our own frailty, or losing the American mouth and silencing ourselves about it. ─── 一种是,我们找到了那只折翅的鸟并发现它其实是我们自身脆弱的化身;

9、frailty model ─── Frailty模型

10、To measure you by your smallest deed is to reckon the power of ocean by the frailty of its foam. ─── 以你最小的功业来衡量你,就好比易碎的海的泡沫来评定海洋的力量.

11、Frailty, thy name is man. So said China's doctors Sunday on the eighth "Men's Health Day". ─── 男人,你的名字叫作脆弱”。昨天是第八个“男性健康日”,专家指出,男人其实也“脆弱”。

12、The model which stress was cash floe,and explaining the frailty of financial system with over-finance conception were the new developments of modern finance unsteady theory. ─── 以现金流为重点的资产选择模型,以及用过度金融概念解释金融体系的脆弱性,是现代金融不稳定理论的最新发展。

13、God also gave me female frailty, sensitivity, peacockery and even selfishness as all women has. ─── 它还给了我每一个女人都有的脆弱、敏感、虚荣甚至自私。

14、The reasons would be various but the root cause is ascribed to the frailty of belief education which is the essence and the intention of moral education. ─── 原因当然是多方面的,但信仰教育的薄弱是最根本的原因。

15、It has always been a human frailty to attack others to avoid being hurt. ─── 通过攻击他人以获得自身保护是一个由来已久的人性弱点。

16、Individuals in private life, meanwhile, had quite forgiven Hester Prynne for her frailty; ─── 与此同时,不担任公务的普通百姓已经差不多彻底原谅了海丝特 - 白兰因脆弱而造成的过失;

17、The above factors (age, frailty, concomitant illnesses, dangerousness and likelihood of flare of underlying illness, psychological factors, and duration of previous use) are taken into account. ─── 应考虑到上述因素(年龄、体质虚弱、伴随疾病、原来疾病的复发危险性和可能性、精神因素及以前应用的疗程)。

18、...a religion in which sexual love was regarded as at its best a frailty and at its worst damnation ─── 在那种宗教里,两性之爱,往顶好里说,是一种意志不坚强的表现,往顶坏里说,就是一种应该下地狱的罪过。

19、Theoretic Exploration on New Product Frailty Solution ─── 新产品脆值求解方法理论探索

20、This is only the kind conceals, strong covers the entire innermost feelings with the surface the frailty, is only the love way is different. ─── 这只是种掩饰,用表面的坚强去盖全内心的脆弱,只是爱的方式不同。

21、But enabling human agency also provides scope of action for human frailty. ─── 但是允许人类自主性的同时,也为人类的缺点提供的活动空间。

22、But recognition of the systemic frailty of a complex financial system would be a good start. ─── 但是认识到一个复杂金融体系的系统性缺点,会是一个良好的开端。

23、” “Heed not your weaknesses and frailty,” He assured them. ─── “切勿顾虑自己的弱点和短处,”祂向他们保证说。

24、Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed. ─── 日益衰弱意味着她愈来愈需要卧床。

25、The alkyl lines of linseed oil increased the internal toughness and improved the frailty of phenolic resin. ─── 亚麻油的烷基链起到内增韧的作用,改善了树脂的脆性。

26、"The sunshine gave way to chill; the daffodils were in shadow, dipping silently. So they would dip through the day and the long cold night. So strong in their frailty!" ─── 冷气把阳光赶走了。野水仙无言地深藏在草荫里。它们整天整夜在寒冷中这样深藏着,虽然是弱质,但是那么强悍!

27、Frailty, thy name is man. ─── “男人,你的名字叫作脆弱”。

28、Now if you stop quarrel and stand shouder by shouder as the bundle of the sticks,nobody can hurt you.otherwise,you may frailty as the lonely sticks that anyone could break it. ─── 你们如果停止争吵,肩并肩站在一起,就会像这捆棍子一样,谁也不能伤害你们了。如果你们不和,就像一根根孤立的小棍子,脆弱得谁都能将它折断。”

29、u Frailty,thy name in woman! ─── 女人,你的名字叫软弱!

30、Therefore, the love is such beauty and the frailty, cannot anxiouslychirp request to demand. ─── 因此,爱情就是那么的美丽而脆弱,不能急噪的去要求索取。

31、Government is a human enterprise, after all, and Obama, like everyone else, is bound by its limits and subject to human frailty. ─── 毕竟,政府是一项人类事业单位,而奥巴马,就像其他所有人那样,也要服从人类弱点的限定和制约。

32、We triumph over each other with human frailty . ─── 我们以人类的弱点彼此去战胜对方。

33、Love is the noblest frailty of mind. ─── 爱情是心灵最高尚的弱点。

34、shared frailty model ─── 共享脆弱性模型

35、Her beauty did not greatly suffer from her frailty, but gained a new dimension from it, a ghostly glow, a poignance. ─── 然而,她的美丽却没怎么受到纤纤躯体的影响,反而从中获得了新的内涵,幽灵般地闪烁着凄美的光辉。

36、LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty. ─── 他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。

37、She died after a long period of increasing frailty. ─── 她日益虚弱,经过一段长时间后去世了。

38、He paused and suddenly all the frailty and fatigue showed. ─── 他顿住了,虚弱与疲惫一下子显露出来。

39、Frailty, thy name is man. So said Chinas doctors Sunday on the eighth "Mens Health Day". ─── “男人,你的名字叫作脆弱”。昨天是第八个“男性健康日”,专家指出,男人其实也“脆弱”。

40、I blare the one mouthful, 呐 , is really again the joss-stick again frailty! ─── 我啊呜一口,呐,真是又香又脆呀!

41、Frailty,thy name is woman. ─── 弱者,你的名字叫女人!

42、Frailty, thy name is laches! ─── 不是某网游的名字么=.

43、It is yet a higher speech of his, than the other (much too high for a heathen), It is true greatness, to have in one the frailty of a man, and the security of a God. ─── 塞氏还有一句比这更高的话(这话由一个异教徒说出,几乎是太高了):“一个人有凡人底脆弱而又有神仙底自在无忧,那就是真正的伟大”。

44、But maybe I'm a little bit weak - I let my frailty take the wheel. ─── 然后她说:“也许我有那么一点儿在等你,宝贝”

45、Your age and frailty are giving him cause for concern . ─── 你的年纪与脆弱给了他关心你的理由。

46、In addition, taking white skin frailty as the tested material, the determination of the effect of the spore suspended liquid spraying on pathogenic rate of the 4 kinds of agent is conducted. ─── 此外,以感病品种白皮脆为供试材料,利用孢子悬浮液喷雾接种方法对这4种病原菌进行致病力的测定。

47、Conceals own frequently frailty, good laborious. ─── 常常掩饰自己的脆弱,好辛苦。

48、Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we; For such as we are made of, such we be. So, from this time forth I never will speak word. ─── 不大支持,但可在一些冷门版开设次版提高人气,版面太多,既不美观,也不易管理,从风情空间大小考虑也不大可行

49、Only old age and increasing frailty finally brings the enduring love affair to a reluctant end, sales figure show. ─── 据销售数据显示,只有年长与衰老才会最终导致女性结束自己对高跟鞋的癖恋。

50、Only at the very tail end of the Liga season, when exhaustion had set in, was there any sign of frailty in this respect.Even then, the teamwork remained. ─── 甚至到了西甲赛季快要结束时,当疲倦来临时,令人敬畏的是他们没有一点点疲劳的征兆,那时他们的团队精神人在延续。

51、Sir Alex Ferguson rued the uncharacteristic defensive frailty United showed against Inter Milan, but was delighted with the overall test posed by the Serie A champions. ─── 弗格森爵士懊悔球队对国际米兰比赛的脆弱防守,但对这次意甲冠军测试的整体情况表示高兴.

52、In this novel,Hester Prynne embodies multiple dispositions.She not only has the spirit of rebellion and independence,but also shows the aspect of frailty and compromise. ─── 在这部小说中,女主人公海丝特.白兰具有多重性格:她既有可贵的反抗精神与独立自主精神,也有脆弱性与妥协性的一面。

53、And don't forget that the life that rejuvenation therapies will allow is not one with extended frailty at the end of it, but one with no frailty, even at the end. ─── 不要忘记,返老还童所允许的生命,不是扩展虚弱的生命,即使在返老还童的终端也不是虚弱的生命。

54、Be it accepted as a proof that all was not corrupt in this poor victim of her own frailty, and man's hard law, that Hester Prynne yet struggled to believe that no fellow-mortal was guilty like herself. ─── 所幸,海丝特 - 白兰仍在竭力使自己相信,世人还没有像她那样罪孽深重; 如果承认这一点,就足以证明:这个自身脆弱和男人的严酷法律的可怜的牺牲品,还没有彻底堕落。

55、If you love someone, you should give him more tolerance for his temper, his self-will, his improper words, and his frailty. ─── 爱一个人,就多给他一点包容,包容他的脾气、他的任性、他的失言、他的脆弱。

56、But recognition of the systemic frailty of a complex financial system would be a good start. ─── 但是认识到一个复杂金融体系的系统性缺点,会是一个良好的开端。

57、This human frailty has profound consequences. ─── 人性的这一弱点具有深远的影响。

58、She not only has the spirit of rebellion and independence,but also shows the aspect of frailty and compromise. ─── 白兰具有多重性格:她既有可贵的反抗精神与独立自主精神,也有脆弱性与妥协性的一面。

59、Because of you, I know though "frailty, thy name is woman!", I have stronger will more than before. ─── 因为你,我发现,虽然脆弱的名字叫女人,可是我远比想象中的自己更加坚强!

60、Let's adapt it thus and again, "Frailty, thy name is man! ─── 水性杨花,你的名字是男人!

61、I felt tears streaming from me eyes. Thanks to the dimness of the evening under the moonlight, I had been able to conceal my frailty. ─── 我禁不住流下了热泪。幸亏月光下的夜色,没让人看到我的脆弱。

62、Love is the noblest frailty of the mind. ─── 爱情是理智最高尚的瑕疵。

63、How do we understand the connection between frailty and cardiovascular disease? ─── 我们如何理解乏力和心血管疾病之间的联系?

64、When you still disguise your frailty heart and soul, ─── 当你还在伪装自己脆弱心灵的时候

65、Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed. ─── 日益衰弱意味着她愈来愈需要卧床。

66、We have cause, therefore, because of our frailty and feebleness, to humble ourselves and never think anything great of ourselves. ─── 我们既然这样软弱无恒,自然就该轻视自己,想自己什麽也做不了。

67、Further Analysis On Frailty of Ecotourism Resources ─── 关于生态旅游资源脆弱性的深入分析

68、this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. ─── 如果病人经我治疗无效而死,这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心检讨我自己的不足。

69、Robert Rossen's classic drama was at once a dazzling sports picture and a tragic account of human frailty. ─── 罗伯特·雷森(RobertRossen)的经典剧本马上变身为一部图像眩目的体育大片和人性弱点的悲剧记述。

70、But in a new study, a psychology expert, Chris French, says these experiences are proof of the frailty of the human memory, rather than evidence of life in other galaxies. ─── 但是根据一项新的研究,心理学教授克里斯·弗兰斯指出,这些人的经历与其说是外星生命存在的证据,不如说是人类记忆力脆弱的表现。

71、Human's soul must be strong, to accept person's frailty. ─── 呢个做法可以令更多人受惠,相信大家都会支持!

72、female frailty ─── 女性的孱弱

73、Wetlands protection means important ecological value to humanity, and its frailty needs special legal protection. ─── 湿地对人类的生态保护有重要的价值,但其非常脆弱,需要法律加以特别保护。

74、The Tsunami reminds us of the frailty of our life, but our response to it reaffirms us the strength of human spirit. Thank you again! And doing your part. ─── 东南亚海啸提醒了我们生命的脆弱,但是我们的行动却证实了人类精神的强大力量。再次为你们所做的一切表示感谢!

75、A Preliminary Probe on Frailty Delimitation of Mountain Ecological Environment in Qianxi County ─── 河北迁西县山区生态环境脆弱性分区初探

76、It may serve, let us hope, to symbolize some sweet moral blossom, that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow. ─── 它可作为,让我们希望,象征甜蜜的一些道德开花,这可能是沿著轨道发现,或减轻人类的脆弱和悲伤的故事变暗关闭。

77、Can't get rid of it, we call it frailty or something ─── 无法克服掉,我们把它叫做脆弱或者别的什么

78、Death masks capture the duality of the mask - acknowledging human frailty and mortality yet attesting to the lasting power of personality. ─── 死亡的面具,留存了面具的双重性-既承认了脆弱及死亡的必然性,却也证明了个人永存不灭的影响力。

79、To, must eat to take a scale, the beer fish of orthodox school, the fish scales all fry very frailty, delicious pole. ─── 对了,一定要吃带鳞的,正宗的啤酒鱼,鱼鳞都炸得非常脆,好吃极了。

80、this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty (note: a weakness of character or behaviour). ─── 如果病人经我治疗无效而死,这个非常重大的责任应当促使我虚心检讨我自己的不足。

81、But has how many people to know, in her bone is such frailty, also is such sentimentality. ─── 但有多少人知道,她骨子里是那么的脆弱,又是那么的多愁善感。

82、Embracing all the fortitude of will and frailty of prayers ─── 拥抱着强烈的思念和脆弱的心愿

83、However it was Newcastle's frailty that decided his starting line-up, giving rare starts for Salomon Kalou and Shaun Wright-Phillips. ─── 然而同样是纽卡稍弱的现状让老穆派上了比赛中你看到的出场阵容,给卡卢和小莱特难得的出场机会。

84、I felt tears streaming from my eyes. Thanks to the dimness of the evening under moonlight, I had been able to conceal my frailty. ─── 我禁不住流下了热泪.幸亏月光下的夜色,没让人看到我的脆弱.

85、Despite increasing physical frailty, he continued to write stories. ─── 尽管身体越来越虛弱,他仍然继续写小说。

86、A Solution of Generating Random Numbers from Multivariate Distribution in terms of the Frailty Model ─── 产生多维随机变量值的脆弱模型法

87、But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. ─── 但也许生命假我之手而死,得以深刻的谦卑与反省之心检讨自身过失。

88、Whether fortuitously or inevitably, I've come to meet them again and record their life experiences and their situations, perceiving through this the frailty and tenaciousness of life. ─── 我接受命运的摆布,在这些偶然或必然相遇的同学的普通一天中,记录下他们的生活经历与生存状态,感知着生命的柔弱和坚韧。

89、Frailty Index and Its Relationship with Suffering Death for the Chinese Elderly ─── 中国老年人虚弱指数及其与痛苦死亡的关系研究

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