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08-15 投稿


insulated 发音

英:[??ns?le?t?d]  美:[??nsjule?t?d]

英:  美:

insulated 中文意思翻译




insulated 网络释义

adj. [电] 绝缘的;隔热的v. 使…绝缘(insulate的过去式)

insulated 常用词组

insulated wire ─── 绝缘线

insulated gate bipolar transistor ─── 绝缘栅双极型晶体管

insulated cable ─── 绝缘电缆

insulated 短语词组

1、insulated conduit ─── [化] 绝缘导管

2、insulated gate ─── [计] 绝缘栅

3、insulated lead wire ─── [化] 绝缘导线

4、insulated carbon resistor ─── [电] 绝缘炭

5、insulated substrate monolithic circuit ─── [电] 绝缘基质单石电路

6、insulated handle ─── [化] 绝缘手柄

7、insulated column ─── [化] 保温蒸馏塔

8、insulated enclosure ─── [电] 绝缘密封

9、cotton-insulated wire ─── [电] 棉绝缘线

10、insulated flexible pipe ─── [化] 绝缘软管

11、asbestos insulated wire ─── [电] 石棉绝缘线

12、insulated clip ─── [电] 绝缘夹

13、insulated conductor ─── [化] 绝缘导体; 绝缘导线

14、frozen products insulated container ─── [经] 冷藏货柜箱

15、insulated-substrate monolithic circuit ─── [电] 绝缘基体单石电路

16、insulated bolt ─── [化] 绝缘螺栓

17、insulated container ─── [经] 保温货柜箱

18、insulated tape ─── [化] 绝缘带

19、insulated wire ─── [电] 绝缘线

insulated 反义词


insulated 词性/词形变化,insulated变形

动词过去分词: insulated |动词第三人称单数: insulates |动词现在分词: insulating |动词过去式: insulated |

insulated 同义词

narrow |contracted | alienated | inward-looking | blinkered | narrow-minded | parochial | limited | cloistered | provincial

insulated 相似词语短语

1、insulted ─── v.侮辱;辱骂;损害;n.侮辱;凌辱;无礼

2、uninsulated ─── adj.[电]未绝缘的;未保温的,不保温的

3、inosculated ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

4、insulates ─── vt.隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

5、cingulated ─── 扣带的

6、inoculated ─── adj.接种过的;注射过预防针的;v.给…做注射预防针;给…接种;灌输(inoculate的过去分词形式)

7、insufflated ─── v.把……吸或吹入;(神学)对……吹气(象征神灵感化)

8、insulate ─── vt.隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

9、insolated ─── v.使曝晒,晒干(insolate的过去式和过去分词)

insulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The heater unit is insulated with mineral wool and surrounded with a galvanized sheet metal protective casing. ─── 加热器由矿物棉进行绝热,再加设一层镀锌的金属护套。

2、A circuit model for magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL) based on TLCODE was established. ─── 开发了一种磁绝缘传输线(MITL)的电路模拟方法。

3、Blankodetailspezifikation Blank Detail Specification for Fixed Insulated (Unshielded) r.f. ─── [中/外文标准名称]: Feste isolierte (unabgeschirmte) Hochfrequenzspulen auf vollem Guetebestaetigungsniveau.

4、Nixon and Haig insulated foreign policy to the greatest extent possible from the scandal. ─── 尼克松和黑格尽最大可能将外交政策与丑闻分开。

5、A static or mobile thermally insulated container designed to contain liquefied or cryogenic gases. The gas is removed in gaseous or liquid form. ─── 一个静止或移动的专门用来装液化气体或低温气体的有保温绝热的容器,气体以气态或液态的形式排出。

6、Double-walled houses are insulated by dead air between the two walls. ─── 双层墙的房子两墙之间以不流通的空气与外界绝缘。

7、Vercavi s.r.l. produces low-voltage electrical cables insulated with PVC, designed primarily for... ─── 分类标题:超导电缆|电缆线和电话线...

8、Another direct imitation buckskin towel, crystal perfume, crystal ornaments, Wiper films, insulated curtain. ─── 另直销仿鹿皮巾、水晶香水、水晶吊饰、雨刮片、隔热帘。

9、His hat was bearskin, and his shoes, which were insulated with grass, had bearskin soles and goatskin uppers. ─── 他的帽子是熊皮做的,鞋底也是熊皮,鞋帮鞋面用山羊皮,还衬著草,藉以绝缘。

10、The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible cables. ─── 可能是坚硬的实心汇流条,也可能是柔韧的绝缘电缆。

11、Accepts up to 265 digital inputs (optically insulated, input voltage from 5 VDC/VAC to 250 VDC/VAC). ─── 可接受多达265个数字输入(光学隔热,输入电压5伏直流电/醋酸乙烯酯为250伏直流电/醋酸乙烯酯) 。

12、The walls were insulated with sheep wools that are placed between wooden batons. ─── 墙壁用绵羊羊毛夹在短棒中间来保温。

13、Include shoe of shoe of labor rubber hose, dark work, insulated shoes, oil resistant and collier boots to wait. ─── 包括劳动胶袜、森工鞋、绝缘鞋、耐油鞋和矿工靴等。

14、Buses and other vehicles that are insulated from the earth by their rubber lyres may collect a static charge during a thunderstorm. ─── 公共汽车和其他车辆通过其橡胶轮胎与地面保持绝缘,但遇到暴风雨时它们身上可能会聚集一层静电荷。

15、Sleeve material:Insulated sleeve is complied with electric appliance's requirement. ─── 套管材料:聚脂绝缘套管符合电器用品的性能要求。

16、A test of how well an asset's value is insulated from loss. ─── 对资产价值避免损失程度的测试。

17、Until now the industry has been insulated from economic realities. ─── 到目前为止,这一产业受到保护,脱离了经济现实。

18、The tank shall be totally encased in a metal jacket and insulated with a fiberglass blanket to reduce stand-by heat loss. ─── 应该采用金属外壳将热水器内胆完全包裹起来,并配置玻璃纤维层加以绝缘隔热,以减少热量损失。

19、Justice in these countries tends to be a sober affair, insulated as far as possible from external tumult. ─── 司法在这些国家往往是慎审的事务,离外部的骚动越远越好。

20、Manufacturing of copper and aluminium conducting wires, both bare and insulated, in paper, Nomex,... ─── 分类标题:有色金属线和缆绳|电缆线和电话线...

21、In my own efforts to stay insulated, I have found it highly useful to keep Ben's Mr. Market concept firmly in mind. ─── 以我个人的经验来说,要能够免除市场诱惑,最好的方法就是将葛拉汉的市场先生理论铭记在心。

22、We are unlikely to see a return to an insulated culture. ─── 中国文化不太可能再和外界绝缘。

23、To keep out noise from adjoining rooms or the lobby, each auditorium must be insulated by thick walls and carpet. ─── 保持出噪声从邻近的房间或大厅,每个演奏厅必须绝缘被厚厚的墙壁和地毯。

24、A kind of high precision cross-core low-current sensor for insulated on-line moni toring is developed. ─── 一种用于绝缘在线监测的穿心式高精度微电流传感器。

25、An insulated, flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs. ─── 塞绳:一种绝缘的可移动电线,接有一个或多个插头。

26、Comprehensive Data table of BV BLV Type PVC insulated wire. ─── 型聚氯乙烯绝缘电线的综合数据表。

27、Right! These are two insulated world! ─── 对!这是两个绝缘的世界!

28、Generally, one approximates a blockbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall. ─── 一般地说,人们在实验室中用壁上带有一个小孔的空心绝缘壳来近似模拟一个黑体。

29、Inked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases. ─── 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失。

30、The NIB-SEAL? Insulated Extended Handle System stops condensation cold. ─── 保温加长手柄系统用于阻止冷凝冷水。

31、Silent operation A low noise insulated diesel engine and reduce noise levels to the lowest in the industry today. ─── 安静的操作低噪声隔音柴油机发动机,降噪音降低到现代工业噪音的最低程度。

32、We had his bedroom insulated before winter came. ─── 在冬天来临之前我们把他的卧室绝缘了。

33、Working at high voltage, the robot has to be insulated. ─── 工作于高电压环境下,机器人需做绝缘设计。

34、The primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. ─── 一、二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在户外环氧树脂内,防水、耐污染。

35、The primary and secondary windings are insulated by epoxy resin. ─── 一、二次绕组均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。

36、A highly insulated hand-held probe containing the voltage divider is often used and comes as an accessory from some manufacturers. ─── 一种高度绝缘的包括分压器的手持式探头经常被使用而且作为某些设备的附件来配备。

37、Pure Copper Seven Twisted Insulated Conductors. ─── 七支无氧铜卷绕绝缘电感。

38、The tank shall be foam insulated with an EPA-approved, non-CFC material. ─── 内胆应该由通过epa认证的无氟泡沫保温材料包裹隔离。

39、Aluminum conductor XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored low-smoke and non-halo sheathed Flame-retardant power cable. ─── 室内、隧道、电缆沟、竖井等能承受机械外力和一定拉力的场所。

40、The tank shall be totally encased in a metal jacket and insulated with a non-CFC foam to reduce stand-by heat loss. ─── 应该采用金属外壳将热水炉内胆完全包裹起来,并配置非氯氟烃泡沫加以绝缘隔热,以减少热量损失。

41、NIBCO bronze ball valves installed with NIB-SEAL? insulated handles are the only approach that keeps your insulated piping system completely intact. ─── 安装NIB-SEAL?保温手柄美国尼伯科青铜球阀是保持保温管道系统完好无损的唯一方法。

42、Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured and PVC sheathed power cable. ─── 室内、隧道、电缆沟、竖井或埋地敷设等,能承受机械外力和一定的拉力。

43、A continuous circumferential band applied to an insulated conductor at regular intervals for identification. ─── 一种连续圆周带,以规则时间间隔提供给绝缘导体用于识别。

44、Our corporation has the leading manufactory technique of broadband and low VSWR for the PE foamed insulated coaxial cables. ─── 公司具有领先的聚乙烯发泡绝缘同轴电缆的宽频低驻波比制造技术。

45、In an area where freezing conditions can occur, Series 007 should be installed above ground in an insulated enclosure. ─── 在可能发生冰冻现象的地方,系列007应该安装在地面上的某个绝缘保温柜内。

46、The design consideration of high power and high frequency Magnetically insulated Transmission Line Oscillator (MILO) was made. ─── 初步考虑了高频率与高功率的磁绝缘线振荡器的设计问题。

47、Many houses could be warmer if they were insulated,so that the heat is not lost. ─── 如果加以隔热,使热量不散失,那么许多房子都能更暖和些。

48、Research on insulated bimorph in piezoelectric pump with double functions[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吴丽萍,程光明,杨志刚,曾平,吴银柱.

49、Insulated shell of light holder is not damaged and electricity leakage. The handle of switch has no metal part exposed in air. ─── 灯头的绝缘外壳不破损和漏电,带有开关的灯头。开关手柄无裸露的金属部分。

50、Many houses could be warmer if they were insulated so that the heat is not lost. ─── 如果许多房屋隔热而不让热量流失,它们可能更暖和。

51、In areas where freezing conditions can occur, Series 995 should be installed above ground in an insulated enclosure. ─── 在可能发生冰冻的区域,系列995应该安装在地面上的保温罩内。

52、The rest of Asia is less snugly insulated. ─── 亚洲的其他市场就没有那种与世隔绝的藏身之地了。

53、If they must stay in place, be sure to seal them with caulking or tape and cover them with an airtight, insulated jacket. ─── 如果无法拆卸,要用布条或其他填充物塞紧,再用密闭绝缘的套子盖好。

54、When Voltmeter and Ammeter with use a power,easily to digit meter damaging.Every meter should insulated supply power. ─── 当电压与电流表共用一个电源极易造成数字表损坏,各表头应隔离供电。

55、DPFC heat insulated pad is based on PPS resin with middle-empty glass micro-bead and glass fiber as reinforcement . ─── DPFC隔热垫块是以PPS树脂为基体,以中空玻璃微珠、玻璃纤维作增强材料制得的。

56、The hot water it produces is stored in a1000 litre insulated tank. ─── 太阳能生产的热水储存在一个1000升的绝热水箱中。

57、Aluminum conductor XLPE insulated low-smoke and non-halo sheathed Flame-retardant power cable. ─── 室内、隧道及电缆沟等不能承受机械外力的场所。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。

58、To keep food dry and relatively warm, Scroggs carries it in insulated bags. ─── 为了保证食物的干燥和相对温暖,可以把食物放在保温包里。

59、I urge you to reconsider your trip. It would be better for the environment if you stayed at home and insulated your loft. ─── 我本人强烈建议你还是重新考虑这次旅行,也许呆在家里做些隔热绝缘什么的会对环境更有益。

60、For bronze ball valves with factory-installed NIB-SEAL insulated handle, order appropriate NIBCO valve figure number with suffix "NS. ─── 对于工厂安装的NIB-SEAL保温手柄的青铜球阀,在订购的美国尼伯科阀门型号后加上后缀“NS”。

61、Insulated to keep foods warm inside while the outside stays cool to the touch. ─── 中间绝热层可以保持食物的较高温度。

62、Product structure: insulated gluey shell、coppery terminal、pin qty、bolt etc. ─── 产品构造:由绝缘材料胶壳、铜制端子、P数、螺钉等组成。

63、A heavily insulated refrigerated cabinet, compartment, or room for storing frozen foods. ─── 冷藏间:绝热极好用于冷藏的箱、柜或房间,用于储存冷冻食品

64、Index-linked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases. ─── 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失.

65、In such cases, a modified pit installation is preferred or an insulated above ground insulated enclosure. ─── 对于安装在坑内的情况,最好采用改进型坑内安装,或者在地面用保温罩保温隔离。

66、Mainly used in coating the weld joint of buried steel pipeline and insulated pipeline. ─── 主要用于埋地钢质管道现场焊接补口和保温管线现场补口;

67、Many are shoddily built and poorly insulated, with a tiny strip of dirt for a backyard and the side of a neighbour's house for a view. ─── 许多别墅建筑质量低劣,密度很高,屋后只有一小片黄土地作为院子,唯一的风景就是邻居家房子的侧面。

68、When using dry ice, do not seal the inner insulated container. ─── 使用乾冰时,请勿封闭内部的隔离容器。

69、First he coiled some insulated wire around an iron bar, connecting both ends of the wire to a galvanometer. ─── 他先把一些绝缘导线绕在一根铁条上,并将导线的两端与一个电流计连接起来。

70、order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated. ─── 为安全起见,该元件做了绝缘处理。

71、An automobile produces enough heat to warm an average house in winter, and if a house were perfectly insulated, one adult could also produce more than enough heat to warm it. ─── 在冬天,一辆汽车产生的热量足以温暖一间普通的房子,如果一间房子完全隔热,一个成年人也可以产生足够多的热量来温暖它。

72、This article presents the design, manufacturing process and properties of 10 kV ACSR conductor XLPE insulated overhead cable. ─── 介绍了 10 k V钢芯铝绞线交联聚乙烯绝缘架空电缆的产品设计 ,制造工艺及其性能。

73、A solid, reinforced concrete wall which is automatically insulated. ─── 一种自动保温的坚固的混凝土材料。

74、In the final step, heavily insulated exterior walls and windows are slotted in by crane. ─── 最后一步,用起重机将高度隔热的外墙和窗户安装进去。

75、Primary and secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin. ─── 一、二次绕组和铁芯均浇注在环氧树脂内,绝缘性能优良,耐潮湿。

76、Children should be carefully insulated from harmful experiences. ─── 应该小心地使儿童与有害身心健康的活动隔绝。

77、Speciality: Product structure: insulated gluey shell、coppery terminal、pin qty etc. ─── 产品构造:由绝缘材料胶壳、铜制端子、P数等组成。

78、A wound spiral of two or More turns of insulated wire, used to introduce inductance into a circuit. ─── 线圈两圈或两圈以上的绝缘导线绕成的螺旋线,用于产生电路的电感

79、In an area where freezing conditions can occur , Series 909 should be installed above ground in an insulated enclosure. ─── 在可能会发生冰冻环境的地方,系列909应该安装在地面上的保温罩内。

80、Generally, one approximates a blackbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall. ─── 一般地说,人们在实验室中用壁上带有一个小孔的空心绝缘壳来近似模拟一个黑体。

81、Distributor cap. Insulated cap that transfers high voltage from the distributor rotor to spark plug wires. ─── 分电器盖。该盖子是绝缘的,确保高电压从分火头传输到火花塞导线上。

82、The storage of the products is in dry place, strictly precautions against dampness, and insulated from acid and alkali. ─── 储运:存放于干燥处、严防潮湿,与酸碱化学品隔离。

83、Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured and PVC sheathed poer cable. ─── 室内、隧道、电缆沟内,或埋地敷设等,能承受一定机械外力,但不能承受大的拉力。

84、The secondary windings and iron core are insulated by epoxy resin.The middle hole is used for busbar going through. ─── 二次绕组及铁芯均浇注在聚脂树脂内,中间窗孔供一次母线穿过。

85、Manufacturing of cables, copper and aluminium wires Paper bare and insulated conductors NOMEX,... ─── 分类标题:铜线和铜缆绳|电缆线和电话线...

86、In the country , we insulated ourselves from the worries of life in a big town . ─── 在农村我们远离了在大城市生活的种种焦虑。

87、The insulated polymeric film was proved to be polymer arylether by time-resolved rapid scan infrared spectroscopy. ─── 利用超微电极技术研究了丹皮酚电化学氧化的动力学过程,并用时间分辨快速扫描现场红外光谱电化学证明了电极表面的聚合物膜是芳醚类聚合物。

88、If you not want to be insulated, then take part in every thing that they do. ─── 如果你不想被孤立,那麼就参与他们所做的一切吧。

89、Not far away were other geothermal wellheads, their natural pressurized steam deflected into huge insulated pipes. ─── 不远处是另几口地热井,它们的天然加压蒸汽输进了巨大的绝热管道。


GIS在电力系统中指的是“高压气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备”(Gas Insulated Switchgear)。GIS是一种高压电器设备,用于控制和保护电力系统中的高压电力设备。相比于传统的空气绝缘开关设备,GIS采用气体绝缘介质,如硫化氢气体,以减小设备的尺寸并提高绝缘性能。



在电力系统中,GIS是指“Gas Insulated Substation”的缩写,翻译为“气体绝缘变电站”。这是一种利用SF6气体作为绝缘介质和冷却介质的高压电气设备,用于变电站的建设。使用GIS可以实现更高的电力传输效率和更小的空间占用,可靠性更强。

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