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08-15 投稿


advertiser 发音

英:[??dv?rta?z?r]  美:[??dv?ta?z?(r)]

英:  美:

advertiser 中文意思翻译



advertiser 网络释义

n. 广告客户;刊登广告的人

advertiser 词性/词形变化,advertiser变形


advertiser 同义词

mindfully |heedfully

advertiser 反义词


advertiser 相似词语短语

1、advertises ─── vt.通知;为…做广告;使突出;vi.做广告,登广告;作宣传

2、advertise ─── vt.通知;为…做广告;使突出;vi.做广告,登广告;作宣传

3、advertize ─── vt.做广告,登广告;通知;vi.做广告

4、advertizes ─── vt.做广告,登广告;通知;vi.做广告

5、advertized ─── v.做广告,登广告;(在报纸上)公布,征聘;展现,宣传(自己的事)(同advertise,advertize的过去式和过去分词)

6、readvertised ─── 读取垂直

7、advertisers ─── n.广告商(advertiser的复数形式)

8、advertizer ─── n.广告客户;广告者

9、advertised ─── adj.广告的;vi.登广告(advertise的过去式和过去分词)

advertiser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The publisher reserves the right to repeat existing material in hand should the advertiser fail to meet the material copy deadline. ─── 广告客户若未能在截稿期限提供材料,本刊有权重复使用现有的材料。

2、Action and Expressive Skill of the Library Commonweal Advertiser ─── 图书馆公益广告的作用与表达技巧

3、The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell.Thus, he misrepresents the truch. ─── 广告夸大的好处商品,他现在要出售。

4、It should be stressed that the WFA and national advertiser associations worldwide should play a key role in achieving this. ─── 必须强调:在实现这一目标的过程中,世界广告主联合会和各国的广告主协会应当发挥关键性作用。

5、On one hand, gu Ge's technology and can bring potential advertiser, the gregarious website that to China those are eager to seeking profit pattern is not devoid attract; ─── 一方面,谷歌的技术和能够带来潜在广告客户,对中国那些急于寻找盈利模式的社交网站并非全无吸引;

6、a proprietor was no longer selling a bundle of attractive editorial matter to a segment of the public; he was also selling a well charted segment of public to the advertiser. ─── 出版界老板不再仅是把一些有吸引力的印刷品卖给部分公众,同时他也是把一固定数量读者卖给了广告客户。

7、Crisis hour, the structure of TV station advertiser optimizes fractionize to appear important all the more. ─── 危机时刻,电视台广告客户的结构优化细分显得格外重要。

8、Which Led To A Substantial Advertiser Pullout. ─── 导致了很多其他广告客户也退出了。

9、Additional, as a result of 3 days of lamentation period, a few advertiser also postponed ad plan. ─── 另外,由于三天哀悼期,一些广告客户也推迟了广告计划。

10、The advertiser is not interested in a particular social group or in the welfare of any member of a group. ─── 广告者不是对某一特定社会群体感兴趣,也不是关心某一群体任何成员的福利。

11、Before your current advertisers have the ad expire, make an effort to reach out to them, thank them for being an advertiser, and ask if they would be interested in renewing the ad. ─── 在同你现在的广告商的合同期满之前,为再联系他们作努力,感谢他们成为你的广告客户,询问他们是否有兴趣更新广告。

12、As a successful advertiser , he realized it and advised his boss to catch this adventitious and advantageous chance. ─── 作为一名成功的广告人,维克多认识到这一点并建议他的老板抓住这个外来的有利的时机。

13、It is tragically easy to be stampeded into change.But golden rewards await the advertiser who has the brains to create a coherent image,and the stability to stick with it over a long period. ─── 在这样的情况下,坚持一致的形式实在需要很大的勇气,而迎合改变却是容易的。

14、The advertiser is using balloon as promotional material . ─── 广告商用气球作推销用的材料。

15、If an advertisement does not tell the truth , the advertiser is committing an offence . ─── 如果广告是假的,发广告者就触犯了法律。

16、Advertiser won't get stuck the skin advertisement waste to be on the user body of those disinclination. ─── 广告客户不会将皮卡广告浪费在那些不感爱好的用户身上。

17、If Gu Ge is mixed,an advertiser is clicked with respect to some advertisement is to click reach unanimous opinion false, so Gu Ge will pay latter brushstroke fee. ─── 如果谷歌和一家广告客户就某次广告点击是点击欺诈达成一致意见,那么谷歌将付给后者一笔费用。

18、In fact, the above-mentioned analyst meeting, the management claimed that Baidu's business in China, all perfectly legal, because "the existing law does not require the advertiser to hold any license. ─── 事实上,在上述分析师会议上,百度管理层宣称公司的所有业务在中国完全合法,因为“现行法规并不要求登广告者持有任何牌照”。

19、An advertiser can use it nationally, by region, by markets, and even by specific locations within those markets. ─── 广告客户可以在全国范围内按地区、按市场、甚至按那些市场中的特定地点使用它。

20、The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. ─── 那天晚上唯一有趣的事情是节目开始时那个报幕员的开场白。

21、F. Invoices hall be submitted in an itemized format and shall be paid by Advertiser within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. ─── 发票应以一名细帐单和格式递交并应由广告商在发票日期的30天内进行支付。

22、Outdoor advertising provides the advertiser with the largest colourful display of his product, package, trade mark, and slogan. ─── 户外广告为广告商的产品提供了最大的彩色展示、包装、商标和口号。

23、Any well-defined subset of the total audience that an advertiser wants to reach with a commercial campaign or a station wants to reach with a particular kind of programming. ─── 广告商希望广告或媒体希望某类节目送达的任何精细划分的受众子群。

24、Advertiser: The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower than would otherwise be possible. ─── 告商:??和塍丈通咿办行?告所得收入使得办行者可以保持办行?在一?比通咿?用其他方式都低很多的?格上。

25、In a great many instances, this rule is by-passed, and it appears, this is the real reason that an ad doesn't pull according to the expectations of the advertiser. ─── 在很多事例中都没有重视这个准则,这就是一个广告不能按广告人预期的那样前进的原因所在。

26、Whereas an advertising agent or publisher is unable to provide the true name and address of the advertiser(s), it should bear all the civil responsibility. ─── 广告经营者、广告发布者不能提供广告主的真实名称、地址的,应当承担全部民事责任。

27、an advertiser excommunicated from a newspaper ─── 一名被逐出报社的广告员

28、Tall canal of analyst and cereal song expresses, because can be contacted with advertiser directly, and have mensurability, because this searchs advertisement pole,accept the favour of advertiser. ─── 分析师和谷歌高管表示,由于可以直接与广告客户联系,而且具有可测性,因此搜索广告极受广告客户的青睐。

29、Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertiser's argument? ─── 下列哪一?可以最好地描述消偻者反??告商愚?的???

30、national advertiser ─── 全国性广告客户

31、21 The lieutenant learned that Mr. Cross had mailed the ads to the paper with payment. The city directory showed no such return address as the advertiser had left. ─── 副警了解到克罗斯先生是把这些广告和付款一起寄到这家报社的。本市的住址簿上查不到登启事人留下的那个回信地址。

32、Advertiser may elect in advance to be charged on this hourly rate basis. ─── 广告商可能提前选择在此每小时基础上的工作对象。

33、Moreover, and probably more important, it is very difficult for an advertiser to explain why trans fat or salt or butter is bad for one. ─── 在者,也许是更重要的,就是对于打广告的人来说要向人们解释反式脂肪、盐或黄油对健康不利是非常困难的。

34、In the event of nonpayment, the publisher reserves the right to hold an advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and severally liable for such monies as are due and payable to the publisher. ─── 在欠交广告费情况下,本刊保留向广告客户及/或广告代理同时及个别追讨所负款项的权利。

35、Is there any real information in the commercial, or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? ─── 广告里是否有真实内容,或者广告商纯洁只提供诱人的画面?

36、IBA is both a new advertising platform and technology that provide a new dimension for conventional advertiser to achieve highly effective form of advertisement and marketing. ─── 互动行为广告是一项新的广告技术,它能够极大的提高企业广告效果,并帮助企业获取重要的市场数据。

37、Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. ─── 它(广告)能够直接帮助货物以比较合理的价格被迅速分销出去,因此可以(使公司)建立一个坚固的国内市场,同时也使以具有竞争力的价格提供出口变得可能。

38、To produce an effective advertising campaign, an advertiser needs: ─── 制作一则收效高的广告,广告商需要:

39、the Japan Advertiser ─── 《日本广告报》

40、Bookings for advertisements are non-cancelable. Otherwise the Advertiser is liable for compensating the Publisher for all financial losses arising from the cancellation. ─── 凡广告合约,一经确认,即作实论,不得取消。否则,广告客户须补偿出版人因取消刊登广告而蒙受之全部金钱损失。

41、The advertiser should avoid the coon, mediocre products in advertisement design, taking the facts of the markets into consideration is very important. ─── 广告人应该以创造精品为己任。这要求广告人要充分调查研究,因地制宜。

42、If you are an advertiser, you know how you like it or not Google ads? ─── 如果你是一名广告主,你如何了解谷歌是否喜欢你的广告?

43、These formats send users an alert or display ad when one of their pals patronizes an advertiser. ─── 当用户的某个朋友为一家广告商友情赞助的时候,信标技术和社交广告就会向他们发送一条提醒或者展示一条广告。

44、Cancellation either in full or in part by the advertiser or the advertising agency of a contract nullifies all rate and/ or positioning protection for the remainder of the contract. ─── 广告客户或广告代理若取消全部或部份合约,合约期余部份的所有折扣及/或版位保障将无效。

45、Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live. ─── 何一个正式的广告商敢于推销一种商品却不能兑现其在广告中的承诺。

46、intersperse any content between the Ad and the Advertiser Page, between the page containing the Search Box and the Search Results Page, or between the Referral Button and the Referral Page; ─── 在广告与广告客户页之间、在包含搜索框的网页与搜索结果页之间或在推介按钮和推介页之间散置任何内容,或以其他方式提供不同于从广告到广告客户页的直接链接 ;

47、Under such social background , combining the advertising morals lose current situation, advertiser must abide by job code of ethic and pursue noble morals personality things. ─── 在这种社会背景下,结合当代广告道德严重失范的现状,广告人恪守职业道德规范,追求高尚的道德人格事在必行。

48、industrial advertiser ─── 工业品广告人

49、Quite the contrary, the advertiser cold-bloodedly selects the feeling, the appeal that is most likely to be effective in carrying out his purpose. ─── 广告者冷酷地选择感情,无情地诉诸于感情,因为这样做对于实现其目的可能是最有效的了。

50、The question is how much traffic do you need to be relevant to an advertiser? ─── 问题是你要多大的流量才能和广告商靠得上?

51、The Newspaper shall send the Advertiser or the Advertiser's advertising agency which are recognized by the Newspaper, a debit note either after publication of the advertisement or by month. ─── 四.经由本报公司承认之广告客户/及其广告代理人,可于广告刊登出后或按月向客户发出收费通知单。

52、advertiser rs index ─── 刊登广告的厂商名称索引

53、The essence of motion precess of advertisement information is the vary mutual functions of the advertiser, advertisement company and media department. ─── 广告信息的运动过程本质上是广告主、广告服务商、媒体与广告信息接受者的不对等的互动过程。

54、Australia's oldest newspapers are the Sydney morning herald 1831, the Keelung Advertiser 1840, the Examiner 1842 and Mercury 1843. ─── 历史最悠久的报纸有1831年创办的悉尼先驱晨报,1840年创办的基隆广告人报,1842年创办的观察家及1843年创办的信使报。

55、It would be better to mail a letter of application to her advertiser to call him or her directly. ─── 在这封信上签字的应该是你而不是我。

56、With what to Solicit Advertiser at Time of Thick Newspaper? ─── 厚报时代:报纸告什么吸引广告?

57、The main thing this does is check to see if the name the advertiser picked has already been taken. ─── 这段代码完成的主要工作是检查广告客户挑选的名称是否已被占用。

58、"By mail the advertiser can send his message directly to individual prospects. The message can take many forms: letter, folder, brochure, post card, catalog, or coupons." ─── 广告人可用信函把广告信息直接传送给个人。信息可用多种形式表示:信件、传单、小册子、明信片、目录册或优惠券。

59、But look to the understanding of advertiser from WPP, show without evidence automobile client puts in in advertisement on put delay. ─── 但从WPP对广告客户的了解看,没有迹象表明汽车客户在广告投放上放缓。

60、metaphors used by high credible advertiser produce more favorable Aad and AB than low credible one. ─── 同样的隐喻,由高可信度广告主具名刊登,效果比低可信度广告主来得好。

61、How'd the meeting with the advertiser go? ─── 和广告商的见面怎么样?

62、Advertiser can regard a screen as advertisement market the whole of technicality, need to set out from the effect only consideration investment and yield. ─── 广告客户可以把广告市场作为一个屏蔽了技术细节的整体,只需从效果出发考虑投入与产出。

63、What you need to do is, find out you have not " sell " fractionize reader, and them " sell " the advertiser that did not cover these multitudes before to those; ─── 你需要做的是,找出你尚未“出售”的细分读者,并将他们“出售”给那些先前没有覆盖这些人群的广告客户;

64、The ads you click don't just boost revenue for Google, they also tell it how much to charge the next advertiser. ─── 你所点击的广告不光会增加谷歌的收入,还能帮助它决定对下一个广告客户定什么价。

65、FOR all the woes of local newspapers across Britain, there are those that thrive. Among them are the New Milton Advertiser and the Lymington Times. ─── 在英国地方报业的一片哀鸿声中,仍有些许报纸呈蒸蒸日上之势。新米尔顿广告人,立明顿时报便是其中两家。

66、Even if inferential activity is likely, there is no guarantee that consumers will follow the path provided by the advertiser. ─── 即使有可能进行推理活动,也不能保证消费者会遵循广告商提供的路径。

67、For example, Amazon is one advertiser. ─── 例如,亚马逊是一个广告商。

68、In fact, dividing one day’s TV program setting to various periods of time has been already approved by TV program complier, audience rating investigator and advertiser. ─── 事实上,把一天的电视节目的设置划分为各个时段已经成为电视节目编排者、收视率调查者和广告投放者共同认可的一种行为。

69、Among them economics is meant, leakey advertiser must with be willing to pay higher price to suffer numerous person in order to lock up to compete in great quantities surely. ─── 其中的经济学意味着,利基广告客户不得不与愿意支付更高价格以锁定大量受众的人竞争。

70、One Online Advertiser, One Advertising Agency and One Internet Enterprise ─── 广告投放企业、广告代理公司、互联网企业各一家

71、Of course, a wise advertiser often knows how to turn it into a good thing, which makes it like the most beautiful ornaments in the head. ─── 当然,聪明的广告人往往懂得如何化腐朽为神奇,使紧箍成为自己头上最美丽的饰物。

72、The mail order advertiser has no retailers to shrink and expand their inventories, to push his product or to hide it under the counter. ─── 邮购商没有零售商来帮他减少、增加、促销或收藏其存货。

73、Whatever advantages may genuinely accrue to those who use an advertised product, and however sincerely the advertiser may believe in its merits, his motive is to sell, to make a profit, to make money, i.e. it is self-interest. ─── 不管使用广告产品的人会获得多大益处,无论广告者多么诚挚地相信其产品的优点,广告者的动机是推销产品,获得利润,从中赚钱,即他的动机是个人利益。

74、Apart from the fact that twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising, no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. ─── 参考译文:它(广告)能够直接帮助货物以比较合理的价格被迅速分销出去,因此可以(使公司)建立一个坚固的国内市场,同时也使以具有竞争力的价格提供出口变得可能。

75、local advertiser ─── 地区广告主

76、Yahoo! Builds travel video portal for key advertiser ─── 为主要广告商索尼公司创建旅游视频门户网站

77、This sold ad will simply replace a keyphrase, that is currently static text, with a hyperlink back to our paid advertiser. ─── 卖出去的广告将简单的替换一个短语,这个短语是很普通的符合你文章的文字,它会有一个链接指向我们的付费广告主。

78、The average cost to an advertiser from one such combination is 50 cents, which corresponds to a CPM of $500; by contrast, the average CPM in traditional ("exposure") media is $20. ─── 一个广告主从这样一次结合中的平均成本是50美分,相应的CPM(每千人成本)是500美元;相比之下,传统(暴露)媒体的每千人成本20美元。

79、You should know that, in this advertising industry (GPT) you can earn big money by having more referrals and for earning referrals you should be an advertiser and start advertising. ─── 你应该知道,在这个广告业(谷丙转氨酶) ,您可以赚大钱,有更多的转介及赚取的转介,你应该有一个广告客户,并开始投放广告。

80、WFA and CANA extend their appreciation to the participation and contribution of the advertisers, national advertiser associations, agencies, media owners and other experts. ─── 世界广告主联合会和中国广告主协会向参会的所有广告主、各国广告主协会、广告代理机构、媒体以及专家的热情参与和奉献表示衷心感谢。

81、The advertiser should furnish the publisher with name, address, I/C No. and other particulars requested by the publisher. ─── 广告刊户应提供本身姓名与身分证号码。

82、Achieving sales, production and performance targets from a designated advertiser sector. ─── 在一个指定的广告客户群众达到销售,制作和工作表现目标。

83、The advertiser may specify the time his commercial is to be broadcast or for a lower rate he may leave its placement to the station's discretion. ─── 广告客户可确定广告播出时间,或让电视台决定时间,但这样费用要减少。

84、The microwave manufacturer hired a famous cartoonist to be his advertiser. ─── 微波炉生产商雇佣了一个漫画家作他的广告人。

85、"Advertiser chooses channel accurately, should mix in profit redound only put in the price to go up competitive, instead more and more new clients are willing to choose this kind of mode. ─── “广告客户会更仔细、更精确地选择渠道,只要在利润回报和投放价格上有竞争力,反而有越来越多的新客户愿意选择这种模式。”

86、Unisonant happy industry is same, paper industry also saw the network is reaving their reader and advertiser. ─── 同音乐行业一样,报纸行业也看到了网络正在抢走他们的读者和广告客户。

87、A (most often graphic) advertisement placed on a web page, which acts as a hyperlink to an advertiser's website. ─── 位于网页上的广告(经常是图形化的)。它是一个指向广告客户主页的超链接。

88、They make to Yang Zhiyuan and Debs Yahoo company becomes consumer to visit Internet " the first station " with advertiser " buy surely article " the strategy expresses admiration. ─── 他们对杨致远和德克尔使雅虎公司成为消费者访问互联网的“第一站”和广告客户的“必买品”的战略表示赞赏。

89、As the world's biggest advertiser, P&G has tremendous clout in adland. ─── 作为全球最大的广告客户,宝洁现在举足轻重。

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