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veterinary 发音

英:[?vet?r?neri]  美:[?vetnri]

英:  美:

veterinary 中文意思翻译




veterinary 网络释义

adj. 兽医的n. 兽医(等于veterinarian)

veterinary 常用词组

veterinary medicine ─── 兽医

veterinary station ─── 兽医站

veterinary science ─── 兽医;兽医学

veterinary 词性/词形变化,veterinary变形


veterinary 短语词组

1、veterinary anatomy ─── [医] 兽医解剖学

2、veterinary code ─── [法] 兽医规程

3、veterinary surgeons (BrE) ─── 兽医( veterinary surgeon的名词复数 )

4、Doctor of veterinary Medicine ─── 兽医学博士

5、veterinary pathology ─── [医] 病因医病理学

6、veterinary anatomopathology ─── 兽医解剖病理学

7、veterinary tannnlbin ─── [医] 兽用鞣酸蛋白

8、veterinary pharmacology ─── [医] 兽医药理学, 动物药理学

9、veterinary parasitology ─── [医] 兽医寄生物学

10、veterinary sursery ─── [医] 外科的

11、veterinary cerificate ─── [法] 兽医证书

12、veterinary school ─── [网络] 兽医学校;公立兽医学校

13、veterinary medicine ─── [医] 兽医学

14、insights in veterinary science ─── 兽医学见解

15、veterinary chemical ─── [医] 兽医药剂学, 动物药剂学

16、veterinary station ─── [医] 兽医站

17、veterinary surgeon ─── [医] 外科 ─── [学]

18、veterinary ambulance ─── [医] 兽医 ─── [用]救护车

19、veterinary physiology ─── [医] 兽医生理学

veterinary 相似词语短语

1、reversionary ─── adj.倒退的;复归的;应继承的;将来应享有的

2、valetudinary ─── 价值观

3、veterinarian ─── n.[兽医]兽医

4、ternary ─── adj.[数]三元的,三重的;[数]三进制的;第三的

5、veterinaries ─── adj.兽医的;n.兽医(等于veterinarian)

6、veterinarians ─── n.[兽医]兽医(veterinarian的复数)

7、interlunary ─── 一系间

8、veteran cars ─── 古老车

9、trinary ─── adj.三倍的;三重的

veterinary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Island Veterinary Services, G10, Block B, DB Plaza, Discovery Bay, Hong Kong. ─── 05离岛兽医服务,香港大屿山愉景湾愉景广场B座G10。

2、Bachelor's degree in Animal Science, Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine or related field. Masters degree preferred. ─── 动物科学,营养学,兽医学或相关专业;要求学士学位以上学历,硕士学位优先。

3、The Ark Veterinary Clinic, Shop 3, LG/F, True Light Building, 100 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. ─── 05方舟兽医诊所,香港西营盘第三街100号,真光大厦地库3号铺。

4、Although not marketed for veterinary use, ketoconazole shampoos would be expected to be very effective. ─── 尽管没有市售的兽用产品,酮康唑香波必定会很有效。

5、Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic, MRI Centre, G/F, 6B Peace Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 99太平道宠物诊所,磁力共振中心,香港九龙太平道6号B地下。

6、The Ark Veterinary Hospital, Shop 3, LG/F,True Light Building, 100 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. ─── 07方舟兽医诊所,香港西营盘第三街100号,真光大厦地库3号铺。

7、Now, the nonprofit Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines is trying to expand production and lower the cost. ─── 现在,非营利全球牲畜兽医联盟会正在尝试扩大生产,降低成本。

8、Veterinary Bacteriology and Virology Merchant &Packer. Seventh Edition. ─── 兽医微生物学上册,刘荣标编著,艺轩图书出版社。

9、For the export of food products of animal origin, 72 veterinary health certificates were issued. ─── 在动物源性食品出口方面,本署年内共签发72份兽医衞生证明书。

10、A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. ─── 兽医是一个一般的医生行当。

11、Joyful Pet Veterinary Hospital, G/ F,183 Belcher's Street, West Point, Hong Kong. ─── b) 爱心宠物兽医医院,香港西环卑路乍街183号地下。

12、One afternoon, a very preganant woman came into the small-animal hospital where I am a veterinary assistant. ─── 一天下午,一位孕妇挺着大肚子来到小动物医院为她的宠物看病。我是那里的兽医助理。

13、A simple blood test called ELISA is used to diagnose FIV, and this test can be done in most veterinary clinics or hospitals. ─── ELISA是一个简单检测FIV的方式,在大部分的动物医院都可以做.

14、A crystalline substance, C15H21NO2, used as a local anesthetic, substituting for cocaine, in veterinary medicine. ─── 优加因一种结晶状物质C15H21NO2,在兽医中用作为局部麻醉剂,是可卡因的代用品

15、"This was one of the main gaps identified in our present scientific knowledge," said Joseph Domenech, FAO's chief veterinary officer. ─── “这是我们现有知识中所能确定的主要差距之一,”粮农组织首席兽医官Joseph Domenech说。

16、Veterinary science: Medical field dealing with animals and with diseases that are contagious between animals and humans. ─── 兽医学(亦称兽医科学):处理动物病症的科学和涉及人畜共通疾病的各项问题。

17、Veterinary Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Pathology, J. Robert Duncan et al, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. ─── 兽医实验诊断学提要修增第四版,沈永绍,华香园出版社。

18、VICH GL10:Impurities In New Veterinary Drug Substances Nov,1999. ─── 中国兽药典(2005)版附录,农业部兽药典委员会。

19、As our pampered pets live longer and longer lives, the veterinary costs of keeping them healthy can grow rapidly. ─── 作为宠物长寿的生命,使他们保持健康的兽医费用能快速成长。

20、Veterinary Secrets Revealed. ─── 兽医秘密透露.

21、Development and implementation of regulatory standards for veterinary biologics in Canada. ─── 制定并贯彻加拿大兽医生物制剂的规范标准动物生物技术的计量单位。

22、Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 30 Man Tai Street, Whampoa Estate, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 98红?兽医诊所,香港九龙红?黄埔新村民泰街30号地下。

23、WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress) is internationally renowned and held every year on a different continent. ─── WSAVA是世界著名的,每年举办一次,在各大洲循环进行。

24、Veterinary virology has grown immensely during the past decade. ─── 兽医病毒学在过去十年内发展非常迅速。

25、At present veterinary medicine carrier in use mainly is glucose in domestic! ─── 国内目前使用的兽药载体主要为葡萄糖!

26、Your veterinary surgeon will give you advice as to the method and procedure for examining the horse for health and soundness. ─── 你的兽医会给出建议告诉你检查马匹健康的方法和步骤。

27、Medical washers/disinfectors are used to wash/disinfect medical, veterinary, and mortuary instruments and devices. ─── 医疗用洗涤消毒器被使用来清洗和消毒有关医疗、兽医与丧葬方面的器材与设备。

28、Faithful Veterinary Hospital, G/F, 139 Pak Tai Street, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 06土瓜湾动物医院,香港九龙北帝街139号铺地下。

29、The Veterinary Clinics of North American Small Animal Practice.1987. Zoonotic Diseases, Vol 17. ─── 兽医公共卫生学.1992.中华民国兽医学会.

30、He made an appointment for Tex at the local college's veterinary laboratory. ─── 专家为特克斯在当地大学的兽医学实验室预约了门诊。

31、Endless Love Veterinary Clinic, Shop B, G/F, Nice Garden, 513 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong. ─── 01永恒动物医疗诊所,香港皇后大道西513号尼斯花园地下B铺。

32、Island Veterinary Services, G10, Block B, Discovery Bay Plaza, Discovery Bay, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. ─── 02离岛兽医服务,香港大屿山愉景湾愉景广场B座G10。

33、A person who practices veterinary medicine. ─── 兽医从事兽医医学实践的人

34、The Ark Veterinary Clinic, Shop 3, Lower G/F, True Light Building, 100 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. ─── 00方舟兽医诊所,香港西营盘第三街,真光大厦100号地库3号铺。

35、Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice. ─── 学生应有兽医工作的经验。

36、Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic, 30 Man Tai Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 98红?兽医诊所,香港九龙红?民泰街30号。

37、A Veterinary Public Health Workshop is held on controlling outbreaks of serious zoonotic diseases and the role of veterinary drugs in food safety. ─── 举办动物疾病与公共衞生工作坊,探讨防止动物传染病大规模爆发和兽药与食物安全的问题。

38、They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. ─── 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

39、Dunlop RH, Williams DJ. Veterinary medicine. An Illustrated History. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 1996. ─── 参考书籍1.动植物防疫检疫局。台湾兽医发展史。汉大印刷公司,台北。2002。

40、Green Cross Veterinary Clinics, G/F, 31A Waterloo Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 98绿十字宠物诊所,香港九龙旺角窝打老道31A地下。

41、Jia Youling, chief veterinary officer in China's Agriculture Ministry, said China is in the process of vaccinating all poultry in the country. ─── 中国农业部兽医局局长贾幼陵称,中国正在对全国的家禽接种疫苗。

42、Kowloon Veterinary Hospital, G/F, 20 Lion Rock Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 01九龙兽医医院,香港九龙九龙城狮子石道20号地下。

43、The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection. ─── 兽医病毒学家和临床医师对有效地制止病毒的感染自然会感兴趣。

44、Download and Print the Posters, Deliver to nearby pet shops& veterinary clinic. ─── 下载及列印游行海报,并到就近的宠物店和兽医诊所派发。

45、Veterinary authorities are unaware of how the farm became contaminated, and say that the pigs did not show any signs or symptoms of contamination. ─── 兽医权威部门仍不知道为何该猪场会遭受污染,而且还说猪并没有表现出任何被感染的迹象和症状。

46、He earned his B.S. and D.V.M. at Cornell University and a Ph.D. in veterinary surgery at the University of Minnesota. ─── 华特斯从康乃尔大学获得理学士与兽医师学位,并从明尼苏达大学取得兽医外科博士学位。

47、He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons. ─── 他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。

48、It aims to be a place farmers can go to find information on agricultural topics, ranging from crop science to economics to veterinary medicine. ─── 农民门户要成为这样一个平台,农民们在这里能找到有关农业各个专题的信息,范围包罗万象,从作物科学到经济学到兽医学等等。

49、Dr. Brian Evans, chief veterinary officer of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, said independent testing from a Canadian lab agreed. ─── 加拿大食品检查署主任兽医布莱恩艾文思博士说加拿大的一个实验室的测试结果与该结果一致。

50、A veterinarian shall be deemed to be any person who has received a formal veterinary qualification in accordance with national practice. ─── 兽医是指根据国家行业规定,获得正式兽医资格认证的任何人士。

51、Any player can attempt to resurrect the pet with bandages if they have at least 80 Veterinary and 80 Animal Lore. ─── 只要有80以上的兽医技能和动物学技能,所有的玩家都可以尝试用绷带复活死去的宠物。

52、"This was one of the main gaps identified in our present scientific knowledge, " said Joseph Domenech, FAO's chief veterinary officer. ─── “这是我们现有知识中所能确定的主要差距之一,”粮农组织首席兽医官JosephDomenech说。

53、If your animal is unwell, take him or her to a registered veterinary surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. ─── 如果您的宠物感到不适,必须把它带到一位注册的兽医作诊断和治疗。

54、Whatever the exact number is, veterinary, medical and insurance experts agree: dog bites are on the rise. ─── 不管确切的数字是多少,兽医、医疗和保险专家都一致认为:被狗咬的人数在上升。

55、Veterinary Services Department, Drs. ─── 兽医服务处,遗骸.

56、The veterinary Profession Association workshop applies various deliberation, discussion and exchanges. ─── 兽医行业协会研讨会采取了多种形式的研讨与交流。

57、Providing Canadians with timely access to safe and effective veterinary biologics for the prevention and diagnosis of infectious diseases in animals. ─── 及时地为加拿大居民提供安全有效的兽医生物制剂以预防或诊断传染性动物疾病。

58、In Sweden, they say, 'Let's call the veterinary authorities. ─── 在瑞典,他们会说,'让我们叫兽医来。'

59、Veterinary clinics number more than 200 in Inner Mongolia. ─── 内蒙有200多个兽医站。

60、Studies of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Berne. ─── 他在伯尔尼大学兽医学院学习。

61、It was decided that our veterinary screening of horses at events should be continued. ─── 已经决定,我们对参赛马匹的疾病检查将继续进行。

62、Dr Sun Veterinary Clinic, No.31, Ma Po Tsuen, Mui Wo, Lantau Island, Hong Kong. ─── c) 太阳动物医务所,香港大屿山梅窝麻布村31号。

63、They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. ─── 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

64、Guala Dispensing has designed a new pump dispenser for Johnson's Veterinary Products for a new meat-flavoured toothpaste for dogs and cats. ─── 刮拉配药设计了一个新的泵机由于约翰逊的兽医产品的一个新的肉香味牙膏的狗和猫。

65、Novicoand Samohyl - they have the same activity - veterinary field for veterinary, veterinary clinics and for sealers of breeder feedstuffs. ─── 公司主要业务是批发各种兽药和人类医用药品、医疗用的各种消费品以及宠物保健品。

66、"The veterinary surgeon is not able to cure it, but is trying to ensure that at least it does not get any worse, " the zookeeper said. ─── 管理员说:“我们的兽医没有条件治愈这只受伤的熊,但他已经尽力让这只熊的病情不再而恶化。”

67、Proteolytic enzyme-trypsin can efficiently dissolve the canine heartworm in vitro. 11th Congress of the Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations. ─── 台湾省畜牧兽医学会暨中华民国兽医学会九十年度联合学术研讨会。

68、Bachelor of Veterinary Science D.C.L. ─── 兽医学士。

69、One in veterinary science and one as a school teacher. ─── 一个是兽医科学,另一个是学校教师。

70、Our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards. ─── 商检局将出具动物检疫证明书以证明货物符合出口标准。

71、Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. ─── 医疗服务;兽医服务;人或动物的卫生和美容服务;农业、园艺或林业服务。

72、Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Ph.D. ─── 兽医学博士。

73、Class44 Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. ─── 商标注册类别44医疗服务;兽医服务;人或动物的卫生和美容服务;农业、艺或林业服务。

74、Not long ago, the FDA' S Center for Veterinary Medicine announced plans to withdraw approval of the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry feed. ─── 不久前,FDA兽医学中心宣称计划收回在家禽饲料中掺入氟喹诺酮的批文。

75、Recent push a series of veterinary drugs, reliable, well received by the farmers of the favored. ─── 企业近期推了一系列兽药,质量可靠,深受广大养殖户的青睬。

76、Centaur Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 30A Victory Avenue, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 98思恩兽医诊所,香港九龙何文田胜利道30A号地下。

77、Tai Po Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 136 Kwong Fuk Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. ─── 98大埔兽医诊所,香港新界大埔广福路136号地下。

78、Of or relating to veterinary medicine; concerned or connected with the medical or surgical treatment of animals, especially domestic animals. ─── 兽医的兽医医学的或与其有关的;与动物的医疗或手术治疗有关的,特别是家畜

79、Veterinary facilities are provided at the Houli Ranch. 4. ─── 图3:后里马场里,设有医疗站,聘雇兽医,为马匹治疗疾病。

80、K.As veterinary medicine improves and more dogs are immunized, fewer die young of distemper and parvovirus today than 30 years ago, Mr.Sampson says. ─── 他说,随着宠物医疗条件的改进,越来越多的狗得到免疫,现在因为犬瘟和细小病毒而死的壮年狗数量比30年前少多了。

81、Veterinary formula may be helpful in dealing with ringworm, mud fever and contaminated wounds. ─── 兽医公式可能有助于处理癣,泥发烧及污染伤口。

82、Rainbow Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 58 Leung Tin Chuen, Area 36B, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong. ─── 99彩虹兽医诊所,香港新界屯门良田村58号地下。

83、Kowloon City Veterinary Clinic, G/F, 9 Nga Tsin Long Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 98九龙城兽医诊所,香港九龙九龙城衙前?i道9号地下。

84、Hong Kong Veterinary Centre, G/F, 12-12A Kennedy Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. ─── 01香港兽医中心,香港湾仔坚弥地街12-12A号地下。

85、Lion Rock Veterinary Hospital, G/F, 11 Junction Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 99狮子山动物医院,香港九龙城联合道11号地下。

86、Only qualified veterinary surgeons can operate on animals. ─── 只有合格的兽医才能为动物做手术。

87、He dismissed the Dolly studies as"veterinary animal work. ─── 兽医的工作"。

88、Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic, Shop B, G/F &1/F, Fair Way Garden, 7 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong. ─── 06太平道宠物诊所,香港九龙自由道7号,富威花园B铺地下及一楼。

89、He was blacksmith, carpenter, tinsmith, brewer and veterinary all rolled into one, as his wife was spinster, weaver and doctor. ─── 他集铁匠、木匠、白铁匠、啤酒酿造者和兽医于一身。他的妻子既是纺纱工、织布工,又是医生。

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