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08-15 投稿


diffusely 发音


英:  美:

diffusely 中文意思翻译



diffusely 短语词组

1、diffusely scattered ─── 漫散射的

2、diffusely enlarged uterus ─── 弥漫性增大子宫

3、diffusely diseased ─── 弥漫性疾病

4、diffusely increased hepatic echogenicity ─── 弥漫性肝回声增强

5、diffusely demineralized ─── 弥散脱盐

6、diffusely infiltrative ─── 弥漫渗透性

7、diffusely heterogeneous ─── 扩散异构

8、diffusely heterogeneous bone marrow ─── 弥漫性异质性骨髓

9、diffusely tender ─── 弥漫性招标

10、diffusely enlarged spleen ─── 弥漫性脾肿大

11、diffusely hypoattenuating ─── 弥漫性低衰减

12、diffusely medical term ─── 扩散医学术语

13、diffusely swollen ─── 弥漫性肿胀

14、diffusely infiltrative cancer ─── 弥漫浸润性癌

diffusely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hair may also be lost more diffusely over the whole scalp, in which case the condition is called diffuse alopecia areata . ─── [1]头发也可能失去了更多的弥漫在整个头皮,在这种情况下,条件是所谓的 弥漫性斑秃 。

2、Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast. ─── 有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。

3、The immunoreactive products were diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm. ─── 免疫反应产物弥散分布于胞浆内。

4、diffusely transmitting ─── 漫射发射

5、The plakoglobin signal level was reduced diffusely in ARVC samples, including those obtained in the left ventricle and the interventricular septum. ─── 盘状球蛋白信号分子在致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)标本中广泛降低,包括获得标本中的左心室和室间隔。


7、Mobius and Von Greases signs were positive. Thyroid gland was diffusely enlarged. The heart rate was 106/rain. The skin was wet with sweat. Slight tremor was noticed upon stretching out her hands. ─── 默比乌及冯格雷费征阳性,甲状腺弥漫性肿大。心率106次/分,皮肤汗湿,双手伸出时有轻微颤动。

8、It can also provide information sharing and retri service.It has been used diffusely, bringing with convenience, changing people's way to obtain information. ─── 它的广泛使用,给人们带来了诸多便利,并逐渐改变了人们信息获取的方式。

9、Results The main manifestations of DPB on multi-CT were as follows: (1) centrolobular non-fused node shadows being distributed diffusely on both lung fields; ─── 结果弥漫性泛细支气管炎的CT表现为:(1)广泛分布小叶中心性结节,无融合;

10、The technology has uniquely style of plus and remove components in the live system,it is diffusely applied under the sustentation of the software. ─── 该技术以其系统可带电插拔部件的独特技术风格,在计算机软件的支持下,正得以广泛的应用。

11、The results showed that MRI manifestations of lymphoma were:(1) Diffusely distributed lymph node enlargement and extraordinary ascent of T 2 signal. ─── 结果:淋巴瘤的MRI表现:(1)广泛分布的淋巴结肿大和T2信号异常升高。

12、One of the cerebral hemisphere is diffusely echogenic. ─── 胎儿一侧大脑半球弥漫回声。

13、The applying effects show that steel fiber rein-forced concrete using for pavement resurfacing has striking economic benefits and social benefits and worthwhile diffusely generalizing. ─── 钢纤维混凝土在道路翻修项目中具有显著的经济效益和社会效益,值得广泛推广。

14、Diffusely mineralized extracellular matrix ─── 弥漫性矿化细胞外基质

15、diffusely radiating ─── 扩散辐射的

16、Sonographic findings include diffusely increased echogenicity, hyperechoic pyramids, and interstitial calcium deposition. ─── 超声可发现弥漫性回声增加、金字塔高回声以及间质钙沉积。

17、Autopsy specimens obtained from the stomach revealed fungal hyphae, which had invaded diffusely into submucosal vessels and caused the massive gastric bleeding. ─── 从尸检获取的胃组织标本中发现真菌菌丝广泛侵入粘膜下血管引起胃大出血。

18、In immunohistochemical studies, the tumor cells stained intensely and diffusely with smooth muscle actin. ─── 利用平滑肌肌动蛋白做特殊染色时,肿瘤细胞显现出强烈而广泛的反应。

19、Here is an example of diffuse alveolar damage in which the lung is diffusely firm and rubbery. Clinically, this is known as adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ─── 弥漫性肺泡损伤,病变的肺组织比较坚韧、有弹性。临床上表现为成*人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。

20、systema nervorum diffus ─── 分散性神经系统

21、Imaging demonstrated a diffusely abnormal liver, and a liver biopsy revealed a fibrosing granulomatous process infiltrating and replacing liver parenchyma. ─── 影像表现异常的弥漫性肝细胞脂肪变性,肝活检显示进展性纤维化肉芽肿浸润肝实质。

22、a material having the property of admitting light diffusely; a partly transparent material. ─── 能让光漫射的材料;部分透明的材料。

23、Herbs annual.Stems tufted, prostrate, 10-15 cm tall, rooting from nodes, diffusely branched from base, long strigose, sparsely glandular hairy. ─── 一年生草本茎丛生,匍匐,10-15厘米高,节上生根,广泛地分枝自基部,长具糙伏毛,疏生腺体有毛的。


25、This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa. ─── 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。

26、Here is an example of diffuse alveolar damage in which the lung is diffusely firm and rubbery. ─── 弥漫性肺泡损伤,病变的肺组织比较坚韧、有弹性。

27、Results:The patients with vertebral myeloma,the adnexal bones were diffusely invaded,which were patch and nodosity. ─── 结果:脊椎骨髓瘤附件骨弥漫性受侵,呈小斑片状、结节状,附件骨的形态多无明显改变,其周围很少有软组织肿块包绕。

28、Conclusion: eosinophilic granuloma frequently diffusely infiltrating dura matter, completely remove the lesion and appropriately deal with the dura matter are the key points of the operation. ─── 结论:嗜酸性肉芽肿常出现硬膜浸润,彻底清除病灶及对硬膜的恰当处理是手术治疗的关键。

29、Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast. ─── 有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。

30、A and B show human-derived cells localized diffusely in the injured striatum of rats. ─── 未输注细胞的大鼠脑冰冻切片上却没有人源性神经细胞抗原的表达。

31、Endometrioid ca: msot tumors are strongly and diffusely positive for ER. ─── 卵巢子宫内膜样癌:多是病例是会弥漫、强表达ER。

32、The principles and methods were introduced for measuring soil organic matter content with the aid of spectrum data diffusely reflected by the soil. ─── 摘要阐述了利用有机质的反射光谱特性对土壤有机质含量进行测定的原理及方法。

33、Most of the tumor cells stained diffusely for cytokeratins in SCC, BCC and hair follicle tumor; ─── 鳞状细胞癌、基底细胞癌和毛发分化的肿瘤中细胞角蛋白多数呈弥漫表达;

34、Along the build of electric communications net, Optical fibre have been used diffusely because of its anti-jamming, light-weight and great capability for communication. ─── 随着电力通信网大规模建设的开展,光缆以其独特的抗干扰性、重量轻、容量大等优点得到了广泛使用。

35、In these cases the energy appears to spread diffusely over all the meridians without following a definite path. ─── 在这些病例中能量不按特定的方式出现遍及所有经脉。

36、This is a more typical acute gastritis with a diffusely hyperemic gastric mucosa. There are many causes for acute gastritis: alcoholism, drugs, infections, etc. ─── 典型的急性胃炎,胃黏膜广泛充血。急性胃炎的原因很多有:酒精中毒,药物,感染,等。

37、This diffusely enlarged thyroid gland is somewhat nodular. ─── 弥漫性甲状腺肿在一定程度上是结节状。

38、The abdomen is diffusely tender ─── 腹部有广泛压痛。

39、Microscopically, papillary architecture can be seen either diffusely (as in this case) or just focally. ─── 最后,我想强调几项公认的规律。

40、almost transparent; allowing light to pass through diffusely. ─── 几乎透明;能让光线散开穿过。

41、Farm cattle diffusely existed from the Ming dynasty to the Land Reform in rice paddy. ─── 明清至土改时期,苏州、松江、太仓地区稻田区耕牛一直广泛存在;

42、The target is modeled as a diffusely reflecting hemisphere, for example, the turret of a tank. ─── 在目标子模型里将目标描述为一漫反射的球体来模拟坦克炮塔。

43、Their CT scans showed diffusely decreased density at white matter which correlated to clinical findings. ─── 其头部电脑断层扫描显示大脑白质弥漫性低锐减系数之病变,恰巧与临床症状相对应之部位。

44、Francois Sillion and Clande Puech,“A General Two-Pass Method Integrating Specular and Diffus Reflection”, ACM Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No. 3, pp.335-344, 1989. ─── 张忠宝、陈利琮、王宗铭,“提高蒙地卡罗直接照明法效能的两种技巧”,中兴大学工程学刊第十二卷,第一期,民国九十一年三月.

45、A non-touch data collection on chaos phenomena in Pohl resonator system is performed by using photoelectric mouse as a receiver to detect the laser radiation reflected diffusely from a metal surface. ─── 用半导体激光器作为光源,利用鼠标接收经由金属物体漫反射的激光,实现了对玻尔共振仪产生混沌现象的数据进行非接触的测量过程.

46、diffus neuroendocrine system ─── 弥散性神经内分泌系统

47、the arteries were diffusely narrowed. ─── 动脉血管的小动脉血管比较细。

48、The nodules measure a few millimeters in diameter and are scattered diffusely throughout the lungs, although they are usually most numerous in the upper lobes and parahilar regions. ─── 结节一般直径数毫米,散布于全肺,但以上肺及背侧为主。

49、An experiment in photo-electric separation was done based on the fact that it is characteristic of objects to diffusely reflect visible lights. ─── 本文主要介绍利用物体对可见光的漫反射特性进行的光电检测试验。

50、a material having the property of admitting light diffusely; a partly transparent material ─── 能让光漫射的材料;部分透明的材料

51、To ensure traffic safety and prevent traffic jam, traffic signal lights have been applied diffusely in most of the cities. ─── 为保证交通安全,防止交通堵塞,交通信号灯在大多数城市得到了广泛的应用。

52、The acoustical radiosity method, which assumes diffusely reflecting boundaries, has recently been developed to predict the sound fields in single-volume moms. ─── 基于界面扩散反射的声辐射度模拟方法在单一空间中已得到有效的应用。

53、In immunohistochemical studies, the tumor cells stained intensely and diffusely with smooth muscle actin. ─── 利用平滑肌肌动蛋白做特殊染色时,肿瘤细胞显现出强烈而广泛的反应。

54、Video technology has been improved and is used diffusely in our living, because the technology of electronic, computer science and software have been developed in high speed. ─── 电子技术、计算机技术和软件技术的迅速发展,促进了视频技术的发展和在现实生活中的广泛应用。

55、What is nice about this model is how the rays are herded to the end of the needle where they are diffusely emitted into more rays to the person seated driving the car. ─── 关于这个模型好的是光线如何聚集在针的末端去扩散地发出许多的光线当人坐在车子时。

56、Results Compared with the drug sensitive cell K562/S in which DNR fluorescence appeared diffusely in the nucleus and cytoplasm, DNR in K562/ADR cells was distributed at the perinuclear re... ─── 结果与DNR在敏感细胞株K562/S细胞核、胞浆均匀分布不同,在K562/ADR细胞,DNR主要集中在核周及周边胞浆,核内DNR荧光很少;经槲皮素处理后,可恢复DNR在K562/ADR内细胞核、胞浆中的弥漫分布。

57、Briefly,tumor cells were diffusely positive for the Melan-A,Melanoma(Pan),Vimentin and Actin,focal expression of HMB-45.In contrast,S-100 protein and Syn were absent. ─── 肿瘤细胞Melan-A及Melanoma(Pan)强阳性,HMB45灶性强阳性,Vimentin及Actin阳性,S-100、Syn阴性。

58、Results CT showed small or absence of ventricles and cisterns, and diffusely increased density of brain. ─── 结果CT显示脑室脑池变小或消失、脑沟变窄,大脑、基底节、脑干和小脑的密度不同程度地普遍增高;

59、The plaque is laid down more evenly, more diffusely along the artery, and it's harder to see. ─── 匾沿着动脉分布得更均匀、更扩散,也更难看出来。

60、Diffusely basophilic erythrocyte ─── 扩散性嗜碱性红细胞

61、The expression of CD44V6 was only observed on Colo 205 cells,displaying diffusely positive cell surface reaction. ─── 仅有Colo?205 细胞表达CD44 V6 ,其表现为细胞膜表面有呈连续线状分布的棕色颗粒。

62、Video technology has been improved and used diffusely in our living, because the technologies of micro-electronic, computer science have been developed in high speed. ─── 微电子技术、计算机技术的飞速发展,促进了视频技术的发展和在现实生活中的广泛应用。

63、Farm cattle diffusely existed from the Ming dynasty to the Land Reform in rice paddy. ─── 摘要明清至土改时期,苏州、松江、太仓地区稻田区耕牛一直广泛存在;

64、On HRCT, The invaded temporal bone was markedly and diffusely expanded. ─── 硬化型2例,表现为均匀一致的高密度影。

65、Imaging revealed that the disease had spread diffusely throughout the liver, spleen and abdomen. ─── 成像显示,该疾病已经蔓延弥漫整个肝,脾和腹部。

66、Autonomic neuropathies were distributed diffusely, and became severe with enlonged duration of the disorder. ─── 植物神经病变呈弥漫性分布,随病程延长而加重。

67、They are diffusely used in hotel, bar, swimming pool. ─── 并承担国内诸多品牌的墙地砖配套业务。

68、Yet he wrote readily, rather diffusely, in an easy and correct style. ─── 没有哪位将军能像他这般明智地指挥战争。

69、diffusely scattered neutron ─── 漫散射中子

70、Steel has many useful features so it's used diffusely in the machine manufacturing. ─── 钢有许多有用的特性,所以它在机械制造业中得到了广泛的应用.

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