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08-15 投稿


adoringly 发音

英:[??d??r??li]  美:[??d??r??li]

英:  美:

adoringly 中文意思翻译



adoringly 反义词

abominate |abhor

adoringly 词性/词形变化,adoringly变形

动词现在分词: adoring |名词: adorer |动词过去式: adored |动词第三人称单数: adores |动词过去分词: adored |副词: adoringly |

adoringly 同义词

prefer | admire | be mad about | treasure | love | be keen on | and | cherish | idolize | enjoy |revere | worship | hallow | exalt | be crazy about | venerate | prize | honor | glorify | esteem | like | respect | fancy

adoringly 相似词语短语

1、savoringly ─── 品味地

2、laboringly ─── 费力地

3、admiringly ─── adv.钦佩地;羡慕地

4、adoring ─── adj.崇拜的;敬慕的;v.崇拜;钟爱(adore的ing形式)

5、favoringly ─── adv.有帮助地;顺利地

6、vaporingly ─── 蒸发地

7、daringly ─── adv.大胆地;毅然地

8、boringly ─── adv.无趣地;沉闷地

9、atoningly ─── 赎罪地说,

adoringly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、John Bolton, the U.S. amba ador to the United Natio , said he would meet with his French, British and German counterparts to begin talks on a sanctio resolution. ─── 联合国安理会和总部设在维也纳的国际原子能机构要求伊朗在8月31日前停止铀浓缩活动,为进一步会谈打开大门。

2、he looked at his wife adoringly. ─── 他崇拜地看着他妻子。

3、The agreement was signed in Maputo at the end of last week by Mozambique‘s Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, and by Denmark’s amba ador, Sandau-Je en. ─── 上周末,莫桑比克财政部长曼努埃尔?郑与丹麦大使延森在马普托签署了贷款协议。

4、But our national image of the First Spouse is still that of the quiet, coiffed wife beaming adoringly at her husband. ─── 但在全国人心中,第一配偶的形象,仍是头发梳理得一丝不乱、安安静静、对著丈夫脸上堆满笑容的妻子。

5、British officials say they are urgently pursuing the matter with Iran, and have summoned Iran's amba ador to London in co ection with the incident. ─── 英国官员说,他们正在与伊朗就此事进行紧急交涉,并就这一事件召见伊朗驻伦敦大使。

6、Private citizens have adoringly preserved the many beautiful old residences boasting the famous broad porches which helped make Southern hospitality famous. ─── adoringly私人公民有维护了许多美丽的古厝拥有著名的广泛门廊这有助于使南部好客闻名。

7、The Ru ian amba ador to Japan said in Tokyo Monday the talks could resume as soon as next month. ─── 俄罗斯驻日本大使星期一在东京表示,会谈最早可能下个月就能恢复。

8、To tempt me from the Idol I ador ─── 诱使我背弃崇拜的偶像

9、Its function is the same as that of Ador. ─── 它的作用和雅黛作用一样。

10、For example, important people such as an emba ador, a movie star or an honorable guest.So to give someone the red carpet treatmetnt mea that you give them ecial treatment. ─── 一般在接见重要人物时,接待单位总是铺上红地毯以表隆重和热烈,所以这种“红地毯待遇”就表示“贵宾式的待遇”了。

11、But our national image of the First Spouse is still that of the quiet, coiffed wife beaming adoringly at her husband. ─── 但在全国人心中,第一配偶的形象,仍是头发梳理得一丝不乱、安安静静、对著丈夫脸上堆满笑容的妻子。

12、How to design the Chinese exercise in high school more scientifically and more adoringly for the students to train the Chinese language ability, to enhance the Chinese language accomplishment? ─── 如何设计高中语文教材的练习才能更科学,更为学生喜爱接受,从而对学生训练学生语文能力、形成学生语文素养大有裨益呢?

13、In case the guest birthday is on the same day as the departure day, the Guest Service Manager will prepare a gift and card signed by the ADOR. ─── 如果客人生日与其离店时间相同,大堂经理将准备由房务总监签发的礼物和卡片。

14、But, although her parents had been pressing her to marry, the photographs were not what they might have expected: she is gazing adoringly at another woman, surrounded by onlookers. ─── 然而,尽管她的父母一直在催促她结婚,但这样的婚纱照并不是他们所期盼的:在围观者的众目睽睽之下,她正含情脉脉地凝视着另外一个女人。

15、Otto was tucked into the crook of her elbow, listening adoringly as she read from the newspaper ─── 奥托躺在妈妈弯着的胳臂肘里,深情地听着我妈妈读报。

16、Ador hairspray ─── 雅黛定型喷发胶

17、Washington's amba ador to the U.N.John Bolton says Ru ia and China reacted favorably to the draft. ─── 美国驻联合国大使博尔顿说,俄罗斯和中国对建议草案反应积极。

18、The days that ador could never die. ─── 那些热情永不消失的岁月。

19、John McCain's wife, Cindy, gazes adoringly at him on the stump but says little. ─── 做政治人物的配偶有两种方法。要么躲避闪烁的镁光灯,要么努力攫取公众的注意力。

20、Here are many choices. But among them, the Ador and Mingxing Styling Mouses can be called the best. ─── 我们这有很多种摩丝,其中雅黛和明星最好。

21、Here are many choices. But among them,the Ador and Mingxing Styling Mouses can be called the best. ─── 我们这有很多种摩丝,其中雅黛和明星这两种品牌最好。

22、The no-show report and supporting correspondence is passed to the ADOR the following morning for review. ─── 预定但未抵达报告和相关信息将被送给房务总监以便第二天早上检查。

23、Mr. Wong and Ms. Shu use NetMeeting, Microsoft's videoconferencing program, to gaze adoringly at each other over the Internet while they talk. ─── 王先生和舒小姐使用微软公司的可视会议软件NetMeeting一边交谈,一边含情脉脉地看着对方。

24、Otto was tucked into the crook of her elbow, listening adoringly as she read from the newspaper. ─── 奥托躺在妈妈弯着的胳臂肘里,深情地听着我妈妈读报。

25、Ador Mouse is a unique product which provides lasting style with a natural look. And it is to provide flexible hold and control, without stiffness or stick ness too. ─── 用雅黛可以使发型终日保持不变,不会有生硬的感觉,令您的头发倍添天然光彩。

26、I'm adoringly staring the miracle maker in the face. ─── 我崇拜地看着这个奇迹的缔造者。

27、"Look at me adoringly, " she told her husband. ─── “崇拜地看我”她告诉她的丈夫。

28、S. military commander in Iraq, General George Casey, and U.S.Amba ador Zalmay Khalilzad. ─── 参加记者会的还有驻伊美军最高指挥官凯西将军和美国驻伊拉克大使哈利勒札德。

29、The a bypa ed the guard and a a inated the surpa ing amba ador in the emba y. ─── 驴为警卫设旁路并且在大使馆暗杀胜过的大使。

30、I sat in my corner of room C-119 and gazed adoringly at his profile as he amazed the class of Modern World History with his dashing style. ─── 他在“现代世界史”课上的表现迷人自信,震惊四座,我坐在C-119教室的一个角落里,望着他的侧影,惊叹不已。

31、And as the group chatted, Bruni gazed at him adoringly, and even leaned across to wipe his eye. ─── 在这群人聊天时,布妮用爱慕的眼神盯著他,甚至靠过去擦他的眼睛。

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