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08-15 投稿


semitone 发音

英:[?semito?n]  美:[?semit??n]

英:  美:

semitone 中文意思翻译



semitone 词性/词形变化,semitone变形


semitone 短语词组

1、chromatic semitone ─── [音乐]变化半音

semitone 相似词语短语

1、semilune ─── 半月形

2、semitonal ─── 半音

3、semidomes ─── n.[建]半圆形屋顶

4、semillons ─── 半宝石

5、semidome ─── n.[建]半圆形屋顶

6、semitones ─── n.半音程

7、semidomed ─── 半圆顶

8、semitonic ─── adj.含半音的

9、semiglobe ─── 半球形

semitone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Adjusts the overall key in semitone steps. Double-click the slider to restore the default value. ─── 调整整体的音高,双击控制钮可回复原始预设值。

2、All intervals may also be qualified as diminished (a half step or semitone lower), or augmented (a half step or semitone higher). ─── 所有音程也可用减(降半音)或增(升半音)来描述。

3、Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval. ─── 比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个。半音。的。

4、Half a semitone. ─── 四分之一音二分音符的一半

5、The pitch can be lowered a semitone (A4=415 Hz) by shifting the entire action. ─── 在场上可以放下半音(A4规定=415赫兹)的改变了整个行动。

6、minor semitone ─── 短半音

7、Thus C to F flat is a diminished fourth, with the upper note of the perfect fourth C to F lowered a half step or semitone. ─── C到双降D(相当于C到C,键盘上的 一度),减二度较减七度或减五度不常用。

8、A sequence of six tones with a semitone in the middle, the others being whole tones, that was used in medieval music. ─── 六音音列有六个音的音列,其中中间为一半音,其余的均为全音,此音列曾用于中世纪音乐中

9、Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval. ─── 增半音的比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个“半音”的

10、To reduce(a perfect or minor interval) by a semitone. ─── 把(音程)减半音把(纯音程或小音程)减小半度

11、Adjacent piano keys are a half step or semitone apart. ─── 这些知识要记牢哦,否则会让人笑话的。这是一些最基本的东西。

12、diatonic semitone ─── 自然半音

13、Accidentals are signs added before notes to indicate that they should be modified by a half step or semitone or a whole step or whole tone. ─── 变音记号加在音符之前的符号,表示该音符要升高或降低半音或全音。

14、Music To lower (a note) a semitone. ─── 降半音:把(音符)降低半音

15、a chromatic semitone ─── 半音

16、Microtonality: presence of intervals smaller than semitone. ─── 微分音:存在比半音程更小的音程。

17、major semitone ─── 长半音

18、Semitone (07) One step on a chromatic scale. Normally 1/12 of an octave. ─── 半音(07)半音音階的一級,通常是八度音的1/12。

19、The article discussed their changes and development through the sort of chords sequence and note relation in semiton within each tonality system. ─── 文章通过对各调性体系中半音中音关系和弦连接的分类,探询半音中音关系和弦连接的变化与发展。

20、Admittedly, Ma Xiaohui began her own composition “The Spirit of My Erhu” with abstract tone landscapes, whose tentative sounds again and again break out of the usual European semitone scale. ─── 接着马晓辉开始演奏她自己创作的作品“琴韵”,富有尝试性的声音,一次又一次的打破了欧洲音乐半音的常规。

21、note relation in semitone ─── 半音中音关系

22、To reduce(a perfect or minor interval)by a semitone. ─── 把(音程)减半音把(纯音程或小音程)减小半度

23、a sequence of six tones with a semitone in the middle,the others being whole tones,that was used in medieval music ─── 有六个音的音列,其中中间为一半音,其余的均为全音,此音列曾用于中世纪音乐中

24、It's outer form, with it's naturally moulded planes enables a fluent relaxed finger movement and simplifies the semitone grip. ─── 外形上,塑造成自然的平面能让手指可以流畅轻松地移动,并更容易抓住半音。

25、In the diatonic scale of C major the intervals from C to G, D to A, E to B, F to C, G to D, and A to E are perfect fifths, each consisting of three whole steps or tones and one half step or semitone. ─── 在大C自然音阶, C到 G, D 到 A, E 到 B, F 到 C, G 到 D, A到E 为纯 五度,每组包含三个全音和一个半音。B 到 F仅包含三个全音,构成减五度。

26、A half step or semitone is the smallest interval on the normal keyboard in Western music. ─── 半音是西方音乐通用键盘中最小的音程。

27、The paper discussed the various intervals with viewpoints of pitches interval and relation, rational and irrational intervals, whole-tone and semitone interval. ─── 论文对“音程”的“音高距离说”与“音高关系说”、“全音音程”与“半音音程”、“有理音程”与“无理音程”、“未知音程”与“乱码音程”,逐一进行了辨析。

28、Squeak coming from wood beams becomes semitone of well water, ─── 木梁的吱吱声成了井水的伴音,

29、in pitch by one chromatic semitone . ─── 在音调上升高半音的。

30、Mr Wen and other officials have begun to talk of "fine-tuning" , suggesting existing controls may be a semitone too sharp, but no more. ─── 温家宝和其他一些官员最近开始频频提及“微调”这个词,暗示着目前的管控可能过于严厉了,但是只过头了一点点而已。

31、Piano sound, not only should have alignment octave and semitone intervals must have turned up together in equal temperament. ─── 调钢琴的音时,不仅应该把八度都调准,而且必须把半音的间隔都调得合于十二平均律。

32、semitone key control ─── 半音调控制

33、We could preserve this information by using microtones, rather than only the semitones used in Western music. ─── 我们可以通过使用微音程(microtone)而不是只使用西方音乐中的半音(semitone)来保留这些信息。

34、suggesting existing controls may be a semitone too sharp, but no more. ─── 这表明目前的控制政策或许过于严格,但不再会进行调整。

35、a major [minor] semitone ─── 长[短]半音

36、"Block Music" is the whole tone, semitone or tone overlay with differential, and the formation of a new collection. ─── “音块”就是把全音、半音或微分音叠置起来,而形成一种新的集合体。

37、make the note a semitone lower ─── 降低半个音。

38、(music) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone. ─── (音乐)在音调上降低半音的。

39、Microtone (09) Any interval smaller than a semitone. ─── 微音,微分音(09)小於半音的任何音程。

40、equally tempered semitone ─── 等程半音

41、(of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval. ─── (指音程)将完整音程或者小调音程减去半音程。

42、(music) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone. ─── (音乐)在音调上升高半音的。

43、Adjacent piano keys are a half step or semitone apart. Played in ascending or descending order they form a chromatic scale. ─── 相邻钢琴键为半音。依上行顺序或下行顺序演奏,构成半音阶。

44、On the Note relation in Semitone and Chords Sequence ─── 论半音中音关系和弦连接

45、Minor and perfect intervals may be decreased by a half step or semitone to form a diminished interval. ─── 大音程和纯音程可以降半音构成减音程.随着纯四度C到F降一个半音,C到降F为减四度;

46、Microtonality: presence of intervals smaller than the semitone. ─── 微分音:存在比半音程更小的音程。

47、"Block Music" is the whole tone, semitone or tone overlay with differential, and the formation of a new collection. ─── “音块”就是把全音、半音或微分音叠置起来,而形成一种新的集合体。

48、"In the application of the cycle of fifths, 12 fifths are equal to 7 octaves in theory, but in actuality are not. The discrepancy, which is about a quarter of a semitone and is known as the Pythagorean comma," ─── 在具体运用五度音程的循环时,12个五度音程从理论上讲应等于7个八度,但实际上不等于这个音差为半音的1/4,称为毕达哥拉斯音差。

49、To lower(a note)a semitone. ─── 降半音把(音符)降低半音

50、In the diatonic scale of C major the intervals from C to F, D to G, E to A, G to C, A to D and B to E are perfect fourths, each consisting of two whole steps or tones and one half step or semitone. ─── 在大C自然音阶, C到 F, D 到G, E到A, G 到C, A 到 D ,B 到 E为纯四 度,每组包含两个全音或半音。F 到 B,包含三个全音,构成增四度,被称作三全音。

51、tempered semitone ─── 调和半音

52、To lower(a note) a semitone. ─── 降半音把(音符)降低半音

53、chromatic semitone ─── 花半音

54、That the note relation in semitone and chords sequence gained attention and usage step by step along with the harmony chromaticism. ─── 在和声半音化的进程中,半音中音关系和弦连接的性质也发生了一些变化。

55、Takes B Standard on either a six or seven string guitar down a semitone (or half step).For example, bands such as Nevermore of the progressive metal genre utilize this on seven string guitars. ─── 降B标准调弦在七弦或六弦琴上调低一个半音,如Nevermore的金属改革流派就在七弦琴上用这种调弦。

56、Plays when uses the chest abdominal breathing,Blows when the semitone will arrange the flute and the bodily angle enlarge. ─── 吹奏时利用胸腹式呼吸,吹半音时将排笛与身体的角度加大。

57、(of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval ─── (指音程)将完整音程或者小调音程减去半音程

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