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08-15 投稿


eery 发音

英:[??ri]  美:[???ri]

英:  美:

eery 中文意思翻译



eery 短语词组

1、eery background ─── 每个背景

2、eery mean ─── 平均值

3、eery tabs ─── 每一个标签

4、eery vmi eery vmi

5、eery tv ─── 每台电视机

6、eery definition ─── 每一个定义

7、eery quiet ─── 一切都很安静

eery 词性/词形变化,eery变形


eery 相似词语短语

1、eerie ─── adj.可怕的;怪异的

2、every ─── adj.每一的,每个的;每隔……的;(用于强调)所有可能的,完全可能的;n.(Every)(美、荷、瑞典)埃夫里(人名)

3、-ery ─── n.红霉素;尿潜血

4、emery ─── n.金刚砂;[矿物]刚玉砂;n.(Emery)人名;(英)埃默里;(西、意、葡)埃梅里

5、veery ─── n.画眉鸟之一种

6、aery ─── n.高巢;高处的城堡;高处的房子(等于aerie);adj.天空中的;飘渺的

7、beery ─── adj.啤酒的,啤酒味的;喝啤酒喝醉的,喝啤酒所致的;n.(Beery)(美)比里(人名)

8、leery ─── adj.机敏的;狡猾的;猜疑的;送秋波的

9、peery ─── 怀疑的

eery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、God gies eery bird its food, ─── 上帝给每只小鸟喂她的食物,

2、Don't be so grumpy and pessimistic because eery cloud has a siler lining. ─── (不要这麽暴躁和悲观,事情也有好的一面。)

3、She really has it good. Eerybody caters to her eery need. ─── 她真是享受得很,大家都依着他。

4、You can use it whereer you want, so it exit in eery project in a different way. ─── 因为不同的人可以给予不同的定义,所以在不同的项目中,空白以不同的形式呈现。

5、Campfire building is also an important skill for eery camper. ─── 因此生火成为每一个露营者的一项重要技巧。

6、Should you gie me a trial, I will do my utmost to afford you eery satisfaction. ─── 如有试用的机会,本人必尽力而为,以满足贵公司的要求。

7、The number affected is thought to be only a handful out of eery thousand patients, but no one knows how long the risk continues. ─── 尽管每一千人仅有很小的一部分受累,但是没有人知道这种危险会持续多久。

8、The chemicals at play in the early days of lust and attraction fade oer time -- for eery couple, no matter how much their loe maps coincide. ─── 对每对伴侣来说,不管他们的爱情地图多么符合,男女相互渴望和吸引的早期产生的奇妙的化学物质都会随着时间而消褪。

9、Research by The George Institute into the broader issues of drier distraction, shows that driers are engaged in a distracting actiity once eery six minutes. ─── 乔治研究所对司机分心引起的更广泛的问题进行的研究显示,司机每六分钟就有一次分心的行为。

10、Oerall, MRI is treating more patients eery year with eer-growing acuity leels, but our MRI facilities are frozen testaments to our assessments of needs of years past. ─── 总之,MRI灵敏度的不断提高使得每年都有更多的病人接受其治疗,但相对于我们用其进行多年使用诊断评估来言,MRI设备却是固定不变的。

11、Mitochondria are tiny energy units within eery cell of the body. ─── 身体每个细胞中线粒体是很小的能量单位。

12、Use your crystal goblets.Do not sae your best perfume,and use it eery time you feel you want it. ─── 举起你的水晶酒杯吧。不要吝啬洒上你最好的香水,你想用的时候就享用吧!

13、Eery week for 3 weeks after randomization, doses were titrated to an optimal or maximum dose of 2 mg/24 hours, 4 mg/24 hours, or 6 mg/24 hours. ─── 在随机分组后的三个星期里,每周剂量设计成最佳或最大,采取2mg/24hours,4mg/24hours,或6mg/24hours。

14、A surey conducted at CDCP found that candidemia occurs in eight of eery 100,000 persons per year. ─── 一项由美国疾病预防控制中心(CDCP)指导的研究发现每年每100000人中就有八人患上念珠菌血症。

15、Patients receied a maximum of four treatment cycles.These consisted of epirubicin on day 1 and cisplatin on days 1 to 5 eery 3 weeks. ─── 患者接受了最大量的四种循环治疗模式的治疗,其中包括每三周的第一天的表柔比星和第一天到第五天的顺铂。

16、The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at eery point but does not moe. ─── 心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。

17、Therefore, before the correctie osteotomy is done, eery effort should be made to maximize joint mobility as well as limit soft-tissue swelling. ─── 因此,校正截骨术前,能够最大限度的恢复关节活动度、减轻软组织肿胀的每件事都应该做。

18、The disease resists treatment with chemotherapy and radiation, and spreads so effectiely throughout the brain that a surgeon can no more remoe eery last cell than a picky eater could remoe eery bit of cheese from a casserole. ─── 化疗和放疗对这种病效果不大,并且该病会迅速蔓延这个脑部,外科手术不可能将每个癌细胞都清除干净。

19、If you're an HMO doctor, the network will tell you to see, on aerage, a patient eery seen minutes. ─── 如果你是一位HMO医生,医疗网络管理将告诉你平均每7分钟看一位病人。

20、At the barbershop, they know that eery haircut takes X number of minutes, and they can roughly gauge the time. ─── 在理发店,他们知道每理一个头需要多少时间,而且他们能粗略的估计时间。

21、Patients receied a maximum of four treatment cycles. These consisted of epirubicin on day 1 and cisplatin on days 1 to 5 eery 3 weeks. In all, 19 of the patients receied 4 treatment cycles. ─── 患者接受了最大量的四种循环治疗模式的治疗,其中包括每三周的第一天的表柔比星和第一天到第五天的顺铂。19名患者总计接受了4次这样的循环治疗。

22、Creatinine clearance should be calculated for eery elderly patient to enable appropriate dosing. ─── 应计算每个老人肌酐清除率以决定合适的药物剂量。

23、And why, when hundreds of tumour cells get into the bloodstream eery day, do only a small number of them take up residence in a new site and start multiplying? ─── 以及为什么,什么时候成百上千的肿瘤细胞进入血液,或者是只有很小数量的肿瘤细胞在一个新的部位定居并开始增殖。

24、So that he would neer forget his humiliation, he slept on a pile of brushwood and tasted gall before eery meal. ─── 在他住的地方,悬挂着一个苦胆,吃饭前,都要尝一尝苦胆的味道,以提醒自己不忘过去的耻辱。

25、Tales of oer-worked and stressed nurses abound in just about eery deeloped country but now a new Canadian study has taken what until now has been hearsay to a factual, statistical leel. ─── 在每一个发达国家都有许多工作过度劳累、压力过大的护士,但是加拿大一项新的研究在统计学水平上证实了到目前为止还只是传闻的结论。

26、Despite this high success rate, the inestigators do not adocate PCR testing for eery case, since many malignant lymphomas can be readily diagnosed and substantiated by immunohistochemistry. ─── 尽管成功率很高,研究者不主张用PCR检测每一种疾病,因为很多恶性淋巴瘤能很容易的通过免疫组织化学方法诊断和证实。

27、One out of eery 10 people in the United States suffers from chronic insomnia, making for a big sleeping-pill market. ─── 在美国每10个人中就有一个患有慢性失眠症,这形成了一个巨大的安眠药市场。

28、Eery Swiss under 16-year-old should receie compulsory education. ─── 16岁以前每个瑞士人都要接受义务教育。

29、An optimist sees an opportunity in eery calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in eery opportunity. ─── 乐观的人在灾难中看到希望;悲观的人在希望中看到灾难。

30、Eery form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. ( C. G. Jung ─── 任何形式的瘾都是不好的,不管上瘾的是酒精、吗啡还是唯心主义。(荣格)

31、Eery brae man is a man of his word. ─── 勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。

32、God gies eery bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. ─── 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。

33、Eeryone who simply "ducks and coers" WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE is crushed to death -- Eery time, without exception. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are always crush. ─── 当建筑物倒下时,每个只是简单地“蹲下和掩护”的人都被压死了,每次,毫无例外。而那些躲逃到物体,如桌子,或汽车下躲避的人也总是受到了些伤害。

34、In both transfection and infection models, irus particles were released in a cyclical manner, with bursts of irus produced eery 10-14 days. ─── 上述两种转染和感染模型中,发现病毒颗粒呈周期性复制,一般10-14天增加一倍。

35、Newmark, N.M. and Hall, W.J. , "Earthquake Spectra and Design -Engineering Monographs on Earthquake Criteria, Structural Design, and Strong Motion Records, EERI report ,1982. ─── 卢衍祺,"钢筋混凝土-中国工程师手册土木类第六篇",中国土木水利工程师学会,民国70年5月修订四版。

36、Our findings must be confirmed , but eery piece of evidence so far points to olive oil being a healthy food . ─── 我们的发现还应得到证实,但是截止目前,每项证据都表明橄榄油是一种健康食物。

37、'We would not recommend that eery man go out and take aspirin, but if they are already taking it regularly for other reasons, our findings suggest another benefit as well,' St Sauer said. ─── 但是,这也会带来一些可能的副作用,比如易感人群的胃溃疡发生风险的增加,凝血系统破坏,哮喘发作。

38、The chemicals at play in the early days of lust and attraction fade oer time -- for eery couple, no matter how much their loe maps coincide. ─── 对每对伴侣来说,不管他们的爱情地图多么符合,男女相互渴望和吸引的早期产生的奇妙的化学物质都会随着时间而消褪。

39、Newmark, N. M. and Hall, W. J. ”Earthquake Spectra and Design.” EERI Monograph Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 1982, Oakland, California. ─── “结构塑性设计与分析,”张国镇教授编著,国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所,九十一年一月。

40、Landis, Ph.D."We are trying to explore eery possible option for reducing the burden of this disease. ─── Landis说,这个研究是学院委托研究的例子,我们尽量探索每一个可能减小这个疾病的机会。

41、WHEN Jami Waite graduated from high school this year in this north-east Texas town, her parents sat damp-eyed in Bobcat Stadium, proud in eery way. ─── 当JamiWaite今年从东北部的得克萨斯市的一个中学毕业的时候,她的父母亲坐在曾经自豪的Bobcat体育场心情抑郁。

42、The authors say that this equates to more than 500 such deaths eery year in England . ─── 作者说这就相当于英国每年有500多人死于此症。

43、Eery man for himself, and the deil takes the hindmost。 ─── 怎么翻成了人不为己,天诛地灭啊。

44、An eery mask haunted with the mailce of a fallen vampire. ─── 一个被已死吸血鬼的灵魂依附的奇怪面具.

45、She has many hot potatoes to handle eery day. ─── 她每天都要处理很多棘手的问题。

46、Eery tide hath its ebb. ─── 兴盛之日必有衰退之时。

47、Eery thought, feeling and action originates from the electrical signals emitted by diverse brain cells enmeshed in a tangle of circuits. ─── 每个思维、感觉和动作都源自大脑中分布于电路一样的环路中的各种脑细胞发出的电信号。

48、What is the optimal way to leerage the expertise of nephrologists gien that there are more than 2000 patients with CKD stages 2 through 5 for eery practicing nephrologist in the United States? ─── 如果美国的每位执业肾病医师有超过2000名处于2到5期的患者,那么衡量不同医师专业水准的最佳途径是什么?

49、Eery man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. George Kelly, American Playwright and actor ─── 只要一个人还没有停止问问题他就还不是真正的傻瓜。德国科学家施泰因梅

50、D. Catching the drift of the content instead of understanding eery word and neer waste too much time on single words. ─── 在作听力练习时,我们可以作些简单的笔记,例如人名,地名,时间,年龄,职业,数字等以便更好地理解材料.当然还要以听为主.

51、CDAD, the most common form of hospital-acquired diarrhea, affects more than 500,000 people in the United States and one out of eery 1,000 patients hospitalized in Europe as of 2005. ─── CDAD是医院获得性腹泻最常见的病因,2005年它在美国影响了超过500,000人,在欧洲每1000个住院病人中就有一个患上这种疾病。

52、Eery man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life. ─── 再快乐的单身汉迟早也会结婚,幸福不是永久的嘛。

53、The number affected is thought to be only a handful out of eery thousand patients, but no one knows how long the risk continues. ─── 尽管每一千人仅有很小的一部分受累,但是没有人知道这种危险会持续多久。

54、In that sense, eery act is an act of self-sacrifice. ─── 在这种意义上,每个行动都是自我牺牲的表现。

55、Not eery elephant is as friendly as Dumbo.Elephants kill more than 500 people a year worldwide. ─── 不是每只大象都十分友好,每年在世界范围有500被大象杀死。

56、Make eery effort to be flexible and creatie in your plans and respectful of patients' knowledge about their own best interests. ─── 尽最大努力使你的治疗方案灵活而富有创造性,并尊重病人对其最大利益的知情权。

57、I usually hae to go once eery other day. I was ery worried because last night I went twice and the color was black(tarry). ─── 平常我隔日大便一次。昨晚我大便了两次,颜色还是黑(象柏油似)的,我很担心。

58、Sleeping at a hospital, giing Tylenol orders and admitting drunks and the homeless eery other night while on call (in the past) doesn't seem, to me, as quality “extras in training”. ─── 在医院睡,每天忙于(过去是这样的)开处方、接诊醉鬼、无家可归者,这是“额外培训”项目。

59、This is something that eery letter proiding adice or opinion can include in order to aoid future misunderstanding.Eery opinion and all adice is predicated upon facts and law. ─── 为了避免将来引起误解,所以每封信函在提供意见或建议时都会提供相关的依据。

60、The ECMO supportie technique is being applied deeply at the front line of eery department and clinical treatment. It reflects the deelopment of modern medicine --- multidisciplinary collaboration. ─── ECMO支持技术深入应用到各个学科及临床救治前沿.ECMO支持技术,体现了现代医学发展---多学科协作

61、The soldiers, terrified of her reputation and the eery certainty of the largely unarmed men, fled. ─── 出于害怕拉奎那的名气以及黑压压的民众,士兵们逃走了。

62、Eery additional person and piece of equipment entering the suite is an opportunity for accidents, particularly when the layout and operations haen't changed in response to the increased risks. ─── MRI室额外的人和所带的小的仪器都会是一次受害机会,尤其是设计和手术不采取相应措施的话,风险性也就更大。

63、He uses eery means to preent it. ─── 他用各种方法阻止它。

64、in an unnatural eery manner. ─── 以不自然的、怪诞的方式。

65、The most important thing for eery man to know is when to quit. ─── 对每个人来说最重要的事情是知道什么时候退出。

66、Nearly eery company is under either ciil or criminal inestigation for alleged efforts to expand the use of its drugs beyond the specific illness or condition for which they are approed. ─── 几乎每一个公司都是在接受民事的或刑事的调查,因为它们被指控是在致力于把自己的药物用于核准范围之外的特定的疾病或超出被核准的特定条件而使用。

67、Women in the control group met with a dietician when they started the trial and were contacted by dieticians eery 3 months. ─── 对照组妇女在试验开始时,以后每3个月与营养学家见面。

68、41.Enid made eery effort to make her mother happy. ─── 伊妮德尽力让她母亲高兴。

69、There should be a better way to start a day than waking up eery morning. ─── 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个早上都醒来。

70、Nondippers and reerse dippers had lower GFR compared with dippers (P = 0.04). For eery 10% nocturnal drop in SBP, GFR increased by 4.6 ml/min per 1.73 m(2) (R = 0.3, P = 0.003). ─── 29例(24%)昼夜收缩压差在10%或以上(勺型)。这种勺型状态与年龄较轻、不伴有糖尿病、慢性血管疾病积分较低以及阻力指数低有关。

71、It is essential to examine eery angle in order to fully understand the nature of a perplexing problem . ─── 为了全面理解一个复杂问题的本质,必须从每个角度进行考查。

72、Thereafter, the EERI decreased slightly, along with the weakening of the US dollar against the Japanese Yen and the Euro, amid concerns on a marked slowdown in US economic activity. ─── 其后,由于市场忧虑美国经济显着放缓,美元兑日圆及欧元转弱,港汇指数轻微下跌。

73、Uniariate regression analysis indicated that eery 10-minute prolongation of exercise per session was associated with an approximately 1.4-mg/dL (0.036-mmol/L) increase in HDL-C leel. ─── 单变量回归分析表明训练期间每延长10分钟训练量与HDL-C水平大约增加1.4-mg/dL(0.036-mmol/L)相关。

74、See your eyecare practitioner at least eery two years for a complete examination, including an IOP check. ─── 至少每两年去做一次全面的眼部检查,包括眼内压的检测。

75、Being concerned about their own interests, eery class wishes to make their own will law bided by all citizens. ─── 从其切身利益出发,每个阶级都希望将本阶级的意志提升为法律,使全社会一体遵行。

76、The axillary nere was not found to lie at a constant distance from the acromion at eery point along its course. ─── 从肩峰到腋神经的距离在腋神经通过三角肌的路径中的每个点上并不是恒定的。

77、Infant feeding data were obtained eery week from mothers, and blood samples from infants were taken monthly at clinics to establish HI infection status. ─── 从这些孕妇那里获得每周的婴儿喂养的数据,每月在门诊收集婴儿的血液标本了解HI感染情况。

78、Plasmodium falciparum -- the deadliest of the four parasites that cause malaria in humans -- kills one person eery 30 seconds, mostly children liing in Africa. ─── 恶性疟原虫是使人类患疟疾的四种疟原虫中毒性最强的一种,每30秒钟就有一个人死于这种疟原虫导致的疟疾,其中大多数是非洲儿童。

79、God gies eery bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Whereer you want to go, whateer you want to do, it's truly up to you. ─── 上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里。不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己。

80、Dr. Perez de Isla told Reuters Health that because of these findings, "the presence of mitral regurgitation should be specifically assessed in eery patient in this scenario." ─── 在进行超过14个月的随访发现:二尖瓣返流的严重性决定了远期的结果。而且,这还是一个远期预后不好的独立指标。

81、After resuscitation, patients were gien a physical examination and intra-abdominal pressures were taken eery 4 hours or when clinically necessary. ─── 复苏后根据临床需要每4小时对病人进行一次体检和采集腹内压的数值。

82、The unique appearance may be eery when we first see it. ─── 第一次看的时候,可能会对这个独一无二的外表感到怪异。

83、In eery case, the behaior of the model matched the published performance of human cells in defined conditions. ─── 在每种情况下,模拟结果都与发表的特定条件下人类细胞行为相匹配。

84、Largely reflecting a strengthening of the US dollar against the Japanese Yen, the Euro as well as the British Pound, the EERI rose during the first seven months of 2001, from 136 at the end of 2000 to a high of 141 in mid-July 2001. ─── 主要因为美元兑日圆、欧元及英镑偏强,所以港汇指数在二零零一年头七个月内普遍向上,由二零零零年年底的136,升上二零零一年七月中141的高位。

85、Why is it that eery time I hae a hot date, I break out with a big zit on my face? ─── 为什么每次我有重要约会时,脸上都会冒出一个很大的青春痘呢?

86、Don't use the word "biweekly." It has two meanings: twice a week and eery other week. The same applies to "bimonthly." Instead, write "eery other week" or "twice a week." ─── 不要用“双周”之类的词,因为这有可能产生歧义----是两周还是每隔一周?类似的词还有"双月",所以最好这样写:"两周"或"每隔一周"。

87、"Eery time the brain processes a sensory eent, such as a sound or flash of light, it triggers a cascade of reactions between brain cells and their connections. ─── “每当大脑处理像声音或闪光这样的感知活动,在脑细胞和它们的连接之间出发级联反应。

88、The patients, who were followed from 2000 to 2005, receied leuprolide or goserelin injections eery three months, for a total of three doses. ─── 从2002年到2005年随访的病人,每三个月接受醋酸亮丙瑞林或戈舍瑞林注射,总量是三针。

89、Mitochondria are tiny energy units within eery cell of the body. ─── 在身体每个细胞中线粒体是很小的能量单位。

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