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08-15 投稿


grossness 发音


英:  美:

grossness 中文意思翻译



grossness 网络释义

n. 粗野;肥满;粗劣

grossness 同义词

filthy | unadulterated |earn | stark | obese | crying | complete | pure | big | perfect | dense | uncouth | consummate | sensual | terrible | abusive | broad | grievous | crude | disgusting | make | heavy | entire | outrageous | thoroughgoing | clear | fat | get | massive | bulky | receipts | earthy | whole | double-dyed | revenue | animal | earnings | clumsy | total | everlasting | rank | low | coarse | unrefined | utter | staring | flagrant | vulgar | 144 | stupid | thick | porcine | bad | sodding | egregious | megascopic | arrant | shameful | bring in | glaring | great | heinous | receive

grossness 反义词

small |net | little | tiny

grossness 词性/词形变化,grossness变形

副词: grossly |形容词比较级: grosser |动词过去分词: grossed |动词现在分词: grossing |动词过去式: grossed |动词第三人称单数: grosses |名词: grosser |形容词最高级: grossest |

grossness 短语词组

1、grossness mtv ─── 总mtv

2、grossness nina ─── 粗鄙的尼娜

3、grossness meaning ─── 粗俗的意思

4、grossness test ─── 粗糙度试验

grossness 相似词语短语

1、grottiness ─── 畸形

2、crossness ─── n.坏脾气

3、grodiness ─── 蔬菜

4、grosses ─── adj.总共的;粗野的;恶劣的;显而易见的;恶心的;vt.总共收入;n.总额,总数;n.(Gross)人名;(英、法、德、意、葡、西、俄、芬、罗、捷、匈)格罗斯

5、drossiness ─── 嗜睡

6、grooviness ─── 沟槽

7、crassness ─── n.愚钝;粗俗;极端

8、grogginess ─── n.酒醉;东歪西倒

9、grossest ─── 总的;粗鲁的;公然的;荒唐的(gross的最高级)

grossness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A gross deception has been practised on both of us. ─── 咱们都陷入了可耻的骗局呀!

2、He put chocolate syrup on his pie! So gross! ─── 他把巧克力浆抹在馅饼上!

3、It is a document which indicates the net and gross weights of each package. ─── 它是说明每件货物的毛重和净重的证件。

4、Gross sales reduced by customer discounts,returns,freight out,and allowances. ─── 减去顾客折扣、退还物、运费和留抵后的总收益。

5、They were guilty of gross negligence. ─── 他们犯了见不得人的疏忽。

6、The gross sales of commodities reached 330.2 billion yuan,up by 1.3 percent. ─── 商品销售总值3302亿元,增长1.3%。

7、Then what is meant by "gross violation of the law"? ─── 什么叫“严重违法乱纪”?

8、He's gross -- he looks like Attila the Hun. ─── 像匈奴王阿提拉的那个。”

9、It was no subterfugeon her part. She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

10、His gross income is $50,000. ─── 他的毛收入为五万美元。

11、How to calculate the Gross Profit by using JUSCO Figure? ─── 如何运用吉之岛数字来找出毛利?

12、Criticism of Mr Gross has been harsh. ─── 对格罗斯的抨击是严厉的。

13、LXG was observed to have good gross motor skills. ─── LXG被观察到具有良好的粗大运动技能。

14、Gross premium income decreased by 4 per cent at $131.04 million. ─── 保费总收入为1.3104亿元,下跌4%。

15、We must remember that grossness and indecency…are matters of time and place,” wrote Mr Burton in his introduction, a year before he was knighted. “What is offensive in England is not so in Egypt.” ─── 要知道,所谓的粗鄙与下流,也要分具体的时间和地点,”伯顿在书的前言里如是写道,“在英国不被接受的东西在埃及却并非如此”。

16、Then, all this earthly grossness quit, ─── 褪尽尘世的俗陋,

17、What they did was so gross! It's unbelievable that they did this. ─── 他们这么做太不像话了!

18、She felt gross in her tutu, like something in a circus . ─── 她觉得穿着短裙很臃肿,就象是在马戏场上一样。

19、B: If you say so, but it sounds gross to me. ─── 你说有效就有效吧,但在我听来有些恶心。

20、Committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons. ─── 与其他男性发生有伤风化的行为。

21、Once wrapped, the gross weight of the package is 2kg. ─── 包装后,这个包裹毛重2公斤。

22、She thought her room-mates were gross fools. ─── 她觉得跟她同住的少女都是大傻瓜。

23、The gross outlines of a plan. ─── 一项计划的大概的要点

24、Gross retail sales peaked at $3.1 billion in 1995-96. ─── 乔丹和公牛队是零售业的宠儿,1995一1996年度零售总额达到31亿美元的最高峰值。

25、He became really gross in old age. ─── 他的老年变得真的很见不得人。

26、Neither at the gross level of vibra¬tion nor at the subtlest. ─── 不在粗钝层面的振动里,也不在最精微层面。

27、She was shocked by his gross behaviour at the party. ─── 他在社交聚会上的粗鄙行为使她感到震惊。

28、To up the grossness factor, visitors can pump on levers at the vomit and burp machines for maximum effect. ─── 为了让参观者充分了解人体呕吐和打嗝等过程,人们可以通过操纵"呕吐机"和"打嗝机"的控制杆将这些过程看个明白。

29、Resources do not depend upon gross amounts. ─── 富足并不在数量的本身。

30、The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year. ─── 去年的国民生产总值提高了百分之五。

31、The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. ─── 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇。

32、Your explanation involves a gross absurdity. ─── 你的解释大为荒诞

33、He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. ─── 他被判严重玩忽职守.

34、He wore an outfit that was absolutely gross. ─── 他穿的那套衣服实在太恶心了!

35、Get out of these gross clothes! ─── 佐:脱掉这些粗俗的衣服!

36、His language and behavior were gross. ─── 他的言行很粗鲁。

37、By Emestin Kopp, Vittorina Rolfo, Beatrice Zeiin, Lee Gross. ─── E.)等著;戴鸿、刘静伟等译.

38、He considered it a gross insult. ─── 他认为这是莫大的侮辱。

39、He offended many with his gross jokes. ─── 他下流的玩笑冒犯了很多人。

40、He regretted very much having said something gross. ─── 他讲了一些粗话,对此非常後悔。

41、You are just king Grod! So gross! ─── 你这个讨厌的家伙!竟如此粗鲁!

42、His gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return. ─── 他的总收入高到了他不得提出纳税申请。

43、GNP stands for gross national product. ─── 代表国民生产总值。

44、The capaciously strong in soul among women will ultimately detect an infinite grossness in the demand for purity infinite, spotless bloom. ─── 那些精神上豁达强壮的女人最终必然会发现,要求她们具有无限的纯洁性,无瑕的青春美貌,这是一种无与伦比的野蛮。

45、Net investment equals gross investment minus depreciation. ─── 净投资等于总投资减去折旧。

46、The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay. ─── 公司工资单上一部分是原工资,一部分是实发工资。

47、Picking his nose in class. Gross! ─── 上课时抠鼻子!真恶心!

48、She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance. ─── 她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

49、Net salary is gross salary minus tax and national insurance deduction. ─── 净工资是工资总额减去税收和扣除国民保险。

50、People living in the slum have their own gross language. ─── 住在贫民区的人有他们 自己人的粗俗的语言.

51、Cassio. Most heathenish and most gross! ─── 凯西奥野蛮残忍的阴谋!

52、In sound single bags of 25 or 50 kgs gross weight. ─── 单层完整麻袋、每袋毛重25或50公斤。

53、To pay in gross,usually at a reduced rate,rather than in individual payments. ─── 一次付清常以降价按总计支付,而不是单个支付

54、In 50kgs gunny bags, gross for net. ─── 50公斤麻袋装,以毛计净。

55、How gross he had been at Mr. Fielding's! ─── 他在菲尔丁先生家表现得多么恶劣!

56、The middle classes air their moral prejudices over their gross dinner-table. ─── 中产阶级在他们粗俗的餐桌上亮自己的伦理偏见。

57、The real Chinaman may be coarse, but there is no grossness in his coarseness. ─── 真正的中国人也许粗糙,但粗糙中没有粗劣。

58、She's not just fat, she's positively gross! ─── 她不只是胖,她简直是五大三粗!

59、A spider is on my arm! Just flick it off. That's gross! You do it. ─── 一个蜘蛛在我胳膊上!弹掉他。好恶心!你来做。

60、It was no subterfuge on heR part. She just lied in heR throat and we all realized toe grossness of heR false utterance. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

61、Kathy : The 5)bloodstains are gonna gross people out. ─── 凯西:那些血迹会令人作呕。

62、Gross load hauled load hauled trailing load. ─── 全部被牵引车辆的自重及其载荷。

63、It was no subterfuge on her part. She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance. ─── 她所说的不是什么遁词。她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

64、He was appalled by his own grossness, awed by her clear innocence, and he gazed again at her across the gulf. ─── 以前的稿件一退给他,他也立即打好送出,可他打好的稿件仍然给退了回来的时候他吃惊了,腮帮子似乎更有棱有角了,下巴似乎更咄咄逼人了。

65、The gross area is approximately one thousand square feet. ─── 单位建筑面积约一千平方英尺。

66、This is the gross appearance of fibrocystic changes in the breast. ─── 乳腺纤维囊性变大体外观。

67、Yuck,what is this stuff? It looks gross! ─── 哎呀,这是什么东西?真恶心!

68、You are going to gross out people if you continue talking like that. ─── 你若继续用这种态度说话,会使别人对你不满。

69、His gross manner betrayed his pretence of blandness. ─── 他假装做出一副文雅的样子,可他粗鲁的举止暴露了他的本质。

70、Net Weight,Gross Weight,APN No.,Bar code,Bicolor,RGB,CMYK . ─── 产品净重,产品毛重,产品代码,条形码,双色,三色,四色.

71、And I will purge thy mortal grossness so That thou shalt like an airy spirit go. ─── 而且我要给你洗涤去俗体的污垢,使你身轻得像个精灵一样。

72、Only using the word "fat" is politically incorrect. "fat" implies lots of negatives; grossness laziness sloth gluttony slovenliness lack of control a sin a character flaw and worse. ─── 仅仅使用“脂肪”一词是不准确的,“脂肪”暗示诸多负面:肥满、怠惰、懒惰、贪食、散漫、缺乏节制、罪孽、缺陷及恶劣的品质。

73、If people want to eat their way to grossness and an early grave, let them. ─── 如果人们想吃得臃肿肥硕,早日进坟墓,就随他们去好了。

74、His report was attacked as a gross distortion of the truth. ─── 他的报告被攻击为严重歪曲事实。

75、Though the gross there will be the shortage, is own sloth. ─── 尽管总会有不足,是自己的惰性。

76、He's not just fat. He's positively gross! ─── 他不只是胖. 他是过於肥胖!

77、He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it. ─── 他犯了严重的错误却不肯承认。

78、You can tell from his gross language that the man was uneducated. ─── 从他那粗俗的语言可以看出,这个人没受过教育。

79、This thromboembolus displays the typical gross appearance. ─── 具有典型的外观。

80、He's not just fat.He's positively gross! ─── 他不只是胖, 他是过于肥胖!

81、She knew wherein her gross defects lay. ─── 她知道自己的重大缺点在哪里。

82、A gross breakdown in relationships: a severance of all relations. ─── 关系全面破裂。

83、He will accept gross and continued distortions of reality. ─── 他将接受对于现实的十足的和继续不断的歪曲。

84、What is the gross or "matrix" composition? ─── 主要成分或“基体成分”是什么?

85、The gross national product shrank one percent last year. ─── 去年国民生产总值减少了10%。

86、She just lied in her throat and we all realized toe grossness of her false utterance. ─── 她简直是在撒弥天大谎。对她说假话之无耻程度,我们都是了解的。

87、Net Weight: the gross weight less tare. ─── 净重:总重扣除皮重后的重量。

88、Her manners and language are too gross for a lady. ─── 她的举止和语言对于女士 来说太粗俗了.

89、To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness. ─── 侮辱粗野地,傲慢地、无礼地对待



adj.总的; 毛的; 严重的; 令人不快的; 令人恶心的; 使人厌恶的;adv.总共; 全部;v.总收入为; 总共赚得;

[例句]The company were guilty of gross negligence.


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