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08-15 投稿


thuja 发音

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英:  美:

thuja 中文意思翻译



thuja 短语词组

1、Thuja orientalis ─── [网络] 侧柏;黄金侧柏;东方侧柏

2、Thuja plicata ─── [网络] 北美乔柏;西部红松;美国侧柏

3、genus Thuja ─── [网络] Thuja

4、Thuja orientalis L. ─── [医] 侧柏

5、thuja oil ─── [医] 香柏叶油

6、Thuja occidentalis ─── [网络] 北美香柏;金钟柏;东方侧柏

thuja 相似词语短语

1、thana ─── n.警察局

2、khoja ─── n.穆斯林教师;n.(Khoja)霍加派(印度西部的穆斯林支派成员)

3、puja ─── n.礼拜(印度教);n.(Puja)人名;(塞、意、匈)普亚

4、thuya ─── n.[林]金钟柏

5、thujas ─── n.金钟柏

6、thulia ─── n.氧化铥,三氧化二铥

7、Abuja ─── n.阿布贾(尼日利亚现在的首都)

8、thuyas ─── n.[林]金钟柏

9、nduja ─── 恩杜贾

thuja 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the cones of Thuja sutchuenensis, the proportion of the cones without seed was 7.1%. ─── 在崖柏球果中,无种子的球果占7.1%;

2、Structural Research on Secondary Xylem of Stem of Thuja koraiensis Nakai under SEM ─── 扫描电镜下的朝鲜崖柏茎次生木质部结构研究

3、Thuja sutchuenensis ─── n. 崖柏

4、A Thuja extract is usually made from the foliage. ─── 侧柏提取物一般从叶子中制成。

5、Japanese Thuja ─── 日本罗汉柏

6、one species; has close similarity to genus Thuja. ─── 由一个属构成;与金钟柏属植物极其类似。

7、Any of several Asian and North American conifers of the genera Thuja and Thujopsis. ─── 亚洲和北美金钟柏属针叶树种。

8、Thuja Tea is well accepted by people since its launch, especially people who care their health and beauty. ─── 崖柏茶自推出以来在社会上好评如潮,为众多关注养生及爱美人士所追捧。

9、The result of flora index showed that the types of Widespread, N.Temp, and E.Asia &N.Amer. disjuncted distributions extremely influenced the characteristic of Thuja sutchuenensis community. ─── 区系指数分析表明:世界广布、北温带广布、东亚和北美间断分布对崖柏群落种子植物区系性质影响极大。

10、Any of several North American or eastern Asian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Thuja, having flattened branchlets with opposite, scalelike leaves and small cones. They are grown as ornamentals and for timber. ─── 侧柏,金钟柏一种崖柏属的北美或亚洲东部常绿树木或灌木,具有对称鳞状叶的扁平小树枝及小球果,因其可作装饰和作木材而被种植

11、thuja acid ─── 苷酸

12、Female cone development in Thuja occidentalis ─── 北美香柏雌球果的发育

13、has close similarity to genus Thuja. ─── 与金钟柏属植物极其类似。

14、5.one species;has close similarity to genus Thuja. ─── 卷柏属众多拟蕨类植物的任意一种。

15、The 1 000 seed weight of Thuja sutchuenensis was lighter, only 1.1264g. ─── 崖柏种子的千粒质量为1.12649;

16、Wood Anatomy of Thuja sutchuenensis Endemic to China ─── 中国特有濒危植物崖柏的木材结构研究

17、The ingredient of Thuja Tea is extracted from the Thuja root. Thuja is regarded as a living plant fossil by World Conservation Union (IUCN). ─── 崖柏茶主要成分来源于被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)誉为植物活化石的崖柏树树根。

18、ingredient of Thuja Tea is extracted from the Thuja root. Thuja is regarded as a living plant fossil by World Conservation Union (IUCN). ─── 崖柏茶主要成分来源于被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)誉为植物活化石的崖柏树树根。

19、Thuja occidentalis ─── n. 北美香柏

20、Thuja standishii ─── n. 日本香柏

21、Thuja sutchuenensis community ─── 崖柏群落

22、thuja leaf oil ─── 侧柏叶油

23、any of several North American or eastern Asian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Thuja,having flattened branchlets with opposite,scalelike leaves and small cones ─── 任一种崖柏属的北美或亚洲东部常绿树木或灌木,具有对称鳞状叶的扁平小树枝及小球果

24、Effct of Different Base Materials on the Cuttage Rooting Rate of Thuja occidentalis L. ─── 不同基质对美国侧柏扦插生根的影响。

25、The sapwood of the Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) is thin with a light yellow tinge. ─── 西部红杉(侧柏木)是较薄,有浅黄色。

26、Thuja occidentdis L. ─── 北美香柏

27、Thuja plicata ─── 大侧柏

28、thuja light forest ─── 罗汗柏林

29、Thuja orientalis L. ─── [医] 侧柏

30、Thuja occi.dentalis ─── 香柏

31、thuja oil ─── 崖柏油

32、Wood Anatomy of Thuja sutchuenensis Endemic to China ─── 中国特有濒危植物崖柏的木材结构研究

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