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08-15 投稿


plunges 发音

英:[?pl?nd??z]  美:[?pl?nd??z]

英:  美:

plunges 中文意思翻译



plunges 短语词组

1、plunges means ─── 暴跌意味着

2、plunges meras ─── 猛撞梅拉

3、plunges off ─── 跳下浸入跌下

4、plunges alibaba ─── 暴跌阿里巴巴

5、plunges define ─── 插入定义

6、plunges ndnt ─── 插入ndnt

7、plunges meaning ─── 插入意义

8、plunges into ─── 投入;跳入;突然或仓促地开始某事

9、plunges def ─── 插入def

10、plunges tvm ─── 插入tvm

plunges 词性/词形变化,plunges变形

动词现在分词: plunging |动词过去式: plunged |动词第三人称单数: plunges |动词过去分词: plunged |

plunges 常用词组

plunge into ─── 投入;跳入;突然或仓促地开始某事

take the plunge ─── 冒险尝试;采取决定性步骤

plunge pool ─── n. 瀑布下的水潭

plunges 相似词语短语

1、plunge ─── v.使突然地下落;猛插;骤降;陡峭地向下倾斜;颠簸;跳进;(使)陷入;栽种;n.突然跌落;(价格、数量等)骤降;投入;跳进;跳水,快速游泳

2、blunges ─── v.掺水拌(泥土等);(制陶时)把(粘土等)与水搅合

3、plonges ─── 跳水

4、lunges ─── v.猛冲,猛扑;刺,戳;用驯马索训练;n.猛冲,猛扑;(击剑中)弓箭步(刺);驯马索;北美狗鱼;n.(Lunge)(美、印)隆格(人名)

5、plungers ─── [机]活塞;[机]柱塞

6、implunges ─── 恳求

7、plunger ─── n.[机]活塞;潜水者;跳水者;莽撞的人

8、-lunges ─── v.猛冲,猛扑;刺,戳;用驯马索训练;n.猛冲,猛扑;(击剑中)弓箭步(刺);驯马索;北美狗鱼;n.(Lunge)(美、印)隆格(人名)

9、plunged ─── 投入;跳进;使陷入;使投入(plunge的过去式和过去分词)

plunges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sneaking up behind the enemy undetected, the Ninja plunges his sword deep into his enemy's back, inflicting great damage. ─── 偷偷摸到敌人背后,忍者将手中的剑深深刺入敌人的身体,造成致命的重创。

2、Usage: Mashes together the orange including packaging, plunges the little medical ethyl alcohol, joins the right amount honey again, puts in refrigerator one week later takes out the use. ─── 用法:将橘子连皮一起捣烂,浸入少许医用酒精,再加入适量蜂蜜,放入冰箱一周后取出使用。

3、He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth. ─── 他一刀插入羊的眼窝,取出眼球,把它切成两半,扔掉瞳孔,一下子把余下的部分都放进嘴里。

4、The classical algorithm LBG usually plunges into local optima.The search space of some evolutionary codebook algorithms is biggish and their search efficiency is unconspicuous. ─── 经典的LBG算法容易陷入局部最优,而目前的一些码书进化算法搜索空间较大、搜索效率不明显。

5、Photo of the Day: Sunrises and Sunsets Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze. ─── 意译:日出和日落,每日一图。日落的夕阳越过波弗特海投入加拿大的育空领土到达一深红色的薄雾。

6、The most optimistic outlook would be a ”V” shaped recovery in which growth plunges and then rebounds quickly. ─── 最乐观的看法是呈V型复苏,即成长遽降,然后快速反弹。

7、The water plunges over a 182-foot cliff. ─── 水从182英尺高的悬崖直冲而下。

8、An offensive play in which the carrier of the ball plunges into the opposing line in order to gain short yardage. ─── "持球者扑向对面线以得到一短段,将球向前推进的距离的进攻行为."

9、1. The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches. ─── 捕来且牢固地拴在树上的象,每当有人走近时就会猛烈前冲和发出尖叫。

10、He fills the basin with water, plunges his hands in, and draws them out again quickly, roaring with pain. ─── 他把脸盆放满了水,把手一下子放进去,又很快地拿出来,疼得直叫。

11、He plunges his sword right into the heart of his enemy. ─── 他将利剑直刺敌人胸膛。

12、Jack and Nina watch as Elizabeth goes against their orders and plunges a letter opener into Alexis's stomach. ─── 杰克和尼娜在监视中看到伊丽莎白违抗他们的指令,并将一把开信刀插入了亚历克西斯的腹部。

13、It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams. ─── 它盘垣于弯曲的峡谷之间,攀上陡峭的山峰,从岩石遍布的峭壁俯冲下来,穿越浓密的森林,从上或从下经过成百上千条的河流与溪水。

14、He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes ─── 他深入人丛中,找寻苍蝇、毒蚊等等危害人类的东西。

15、The boys of Barry Island, Wales, spend summer days seaside, anticipating exhilarating plunges into cold coastal waters. ─── 男孩的巴里岛,威尔士,度过夏天天海边,预计振奋冷俯冲到沿海水域。

16、His car skids off a bridge and plunges into a river. ─── 他的车撞到了桥上并且冲进了河里。

17、Young is the one that plunges in the future and never looks back. ─── 年轻是那投入未来又永不回头的。

18、One of them, the fear that Whorfianism plunges us into a chaos of linguistic relativism, may not be insuperable; ─── 我自己不认为如此,并且在任何情况下都有许多敏锐的头脑乐于面对这种混乱。

19、Wall Street plunges again as credit markets remain tight and jobless claims hit 7-year high, stoking fears the government's financial rescue plan may not halt recession. ─── 因信贷市场仍旧紧张,同时失业情况达到7年中最高水平,华尔街再次陷入困境,加重了怀疑政府财务援助计划不能停止经济衰退。

20、Then, coming down lower, you see the falls themselves, along a front almost a mile wide, plunges over a 182-foot cliff and flows off through a deep, narrow gorge. ─── 当飞机稍往下飞行时,你会看到瀑布本身,沿着湖滨约有1英里宽的人行道,水从182英尺高的悬崖上直冲下来,然后流入既深又窄的峡谷。

21、price of derivatives plunges. ─── 衍生工具的价格暴跌。

22、And as far as the plot is concerned, his essay always plunges the reader into his silent narration which conveys his true feeling towards life and his spirit. ─── “卧谈”风韵还表现在方英文散文的情节性上,常使读者沉浸在小说般的氛围中,而作家却在不动声色的叙述中,寄寓着他的真情与精神。

23、"Sha Lang is extramarital " slender, let her bind you on bedpost, the awl that take ice plunges into you! ─── “沙郎私通”苗条,让她把你绑在床柱上,拿冰锥扎你!

24、Reiko, a female polar bear, plunges into the water at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan on Sunday, July 26, 2009. ─── 玲子,女性北极熊,俯冲到水中的上野动物园在日本东京,在周日,2009年7月26日。

25、A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska Denali National Park. ─── 两条彩虹并行投映到阿拉斯加德纳里国家公园的峡谷里。

26、Rather than skim across the surface, Mr Morris plunges one of the long metal rods found in coffee making machines into the drink. ─── 不是在咖啡的表面进行创作,莫里斯先生从咖啡机上取出一根细长的金属棒插到咖啡里。

27、The torrent, swollen by the melting snow, plunges into a tremendous abyss. ─── 因融化的雪水而高涨的急流泻入一个巨大的深渊之中。

28、The furloughs, which basically act as salary cuts for state workers, are the latest response to plunges in tax revenue because of the recession. ─── 强制休假对州工作人员来说实际上就是减薪,这是对衰退造成的政府税收收入减少的最新对应方法。

29、Particle swarm optimization is an effective random and holistic optimization algorithm,but the classical PSO algorithm easily plunges into local minimums. ─── 摘要 粒子群算法是一类有效的随机全局优化算法,但是经典PSO算法容易陷入局部最小值。

30、When the market plunges--over days, months, and years--there are opportunities to make real money. ─── 当市场跳水了几天几个月几年,那是赚大钱的机会。

31、The western tongue has a synclinal bottom configuration, the axis of which plunges at a low angle towards the fault ─── 岩体西支具有一向斜底的形状,其轴以低角度向断层倾没。

32、He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth. ─── 他一刀插入羊的眼窝,取出眼球,把它切成两半,扔掉瞳孔,一下子把余下的部分都放进嘴里。

33、We heard the slaps and plunges of people in the water ─── 我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声

34、The TFP growth rate for Singapore then plunges when the investment ratio soars in the 1970s. ─── 在1970年中,随着新加坡的投资率暴涨,它的全要素增长率,也急速下滑。

35、Sunset over the Beaufort Sea plunges Canada's Yukon Territory into a crimson haze. ─── 波弗特海上的夕阳西下,同时也让整个加拿大的育空区域陷入深红色的帷幕中。

36、With great brilliance, it adds splendour to the sanctuary of darkness. Roaring towards the outside brightness, it plunges itself into the embrace of the deep pool for tranquil eternity. ─── 你把精彩留在你自己的身边,为阴暗的驿所增添色彩。外面的世界很精彩,为这即将到来的光明,你咆哮着,一路欢唱着,跌入深潭,归于平静。

37、If the axis plunges, loop-shaped or zigzag patterns of ridges and valleys result. ─── 如果轴是倾伏的,就会产生环形的或锯齿状的山脊与山谷。

38、He fills the basin with water, plunges his hands in, and draws them out again quickly, roaring with pain. ─── 他把脸盆放满了水,把手一下子放进去,又很快地拿出来,疼得直叫。

39、Additional, in recent years, what children plunges into eyeball because of playing one-time injector is more also see. ─── 另外,近年来,儿童因玩一次性注射器而扎伤眼球的也比较多见。

40、In this ride, you're strapped into the zorb and rotate head over heels inside of it as it plunges down the hill. ─── 玩这一趟,你会先被固定在球内的安全绑带上,然后随着球体冲下山而翻滚旋转。

41、A big frog plunges into in agilely the river, stretches the legs heartily in its life space has a good swim. ─── 一只大青蛙敏捷地跳入河中,在它的生活空间里尽情蹬腿畅游。

42、Now we’re in the midst of a crisis that bears an eerie, troubling resemblance to the onset of the Depression;interest rates are already near zero, and still the economy plunges. ─── 如今我们处于一场怪诞诡异且令人恐惧的危机之中,危机的开始阶段与大萧条时期十分相似,利率水平虽然已经接近于零利率,国内经济仍处于失控状态。

43、As the rest of the world plunges into darkness, they argue, political power is the only strength holding the Garou Nation together. ─── 因为世界的其余部分都陷入了黑暗,他们争辩道,只有政治权利能把狼人一族维系在一起。

44、The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches, ─── 捕来拴在树上的大象,每当有人走近它时,就会向前猛冲并发出尖叫,

45、She added hot baths, sitz baths, shower baths, and plunges. ─── 于是乎,她又动用了热水浴、坐浴、淋浴,直至全身水浴法,但都无济于事。

46、The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches, and for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear. ─── 捕来拴在树上的大象,每当有人走近它时,就会向前猛冲并发出尖叫,甚至一连几于都由于愤怒和恐惧而拒绝进食。

47、In freestyle, each arm is alternately brought over the top and then plunges into the water in front of the swimmer. At the same time, the legs perform a rapid kicking action. ─── 自由泳时,双臂轮流出水,然后向前插入水中,与此同时,两腿迅速打水。

48、Other plunges will be made only after doctors and nurses who are accompanying the astrophysicist on the ride have made sure that he is enjoying it. ─── 仅当此次飞行中随行医生和护士确定他一切正常后,飞机才会进行剩余的俯冲。

49、Wall Street plunges again as credit markets remain tight and jobless claims hit seven-year high, stoking fears the government's financial rescue plan may not halt recession. ─── 信贷市场依然吃紧,失业率达到七年之最,华尔街再次陷入僵局,许多人担心政府的金融救市计划也无法改变局面。

50、The boy takes off his clothes and plunges into the swimming pool. ─── 男孩脱下衣服,跳入游泳池。

51、The dog plunges its nose down the hole to see if the rabbit was still there. ─── 狗把鼻子伸到洞里去看兔子是否还在里面。

52、As a result, the economy plunges for most of 2009, and when the plan finally starts to kick in, it's only enough to slow the descent, not stop it. ─── 结果是,经济在2009年大部分的时间里仍旧动荡不安,而当救援计划终于开始起作用的时候,它只能减缓经济下降的速度,而无法改变其趋势。

53、The Appearance of the ancient monsters plunges the earth into a crisis again. Fortunately, Tiga who has been sleeping for three thousand. ─── 古代怪兽哥路沙和米路巴的出现,令地球又再次陷入危机,幸好已沉睡了三千年的超人迪加及时苏醒。

54、Down the lines of force he plunges, until he is on the surface. ─── 他扎进了一条能量线,直达地表。

55、But as the market plunges, she awakens to find the importance of love and integrity! ─── 可是她经历股灾差点输了家当,幸好她及时回头,不但赢回家人的亲情也留住师奶的尊严!

56、Investors have good reason to fear the jinx this time around because stock-market plunges sometimes happen in waves. ─── 投资者有充分理由担心霉运再次光临,因为股市暴跌有时会接二连三地到来。

57、Making regular monthly savings helps you benefit from short-term stock market plunges,through a process known as pound?cost averaging. ─── 每月定期的存款计划可以帮你在短线股市获利,即所谓的成本摊平过程。

58、I CLASP your hands, and my heart plunges into the dark of your eyes, seeking you, who ever evade me behind words and silence. ─── 我紧握你的双手,我的心跳进你那双黑眼睛的深潭里;我在寻找你,你沉默着不说话,永远躲避我的追求。

59、Of course stocks can go down as well as up and many small investors lose heart when their portfolio plunges. ─── 当然,股票有涨有跌,而且当他们的股票暴跌时,很多小的投资商失去了信心。

60、He wrenches the mesh loose, pushes himself out, and plunges head-first into the creek. ─── 他弄松遮网,从管道中钻出,一头扎进水里。

61、The jest falls, no matter where,and the mind after producing a piece of stupidity plunges into the azure depths ─── 笑话四处都有,精灵在说笑一通之后,又飞上天去了。

62、"I can easily imagine your body, torn and broken and bleeding, as it plunges into the water, staining the waves a deep crimson that will forever mark your grave. ─── 相反,他把一只强有力的、裸露的手臂伸向她的脸颊,“我可以轻易地想像你的身体,支离破碎而又该死的身体,当它陷入水里,把水染成了深红色,那标志着你的坟墓。”

63、The French lawyers, trained in a law school, plunges immediately into practice, and his ultimate goals cannot include the judiciary. ─── 法国的律师在法学院里接受培训,毕业后立即投入到法律实践中,他最终的目标不可能是成为一名法官。

64、As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward, the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight. ─── 由于漫画中的通勤飞机正往下栽,那位胖乘客烦躁地拒绝承认自己向航空公司隐瞒体重所应负的责任。

65、There were similar plunges yesterday on Germany and France’s main financial markets. ─── 德国和法国主要金融市场昨天也经历了同样的跳水。

66、We heard the slaps and plunges of people in the water. ─── 我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。

67、Herschell gobbles in pain as he yanks out the offending tool, plunges it into the thick pseudo-Russian, then staggers away into the night. ─── Herschell消耗的疼痛,他的犯罪洋基工具,俯冲到厚伪俄罗斯,然后蹒跚距离到深夜。

68、If the stock market plunges and you own shares on margin, you could receive a margin call from your broker, asking that you add more cash or securities to your account. ─── 如果股市下跌,而你拥有通过保证金购买的股票,你就会收到经纪商追加保证金的要求,让你向帐户中追加资金或是股票。

69、She added hot baths, sitz baths, shower baths, and plunges. ─── 她又用上了热水浴、坐浴、淋浴和全身水浴的办法。

70、What is astounding, when the hydrogenation drills plunges in completely the water, the crystal water level has not vanished. ─── 令人惊奇的是,当氢化钻完全浸入水中时,晶体水层并未消失。

71、Only when on plunges into the powerfull current of the times will one's life shine brilliantly. ─── 一个人只有投身伟大的时代洪流中,他的生命才回闪耀出光彩.

72、IT HAS been a thoroughly wretched summer in the rich world: weak growth, dismal jobs numbers and plunges in stockmarkets. ─── 对富国来说,这个夏天完全糟透了:增长乏力、惨淡的就业数字、股市大跌。

73、Just off the coast, the continental shelf plunges, forming an underwater canyon. ─── 大陆架在离海岸不远处突然下降,形成了一个水下的峡谷。

74、Sometimes rugged rockes are in his way, and then he surges fiercely, roars, welters wave by wave .Until rushing down rockes and getting across the cliff, he plunges afar vigorously in peace. ─── 有时候他遇到巉岩前阻,他愤激地奔腾了起来,怒吼着,回旋着,前波后浪的起伏催逼,直到他过了,冲倒了这危崖他才心平气和的一泻千里。

75、As the water plunges from the brink of the falls, it fills the air with a silvery mist, which under the sunlight displays many brilliant rainbows. ─── 当水流顺着断崖直泻谷底,空气中只见茫茫的一片银色的雾霭,在阳光下呈现出诸多绚丽的彩虹。

76、For the escape responsibility, it fabricates the scene, makes Li Guangzhen the department carelessly the false appearance which trips plunges to death. ─── 为逃避责任,其又伪造现场,制造李广珍系不慎被绊倒摔死的假象。

77、Marked by immense trenches on the seafloor, such areas form where one of the planet's outer shell of tectonic plates plunges underneath another. ─── 海底巨大的海沟是隐没带的标志,这是地球外部地壳的板块沉陷到另一板块下方所形成的。

78、Cozaisyo Plunges into the sea ─── 小宰相投海

79、Unlike the other suicide plunges, though, this one had a goal that was as much practical as it was purely scientific. ─── 不过和其他自杀性撞击不同的是,这次的有目标,基本上是纯科学性的。

80、Even before he plunges into his program, he has his audience in his pocket. ─── 他的节目甚至还没有出场, 就已控制住了观众。

81、They arise from a particular type of collision, in which one galaxy (the "intruder") plunges directly through the disk of another one (the "target"). ─── 它们缘起于一次特殊的星系冲突:一个星系(入侵者)直穿过另一个漩涡星系的盘面(目标)。

82、Thanks to welfare schemes and unemployment benefits, many of which have their origins in those dark days, joblessness no longer plunges people into destitution, at least in the developed world. ─── 多亏了起源于上世纪三十年代的大萧条时期的福利和失业金制度,失业者才不至于陷入贫困,至少在发达国家是这样的。

83、In this critical juncture, the hunting dog bravely steps forward, plunges the wicked wolf boldly, has rescued the small lamb from the wicked wolf mouth. ─── 在这危急关头,猎狗挺身而出,奋不顾身地扑向恶狼,把小羊羔从恶狼口中救了出来。狮子大王知道后道后,特意在动物大会上表扬了猎狗。...

84、Where this occurs, one plate is bent downwards at about a 40 angle and plunges under the other plate's leading edge, eventually to melt back into the liquid mantle below. ─── 在海沟出现的地方,一个板块向下弯曲至40”左右的角插人另一个板块前缘的下面,最后熔汇于下面的流体地侵中。

85、[Zeus plunges the blade further into Kratos' body. ─── [宙斯发力,剑插入得更深了。

86、Like other open economies, Korea has recently suffered from a series of financial woes, notably stock-price plunges and currency depreciation. ─── 和其他开放型经济体一样,韩国最近也得忍受一系列的金融灾难,最突出的就是股价大跌货币贬值。

87、" the Taiwanese plunges immediately in water. ─── 台湾人马上跳入水中。

88、In a dramatic freefall, the 275-foot (84-meter) Montmorency Falls plunges into the St.Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada. ─── 在加拿大的魁北克,壮观的蒙特默伦西瀑布冲入圣劳伦斯河,这条瀑布高达275英尺(84米)。

89、Only when one plunges into the powerful current of the times will one's life shine brilliantly. ─── 一个人只有投身于伟大的时代洪流中,他的生命才会闪耀出光彩。

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