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08-15 投稿


disassociated 发音

英:[?d?s??s???ie?t?d]  美:[?d?s??so??ie?t?d]

英:  美:

disassociated 中文意思翻译



disassociated 词性/词形变化,disassociated变形


disassociated 短语词组

1、dissociated or disassociated ─── 分离的或 ─── 分离的

2、disassociated due to inactivity 4 ─── 由于不活动而解除关联4

3、disassociated press ─── 非关联出版社

4、disassociated states ─── 脱离联系的国家

5、disassociated rage ─── 脱离愤怒

6、disassociated llc ─── 非关联有限责任公司

disassociated 相似词语短语

1、dissociates ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

2、dissociated ─── adj.离解的;分裂的;v.分离(dissociate的过去分词)

3、dissociate ─── vt.游离;使分离;分裂;vi.游离;分离;分裂

4、disassimilated ─── vt.使异化;使分解代谢

5、disassociating ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

6、disassociation ─── n.分裂;分解;离解作用

7、disassociate ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

8、disassociates ─── v.使分离,把……分开;与……撇清关系,表明无关

9、associated ─── adj.关联的;联合的;v.联系(associate的过去式和过去分词)

disassociated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A container invokes this method on an instance before the instance becomes disassociated with a specific EJB object . ─── 容器调用该方法,使实例与指定EJB对象解除关联。

2、The cleft side alar cartilage lateral foot is disassociated,replaced and fixed into the norm al place. ─── 结果8例患者用此种方法修复术后,在两侧鼻翼、鼻孔、鼻槛等方面基本对称,取得满意效果。

3、their purposes and their settings quite clearly and, like all good idioms, are extremely easy to learn. Check boxes are also very clearly disassociated from any hint of mutual exclusion. ─── 复选框清楚地表达了其目的和设置。和所有好的习惯用法一样,它掌握起来极其容易,复选框也清晰地区分于任何相互排斥的提示。

4、The fifth component of sprawl consists of the miles of pavement that are necessary to connect the other four disassociated components. ─── 把其它四个不相关部件连接起来的各类铺设的道路便是蔓延的第五个部件。

5、Because as soon as you become involved in something different, the original disassociated feelings will dissipate. ─── 当你重新投入真正的生活,圈子开始回复正常,你会发现自己与社会、人和事物陌生的隔膜会慢慢溶化。

6、For a quite long period the world trade in agriculture products has disassociated from the multilateral trade system of WTO (former GATT) and has been out of the bounds of trade rules and regulations. ─── 世界农产品贸易长期以来一直游离于世界贸易组织(原关税与贸易总协定)多边贸易体制的管理之外,不受多边贸易纪律和规则的约束。

7、His judgment, which was almost wholly disassociated from hope, held itself aloof and soared on high. ─── 他的判断,几乎摆脱了希望,是高超出众的。

8、However, the Ambassador disassociated himself from his deputy's remarks and denied that war planes had been used. ─── 然而,大使与副大使的言辞划清界限,否认自己曾使用战机。

9、Thirdly, nurse-patient relationship was perceived through their family-like feelings with patients and suffering as this relationship became disassociated. ─── (3)护病关系被知觉,主要表现在与病人间亲情般的感受,以及关系解离时的痛苦感受;

10、soldiers became disassociated and tuned-out, he said in a university press release. ─── 在一次大学新闻发布会上,Yair Bar Haim声称士兵们在压力下精力越来越不能集中。

11、These 9 billion ancestors could not be found as they had become disassociated with earth in a false bardo. ─── 这些90亿的祖先却无法被找到,因为他们在一个与地球相分离的虚假中阴身层面当中。

12、However, the ambassador disassociated himself from this deputy's remarks and denied that warplanes had been used. ─── 然而,大使却与他的副手的言论划清界限,否认曾经动用战斗机。

13、His judgment, which was almost wholly disassociated from hope, held itself aloof and soared on high. ─── 他的判断,几乎摆脱了希望,是高超出众的。

14、At the end of the transaction boundary (commit or rollback), the database agent is disassociated with the application. ─── 在事务边界(提交或回滚)的末尾,数据库代理与应用程序分离。

15、"He did it.Not the family.He disassociated himself and to this day I don't know why. ─── “他就曾经这么做过,不只对他的家人,他完全和社会失去了联系,我也不知道为什么。”

16、The cleft side alar cartilage lateral foot is disassociated, replaced and fixed into the normal place. ─── 游离裂侧鼻翼软骨外侧脚并转移至正常位置固定。

17、The school, through the writings of Menger, disassociated itself from the Germen. ─── 这个学派通过门格尔的著作与德国学派相背离。

18、You will feel disassociated from your body, i. E., A strong floating sensation and everything will seem far away. ─── 你会感觉与你的身体分离,即:一种强烈的飘浮感,一切似乎离得很远。

19、A container invokes this method on an instance before the instance becomes disassociated with a specific EJB object. ─── 容器调用该方法,使实例与指定EJB对象解除关联。

20、The traffic load caused by the many disassociated pieces of suburbia is most clearly visible from above. ─── 由此可见,由这些不相关的部件拼凑起来的郊区的交通流通量是不言而喻的。

21、Check boxes are also very clearly disassociated from any hint of mutual exclusion. ─── 和所有好的习惯用法一样,它掌握起来极其容易,复选框也清晰地区分于任何相互排斥的提示。

22、future, the interface might be disassociated from the device entirely and moved into our bodies. ─── 未来,界面可能会与设备完全分离并放到我们的身体当中。

23、You will feel disassociated from your body, i.e., a strong floating sensation and everything will seem far away. ─── 你会感觉与你的身体分离,即:一种强烈的飘浮感,一切似乎离得很远。

24、The soldiers became disassociated and tuned-out, he said in a university press release. ─── 在一次大学新闻发布会上,YairBarHaim声称士兵们在压力下精力越来越不能集中。

25、Reducing atmospheres, such as hydrogen or disassociated ammonia, particularly with low dew-points, may remove the protective silicon oxide protection that forms on silicon carbide. ─── 减少部分气体的含量,比如氢或者是分离出氨,尤其是少量水蒸气,可能会将碳化硅表面的二氧化硅保护涂层去除。

26、Check boxes communicate their purposes and their settings quite clearly and, like all good idioms, are extremely easy to learn. Check boxes are also very clearly disassociated from any hint of mutual exclusion. ─── 复选框清楚地表达了其目的和设置。 和所有好的习惯用法一样,它掌握起来极其容易,复选框也清晰地区分于任何相互排斥的提示。

27、You will feel disassociated from your body , i. E. , A strong floating sensation and everything will seem far away . ─── 你会感觉与你的身体分离,即:一种强烈的飘浮感,一切似乎离得很远。

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