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08-15 投稿


burin 发音

英:['bj??r?n]  美:['bj?r?n]

英:  美:

burin 中文意思翻译



burin 网络释义

n. 雕刻刀,錾刀;雕刻风格n. (Burin)人名;(俄、意)布林;(法)比兰

burin 反义词

excavate | dig | sink

burin 同义词

hide | secrete | lower | forget | concentrate | enshrine | immerse | lay to rest | cover | deeply | submerge | sink | put out of sight | inter | blanket | conceal | swallow up | swallow | eat up | entomb | cache | inhume

burin 词性/词形变化,burin变形

动词过去分词: buried |名词: burier |动词现在分词: burying |动词第三人称单数: buries |动词过去式: buried |

burin 短语词组

1、burin sea ─── 伯林海

2、burin stables burin ─── 马厩

3、burin buy ─── 每次购买

burin 相似词语短语

1、burins ─── n.雕刻刀,錾刀;雕刻风格;n.(Burin)人名;(俄、意)布林;(法)比兰

2、buron ─── n.(Buron)人名;(法)比龙

3、burkini ─── 泳装布基尼(专门为穆斯林的妇女制造的泳衣)

4、burking ─── n.阻闭口鼻扼杀法;v.秘密镇压(burke的ing形式)

5、burn ─── vt.燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起……的愤怒;vi.燃烧;烧毁;发热;n.灼伤,烧伤;烙印;n.(Burn)(英)伯恩(人名)

6、brin ─── n.单丝;细亚麻平布

7、buran ─── n.[气象]布冷风(中亚、西伯利亚的);n.(Buran)人名;(意、土、土库、阿塞)布兰

8、purin ─── n.咖啡碱,嘌呤

9、Turin ─── n.都灵(意大利城市)

burin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Industry: Kitchen knife; Fruit knife; Other scissors; Knife; Burin; ─── 所属行业:厨用刀;水果刀;其他剪;折刀;雕刻刀;;

2、carving tool; burin ─── 雕刻刀

3、What is happiness?I have a very dedicated and want to keep the memory of the time of the burin, the 1.1 point to smooth out. ─── 什么是幸福?我曾经很执著,想要留住的记忆,在时光的刻刀下,一点一点地抹平。

4、Graver V-shaped steel cutting tool used by engravers.Also called burin. ─── 雕刻铜版用的槽形钢刀。

5、I have a very dedicated and want to keep the memory of the time of the burin, the 1. 1 point to smooth out. ─── 我曾经很执著,想要留住的记忆,在时光的刻刀下,一点一点地抹平。

6、John's west to Port Blandford, including all those on the Aalon, Burin and Bonaista Peninsulas. ─── John'swest到PortBlandford,包括所有那些在爱华隆,比尔仁和波纳威斯塔半岛的人。

7、4) the small tool that uses on production (stiletto getting, shake a canal, burin) want to fulfil, classics after checking, extend again. ─── 4)生产上使用的小工具(打孔钻、摇条管、刻刀)要落实,经核对之后再发放。

8、Industry: Other Pliers; Burin; Solder wire; Electric screwdriver; Heater; ─── 所属行业:其他钳子;雕刻刀;焊锡丝;电动螺丝刀;电热器;;

9、wax mould burin ─── 蜡型雕刻刀

10、Burin: A pointed engraver's steel tool used for cutting. ─── 雕刻刀:雕版专用的尖钢刀。

11、Burin A pointed engraver's steel tool used for cutting. ─── 雕版专用的尖钢刀。

12、I have a very dedicated and want to keep the memory of the time of the burin, the 1.1 point to smooth out. ─── 我曾经很执著,想要留住的记忆,在时光的刻刀下,一点一点地抹平。

13、cold chisel, burin ─── 冰凿

14、48, the ups and downs of life is an intangible burin, in statue to each person. ─── 48、生活的风风雨雨是一把无形的刻刀,在给每个人雕像。

15、But some element in additive may decrease ash fusion point,half done particle and powder in briquette should benefit to ignition and worthless to burin out. ─── 添加剂可增加型煤的反应活性,降低着火温度,但添加剂中的某些成分会降低炭熔点;

16、Burin du Graveur m. ─── 雕具 Caelum Grabstichel m.

17、Burin of raw materials to build major changes have taken place. ─── 打造刻刀的原材料也发生了大变化。

18、Industry: Hardware Agents; Other pneumatic tools; Burin; Metal scissors; Other Other locksmith tools; ─── 所属行业:五金工具代理;其他气动工具;雕刻刀;铁皮剪;其他其他钳工工具;;

19、Although need to issue the place of makings to also use burin with handiwork, and use scissors rarely, aim to assure accurate. ─── 即使需用手工下料的地方也采用刻刀,而很少用剪刀,旨在保证精确。

20、paint which be reacted by desire of senses passing under my burin, by the love of these who joined the battle to get rid of the chains that used to hold my step on . ─── 经过了战争中爱的洗礼,挣脱了曾经束缚我的锁链,对感官物欲之爱的向往促成了我刻刀下的画作。

21、Graver: V-shaped steel cutting tool used by engravers.Also called burin. ─── 雕刻刀:雕刻铜版用的槽形钢刀。

22、Industry: Hand saw, woodworking saw; Steel file; Burin; Gardening scissors; Putty knife; Wipe Clay; ─── 所属行业:手锯、木工锯;钢锉;雕刻刀;园艺剪;油灰刀;抹泥板;;

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