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08-15 投稿


enjoyable 发音

英:[?n?d????bl]  美:[?n'd????bl]

英:  美:

enjoyable 中文意思翻译



enjoyable 网络释义

adj. 快乐的;令人愉快的

enjoyable 短语词组

1、enjoyable experiences ─── 愉快的体验

2、a enjoyable trip ─── 愉快的旅行

3、enjoyable experience ─── 愉快的体验

4、enjoyable day ─── 愉快的一天

5、enjoyable to do sth ─── 喜欢做某事

6、enjoyable vacation ─── 愉快的假期

7、enjoyable job ─── 令人愉快的工作

8、gratuitously enjoyable affair ─── 无缘 ─── 无故的享受

9、enjoyable sport ─── 令人愉快的运动

10、enjoyable place ─── 令人愉快的地方

11、horribly enjoyable ─── 非常愉快

12、enjoyable goods ─── 享用货物

13、extremely good or enjoyable ─── 非常好或令人愉快

14、life enjoyable ─── 生活愉快

15、enjoyable as ─── 令人愉快的是

16、life is more enjoyable to people ─── 生活对人们来说更愉快

17、enjoyable sentences ─── 令人愉快的句子

18、enjoyable class ─── 愉快的课堂

19、enjoyable game ─── 令人愉快的游戏

enjoyable 相似词语短语

1、enable ─── v.使能够;使成为可能;授予权利或方法;(计算机)启动

2、enviable ─── adj.值得羡慕的;引起忌妒的

3、deployable ─── adj.可开展的

4、employable ─── adj.适宜雇用的;有资格任职的;n.可雇用者;符合最低雇用要求者

5、evocable ─── adj.可唤起的;可引起的

6、erodable ─── 可腐蚀的

7、enjoyableness ─── 乐趣

8、enjoyably ─── adv.愉快地;有趣地;可享乐地

9、unenjoyable ─── adj.不能从中得到乐趣的,不能使人快乐的

enjoyable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoyyour fine life. ─── 人生是美好的,但要学会如何享用美好的生活.

2、A weekend at the seaside is certain to be enjoyable. ─── 在海滨度周末一定很有乐趣。

3、Hope you have an enjoyable holiday at Beijing, sir. ─── 先生,希望你在北京过一个愉快的假期。

4、It is an enjoyable experience despite the hot weather. ─── 尽管热天气的,它是令人愉快的经验。

5、The performance this evening was most enjoyable. ─── 今天的晚会很有意思。

6、Knowing what you do, life is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer. ─── 作为一个程序员,知道你在做什么,会让生活变得更加有趣和快乐。

7、The film was quite enjoyable . ─── 使人愉快的,令人快乐的。

8、Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable -- as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans. ─── 到真正偏僻的村庄去旅游并不是一件愉快的事情。我与妻子在一次周游巴尔干半岛时对此深有体会。

9、Marvelous! Absolutely,very,very enjoyable! Parvati! Next! ─── 太奇妙了!真是非常,非常有趣!帕瓦帝,下一个!

10、Four, enjoyable and leisureful life. ─── 四、注重享受,生活闲适。

11、Their concert was enjoyable but it never really hit the high sports. ─── 他们的音乐会令人愉快,但水平从来不高。

12、Dear customer: the enjoyable time of sining is over. ─── 尊敬的顾客:您们好!您的欢唱时间已经结束。

13、She finds the ride curiously enjoyable. ─── 她发现了这种工具新奇的乐趣。

14、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we h***e had in many months. ─── 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

15、Cooking is an enjoyable task. ─── 做饭是件令人愉快的工作。

16、But I think it most enjoyable to watch. ─── 但我却认为看拳击很有意思。

17、The charming scenery and the hot spring baths combine to make the traveler's stay there most enjoyable. ─── 幽美的风景加上温泉浴,使游客在那里的逗留成为极大的快事。

18、Do not you find skating very enjoyable? ─── 你不觉得溜冰十分令人愉快吗?

19、Adam was given the enjoyable task "to dress and keep" the garden. ─── 亚当被赋予了令人快乐的任务:“修理并看守”园子。

20、The exhibition is an enjoyable and, ultimately, life-affirming experience. ─── 这个展览是一次不但令人愉快,而且还鼓舞人心的体验。

21、King Tour is your first choice. Wish you an enjoyable trip in Sanya. ─── 三亚美丽尽您享受,三亚金游是您首选!

22、Our cooperation will allow more enjoyable! ─── 一定会让我们的合作更加愉快!

23、It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air. ─── 与匆忙的乘飞机旅行比起来,这要便宜而且愉快得多。

24、It is very enjoyable to roam the suburbs during spring. ─── 便步于春天的郊外,别有一番风景。

25、The staff should make sure the kids have an enjoyable and educational day. ─── 教职员要确保孩子们度过愉快的、有教育意义的一天。

26、They had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday. ─── 他们度过了一个令人愉快的和放松的假期。

27、I am very glad to have seen you and have had an enjoyable afternoon. ─── 很高兴能见到你。今天下午过得真愉快。

28、On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy andannoyance. ─── 在航行中,使人愉快的玩具给我带来快乐和烦恼。

29、The goal is to find an enjoyable career after completing the MBA. ─── 你的目标是在完成MBA学业后找到一个乐此不疲的职业生涯。

30、"Living in the hall was the most enjoyable part of university. ─── 他说:"舍堂生活是大学生活中最精彩的一部分。"

31、His new book is very enjoyable,but it's milk-and-water compared to what he wrote when he was younger. ─── 他的新书值得一读,但与他早年的作品相比则未免淡而无味。

32、It was enjoyable and fun as well as a definite way to make Floyd laugh. ─── 它是愉快和乐趣,另外一个明确的方式制造佛洛伊德的笑声。

33、Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, like the wind, like flocks of butterflies dancing, very enjoyable. ─── 刮风时,无数的紫荆花与翠绿色的叶像群蝶一样迎风翩翩起舞,令人赏心悦目。

34、The charming scenery and the hot spring baths combine to make the traveler's stay there most enjoyable . ─── 幽美的风景加上温泉浴,使游客在那里的逗留成为极大的快事。

35、Swimming in local pools can be enjoyable. ─── 在当地游泳池游泳很好玩.

36、Wines 20 to 30 years old may have a brownish edge yet still be enjoyable. ─── 20至30年的葡萄酒可能会出现褐色色调但却仍然可以享受。

37、I hope you have an enjoyable stay. ─── 希望你过得愉快。

38、Thank you for a most enjoyable evening. ─── 今天晚上过的很愉快。

39、On the whole our stay there was quite enjoyable. ─── 总的来讲过得不错。

40、There were one or two unsatisfactory moments,but on the whole our holiday was very enjoyable. ─── 只是偶尔有时候感到不满意,不过总的看来,我们的假期是很快乐的。

41、It is not even bubblegum enough to be enjoyable on an ironic level. ─── 它甚至没有足够的泡泡糖是愉快的具有讽刺意味的水平。

42、It is quiet and make me quite enjoyable. ─── 它非常安静,使我感到很舒服。

43、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many. ─── 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

44、I do not find swimming particularly enjoyable. ─── 我不觉得游泳特别使人愉快。

45、Psychologists tell us that to be happy we need a blend of enjoyable leisure time and satisfying work. ─── 心理学家告诉我们说,要想幸福既需要令人愉快的休闲时间,又需要令人满意的工作。

46、All in all, it was a rather enjoyable party. ─── 大体上来说,那是相当愉快的舞会。

47、Healthy teeth make eating enjoyable. ─── 健康的牙齿可以帮助我们准确发音。

48、Hiking is a nice sport besides that it is enjoyable. ─── 徒步旅行除了好玩外,还是良好的运动。

49、Did you find tat picnic enjoyable? ─── 你喜欢那个野餐?

50、On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brought me joy and annoyance. ─── 在航行中,使人愉快的玩具给我带来快乐和烦恼。

51、Still, it does not look any more enjoyable. ─── 尽管如此,它看起来并没有更令人满意。

52、"It is difficult and at the same time enjoyable too," Biju wrote. ─── “这是艰苦的工作,同时也是快乐的工作,”比优写到。

53、If you child has attended preschool before, was the experience enjoyable? ─── 如果您的孩子曾经上过幼儿园,他有什么愉快的经历吗?

54、Subsequently, Samantha sat down with the kids playing poker, chat, jokes with one of the warm enjoyable scene. ─── 随后,萨曼莎坐下来与孩子们打扑克、聊天、讲笑话,一派其乐融融的温馨场景。

55、Relaxing backyard. It's so enjoyable to have brunch here, isn't it? ─── 悠閒的后院,在这里慵懒地享用晚早餐,不是很舒服吗?

56、If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money in order to have a very enjoyable time or to celebrate in a lavish way. ─── 如果你推动船外面的,你为了要有非常可享受的时间并且以一大方的方式庆祝,花费许多钱。

57、On the whole, I find ride a bike more enjoyable than ride a bus. ─── 总的来说,我觉得骑自行车比乘公共汽车更愉快。

58、Thank you,Freewheel ,for your enjoyable writings! ─── 后生可畏;后生可贺!

59、Annie: No wonder more and more athletes are taller than 2 meters. The more the dunk,the more enjoyable it is. ─── 安妮:难怪两米以上队员越来越多,扣篮也就越多了,可看性自然就加强了。

60、Even in winter, a long walk in the country is very enjoyable. ─── 即使在寒冬,长时间的郊外散步也是一种享受。

61、Weiser found the experience of dealing with all the hardships quite enjoyable. ─── 创业是艰辛的,但怀瑟乐在其中。

62、If I go on vacation to a beach or something like that, there is no author that I know will be quite as enjoyable as Murakami. ─── 如果我去海边或者类似的地方度假,我所知道的作家中没有谁能像村上春树这样让人愉悦的了。

63、It is so enjoyable to drink mellow wine while listening to beautiful songs. ─── 喝着醇美的酒,听着醇美的歌,真是享受啊!

64、A: Thank you for a very enjoyable evening. ─── 今晚过得很开心,谢谢。

65、If you life is all duty and work (even if the work is enjoyable), you are living out-of-balance. ─── 如果你的生活除了考勤、工作就是工作、考勤,那么,纵使你极其享受自己的工作,你的生活也是很不平衡的。

66、The mattress is odorless or has an enjoyable scent. ─── 床垫要有令人嗅了感到身心舒畅的香味或没有味。

67、When we know what we are eating, it can be so enjoyable. ─── 当我们知道我们在吃什么时,就能非常享受地吃饭。

68、His latest film is an enjoyable romp. ─── 他最近的电影是一部轻快的冒险故事片。

69、He, like others, yearned for the enjoyment of whatever he saw enjoyable. ─── 他象别人那样,渴望欣赏不论什么他看到的可以欣赏的东西。

70、They are assured of an enjoyable and trouble-free holiday. ─── 他们肯定会过一个愉快的无忧无虑的假日。

71、On the voyage, the enjoyable toy brouhgt me joy and annoyance. ─── 在航行中,那个令人愉快的玩具给我带来了快乐和烦恼。

72、In my opinion, reading is more enjoyable than fishing. ─── 在我看来,阅读比钓鱼更令人愉快。

73、It is much and more enjoyable than a trip. ─── 它比匆匆忙忙地乘飞机旅行相比要便宜得多,而且有意思得多。

74、A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this. ─── 在这样好的天气做海上旅行总是很愉快的。

75、They find it more enjoyable and physically less demanding. ─── 他们要舒舒服服在外头享受一餐,不愿在家里大费周章。

76、The journey to date has "been challenging, but enjoyable, " says Joanne. ─── 一直到今天,道路“是充满挑战的但同时也是令人愉快的”,乔安妮说。

77、Being owned by anyone could never be enjoyable. ─── 当奴隶的人是永远不会开心的。

78、What was your most enjoyable dream? and your worst nightmare? ─── 你最愉悦的梦是什么?最可怕的噩梦是什么?

79、As can be imagined,the whole otherwise most enjoyable trip suffered. ─── 可想而知,本来应该是很愉快的旅行,结果变得令人难受了。

80、For me, I think oldies are more enjoyable than dance music. ─── 对我来说,老歌听起来比舞曲好听。

81、Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. ─── 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一。

82、It was much more enjoyable than I had expected. ─── 它比我原先想的要令人愉快得多。

83、Don't you find skating very enjoyable? ─── 你不觉得溜冰十分令人愉快吗?

84、It can make you enjoyable but anc bring you happy quietness. ─── 带来享受,却带不来幸福的宁静。

85、In fact, life gets more enjoyable as you age. ─── 事实上,生活随着时间的流逝变得更有趣。

86、It's my pleasure. I hope you've had an enjoyable trip. ─── 乐意效劳。一路上很好吧!

87、Accompany you through a most enjoyable weekend. ─── 度过这个快乐的周末。

88、QQ game today to offer you a very enjoyable little game. ─── QQ游戏今天为您提供这个非常过瘾的小游戏。

89、You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable. ─── 你同你的邻居或许想结伴旅游,热闹一点。



The pace of the book is leisurely, with enjoyable literary and historical asides.



leisurely - 翻译





adj.不慌不忙的; 慢悠悠的; adv.从容不迫地,慢慢地,悠闲地;

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