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08-15 投稿


untrustworthy 发音

英:[?n?tr?stw??r?i]  美:[?n?tr?stw???i]

英:  美:

untrustworthy 中文意思翻译



untrustworthy 网络释义

adj. 靠不住的;不能信赖的

untrustworthy 同义词

untrusty | undependable | slippery | unreliable | dishonorable | devious | disloyal | treacherous | risky | deceitful |dishonest

untrustworthy 反义词


untrustworthy 短语词组

1、untrustworthy crossword clue ─── 不可信的纵横字谜线索

2、untrustworthy resume ─── 不可信的简历

3、untrustworthy people ─── 不可信的人

4、untrustworthy people crossword ─── 不可信的人纵横填字游戏

5、untrustworthy g ─── 不可信的g

6、untrustworthy crossword ─── 不可信的纵横字谜

7、untrustworthy resumes ─── 不可信的简历

8、untrustworthy man ─── 不可信赖的人

9、untrustworthy candidates ─── 不可靠的候选人

10、untrustworthy gif ─── 不可信的gif

untrustworthy 词性/词形变化,untrustworthy变形


untrustworthy 相似词语短语

1、unnewsworthy ─── 不值得注意。

2、unroadworthy ─── adj.(车辆)不适于上路的

3、untrustworthily ─── 不可信的

4、trustworthy ─── adj.可靠的;可信赖的

5、newsworthy ─── adj.有新闻价值的

6、crashworthy ─── adj.防撞的

7、trustworthier ─── adj.可靠的;可信赖的(trustworthy的变形)

8、trustworthily ─── adv.可信赖地;确实性地

9、unpraiseworthy ─── 不值得怀疑的

untrustworthy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Management jargon can alienate staff and leave bosses looking untrustworthy and weak, according to a survey commissioned by Investors in People. ─── 人力投资者委托进行的一项调查显示,管理术语会让员工产生反感,让老板看起来不值得信任且软弱。

2、A form template with a direct connection to a database may provide an untrustworthy user with a way to access proprietary information. ─── 直接连接至数据库的表单模板可能会为不可信的用户提供访问机密信息的方法。

3、While information from a single source may be untrustworthy, additional sources can be used to corroborate the data. ─── 单一来源的情报也许是靠不住的,附加的来源可以用来证实数据。

4、Causal inference in folk science is equally untrustworthy. ─── 民俗科学的因果推论也同样不可靠。

5、The popular image of John is of a classically bad king: a scheming, untrustworthy coward consumed by greed, whose rapaciousness drove his subjects to impose their will upon him. ─── 而约翰在人们心目中的普遍形象就是一个昏君:诡计多端,利令智昏的懦夫,其贪心之甚终导致群起而攻之。

6、Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy. ─── 不可靠的缺乏责任心; 不可靠或不值得信赖的

7、You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. ─── 这一个竞争力可能使你能者多劳。

8、The untrustworthy British may have to be swept aside or crushed, but what is wrong with that? ─── 英国的不可信可能要被扫地出门或粉碎,但什么是错?

9、Knowing full well the Hutts were untrustworthy, Anor used them to sew disinformation into the New Republic ranks. ─── 阿诺深知赫特人不可信任,因此利用他们向新共和国军方传递虚假的情报。

10、You can't go by what he says; he's very untrustworthy. ─── 你不能根据他的话判断, 他是很不可靠的。

11、That man is absolutely untrustworthy. ─── 那个人绝对不可靠。

12、She is beguiling and untrustworthy. ─── 她既狡诈又靠不住。

13、Going by what John told me, he's very untrustworthy. ─── 按照约翰对我所言,他很不可靠。

14、In Asian men, however, many Americans are more likely to see the mark of an unsavory, untrustworthy alien. ─── 可这要换了亚洲男性,很多美国人更有可能认为这是一个声名狼藉,靠不住的异乡客的标志。

15、Typically, preelection polls there are either conducted or monitored by the government and are notoriously untrustworthy. ─── 通常,选举前举行的民调是由政府管控,民调结果也经常遭到严肃质疑。

16、Highly untrustworthy, needing to be watched and closely managed at all times ─── 不可信任,任何时候都需要监视和严格管理

17、Troublesome and untrustworthy, ─── “它们很麻烦,而且不值得信赖,

18、Japan thus far shows no remorse of its past misdeeds, refuses to repent, and appears to be untrustworthy. ─── 日本至今从未对其战时罪行表示自责,也拒绝悔改,看起来好像无可信任。

19、If your animal is untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive to people, excitable, or is a fear-biter, do not breed it. ─── 如果你的犬,在与人相处时不值得信任,过于攻击性,易于被激怒,恐惧性的凶猛,那么不要繁育它。

20、Many of the children Ms Evans sees do not want to talk at all, regarding grown-ups as untrustworthy or irrelevant. ─── 埃文斯女士发现,许多孩子压根就不想讲话,他们认为,成年人都不可靠或者与己无关。

21、For example, if you consider a site to be untrustworthy, you can place it in the Restricted zone; ─── 例如,你认为某个网站靠不住,你可以把它放到受限制域;

22、That shiftiness was also recognised by those whose money was actually at stake.People flagged as untrustworthy by the Mechanical Turks were less likely than others to be offered a loan at all. ─── “当有人想方设法进行欺骗并盗用他人的身份时,过份通用化可能是一个缺点。”

23、His best friend proved to be untrustworthy. ─── 他的好朋友原来靠不住。

24、The most adored relative,the cherished lover,the deatest friend may inspire devotion ,yet remain untrustworthy. ─── 最喜爱的亲戚、最珍视的爱人、最亲密的朋友可以激起我们的挚爱,但不一定值得信任。

25、As a king he was dishonourable, and untrustworthy ─── 他作为一个国王,则是丢脸的和不可信赖的。

26、Headlong and untrustworthy ─── 草率轻浮

27、Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy ─── 不可靠的缺乏责任心;不可靠或不值得信赖的

28、Tellingly, the highly untrustworthy possess personality traits that resemble those of sociopaths, who are indifferent to or even stimulated by another's suffering. ─── 显然,极不值得信任的人有著类似反社会的人格特质,这些人对他人的苦痛漠不关心,甚至还会幸灾乐祸。

29、Do not open any files attached to an e-mail from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source. ─── 在发件人不认识、可疑或者不能信任的时候,不要打开邮件的任何附件。

30、Sneakoscope - A device which looks something like a gyroscope and which gives off a whistling sound when someone untrustworthy is around. ─── 窥镜--一种看上去像陀螺的设备。当周围有不可信任的人时,它就会发出像口哨一样的声音。

31、It is a self-fulfilling prophecy to assume that your information workers are untrustworthy. ─── 它是个自以为是的预言,认为你的信息工作者是不值得信任的。

32、Similarly, patients with brain lesions in areas normally rich in oxytocin receptors have difficulty determining which people appear trustworthy and which appear untrustworthy. ─── 同样的,富含催产素受体的脑区一旦受损,患者就无法分辨哪些人值得信任、哪些人不值得信任。

33、Politicians have to learn to play down to the voters, so that they seem to be ordinary people and not someone too clever and untrustworthy. ─── 搞政治的人得学会对选民态度随和,看起来像普通百姓,而非过分滑头,不可信赖。

34、A faulty oxytocin system, as we have seen in those who are untrustworthy, may play a part in these maladies. ─── 就像我们在那些不值得信任的人身上看到的情形,催产素系统缺失可能在这些疾病上扮演一角。

35、The chaotic nature of the Earth's atmosphere is responsible for the shortcomings of weather forecasts, which are notoriously untrustworthy beyond a few days. ─── 天气预报在几天之后便完全不值得相信,这个缺点正是来源于地球大气的混沌本质。

36、Pisces is a very trusting, giving sign, so when a close partner suddenly proves untrustworthy and begins to display troubling character traits, it can be devastating. ─── 双鱼座是一个很容易信任他人的奉献型星座,一旦身边有亲近的人表现出不可靠或者很难缠的性格特性,就会对双鱼有很大打击。

37、Even if the supposedly untrustworthy borrower does discharge his obligation, he will not pay more than he is obliged ─── 即使这个假定不可信赖的借款人会消偿他的债务,他所付的也不会多于他所欠的。

38、Although always considered somewhat aloof and untrustworthy, the Sabre Cats had never before behaved in a threatening manner toward human society. ─── 虽然始终认为有点超然和不可信,剑猫以前从未表现在一个威胁的方式对人类社会。

39、He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. ─── 他不愿意接受麻瓜生的孩子,认为他们是靠不住的。

40、You're irresponsible and untrustworthy. ─── 你不负责任,不可信赖。

41、Trustworthy people trust people. Untrustworthy people do not. Steer clear of untrustworthy people. But trust your comrades at work. ─── 自疑不信人,自信不疑人;疑人则不用,用人则不疑。


43、Should Russia have an organic place in a more representative world system or should it continue to be regarded as incurably untrustworthy? ─── 俄罗斯是应该成为更具代表性的世界体系的有机组成部分,还是应该继续被视为无药可救的不可信赖者?

44、Why it works: It's clear that you are not singling out this person as untrustworthy. ─── 奏效原因:显然你没有在因为认为这个人不值得借钱而不把钱借给他。

45、Allen should have known better than to lend such a large sum of money to that untrustworthy cousin of his. ─── 艾伦应该知道把这么一大笔钱借给他那不可靠的堂兄是不明智的。

46、None of us could persuade him out of lending his money to that untrustworthy man. ─── 我们谁都不能说服他不要借钱给那个不可靠的人。

47、I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy. ─── 我认为他浅薄、虚荣、不可信。

48、Don't tell Ken anything. He is very untrustworthy. ─── 不要告诉肯任何事,他很不可靠.

49、Jasper is an untrustworthy man. Don't bargain on his honesty. ─── 贾斯帕是个不值得信赖的人。不要指望他会诚实。

50、The unctuous receptionist seemed untrustworthy. ─── 那个殷勤的接待员看上去不值得信任。

51、untrustworthy person ─── 不可信赖的人

52、When he first began to be a part of their family affairs the conventional standards of Father Gerhardt proved untrustworthy. ─── 那参议员刚刚开始成为他们家庭生活的一部分,葛哈德老头子就觉得自己向来信奉的那套传统的标准有些不可信任了。

53、unreliable; undependable; untrustworthy; uncertain ─── 靠不住

54、If you act otherwise than what you say, people will soon realise that you are an untrustworthy person. ─── 如果你言行不一,人们会很快发现你是个不可以信任的人。

55、Insurers, agents, brokers and insurance consultants must generally be licensed to do business.If they prove to be incompetent or untrustworthy or otherwise violate law, these licenses can be revoked. ─── 保险人、代理人、经纪人和保险顾问必须取得执照才能营业,如果事实证明他们没有营业能力,或不值得信任,或有违法行为,那么其执照将被吊销。

56、without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; ─── 无知的,背约的,无亲情的,不怜悯人的。

57、"The main cause is a decline in the so-called social capital -- increased loneliness, increased perception of others as untrustworthy and unfair," said Stefano Bartolini, one of the authors of the study. ─── 其中一位研究人员*说:主要原因是叫做社会资金的下降---孤独不断增加对别人不信任和不公平的增加。

58、She has become the object of disdain since she proved herself to be untrustworthy. ─── 自从她证明自己是个靠不住的人之后,她已经成为蔑视的对象了。

59、His words and deeds are full of contradictions and he is untrustworthy. ─── 他的言行矛盾百出,让人难以相信。

60、Basically, Broll sees Valeera as an untrustworthy, betraying, magic junkie blood elf, and Valeera sees Broll as a weak, subservient wuss. ─── 基本上,布罗尔认为瓦蕾拉是不可信任,背信弃义,魔法垃圾的血精灵,而瓦蕾拉认为布罗尔是个弱小无能的混蛋。

61、Anor was able to recover by bringing the Hutts into the Yuuzhan Vong fold as allies.Knowing full well the Hutts were untrustworthy, Anor used them to sew disinformation into the New Republic ranks. ─── 不过,亚诺也得以让赫特族与遇战疯结盟作为补偿,但他深知赫特族不能信任,所以亚诺利用他们在新共和内散播假情报。

62、As was likely true of the untrustworthy people in the trust game, this result suggests that those with autism may have an oxytocin receptor dysfunction. ─── 就像信任游戏里那些不值得信任的人一样,这个结果可能也意味著,自闭症患者的催产素受体可能功能失常。

63、To make this attack possible, the code itself must be written in such a way that it makes decisions based on potentially untrustworthy data. ─── 要进行这种攻击,在编写代码本身时必须使代码决策基于特定的数据,而这些数据有可能是不受信任的。

64、In Asian men, however, many Americans are more likely to see the mark of an unsavory, untrustworthy alien. ─── 可这要换了亚洲男性,很多美国人更有可能认为这是一个声名狼藉,靠不住的异乡客的标志。

65、People working in the circus and carnival show broadened its use.They began to call a scoundrel, any kind of deceitful, untrustworthy and dishonest person a “heel. ─── 在马戏团或狂欢节演出中混事的人又使它的含义更加广泛,用来称呼流氓恶棍,或任何一种骗人的、不可靠的、不诚实的人。

66、Those who disagreed with the theory of the sphericity of the earth often dismissed the arguments of missionaries by simply saying that the foreigners were untrustworthy. ─── 反对地圆说者,常以夷狄之不可信,而抹煞了传教士所传播的讯息。

67、WARNING: Calculated CRC checksum does not match value stored in file.Either the file is corrupt, or it has a different layout than this program is expecting.The results below are untrustworthy. ─── 警告: 计算出来的CRC校验值与已保存在文件中的值不匹配. 不是文件坏了,就是设计与程序的期望值不同. 下面的结果是不可靠的.

68、31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; ─── 31无知的、背约的、无亲情的、不怜悯人的。

69、You left out selfish and untrustworthy. ─── 你忘了说自私和靠不住。

70、Nonsense means untrustworthy without concrete evidence. Talk about ghost, it is too true to believe. Many respected persons tell us on various media their horrible view they saw at night. ─── 所谓无稽之谈,意思是没有具体事实存在,可资信赖。但是有很多名人在各种媒体上声称亲身遭遇灵异经验,言之凿凿,不由人不信。

71、"He seemed not to notice her, but he knew.Yet he worked on, as if absorbedly, and his brown dog sat on her tail near him, and surveyed the untrustworthy world. ─── 他好象没有注意她,但是他是知道她在那儿的.不过他仍然工作着,似乎很专心地工作着,他的褐色的狗儿坐在他的旁边,视察着这不可信任的世界。

72、Mourinho accused Johnson of being "untrustworthy" following Chelsea's dramatic 3-2 win at Goodison Park on Sunday. ─── 在周日古迪逊3-2戏剧性获胜后,穆里尼奥指责了约翰逊“不诚实”。

73、Childhood traumas, beliefs that other people are untrustworthy or dangerous, and feelings of vulnerability might react with fear to cause people to hear voices. ─── 童年创伤、对人的不信任以及不安全感,由被攻击造成的恐惧感等都有可能造成人们的幻听。

74、We have discovered him to be quite untrustworthy. ─── 我们已发现他很不可靠。

75、But I got sick of being a player and playing games and meeting trashy untrustworthy girls all the time. ─── 但是我厌倦了作为一个玩家,一天到晚的玩游戏,跟垃圾式的无信任感的女孩见面。

76、The statistical analysis is untrustworthy. ─── 这个统计分析是不可信赖的。

77、If something along those lines happened to you, you've been conditioned to attach the definition "trustworthy" to people who are, in fact, untrustworthy. ─── 如果类似事情发生在你的身上,那么你就被”调制“,将”值得信任“这个词的定义绑定在了实际上并不值得信任的人的身上。

78、One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself.It also proves him to be untrustworthy. ─── 一次又一次的延误会使人无法竭尽全力,同时也证明这个人是一个不值得信赖的人。

79、“is assorted?”Fox sister-in-law has stared black bear one, said: “you are evidently untrustworthy I? You have a look carefully, sister-in-law looks like the swindler?” ─── “不过什么?”狐狸大嫂瞪了黑熊一眼,说:“看样子你还是信不过我,是吧?你仔细看看,大嫂像骗子吗?”

80、Running user code from an untrustworthy source could compromise the information on the computer. ─── 运行来自不可信源的用户代码可能危及计算机上的信息。

81、I never would have thought you could be so untrustworthy. ─── 我从来都没有想到你是如此的靠不住。

82、He said I was untrustworthy and anti-family, while I said he was dividing America and holding us back. ─── 他说我不值得信任,而且反对家庭观念,而我说他正在分裂美国,阻止我们进步。

83、People flagged as untrustworthy by the Mechanical Turks were less likely than others to be offered a loan at all. ─── 被“机械土耳其人”认为不可靠的人比其他人得到贷款的几率要低。

84、So I wonder what I look like by nature: the mirror is untrustworthy. ─── 于是我想我本该是什么样子,这镜子也不可信。

85、We discovered him quite untrustworthy . ─── 我们发现他很不可靠。

86、The most adored relative, the cherished lover, the dearest friend may inspire devotion, yet remain untrustworthy. ─── 最喜爱的亲戚、最珍视的爱人;最亲密的朋友可以激起我们的挚爱,但不一定值得信任。

87、To make this attack possible, the code itself must be written in such a way that it makes decisions based on potentially untrustworthy data. ─── 要进行这种攻击,在编写代码本身时必须使代码决策基于特定的数据,而这些数据有可能是不受信任的。

88、VCT viewed as a untrustworthy service of poor quality. ─── 把VCT看作一种不值得信任的低质量服务。

89、A contemptible, untrustworthy, or loathsome person ─── 可鄙者,不可信赖者,令人讨厌者

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