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08-15 投稿


flings 发音

英:[fl??z]  美:[fl??z]

英:  美:

flings 中文意思翻译




flings 词性/词形变化,flings变形

动词现在分词: flinging |动词过去分词: flung |动词过去式: flung |动词第三人称单数: flings |

flings 常用词组

fling off ─── 发出;甩掉;挫败

at one fling ─── 一举,一鼓作气地,一气呵成地

fling up ─── vt. 向上猛抛

flings 短语词组

1、flings def ─── 片状def

2、flings clue ─── 抛出线索

3、flings song ─── 放荡的歌

4、flings pop up trash bin ─── 扔垃圾桶

flings 相似词语短语

1、flints ─── [岩]火石;[岩]燧石

2、plings ─── n.感叹号;v.乞讨

3、failings ─── n.(尤指性格上的)弱点;prep.如果没有…;v.失败;未履行(某事);不及格;失灵;衰退(fail的现在分词);n.(Failing)(美)费林(人名)

4、fatlings ─── n.养肥待宰的幼畜

5、filings ─── n.[机]锉屑;锉末

6、feelings ─── n.[生理]感觉;[心理]情感;意见(feeling的复数)

7、clings ─── v.粘着;贴近(clings的第三人称单数)

8、-lings ─── n.鳕鱼;欧石南,石南之一种;一种似雪鱼的食用鱼;帚石楠(低矮灌木);矶鳕;鳕鱼;羽鼬鳚;n.(Ling)(美、马、新)林格(人名)

9、slings ─── n.[机]吊索;吊物机(sling的复数);v.用投石器投掷;用吊钩钓上(sling的第三人称单数)

flings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Before you fling off a remark like that, think what you're saying. ─── 在你漫不经心地说这种话之前, 应先考虑考虑要说些什么。

2、Don' t fling your clothes about on the chair ; hang them up. ─── 别把衣服乱扔在椅子上,把它们挂起来。

3、Fling eject derive originate avert. ─── 嘲笑放逐缘于发明了避免.

4、He had no wish to fling his daughter away on such a person. ─── 他不希望把女儿下嫁给这样一个人。

5、About his ordinary bearing there was a certain fling, a fearless expectation of success. ─── 他平素的举止不免有些锋芒,显得他志向远大,无所畏惧。

6、Not if what you're looking for is a quick fling, says Lenton. ─── 其实如果你是想玩暧昧,那么对你没什么影响。

7、It's foolish of you to fling in this course. ─── 你要放弃这门课那太傻了。

8、You shouldn't fling away a chance like that. ─── 你不应该浪费掉这一机会。

9、In a love bond, the Aries girl tends to wear the pants and often prefers flings to more serious relationships. ─── 在爱情上,白羊座女孩往往更喜欢严肃的关系。

10、Win the gold medal at one fling, Ornament to the tourism brand of Mt. Funiushan Geopark! ─── 一鼓作气摘金牌,拭亮旅游大品牌!

11、Don't fling your shoes in the cupboard, put them in neatly. ─── 不要把鞋乱丢在鞋柜里,要放整齐。

12、He asked me to fling up the plan of building a house. ─── 他要我放弃建房子的计划。

13、Don't pull the ball away, I am going to have a fling at a game. ─── 不要把球收起来,我要试打一盘呢!

14、Chandler: Really?! I didn't think girls ever just wanted a fling. ─── 你真是这么想的?!我以为女孩子不会要及时行乐的感情呢。

15、They often remind me not to fling off a remark at meetings. ─── 他们经常提醒我不要在会上乱讲话。

16、He had a fling with a British model. ─── 他曾和一位英国模特有染。

17、He embarked full fling in all sorts of enterprises. ─── 他不顾后果地在各种企业投资。

18、I wasn't able to fling a word into the argument the whole time. ─── 在整个辩论过程中, 我没能插进一句话。

19、Everybody saw her fling herself at your head. ─── 大家都看到她一往情深地恋着你。

20、Henry has decided to fling off all restraints. ─── 享利决定摆脱一切束缚。

21、He advised me to fling down the gaunlet heroically. ─── 他劝我勇敢地去挑战。

22、The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom. ─── 参加婚礼的客人们拿到了向新郎和新娘抛撒的五彩纸屑。

23、Don't fling your clothes on the floor, hang them up. ─── 别把你的衣服扔在地板上,把它们挂起来。

24、He had his fling when he was young; now he must work. ─── 他年轻时恣情纵欲,现在必须干活了。

25、There is little use in lamentations, and less still, young woman, in flings. ─── 埋怨没有用,年轻的姑娘,讽刺挖苦就更没有什么意思了。

26、If you have any poo, fling it now! ─── 你要是有便便的话,现在快扔!

27、He can fling off poems off the top of his head. ─── 他可以轻易写出诗来。

28、She fling the papers on the desk and leave angrily. ─── 她把文件往桌子上一摔便气冲冲地走了。

29、First goes by car to add on the perfect tire always to let the human when flings the tail high speed fill the anxiety. ─── 前驱车加上过硬的轮胎总是让人在高速甩尾时充满疑虑。

30、The honeymoon stage is also the life span of most summer flings. ─── 蜜月期也是很多夏季恋情的长度。

31、Don't fling your clothes into the drawer; put them in neatly. ─── 不要把你的衣服随便往抽屉里一扔, 把它们整齐地放在里面。

32、He honestly flings himself upon the new work. ─── 他全力投入到新工作之中。

33、He had the impulse to start up, to fling open the door. ─── 他有一种冲动,想要跳起来,拉开房门。

34、Now, the most goes for rum and a good fling, and to sea again in their shirts. ─── 他们大多数人会把这些钱吃光、喝光,然后再两手空空地回到海上。

35、Let's have a fling and eat at that expensive restaurant for a change. ─── 咱们痛快一下, 到那间高级餐馆吃一顿换换口味。

36、Christmas is when we fling caution to the windand spend to the limits our cash holdings. ─── 圣诞节的时候我们不顾一切地消费直到把钱花光。

37、Deathmare flings a flurry of daggers imbued with the energy of venom death at every enemy around her to slay them all. ─── 死魇向她周围的每个敌人掷射出灌注了剧毒与死亡能源的匕首,以杀光他们。

38、He fling himself upon his horse and ride madly off in all directions. ─── 他猛地骑上马背、疯狂地向四面八方奔驰去了。

39、He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. ─── 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。

40、He fling his thing on and rushed out the door. ─── 他匆匆穿上衣服,奔出门去。

41、One theory is that the fling or rebound along the fault is the source of the waves. ─── 一种理论认为,波源乃是沿着断层的跳动或回跳。

42、He gets his shirt off, spins it through the air over his head, flings the shirt away. ─── 他拿着脱下来的衬衣在头顶上挥舞着扔出。

43、Don't fling the cigarette butt out of the window. ─── 别把香烟头扔到窗外去。

44、Don't fling your clothes about. ─── 你的衣服不要乱扔。

45、Fan of Knives - The Warden flings a flurry of knives at multiple enemy targets around her. ─── 刀阵-守卫者射出一片飞刀攻击她周围复数的敌人。

46、His parents often encourage him to fling out the gaunlet fearlessly. ─── 他父母经常鼓励他勇敢地挑战。

47、Why are you fling away on such a woman? ─── 为什么你要娶这样一个女人而牺牲自己?

48、He can fling off a poem in half an hour. ─── 他可以在半小时之内草就一首诗。

49、Don't fling your clothes into the drawer, put them in neatly. ─── 不要把衣服胡乱地丢进抽屉里,要整齐地放好。

50、But today on a stormy April afternoon when spray flings itself ten feet in the air nothing is gentle. ─── 但是,今天,四月的一个下午,天气骤变,连浪花都漂起十英尺高,一切都是躁动的。

51、Don't fling mud at him just because you don't like him. ─── 不要因为你不喜欢他就诽谤他。

52、As she is about to react, "SKINNER" grabs her around the throat and flings her across the room where she crashes into a glass wall. ─── 当她要做出反应的时候,“斯金纳”抓起她的喉咙,把她扔过房间撞碎了一面玻璃墙。

53、If a third star ventures too close, the bully binary flings it clear like a slingshot. ─── 如果第三颗恒星冒险与它们距离过近,恶霸双星会像弹弓一样抛出这个恒星。

54、Why did you fling your money away on that risk? ─── 你为什么要浪费钱去冒那个风险?

55、She would often throw the ball with a quick fling. ─── 她常常以一个快掷投球。

56、You shouldn't fling up this chance of learning. ─── 你不该浪费掉这次学习的机会。

57、I memorized 50 words at one fling today. ─── 今天我一鼓作气背了50个汉字。

58、Fling dirt enough, and some will stick. ─── 众口铄金,积毁销骨。

59、Several hours and drinks later, the former flings were kissing.Then Stein went home with him. ─── 几小时之后,几杯酒下肚,这对从前的恋人亲吻了彼此,接着,斯坦和他一起回家。

60、For long term 75% of male participants wanted to see the face, but for short term flings 50% of men chose face and 50% chose the body. ─── 就长久恋情来说,75%的男性参与者表示想看对方的样貌来做选择,而就短暂恋情而言,有50%选择了样貌,剩下50%选择了身材。

61、With a powerful fling he sent the stone flying. ─── 他用力一扔,石块脱手飞了出去。

62、He had his fling before he was drafted. ─── 他在应征入伍之前尽情行乐了一番。

63、Why did he fling dirt at such an innocent girl? ─── 他为什么要中伤一位如此天真的姑娘呢?

64、How can you fling away your wife and children? ─── 你怎么能遗妻弃子呢?

65、Then he suddenly balls up the paper, and flings it on the floor. ─── 他突然把纸条揉成一团,扔在地上。

66、After she closes the door behind her she flings into his bosom. He embraces her passingly, carries her in his arms to the bed. ─── 她随手关上门,忽地扑到他怀里。后者顺势揽她入怀,抱将起来,放到床上。

67、Don't fling your clothes on the floor; hang them up. ─── 别把衣服扔在地板上,挂起来。

68、The difference is that today's technology flings culture to every corner of the globe with blinding speed. ─── 不同之处在于,今天的科学技术以令人眩目的速度将文化推向地球的各个角落。

69、He asked you to fling back his lighter. ─── 他叫你把他的打火机掷回去。

70、Don't fling your clothes about on the chair; hang them up. ─── 别把衣服乱扔在椅子上,把它们挂起来。

71、She wanted to fling herself to the ground. ─── 她想把自己撺到地上。

72、Fan of Knives- The Warden flings a flurry of knives at multiple enemy targets around her. ─── 刀阵-守卫者射出一片飞刀攻击她周围的敌人.

73、He was too young to fling off those experienced competitors. ─── 他太年轻了,不可能击败那些有经验的选手。

74、He isx my spring fling, but now I'm looking for a summer love. ─── 他是我春天逢场做戏的对象,我现在要寻找夏天的情人。

75、He flings his money about on expensive luxuries. ─── 他乱花钱买一些昂贵的奢侈品。

76、Fling aside all cares and throw yourself into the new task. ─── 丢开一切顾虑,全力投入新的工作吧。

77、Le Blanc and Aniston were rumoured to have had a fling. ─── 勒布朗和安尼斯顿曾被传有一腿。

78、She sat down and began to fling up her arms in horror at the terrible sight she had seen. ─── 她坐了下来,开始叙述她所见到的十分恐惧的情景。

79、If you buy ten copies, we'll fling in another. ─── 你如果买十本,我们会另赠一本。

80、Don't fling away those magazines. ─── 不要把那些杂志丢掉。

81、He would fling himself upon the bear and kill it. ─── 他本来会扑到熊身上,把它杀了的。

82、Why did you fling up the plan? ─── 你为什么要放弃这项计划?

83、"My relationship with Jen is not a fling,it's serious. ─── "我和珍的关系绝不是一时放纵玩玩而已,我们是认真的。

84、How can you fling your wife away? ─── 你怎能丢下你的妻子不管呢?

85、He's determined to fling aside all his bad habits. ─── 他下决心彻底改掉自己的坏习惯。

86、He is willing to have a fling at almost any job. ─── 他几乎对任何工作都喜欢试一试。

87、He was determined to have one last fling before retiring. ─── 他决心在退休前最后痛痛快快地玩乐一番。

88、Don't fling yourself at that boy. ─── 你不要讨好那个男孩儿。

89、She will very likely fling the books away, and refuse all acquaintance with the givers. ─── 她准会把小册子丢掉,并且拒绝和赠书的人相见。

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