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08-15 投稿


accompanist 发音

英:[?'k?mp?n?st]  美:[?'k?mp?n?st]

英:  美:

accompanist 中文意思翻译



accompanist 网络释义

n. 伴奏者;伴随者

accompanist 同义词

attend | in | convoy | chime in | twin | belong | associate | be behind | coexist | squire | tend | occur | connect | affiliate | pair up | chime | companion | usher | come | harmonize | take out | supplement | link | keep | attach | of | direct | behind | syndicate | with | take | steer | ally | combine | show | be | join | complement | pilot | chaperon | guide | around | back up | conduct | pair | go out with | part | esquire | lead | unite | follow | to | back | partner | show around | go | come with | go behind | protect | be associated with | belong to | out | up | attach to | company | go with |escort | play along | keep company | support | go along with | be part of | couple | guard | match

accompanist 短语词组

1、accompanist fees ─── 伴奏费

2、accompanist crossword clue ─── 伴奏纵横字谜线索

3、accompanist nyc ─── 伴奏纽约

4、accompanist define ─── 伴奏者定义

5、accompanist definition ─── 伴奏者定义

6、accompanist pay ─── 伴奏工资

7、accompanist award ─── 伴奏奖

8、accompanist ap ─── 伴奏ap

accompanist 反义词


accompanist 词性/词形变化,accompanist变形

动词过去分词: accompanied |动词现在分词: accompanying |动词第三人称单数: accompanies |动词过去式: accompanied |

accompanist 相似词语短语

1、accompaniment ─── n.伴奏;伴随物

2、accompanyist ─── n.伴奏者;随伴者

3、accompanying ─── v.陪同;与……同时发生;为……伴奏(或伴唱);附加(accompany的现在分词);adj.陪伴的;和……一起发生的;附随的

4、accompanies ─── 伴奏;伴随

5、accompanyists ─── n.伴奏者;随伴者

6、accompanied ─── v.陪伴,伴随;伴奏(accompany的过去分词);adj.伴随的;相伴的

7、accompanier ─── n.同伴;伴唱者(等于accompanist)

8、accompany ─── vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏;vi.伴奏,伴唱

9、accompanists ─── n.伴奏者;伴随者

accompanist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would be wrong to assume that, with a soloist playing at a level of only 70%, the pianist or other accompanist would have to play at a higher level than 100% in order to compensate. ─── 像这样的假设是错误的,独奏的人只发挥了70%的水平,弹钢琴的或其他的伴奏的为了弥补要发挥超过100%的水平。

2、Included a reference to the accompanist in the review of the concert ─── 在对这台音乐会的评论中提到了伴奏

3、The fact remains that if the soloist can master a level of only 80%, the accompanist must invest 100%. ─── 事实就是如果独奏的人只有80%的水平,那么伴奏者就必须发挥100%的水平。

4、For Group B, C &D, contestants MUST provide their own accompanist if applicable, otherwise they will be disqualified. ─── 参加B, C及D组别的参赛者必须配合钢琴伴奏演绎需要伴奏之曲目,而伴奏者需由参赛者自行安排。

5、On Function of the Piano Accompaniment in Vocal Music Performance and the Qualities of the Piano Accompanist ─── 声乐演唱中钢琴伴奏的作用及伴奏者素养

6、Mr. Hillme, her social-studies teacher and accompanist, winked at her. ─── 先生是她的社会课老师兼伴奏,向她眨眼示意。

7、s songs, made with that master accompanist, Gerald Moore, offers an incomparable breath and depth of insight. ─── 对学习声乐者而言,这是一套不可或缺的教材。低价版发售,直算横算,怎么算都值得。

8、The theme is announced in the first measures; the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it. ─── 在第一节中表明了音乐的主题,伴奏者加以演绎。

9、She was invited to join the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra as an accompanist but now appears with them as a soloist. ─── 她曾被邀请加入伊拉克国家交响乐团的伴奏,但现在她却成为独奏。

10、Included a reference to the accompanist in the review of the concert; ─── 在对这台音乐会的评论中提到了伴奏;

11、The accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it. ─── 那位伴奏者重拾那个弦律主题并对之进行了详尽的诠释。

12、She also accompanied my saxophone solos from time to time, probably not the first time an accompanist was better than the soloist. ─── 偶尔,她还为我的萨克斯独奏。伴奏的比独奏的厉害,这也许不是第一次。

13、Abstract: the invention disclose a mobile-phone of wide bandwidth net image playing, including: image player, used to separate the video signal and accompanist signal from the received signal; ─── 宽带网影像播放手机,其主要产生原因是利用宽带网手机的带宽优势。利用宽带网手机加播放器播放出可视光信号,达到实时播放动态画像如电影、电视上网等。

14、You are required to sing one song.It is highly recommended that you should prepare your song SERIOUSLY.If you provide music score, our accompanist will play for you. ─── 我们建议阁下应 认真及充份准备 这首歌曲,如你能提供伴奏谱,我们的司琴乐意为你即场伴奏。

15、E. Elgar: Cello Concerto, Op.85 (Soloist: Sun Weiting, Accompanist: Yang Meng ─── 埃尔加:大提琴协奏曲(独奏:孙崴婷,伴奏:杨萌)

16、We spent countless hours around her piano singing. She also accompanied my saxophone solos from time to time, probably not the first time an accompanist was better than the soloist. ─── 我们无数次围在她的钢琴旁边引吭高歌。偶尔,她还为我的萨克斯独奏。伴奏的比独奏的厉害,这也许不是第一次。

17、Professor Yang Hongnian and associate Professor Yang Li are the conductors, Professor Tang Chongqing from Capital Normal University is the Art Director and Accompanist. ─── 合唱团的足迹遍及欧、美、亚各大洲,以及台湾、香港、澳门地区,所到之处均引起极大的轰动,先后荣获六项国际大奖。

18、The taste is well-balanced with soft tannins and a harmonious finish. An ideal accompanist to juicy roast beef or roast pork. ─── 与温和的单宁完美结合,口味和谐。最佳配食是:多汁的烤牛肉或烤猪肉。

19、Mr.Hillme, her social-studies teacher and accompanist, winked at her. ─── 希尔米先生是她的社会课老师兼伴奏,向她眨眼示意。

20、My instinctive need was for polyphony, harmony,not this single thin tone of a violin, so often out of tune,always dependent on an accompanist. ─── 我的本能要的是复音和和谐音,而不是单薄的小提琴音,因此经常走音,常常依赖伴奏。

21、And I’ll hire somebody, an accompanist for you. ─── 我会为你雇个人为你伴奏。

22、In the reverse case, when the soloist has fully mastered tempo, technique and musical expression, it is conceivable that an accompanist able to put in a level of only 80% might suffice. ─── 相反的情况,当独奏者已经完全掌握了速度,技巧和音乐性的表达,可以想象伴奏者能够发挥80%的水平就足够了。

23、What Professional Ability A Piano Accompanist Should Have in Dance Teaching ─── 舞蹈教学中钢琴伴奏者应具有的专业能力

24、Necessity on Hospitals to Undertake the Life Care for Inpatients--Thinking Induced by Acting as An Accompanist ─── 医院承担住院病人生活护理的必要性--由当陪护而引发的思考

25、This paper points out an excellent vocal music teacher should not only have a charming voice, solid background in professional knowledge, but also be an extraordinary extemporaneous piano accompanist. ─── 摘要本文论述钢琴伴奏是音乐作品不可分割的重要组成部分,一位优秀的声乐教师应是个技术超群的钢琴即兴伴奏者。

26、The worst situation of course is when soloist and accompanist each attain a level of only, say, 70%; ─── 当然最糟糕的情况就是独奏和伴奏的都只有70%的水平;

27、Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar. ─── 接着,他向伴奏人员点点头,开始演奏英国作曲家爱德华·埃尔加爵士的一首复杂的编号作品。

28、Still the accompanist of myself. ─── 还是自己伴奏。

29、In the white board world, YAKUDO will always be your accompanist! ─── 在白板的世界里,雅谷与您同行!

30、Mr. Hillme,her social-studies teacher and accompanist,winked at her.“Hey,not as bad as one of my tests, is it?” . . ─── 她的社会学老师兼伴奏希尔梅先生对她眨眨眼,说:“嘿,不至于像我的考试那么糟,对吗?”

31、The man is a piano accompanist. ─── 这个人是钢琴伴奏者。

32、The accompanist accompanied him on the piano. ─── 那位伴奏者用钢琴为他伴奏。

33、Whether acceding or abstaining of it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research. ─── 是否就任或弃权并不重要,因为他只想成为抽象学术科研的伴随者。

34、In the past years, he was an active member of the school choir and accompanist for over 10 years.Cheung was frequently awarded in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival and gained raving reviews. ─── 张氏于中学期间活跃于合唱团活动,具有多年伴奏经验,并曾为香港大学学生会合唱团作司琴,现为业馀钢琴教师。

35、Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar ─── 接着,他向伴奏人员点点头,开始演奏英国作曲家爱德华·埃尔加爵士的一首复杂的编号作品。

36、Mr.Hillme, her social-studies teacher and accompanist, winked at her. ─── 希尔米先生是她的社会课老师兼伴奏,向她眨眼示意。

37、In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist. ─── 例如,演奏者并不总是有独奏的机会,或者有在聚灯光下成为众所瞩目展现自己的机会。

38、Whether acceding or abstaining of it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research. ─── 是否就任或弃权并不重要,因为他只想成为抽象学术科研的伴随者。

39、Together with Henry Wood, the organist, accompanist and conductor, the two man team created a particular philosophy that set the tone of the Proms in the years to come. ─── 和亨利伍德一起,风琴弹奏者,伴奏者和指挥管弦乐队的,这两个男性组创造了一个特别的宗旨来定调即将到来的一年的舞会。

40、A. Dvorak: Cello Concerto, Op.102 (Soloist: Feng Bo, Accompanist: Wang Chen ─── 德沃夏克:大提琴协奏曲(独奏:冯博,伴奏:王晨)

41、Performance team contains: chorus with president Yeh Sai-ying, conduct Lin Mei-chih, and accompanist whose name is Tao Cheng-yeh. ─── 演出团队包括:合唱团:团长叶赛莺、指挥林美智老师、伴奏陶承业老师。

42、If you are in need of a piano accompanist for an upcoming RCM exam, look no further! ─── 如果您需要一个RCM钢琴伴奏家,我可以帮助!

43、White board is one of the most important tool for human being. It has a wide application prospect. In the white board world, YAKUDO will always be your accompanist! ─── 白板是人类最重要的工具之一,有着广阔的应用前景。在白板的世界里,雅谷与您同行!

44、And I'll hire somebody, an accompanist for you. ─── 我会为你雇个人为你伴奏。

45、Accompanist work to strengthen the importance of the accompaniment to make it truly become a true "art piano accompaniment. " ─── 加强伴奏者对伴奏工作的重视,使之真正成为名副其实的“钢琴伴奏艺术”。

46、The performance was in French with a four-member cast in multiple roles and a piano accompanist. ─── 演出说的是法语,4个演员在钢琴伴奏下,在剧中担任不同的角色,我们新近认识的一位巴黎朋友也在剧中扮演一个角色。

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