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08-15 投稿


extricate 发音

英:['ekstr?ke?t]  美:['?kstr?ket]

英:  美:

extricate 中文意思翻译



extricate 网络释义

vt. 使解脱;解救;使游离

extricate 短语词组

1、extricate myself ─── 自救

2、extricate means ─── 解脱意味着

3、extricate oneself ─── 脱身,自拔

4、extricate in a sentence ─── 从句子中解脱出来

5、extricate syn ─── 解救syn

6、extricate from ─── 摆脱,走出

7、extricate sb from difficulties ─── 使某人摆脱困难

8、extricate define ─── 解脱定义

9、extricate meaning ─── 解脱意义

10、extricate app ─── 解救应用程序

11、extricate defined ─── 解脱定义

12、extricate definition ─── 解脱定义

extricate 同义词

extricate 词性/词形变化,extricate变形

动词过去分词: extricated |动词现在分词: extricating |形容词: extricable |动词过去式: extricated |动词第三人称单数: extricates |名词: extrication |

extricate 反义词


extricate 习惯用语

1、extricate itself out of ─── 从...中脱离, 摆脱

2、extricate oneself from ─── 从...中脱离, 摆脱

3、extricate oneself out of ─── 从...中脱离, 摆脱

4、extricate itself from ─── 从...中脱离, 摆脱

extricate 相似词语短语

1、intricate ─── adj.复杂的;错综的,缠结的

2、extricates ─── vt.使解脱;解救;使游离

3、extricating ─── vt.使解脱;解救;使游离

4、metricate ─── v.把……改为公制

5、extrication ─── n.解脱;救出;游离

6、extricable ─── adj.可解救的;可救出的

7、extricated ─── vt.使解脱;解救;使游离

8、extra care ─── 额外的照顾;格外小心

9、to extricate ─── 解脱

extricate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those who serve as factory or co-operative directors, college heads or Party committee secretaries are all afraid that they won't be able to extricate themselves once views are aired or fires lit. ─── 当工厂厂长的,当合作社主任的,当学校校长的,当党委书记的,怕一放出来,火一烧,怎么下台呀?

2、It also looks at problems one-sidedly.Culture studies is the way to extricate from the awkward predicament. ─── 它也不是对文学的全面解说,新的语境中文化研究才是文艺研究超越审美困境的途径。

3、He cannot extricate himself from the drug habit. ─── 他染上了吸毒的恶习, 不能自拔。

4、extricate oneself from an unhappy love affair ─── 使自己摆脱不快的爱情纠葛.

5、She clear understanding of their own lives in the dark, but she could not extricate themselves indulged in too deep. ─── 她清醒的认识自己生活在黑暗中,但她沉溺太深无法自拔。

6、I cannot quite see how the German chancellor is going to extricate herself from these self-inflicted constraints. ─── 我看不太出这位德国总理如何摆脱这些自造的障碍。

7、How Can Female Cadres Extricate Themselves from Sexist Predicament ─── 女干部如何走出性别角色的困境

8、Then, he is immersed in beggarly and cannot extricate oneself. ─── 于是,他陷入赤贫而不能自拔。

9、I just a chessman in this relation. it is crazy!I want to extricate from this deep trouble as soon as possible. ─── 他们想控制一切,什么都按照他们的旨意,可是德国是大老板,在我们身边。

10、People have become increasingly unable to extricate themselves in loneliness and helplessness, love is only a pethidine, stabilization of the pain people witness tremendous heart. ─── 一个局长当然不会吝惜酒店的开销,也许你是担心你为了工作被市民看到,不会的,党和人民不会看到的!

11、He stopped and then began again with an effort, lips and jaw moving in exaggerated spasms as if he were trying to extricate some gumlike residue from his teeth. ─── 他顿住了一会儿,然后,嘴又重新开始嚅动起来,嘴唇和下颌夸张地抽搐着,仿佛他想极力地挤出牙床残渣。

12、extricate oneself from a predicament ─── 从困境中解脱出来

13、It is as if we have fallen into quicksand, gotten stuck, and the only way we know to extricate ourselves is to struggle. ─── 似乎我们掉进了流沙中,被困住了,而我们知道能够出去的唯一办法就是挣扎。

14、extricate (free) the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises from predicament ─── 使大中型企业摆脱困境

15、But we can expect Taiwan to intensify its claim that the Republic of China is a sovereign state. It will also attempt to extricate itself from the "one China framework". ─── 可想而知的是,台湾当局将会强化中华民国是一个主权独国家的论述,同时会试图将中华民国从“一个中国架构”脱钩出来。

16、Four soldiers were struggling to extricate it. ─── 四名士兵想用力把它拖出来。

17、But it's also so safe now that the traditional blades, jaws, and saws that fire departments would use to extricate you are no longer strong enough to get through the car's metal. ─── 但是同时带来的问题是传统的刀片、电锯等消防队用来解救车里乘客的工具已经无法对抗先进汽车使用的材料了。

18、She found it impossible to extricate herself from the relationship. ─── 她发现不可能把自己从这种关系中解脱出来。

19、It is when a person in sadness cannot extricate oneself when, does she want how is ability happy? ─── 当一个人在悲伤里无法自拔的时候,她要怎么才能快乐?

20、They boldly pursue happiness and love, but it's difficult for them to extricate themselves from the fate of being abandoned and hurt, because of the suppression from ethics, society and men. ─── 她们既自主大胆地追求幸福,享受爱情,却又在追求爱情与婚姻的历程中,因遭受到来自礼教的、社会的、男性的压制与阻挠,而难以摆脱被遗弃、被伤害的命运。

21、The wheels churned up the mud in the road as the driver tried desperately to extricate his car. ─── 当司机试图把陷在泥浆中的车开出来时,车轮急剧地搅动路上的泥浆。

22、Among these, I now believe that it developed to enable jilted lovers to extricate themselves from dead-end love affairs and start again. ─── 在这中间,我现在相信它提高了人们从失恋中救赎自己的能力,并且重新开始一段新的恋情。

23、Seeing that he was employing familiar maneuvers to extricate himself from unpleasant conversation, she slipped her arm through his and said: "I was waiting for you. ─── 她看到父亲在玩弄他惯用的手法来回避眼前一次不愉快的谈话,便轻轻挽住他的胳臂,一边说:"我在等你呢!

24、On the other hand, the Rightists will find it difficult to extricate themselves, although it will still be possible for them to do so. ─── 右派是下不了台的,但也还是可以下台。

25、The Reform of Property Right System Is the only Way the Enterprises in Qiqihaer Extricate Themselves from a Predicament and Enter into the Developing Path of Market Economy ─── 产权制度改革是我市企业走出困境步入市场经济发展轨道的必由之路

26、Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday that President Bush has made a mess of Iraq and it is his responsibility to "extricate" the United States from the situation before he leaves office. ─── 希拉里·罗德汉姆·克林顿上周日称,布什总统已经把伊拉克问题弄得一团糟,他在离任前,有责任把美国从这个泥潭中“解救出来”。

27、Developers can extricate itself from the long-term maintenance. ─── 开发商也可从长期维修中解脱出来。

28、Numerous samshu enterprises, in order to extricate oneself from a predicament on the advanced samshu market while beginning to march one after another, the fierce fight appeared too on the "unpopular advanced samshu market "in the past. ─── 众多白酒企业为了摆脱困境纷纷开始进军中高端白酒市场,以前“曲高和寡”的高端白酒市场也出现了激烈的争夺战。

29、extricate itself from ─── 从 ... 中脱离摆脱

30、Help you understand their "occupational health" status, from the psychological anxiety of professional extricate themselves, support your maintenance of your career psychological. ─── 帮您了解自己的“职业健康”状况,从职业心理焦虑中解脱出来,辅助您保养您的职业心理。

31、hasten to extricate oneself from a difficult situation ─── 及早抽身

32、Antipatterns are useful to the extent that they can help us extricate ourselves from traps, or avoid them entirely. ─── 反模式有用的范围是:可以帮助我们从陷阱中解脱出来,或者完全避免这些陷阱。

33、In our view, a war would lead to a defeat for the Arabs, from which they would not be able to extricate their clients. ─── 在我们看来,战争只会导致阿拉伯人的失败,而他们无法把他们的保护对象从失败中解救出来。

34、Lord, please make Bill.Albert to extricate oneself from a plight as soon as possible.Please make his spirit avoid tormenting. ─── 主啊,请你帮助比尔.阿尔伯特,使他尽早走出困境,使他的精神免受折磨。

35、WB: Extricate east Asia from the Medium-Sized Income Trap ─── 东亚要摆脱中等收入陷阱

36、He had managed to extricate himself from most of his official duties. ─── 他终于摆脱了大部份公务。

37、So the whole society should care vulnerable groups, try every means to help them solve actual difficulty, and make them extricate themselves from a predicament gradually. ─── 因此,全社会都应该关心弱势群体,想方设法帮助他们解决实际困难,使他们逐渐摆脱困境。

38、to worm one's way into or out of a situation; insinuate or extricate oneself by sly or subtle means ─── 使自己慢慢地进入或摆脱某种状况;用狡诈的或巧妙的方法巧妙取得或解脱

39、"More to extricate herself than her mother," she finally observed. ─── “多半是为了替自己而不是替母亲解围,”她终于说。

40、Whether China can extricate herself from the national and social crisis which is now so grave depends on how this united front will develop. ─── 中国是否能由如此深重的民族危机和社会危机中解放出来,将决定于这个统一战线的发展状况。

41、However, CRCC has brewed some unprecedented troubles as well, with loss of the whole industry, high risk and low management level etc.How to extricate from the difficulties? ─── 但近年来,农村信用社在改革发展中逐渐陷入了举步维艰的境地,全行业亏损、风险居高不下、经营管理水平低等等,农村信用社如何摆脱困境,改革的突破口在哪里?

42、"We might start at five o'clock and be in time, but the delay may cause your friend to pass an uneasy night, and therefore we had better go with all speed to extricate him from the hands of the infidels. ─── “我们本来可以在五点钟动身也来得及的,但去晚了会使您的朋友一夜不安的,所以我们还是赶快去把他从异教徒的手里救出来吧。

43、"A delay of the remittance of my school expenses from home has exposed me to a temporary embarrassment. The sum which would extricate me from this difficulty is not large, as 2,500 yuan would be amply sufficient. " ─── 因家中所寄学费迟迟未到,现时甚为尴尬,然救急之数不多,2500元即足敷用

44、to be inextricably bogged down; cannot extricate oneself ─── 不能自拔

45、He watched her in her confusion, as she tried to extricate herself and wrap herself up so that she could walk.He watched her relentlessly, as she knew. ─── 他无动于衷的看着她手忙脚乱的试图用毯子将自己裹起来以便走开,正如她知道的那样。

46、9 see joke: My one roommate Mr Y, love music, indulge meantime cannot extricate oneself, the vocalize after daily dinner does not stop. ─── 9看笑话: 吾一室友Y君,酷爱音乐,沉迷于其间不能自拔,每日晚饭后练声不辍。

47、extricate sb from difficulties ─── 使某人摆脱困难

48、Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday that President Bush has made a mess of Iraq and it is his responsibility to" extricate" the United States from the situation before he leaves office. ─── 希拉里·德汉姆·林顿上周日称,布什总统已经把伊拉克问题弄得一团糟,他在离任前,有责任把美国从这个泥潭中“解救出来”。

49、Other people need not worry, they should be able to extricate themselves. ─── 其他的人就不要怕下不得台,可以下台的。

50、Extricate (free) the large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises from their predicament ─── 使大中型国营企业摆脱困境

51、But the biggest losers will be not the relatively rich members of the G7 countries but rather the nations that want to extricate the mass of their populations from extreme poverty and disease. ─── 但是最大的输家不是G7工业国中相对较富的国家,而是那些想将其众多人口从贫穷和疾病中解脱出来的国家。

52、10.The Gnostic sects of the 2nd century made use of Hebrew and Christian religious writings, employing the allegorical method to extricate Gnostic meanings from them. ─── 二世纪的诺斯替派使用希伯莱和基督宗教的作品,使用讽喻的方式去从它们那里散发出诺斯替的意义。

53、As we move into the Aquarian Age, our goal is to empower ourselves from within (there is no other way) and to extricate ourselves from all forms of victimization. ─── 它可以平衡人体的腺体、强化神经系统、增强肺活量以及净化血液,有助于减缓衰老过程,排毒的效果特别强。

54、It is left to statements by DHTML forms of packaging operations so programmers from frivolous statements designed to extricate themselves. ─── 启程报表正是试图通过包装对DHTML表格的操作使程序员从无聊的报表设计中解脱出来。

55、They managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel. ─── 他们设法把困在控制盘里的飞行员救了出来。

56、Because,a person oneself life reveal, only the possibility as extricate the chase by creazy speed of the society. ─── 因为,一个人生命自体的真实呈露,只有在对摆脱社会事功疯狂的速度追逐后方有可能。

57、Extricate most loss-making large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises from their predicament ─── 使大多数国有大中型亏损企业摆脱困境

58、Pina Gallimard reverie together, be able to extricate themselves in the one-way thinking Orientalism. ─── 加利马尔遐想联翩,无法自拔于东方主义的单向思维。

59、In order to extricate himself from the predicament, he took the simplest course;he lied abominably. ─── 为了摆脱窘境,他采取了最简单的方法,撒了一个弥天大谎。

60、Besides, he had confidence in his own strength, and believed that even in a tight corner he would be able to extricate himself. ─── 再说,他的身体使他相信,即使不幸赶到“点儿”上,他必定有办法,不至于吃很大的亏;

61、He's got involved in a political conflict he can't extricate himself from. ─── 他陷在一场政治斗争中不能脱身。

62、The Belgian government met twice on Friday to see how it could extricate its slice of Dexia with a minimal impact on the public purse. ─── 比利时政府周五两次开会,研究如何以最小的公共财政负担,解救德克夏在比利时的业务。

63、How to change from the unitary shipping to the 3rd Party Logistics and extricate from the depressing freight rate and low benefit is a protrudent problem faced by all the shipping companies. ─── 如何从单一的航海运输转型到第三方物流,摆脱运价低迷,效益低下的困境,是所有航运企业面临的一个突出问题。

64、If you become aware,get oneself cannot extricate oneself, suggest you go appealing psychological doctor, let them take you to walk out of visional network world. ─── 如果你觉得自己无法自拔,建议你去求助心理医生,让他们带你走出虚幻的网络世界。

65、To extricate(oneself) from difficulty. ─── 使(自身)摆脱困境

66、He endeavoured to extricate the car, digging with his hands in the blazing sunshine. ─── 他拼命想要把那辆汽车弄出来,在烈日下用手挖着。

67、He said he had hoped he would be able to extricate himself from the scheme when the markets recovered but instead just got deeper in. ─── 他说他曾希望能够在市场恢复之后从这个骗局中解脱出来,但是取而代之的,他只是陷得更深。

68、to extricate someone from a dangerous situation ─── 使某人摆脱险境

69、Consistent and unable to extricate themselves, may be some things you do not understand, but please believe me, some of it is well-intentioned lie. ─── 一致与不能自拔,可能有些事你不理解,但还请你相信我,,有些话是善意的谎言。希望你给我个机会,我爱你。

70、unable to extricate oneself from an awkward position; unable to get off the spot; be embarrassed; be put on the spot ─── 下不了台

71、Thus, the first job of an XForms validator is to extricate the XForms portions out of a document. ─── 因此,XForms验证程序的第一项任务就是从文档中分离出XForms部分。

72、I cannot extricate oneself, do not know how to change themselves, even if I diligently. ─── 我无法自拔,不知如何改变自己,即使我努力着。

73、So long as lays down can extricate. ─── 只要放下就能解脱。

74、Your voice is too warm pure, let me trap too deep, too heavy, so I am unable to extricate themselves. ─── 你的声音太温纯,让我陷的太深,太沉,使我不能自拔。

75、However, Li Shangyin was not a devoted follower of Buddhism, because he could only see the impermanence and could not grasp the essence of Buddhism and extricate from the heart. ─── 但李商隐的佛教观念极不彻底,他只看到了无常,执着于心,既未达到毕竟空,更未至非心非佛境地。

76、Therefore, it is of positive significance to apply metacognitive strategy to classroom-based teaching as it can help students to extricate themselves from mechanical learning into autonomous learning. ─── 因此,将元认知策略融入到课堂教学中去,对于使学生从盲目学习的状态中解脱出来,学会自主学习具有积极的意义。

77、The ratio of oil is as high as 20% of the neem seeds,which need to extricate on the conditions of lower temperature and reinforcement. ─── 印楝素为热敏性差的物质,印楝种子含油率高达20%,需在低温和强化条件下浸出。

78、On the other hand may also liberate the unnecessary labor force, lets them extricate from the land fetter, invests the land circulation's benefit into other managements, thus enhances farmer's income. ─── 另一方面还可以解放多余的劳动力,让他们从土地的束缚中解脱出来,把土地流转的获益投入到其他经营中,从而提高农民的收入。

79、extricate from a maze ─── 从迷津中脱身

80、How Chinese Folklore Extricate Itself from Academic Predicament ─── 中国民俗学应如何走出自己的学术困境

81、She honestly wished Natalie would extricate herself and come home safely with the baby, but the chances seemed to be fading. ─── 她衷心希望娜塔丽能够逃出虎口,带着孩子平安归来,可是现在这种可能性似乎正在渐渐消失。

82、Reserves were too distant to be able to intervene, and it remained only to extricate the force without more ado. ─── 后备部队距离过远,不能参加战斗,因而唯有干脆撤出这支军队。

83、Mercifully some one arrived upon the scene to extricate him from the dilemma and assume the responsibility. ─── 幸亏有个人来替他解围,把责任包揽下来。

84、Hints How to Extricate from Dilemma for Cuba ─── 古巴如何走出困境的几点启示

85、Several countermeasures to extricate medium and small size enterprises from a difficult financing position ─── 化解中小企业融资困境的多种对策

86、When she began to extricate herself it was by turning round and round, and so unwinding the prickly switch. ─── 她要解脱自己的时候,她是把身子辗转回旋着把棘子枝儿脱开。

87、He had managed to extricate himself from most of his official duties. ─── 他终于摆脱了大部分公务。

88、extricate oneself out of ─── 从...中脱离, 摆脱

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